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package Games::Quake::Log;

# Modification History
# Auth    Date       Description
# ------  ---------  ----------------------------------------------------------
# mwk     07 Dec 01  Wrote this

=head1 NAME

  Games::Quake::Log - information gleaned from the output of a Quake2 DM log


  my $q_log = Games::Quake::Log->new($log_file_with_dir_path_if_necessary);

  my %kills        = %{ $q_log->kills        };
  my %suicides     = %{ $q_log->suicides     };
  my %game         = %{ $q_log->game         };
  my %time_in_gmae = %{ $q_log->time_in_game };
  my %frequency    = %{ $q_log->frequency    };


This module parses the log file generated by Quake2 from one of the standard
logging mods. (Personally, I use sl_dm.)

When instansiated with a log file, you can ask for certain information. This
is all the information that the log file has. So, if you want to make stats,
just rearrange into different ways! 


use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$Quake::Log::VERSION = 1.01;

sub new {
  my $self = {};
  bless $self, shift;
  return $self;

sub _init {
  my $self = shift;
  my $file = shift or die "No file given";
  open(LOG, $file) or die "Can't open file $file";

  # do I really want all this in the init? Spose not, but
  # then again, you can now ask the object for all its info.

  my $day; my $time; my $dmflags;
  my %hist; # time of death, who killed you in which game
  my %kills; # number of times you killed people in what game with what weapon 
  my %suicides; # number of times you killed yourself in which game in which way
  my %time_in_game; # length of time you were in a game
  my %game; # all the information on a particualr game
  my $gameid = 1;

  while (<LOG>) {
    my $line = $_;
       $line =~ s/^\s+//g;
    my @bits = split "\t", $line;
    $bits[$_] ||= 0 foreach (0 .. 10);

    my $action = $bits[0];
    if ($action eq "PlayerConnect" || ($action eq "Player" && $bits[2] ne "Kill")) {
      $time_in_game{$gameid}{$bits[1]}{'entered'} = $bits[3];
      $time_in_game{$gameid}{$bits[1]}{'time'} = 0;
    } elsif ($action eq "PlayerLeft") {
      my $player = $bits[1];
      my $entered = $time_in_game{$gameid}{$player}{'entered'}  || 0;
      $time_in_game{$gameid}{$player}{'time'} += ($bits[3] - $entered);
    } elsif ($action eq "LogDate") {
      $game{$gameid}{'date'} = $bits[1];
      $day = $bits[1];
    }  elsif ($action eq "LogTime") {
      $game{$gameid}{'time'} = $bits[1];
      $time = $bits[1];
    } elsif ($action eq "GameEnd") {
      $game{$gameid}{'length'} = $bits[3];
      foreach my $player (keys %{ $time_in_game{$gameid} }) {
        $time_in_game{$gameid}{$player}{'time'} = ($bits[3] - ($time_in_game{$gameid}{$player}{'entered'} || 0));
    }  elsif ($action eq "GameStart") {
      foreach my $player (keys %{ $time_in_game{$gameid} }) {
        $time_in_game{$gameid}{$player}{'time'} ||= $game{$gameid}{'length'};
      # just in case these havn't changed since the last server start...
      $game{$gameid}{'dmflags'} = $dmflags;
      $game{$gameid}{'date'} = $day;
      $game{$gameid}{'time'} = $time;   
    }  elsif ($action eq "Map") {
      $game{$gameid}{'map'} = $bits[1];
    } elsif ($action eq "LogDeathFlags") {
      $game{$gameid}{'dmflags'} = $bits[1];
      $dmflags = $bits[1];
    } elsif ($bits[2] eq "Kill") {
      my $victor = $bits[0];
      my $victim = $bits[1];
      my $weapon = $bits[3] || "Silky ninja skills";
      push @{ $hist{$gameid}{$bits[5]} }, $victor, $victim;
    } elsif ($bits[2] eq "Suicide") { 
      my $stoopid = $bits[0] or next;      
      my $way_to_go = $bits[3] or next;
    } elsif ($action eq "PlayerRename" && $bits[2] ne "Kill") {
      $time_in_game{$gameid}{$bits[1]}{'entered'} = $bits[2];
      $time_in_game{$gameid}{$bits[1]}{'time'}    = 0;
    } elsif ($action eq "StdLog" || $action eq "PatchName") {
    } else {
      print "unknown command\n";
      my $count = 0;
      print $count++ . "$_\n" foreach @bits;
      print "\n";
  close LOG;
  $self->{kills}        = \%kills;
  $self->{game}         = \%game;
  $self->{suicides}     = \%suicides;
  $self->{time_in_game} = \%time_in_game;
  $self->{frequency}    = \%hist;
  $self->{number} = $gameid;

=head2 kills

  my %kills = %{ $q_log->kills };

This returns a hash, in the following format:
$kills{$gameid}{$victor}{$victim}{$weapon} = $total_kills

=head2 game

  my %game = %{ $q_log->game };

This returns a hash in the following format:
$game{$gameid}{$game_flag} = $value

=head2 suicides

  my %suicides = %{ $q_log->suicides };

This returns a hash in the following format:
$suicides{$gameid}{$who}{$how_they_killed_themselves} = $total

=head2 time_in_game

  my %time_in_game = %{ $q_log->time_in_game };

This returns a hash in the following format:
$time_in_game{$gameid}{$who}{'time'} = $time_in_secs

=head2 frequency

  my %freq = %{ $q_log->frequency };

This returns a hash in the following format:
$freq{$gameid}{$when_in_game} = ($victor, $victim)

=head2 number_of_games

  my $number_of_games = $q_log->number;

Self-evident, really.


sub kills        { $_[0]->{kills}        }
sub game         { $_[0]->{game}         }
sub suicides     { $_[0]->{suicides}     }
sub time_in_game { $_[0]->{time_in_game} }
sub frequency    { $_[0]->{frequency}    }
sub number_of_games { $_[0]->{number}    }

=head1 BUGS
A few bizarre things happen sometimes.
=head1 TODO
Extend to cope with other mods, like CTF et al.
=head1 SUPP INFO
This is the 'return-a-hash' version of this module. I originally wrote it
with Class::DBI so I could store all the info in a mySQL database for a bit
of persistence. If you want that version, mail me and I can send it on, with
table definitions and everything!
=head1 AUTHOR
  StrayToaster <>

return qq/I wanted to be with you alone
          And talk about the weather/;