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# Net::SIP::DTMF
# implements DTMF handling (audio and rfc2833)

use strict;
use warnings;
package Net::SIP::DTMF;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw(dtmf_generator dtmf_extractor);

use Net::SIP::Debug;
use Time::HiRes 'gettimeofday';
use Carp 'croak';

# sub dtmf_generator returns a sub, which is used to generate RTP packet
# for DTMF events
# Args: ($event,$duration,%args)
#  $event: DTMF event ([0-9A-D*#]), anything else will be pause
#  $duration: duration in ms
#  %args:
#   rfc2833_type => $rtptype: if defined will generate RFC2833 RTP events
#   audio_type   => $rtptype: if defined will generate audio
#   volume       => volume for rfc2833 events (default 10)
# Returns: $sub
#  $sub: sub which returns @rtp_packets when called with
#    $sub->($seq,$timestamp,$srcid)
#    if $sub returns () the DTMF event is finished (>duration)
#    if $sub returns ('') no data are produced (pause between events)
#    usually sub will return just one packet, but for RTP event ends it
#    will return 3 to make sure that at least one gets received
sub dtmf_generator {
	my ($event,$duration,%pargs) = @_;

	# empty or invalid stuff will cause pause/silence
	$event = '' if ! defined $event or $event !~m{(\d)|([A-D])|(\*)|(\#)}i;

	if ( defined( my $type = $pargs{rfc2833_type} )) {
		# create RFC2833 payload
		return _dtmf_gen_rtpevent($event,$type,$duration,%pargs);
	} elsif ( defined($type = $pargs{audio_type})) {
		# create audio payload
		return _dtmf_gen_audio($event,$type,$duration,%pargs);
	} else {
		croak "neither rfc2833 nor audio RTP type defined"

# sub dtmf_extractor creates sub to extract DTMF from RTP
# Args: (%pargs)
#  %pargs: rfc2833_type, audio_type like in dtmf_generator
#    will try to extract DTMF from RTP packets for any type set, e.g.
#    RFC2833 and audio can be done in parallel
# Returns: $sub
#  $sub: should be called with ($packet,[$time]), if $time not 
#    given current time will be used. The $sub itself will return () if no
#    event (end) was found and ($event,$duration,$type) if event was detected.
#    $event is [0-9A-D*#], $type rfc2833|audio
# Comment: FIXME - maybe disable audio detection if a rfc2833 event was 
#    received. In this case the peer obviously uses rfc2833
sub dtmf_extractor {
	my %pargs = @_;
	my %sub;
	if ( defined( my $type = delete $pargs{rfc2833_type} )) {
		# extract from RFC2833 payload
		$sub{$type} = _dtmf_xtc_rtpevent(%pargs);
	if ( defined( my $type = delete $pargs{audio_type})) {
		# extract from audio payload
		$sub{$type} = _dtmf_xtc_audio(%pargs);
	croak "neither rfc2833 nor audio RTP type defined" if ! %sub;

	return sub {
		my ($pkt,$time) = @_;
		my ($ver,$type,$seq,$tstamp,$srcid,$payload) = unpack('CCnNNa*',$pkt);
		$ver == 0b10000000 or return;
		my $marker;
		if ($type & 0b10000000) {
			$marker = 1;
			$type &= 0b01111111;

		my $sub = $sub{$type} or return;
		my ($event,$duration,$media)  = $sub->($payload,$time,$marker) or return;
		return ($event, int(1000*$duration),$media);


#                  RTP DTMF events
# mapping between event string and integer for RTP events
my %event2i;
{ my $i=0; %event2i = map { $_ => $i++ } split('','0123456789*#ABCD'); }
my %i2event = reverse %event2i;

# generate DTMF RTP events according to rfc2833
# Args: $event,$duration,%args
#  %args: volume => v will be used to set volume of RTP event, default 10
# Returns: $sub for $event
# Comment: the sub should then be called with $sub->($seq,$timstamp,$srcid)
#  This will generate the RTP packet. 
#  If $event is no DTMF event it will return '' to indicate pause
sub _dtmf_gen_rtpevent {
	my ($event,$type,$duration,%args) = @_;
	my $volume = $args{volume} || 10;

	$duration/=1000; # ms ->s
	my $start = gettimeofday();
	my $end = 0;
	my $first = 1;
	my $initial_timestamp;

	return sub {
		my ($seq,$timestamp,$srcid) = @_;

		# all packets get timestamp from start of event
		if ( ! $initial_timestamp ) {
			$initial_timestamp = $timestamp; 
			return ''; # need another call to get duration

		if ( gettimeofday() - $start > $duration ) {
			return if $end; # end already sent
			$end = 1;

		return '' if $event eq '';

		my $pt = $type;
		if ( $first ) {
			$first = 0;
			$pt |= 0b10000000; # marker bit set on first packet of event
		return pack('CCnNNCCn',
			($end<<7) | $volume,
			$timestamp > $initial_timestamp 
				? $timestamp - $initial_timestamp
				: 0x10000 - $initial_timestamp + $timestamp,

# returns sub to extract DTMF events from RTP telephone-event/8000 payload
# Args: NONE
# Returns: $sub
#  $sub - will be called with ($rtp_payload,[$time],$marker)
#   will return ($event,$duration) if DTMF event was found
sub _dtmf_xtc_rtpevent {
	my $current_event;
	return sub {
		my ($payload,$time,$marker) = @_;
		my ($event,$volume,$duration) = unpack('CCn',$payload);
		$event = $i2event{$event};
		my $end;
		if ( $volume & 0b10000000 ) {
			$end = 1;
			$volume &= 0b01111111
		if ( ! $current_event ) {
			return if $end; # probably repeated send of end
			# we don't look at the marker for initial packet, because maybe
			# the initial packet got lost
			$current_event = [ $event,$time||gettimeofday(),$volume ];
		} elsif ( $event eq $current_event->[0] ) {
			if ( $end ) {
				# explicit end of event 
				my $ce = $current_event;
				$current_event = undef;
				$time ||= gettimeofday();
				return ($ce->[0],$time - $ce->[1],'rfc2833');
		} else {
			# implicit end because we get another event
			my $ce = $current_event;
			$time||= gettimeofday();
			$current_event = [ $event,$time,$volume ];
			return if ! $ce->[2]; # volume == 0
			return ($ce->[0],$time - $ce->[1],'rfc2833');

#                  RTP DTMF audio

# mapping between frequence and key for audio
my @freq1 = (697,770,852,941);
my @freq2 = (1209,1336,1477,1633);
my @keys  = '123A 456B 789C *0#D' =~m{(\S)}g;

my (%event2f,@f2event);
for( my $i=0;$i<@keys;$i++ ) {
	my $freq1 = $freq1[ $i/4 ];
	my $freq2 = $freq2[ $i%4 ];
	$event2f{$keys[$i]} = [$freq1,$freq2];
	$f2event[$freq1][$freq2] = $keys[$i];

# basic paramter, PCMU/8000 160 samples per RTP packet
my $volume      = 100;
my $samples4s   = 8000;
my $samples4pkt = 160;

use constant PI => 3.14159265358979323846;

# tables for audio processing get computed on first use
# cosinus is precomputed. How exakt a cos will be depends on
# the size of the table $tabsize
my $tabsize = 256;
my @costab;

# tables for PCMU u-law compression
my @ulaw_expandtab;
my @ulaw_compresstab;

# Goertzel algorithm
my $gzpkts = 3; # 3 RTP packets = 60ms
my %coeff;
my @blackman; # exact blackman

# precompute stuff into tables for faster operation
sub _init_audio_processing {

	# audio generation
	@costab and return;
	for(my $i=0;$i<$tabsize;$i++) {
		$costab[$i] = $volume/100*16383*cos(2*PI*$i/$tabsize);

	# PCMU/8000 u-law (de)compression
	for( my $i=0;$i<128;$i++) {
		$ulaw_expandtab[$i] = int( (256**($i/127) - 1) / 255 * 32767 ); 
	my $j = 0;
	for( my $i=0;$i<32768;$i++ ) {
		$ulaw_compresstab[$i] = $j;
		$j++ if $j<127 and $ulaw_expandtab[$j+1] - $i < $i - $ulaw_expandtab[$j];

	for my $freq (@freq1,@freq2) {
		my $k = int(0.5+$samples4pkt*$freq/$samples4s);
		my $w = 2*PI/$samples4pkt*$k;
		$coeff{$freq} = 2*cos($w);

	my $n = $samples4pkt*$gzpkts;
	for( my $i=0;$i<$n;$i++) {
		$blackman[$i] = 0.426591 - 0.496561*cos(2*PI*$i/$n) +0.076848*cos(4*PI*$i/$n)

# sub _dtmf_gen_audio returns a sub to generate audio/silence for DTMF in 
# any duration
# Args: $event,$duration
# Returns: $sub for $event
# Comment: the sub should then be called with $sub->($seq,$timstamp,$srcid)
#  This will generate the RTP packet. 
#  If $event is no DTMF event it will return a sub which  gives silence.
#  Data returned from the subs are PCMU/8000, 160 samples per packet
sub _dtmf_gen_audio {
	my ($event,$type,$duration) = @_;

	$duration/=1000; # ms ->s
	my $start = gettimeofday();

	my $f = $event2f{$event};
	if ( ! $f ) {
		# generate silence
		return sub { 
			my ($seq,$timestamp,$srcid) = @_;
			return if gettimeofday() - $start > $duration; # done
			return pack('CCnNNa*',
				pack('C',128) x $samples4pkt,

	_init_audio_processing() if !@costab;
	my ($f1,$f2) = @$f;
	$f1*= $tabsize;
	$f2*= $tabsize;
	my $d1 = int($f1/$samples4s);
	my $d2 = int($f2/$samples4s);
	my $g1 = $f1 % $samples4s;
	my $g2 = $f2 % $samples4s;
	my $e1 = int($samples4s/2);
	my $e2 = int($samples4s/2);
	my $i1 = my $i2 = 0;

	return sub {
		my ($seq,$timestamp,$srcid) = @_;
		return if gettimeofday() - $start > $duration; # done

		my $samples = $samples4pkt;
		my $buf = '';
		while ( $samples-- > 0 ) {
			my $val = $costab[$i1]+$costab[$i2];
			my $c = $val>=0 ? 255-$ulaw_compresstab[$val] : 127-$ulaw_compresstab[-$val];
			$buf .= pack('C',$c);

			$e1+= $samples4s, $i1++ if $e1<0;
			$i1 = ($i1+$d1) % $tabsize;
			$e1-= $g1;

			$e2+= $samples4s, $i2++ if $e2<0;
			$i2 = ($i2+$d2) % $tabsize;
			$e2-= $g2;
		return pack('CCnNNa*',

# returns sub to extract DTMF events from RTP PCMU/8000 payload
# Args: NONE
# Returns: $sub
#  $sub - will be called with ($rtp_payload,[$time])
#   will return ($event,$duration) if DTMF event was found, event being 0..15
sub _dtmf_xtc_audio {
	_init_audio_processing() if !@costab;
	my (%d1,%d2,@time,@lastev);
	return sub {
		my ($payload,$time) = @_;
		$time ||= gettimeofday();
		my @samples = map { 
			( $_<128 ? -$ulaw_expandtab[127-$_] : $ulaw_expandtab[255-$_] )/32768
			} unpack('C*',$payload);
		@samples == $samples4pkt or return; # unexpected sample size

		unshift @time, $time;

		for my $f (@freq1,@freq2) {
			my $coeff = $coeff{$f};

			my $da1 = $d1{$f} ||= [];
			my $da2 = $d2{$f} ||= [];
			unshift @$da1,0;
			unshift @$da2,0;

			for(my $gzi=0;$gzi<@$da1;$gzi++) {
				my $d1 = $da1->[$gzi];
				my $d2 = $da2->[$gzi];
				my $o  = $gzi*$samples4pkt;
				for( my $i=0;$i<@samples;$i++) {
					($d2,$d1) = ($d1, $samples[$i]*$blackman[$i+$o] + $coeff*$d1 - $d2);
				$da1->[$gzi] = $d1;
				$da2->[$gzi] = $d2;

		return if @time < $gzpkts;

		$time = pop @time;
		my @r;
		for my $f (@freq1,@freq2) {
			my $d1 = pop(@{$d1{$f}});
			my $d2 = pop(@{$d2{$f}});
			push @r, [ $f, $d1*$d1+$d2*$d2-$d1*$d2*$coeff{$f} ];

		# the highest two freq should be significantly higher then rest
		@r = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @r; # sort by magnitude, largest first
		my $event;
		if ( @r and ! $r[2][1] || $r[1][1]/$r[2][1]> 5 ) {
			$event = $f2event[ $r[0][0] ][ $r[1][0] ];
			$event = $f2event[ $r[1][0] ][ $r[0][0] ] if ! defined $event;

		$event = '' if ! defined $event;
		push @lastev,[$event,$time];
		# remove pause from start of lastev
		shift(@lastev) while (@lastev && $lastev[0][0] eq ''); 

		# if last event same as first wait for more
		if ( ! @lastev ) {
			# return; # no events detected
		} elsif ( $event eq $lastev[0][0] ) {
			return;   # event not finished
		} else {
			my @ev = shift(@lastev);
			while (@lastev and $lastev[0][0] eq $ev[0][0]) {
				push @ev,shift(@lastev);
			# get the event at least 2 times
			return if @ev == 1;
			return ($ev[0][0],$ev[-1][1]-$ev[0][1],'audio'); # event,duration

