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use strict;
use warnings;

package Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning;
use base 'Net::IMP::Base';
use fields (
    'buf',            # buffered data for each direction
    'off_buf0',       # position of buf[dir][0] in input stream
    'off_not_fwd',    # offset up to which not yet forwarded
    'rules',          # rules from config
    'ignore_order',   # ignore_order from config
    'max_unbound',    # max_unbound from config

use Net::IMP; # import IMP_ constants
use Net::IMP::Debug;
use Carp 'croak';

sub INTERFACE { return (
	IMP_DATA_STREAM,          # only stream data for now

sub validate_cfg {
    my ($class,%args) = @_;

    my @err;
    if ( my $r = delete $args{rules} ) {
	# make sure that no rule matches empty string
	for (my $i=0;$i<@$r;$i++) {
	    push @err,"rule$i.dir must be 0|1" unless
		defined $r->[$i]{dir} and
		$r->[$i]{dir} ~~ [0,1];
	    push @err,"rule$i.rxlen must be >0" unless
		$r->[$i]{rxlen} and
		$r->[$i]{rxlen} =~m{^\d+$} and
	    push @err,"rule$i.rx should be regex"
		if ref($r->[$i]{rx}) ne 'Regexp';
	    push @err,"rule$i.rx should not match empty string"
		if '' =~ $r->[$i]{rx};
    } else {
	push @err,"rules need to be given";

    if ( my $max_unbound  = delete $args{max_unbound} ) {
	push @err,"max_unbound should be [max0,max1]" if @$max_unbound>2;
	for (0,1) {
	    defined $max_unbound->[$_] or next;
	    push @err, "max_unbound[$_] should be number >=0"
		if $max_unbound->[$_] !~m{^\d+$};

    delete $args{ignore_order}; # boolean, no further checks

    push @err,$class->SUPER::validate_cfg(%args);
    return @err;

# create new analyzer object
sub new_analyzer {
    my ($factory,%args) = @_;

    my $fargs = $factory->{factory_args};
    my $rules = $fargs->{rules} or croak("no rules given");
    my @rules01 = ([],[]);
    my @buf;
    for(my $i=0;$i<@$rules;$i++) {
	# rxlen,rx are from the configuration
	# pos is position of rule within the configuration
	# matchlen is set to length of match, if rule matched already but
	# might match more
	my $r = $rules->[$i];
	push @{ $rules01[$r->{dir}] }, {
	    rx       => $r->{rx},
	    rxlen    => $r->{rxlen},
	    pos      => $i,
	    matchlen => 0,
	# set buf to '' for dir where we have rules, else leave undef
	$buf[$r->{dir}] = '';

    my $ignore_order = $fargs->{ignore_order};
    my $max_unbound  = $fargs->{max_unbound} // [];
    my Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning $self = $factory->SUPER::new_analyzer(

	# -- internal tracking ---
	# buffer per direction
	buf => \@buf,
	# offset for buffer per direction
	off_buf0 => [0,0],
	# amount of data not yet forwarded
	off_not_fwd => [0,0],

	# -- configuration ------
	# array of rules for each dir
	rules => \@rules01,
	# if true server can send even if we except client data first etc
	ignore_order => $ignore_order,,
	# maximum number of data after all rules for direction are done (e.g
	# data which cannot be bound to rule)
	max_unbound => $max_unbound,

    return $self;

sub data {
    my Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning $self = shift;
    my ($dir,$data) = @_;

    $self->{buf} or return; # we gave already the final reply

    my $rules = $self->{rules}[$dir];
    my $o_dir = $dir ? 0:1;
    my $o_rules = $self->{rules}[$o_dir];

    if ( ! @$rules ) {
	# no (more) rules for dir
	die "there should be other rules" if ! @$o_rules; # sanity check

	# shutdown but no rules is ok
	# other side might still send more data to match open rules
	return if $data eq '';

	if ( ! $self->{ignore_order} ) {
	    # we have unmatched rules in the other dir, thus consider
	    # data from this side a protocol violation
	    $self->{buf} = undef;
		"rule#$o_rules->[0]{pos} data from wrong dir $dir" ]);

	# we don't need to buffer data, only track off_not_fwd
	# issue DENY when we have too much data open
	my $open = $self->{off_not_fwd}[$dir] += length($data);
	if ( defined( my $max = $self->{max_unbound}[$dir])) {
	    if ( $open>$max ) {
		$self->{buf} = undef;
		    "too much data outside rules for dir $dir" ]);

    # add data to buf
    my $buf = $self->{buf}[$dir] .= $data;
    $self->{off_not_fwd}[$dir] += length($data);
    $DEBUG && debug("got %d bytes on %d, bufsz=%d",

    # will cause IMP_PASS if rule matched
    my $pass;

    while ( @$rules and $buf ne '' ) {
	my ($rxlen,$rx,$pos,$matchlen) =
	    @{$rules->[0]}{qw(rxlen rx pos matchlen)};

	if ( ! $self->{ignore_order} ) {
	    while ( @$o_rules and $o_rules->[0]{pos} < $pos ) {
		# there is an earlier rule for the other side
		# remove it, if it did match already
		if ( my $o_mlen = $o_rules->[0]{matchlen} ) {
		    # remove rule
		    $DEBUG && debug("remove matched rule on dir change");

		    # remove match from internal buffer
		    $self->{off_buf0}[$o_dir] += $o_mlen;

		    # on last rule unset buf for o_dir
		    $self->{buf}[$o_dir] = undef if ! @$o_rules;


		# the other rule should have matched earlier
		$self->{buf} = undef;
		    "rule#$o_rules->[0]{pos} data from wrong dir $dir" ]);

	# and try to match regex
	# The regex should be constructed, so that the matched string cannot be
	# longer than rxlen, e.g. instead of \d+ you should use the more
	# specific \d{3,10} or so - in any case it will be checked only against
	# a maximum of rxlen bytes.

	my $blen = length($buf);
	if ( substr($buf,0,$rxlen) =~ m{\A$rx}p ) {
	    # rule matched
	    my $mlen = length(${^MATCH});

	    $DEBUG &&
		debug("'%s' matched with len=%d, bufsz %d->%d: ok done=%d",

	    # set pass after match
	    # we can at least pass all matched data, the match might only
	    # be longer on new data
	    $pass = $self->{off_buf0}[$dir] + $mlen;

	    # {matchlen} might contain the length of already matched data
	    # apply only the newly matched to off_not_fwd
	    $self->{off_not_fwd}[$dir] -= ( $mlen - ($rules->[0]{matchlen}||0));

	    # the rule is definitely done if we reached rxlen
	    my $rule_done;
	    if ( $blen >= $rxlen ) {
		$DEBUG && debug("rule done because rxlen reached");
		$rule_done = 1;

	    # if we have another rule in this direction immediatly after this
	    # (e.g. ignore_order true or next.pos = pos+1), check if this rule
	    # can match. In this case consider current rule also done.
	    if ( ! $rule_done
		and @$rules>1
		and ( $self->{ignore_order} or $rules->[1]{pos} == $pos+1 )
		my $next_rule = $rules->[1];
		if ( substr($buf,$mlen,$next_rule->{rxlen})
		    =~m{\A$next_rule->{rx}} ) {
		    $DEBUG && debug("rule done because next rule matched");
		    $rule_done = 1;

	    if ( $rule_done ) {

		# remove match from internal buffer
		$self->{buf}[$dir] = $buf;
		$self->{off_buf0}[$dir] += $mlen;

		# remove rule and try next

	    # we matched, but the match might be longer on new data.
	    # Thus wait for new data, but mark the rules as matched, so it can
	    # be removed if now data come from the other side and ! ignore_order
	    $rules->[0]{matchlen} = $mlen;

	    $DEBUG && debug("waiting for more data to extend existing match");

	} elsif ( $blen>=$rxlen ) {
	    # pattern did not match although we had enough data in buffer
	    $DEBUG && debug("'%s' did not match buflen(%d)>=rxlen(%d): fail",
	    $self->{buf} = undef;
		"rule#$rules->[0]{pos} did not match" ]);

	} else {
	    # pattern did not match, but buflen<rxlen: wait for more data
	    $DEBUG && debug("'%s' did not match in 0..%d<=rxlen(%d): ".
		"need more data", $rx,$blen,$rxlen);

    if ( $data eq ''
	and @$rules
	and ( @$rules>1 or not $rules->[0]{matchlen} )) {
	# eof but we have still open rules
	# consider early close as protocol violation
	$self->{buf} = undef;
	    "eof on $dir but unmatched rule#$rules->[0]{pos}" ]);

    if (
	( ! @$rules   or ( @$rules   == 1 and $rules->[0]{matchlen}  )) and
	( ! @$o_rules or ( @$o_rules == 1 and $o_rules->[0]{matchlen}))
	# all rules passed - let everything through
	$self->{buf} = undef;
    } else {
	$DEBUG && debug("need more data from $dir");
	if ( $pass ) {
	    # release data from matched rules
	    $self->run_callback([ IMP_PASS,$dir,$pass ]);

# cfg2str and str2cfg are redefined because our config hash is deeper
# nested due to rules and max_unbound
sub cfg2str {
    my Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning $self = shift;
    my %cfg = @_;

    my $rules = delete $cfg{rules} or croak("no rules defined");
    # re-insert [[dir,rxlen,rx],... ] as dir0,rxlen0,rx0,dir1,...
    for (my $i=0;$i<@$rules;$i++) {
	@cfg{ "dir$i","rxlen$i","rx$i" } = @{ $rules->[$i] }{qw( dir rxlen rx)};
    if ( my $max_unbound = delete $cfg{max_unbound} ) {
	# re-insert [mo0,mo1] as max_unbound0,max_unbound1
	@cfg{ 'max_unbound0', 'max_unbound1' } = @$max_unbound;
    return $self->SUPER::cfg2str(%cfg);

sub str2cfg {
    my Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning $self = shift;
    my %cfg = $self->SUPER::str2cfg(@_);
    my $rules = $cfg{rules} = [];
    for ( my $i=0;1;$i++ ) {
	defined( my $dir = delete $cfg{"dir$i"} ) or last;
	defined( my $rxlen = delete $cfg{"rxlen$i"} )
	    or croak("no rxlen$i defined but dir$i");
	defined( my $rx = delete $cfg{"rx$i"} )
	    or croak("no rx$i defined but dir$i");
	$rx = eval { qr/$rx/ } or croak("invalid regex rx$i");
	push @$rules, { dir => $dir, rxlen => $rxlen, rx => $rx };

    @$rules or croak("no rules defined");
    my $max_unbound = $cfg{max_unbound} = [];
    for (0,1) {
	$max_unbound->[$_] = delete $cfg{"max_unbound$_"}
	    if exists $cfg{"max_unbound$_"};

    # sanity check
    my %scfg = %cfg;
    delete @scfg{'rules','max_unbound','ignore_order'};
    %scfg and croak("unhandled config keys: ".join(' ',sort keys %scfg));

    return %cfg;



=head1 NAME

Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning - IMP plugin for simple protocol matching


    my $factory = Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning->new_factory( rules => [
	# HTTP request from client (dir=0)
	[ 0,9,qr{(GET|POST|OPTIONS) \S} ],

    my $factory = Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning->new_factory( rules => [
	# SSHv2 prompt from server
	[ 1,6,qr{SSH-2\.} ],

    my $factory = Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning->new_factory(
	rules => [
	    # SMTP initial handshake
	    # greeting line from server
	    { dir => 1, rxlen => 512, rx => qr{220 [^\n]*\n} },
	    # HELO|EHLO from client
	    { dir => 0, rxlen => 512, rx => qr{(HELO|EHLO)[^\n]*\n}i },
	    # response to helo|ehlo
	    { dir => 1, rxlen => 512, rx => qr{250-?[^\n]*\n} },
	# some clients send w/o initially waiting for server
	ignore_order => 1,
	max_unbound => [ 1024,0 ],


C<Net::IMP::ProtocolPinning> implements an analyzer for very simple protocol
verification using rules with regular expressions.
The idea is to only check the first data in the connection for protocol
conformance and then let the rest through without further checks.

Calls to C<new_factory> or C<new_analyzer> can contain the following arguments
specific to this module:

=over 4

=item rules ARRAY

Specifies the rules to use for protocol verification. Rules are an array
of direction specific rules, e.g. each rule consists of C<[dir,rxlen,rx]> with

=over 8

=item dir

the direction, e.g. 0 for data from client and 1 for data from server

=item rxlen

the length of data the regular expression might need for the match.
E.g. if the regex is C<qr/foo(?=bar)/> 6 bytes are needed for a successful
match, even if the regex matches only 3 bytes.

=item rx

the regular expression itself.
The regex will be applied against the not-yet-forwarded data with an implicit
C<\A> in front, so look-behind will not work.


=item ignore_order BOOLEAN

If true, it will take the first rule for direction, when data for connection
If false, it will cause DENY if data arrive from one direction, but the current
rule is for the other direction.

=item max_unbound [SIZE0,SIZE1]

If there are no more active rules for direction, and ignore_order is true, then
the application needs to buffer data, until all remaining rules for the other
direction are matched.
Using this parameter the amount of buffered data which cannot be bound to a rule
will be limited per direction.

If not set a default of unlimited will be used!


=head2 Process of Matching Input Against Rules

=over 4

=item *

When new data arrive from direction and C<ignore_order> is false, it will take
the first active rule and compare the direction of the data with the direction
of the rule.
If they don't match it will be considered a protocol violation and a DENY will
be issued.

When new data arrive from direction, but C<ignore_order> is true, it will pick
the first active rule for this direction.

=item *

If no rule is found for direction, no action will be taken.
This causes the data to be buffered in the application and they will only be
released, once all rules have been processed.

To limit the amount of buffered data in this case C<max_unbound> should be set.
Buffering more data than C<max_unbound> for this direction will cause a DENY.

=item *

A rule was found.
It will add the new data to the local buffer for the direction and then
try to match the first C<rxlen> bytes of the buffer against the rule.
The regex of the rule is implicitly anchored at the beginning of the buffer.

=item *

If the rule matched and cannot match more (rxlen reached), it will

=over 8

=item * remove the rule from the list of active rules

=item * remove the matched data from the local buffer

=item * issue a PASS for the matched data

=item * continue with the next active rule (if any)


If the rule might still match more data, it will issue a PASS for the matched
data, but wait with the other things until the rule is definitely done.

=item *

If the rule did not match, but the length of the local buffer is greater than
or equal to C<< rxlen >>, it will consider the rule failed and issue a DENY.

If the rule did not match, but the buffer is smaller than rxlen, it will wait
for more data and then try the match again.

=item *

If all rules matched (e.g. no more active rules), it will issue a PASS into the
future until the end of the connection, causing all data to get forwarded
without further analysis.


=head2 Rules for Writing the Regular Expressions

Because the match will be tried whenever new data come in (e.g. the buffer might
have a size of less than, equal to or greater than C<rxlen>), care should be
taken, when constructing the regular expression and determining C<rxlen>.
It should not match data longer than C<rxlen>, e.g. instead of specifying
C<\d+> one should specify a fixed size with C<\d{1,10}>.

Care should also be taken if you have consecutive rules for the same direction
(e.g. either the next rule is for the same direction or C<ignore_order> is
Here you need to make sure, that the first rule will not match data needed by
the next rule, e.g. C<\w{1,2}> followed by C<\d> will not work, while
C<[a-z]{1,2}> followed by C<\d> will be fine.

Please note also, that the regular expression in the rule will be implicitly
anchored at the beginning of the buffered data, e.g. C<\d> will only match if
the first character is a digit, not if any character but the first in the
buffer is a digit.
If you want the latter behavior, you have to explicitly allow other characters
and need to limit their amount, e.g. "(?s).{0,10}\d".

=head1 AUTHOR

Steffen Ullrich <>


Copyright by Steffen Ullrich.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.