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use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default bundling);
use Net::SIP ':all';

# Implements 3pcc according to RFC 3725,4.1 'Flow I'

# Usage
# -------------------------------------------------------------
sub usage {
	print STDERR "ERROR: @_\n" if @_;
	print STDERR <<EOS;

Implements 3rd Party control according to RFC 3625,4.1 'Flow I'

Usage: $0 [ options ] laddr from to
  -d|--debug [level]           Enable debugging
  -h|--help                    Help (this info)

  $0 -d \
    sip:me\@ \

	exit( @_ ? 1:0 );

# get options
# -------------------------------------------------------------
my $debug;
	'd|debug:i' => \$debug,
	'h|help' => sub { usage() },
) || usage( 'bad options' );
Debug->level($debug || 1) if defined $debug;

my ($laddr,$from,$to) = @ARGV;
$to || usage( "no TO given" );

# create Dispatcher
# -------------------------------------------------------------
my $loop = Dispatcher_Eventloop->new;
my $leg = Leg->new( addr => $laddr );
my $disp = Dispatcher->new( 
	[ $leg ], 
	do_retransmits => 0
) || die;
$disp->set_receiver( \&receive );
my $me = ($disp->get_legs())[0]->{contact};

# create initial invite without SDP with
# To: $to, From: $from, Contact: $me
# put these info in call-id to be stateless
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# assume no '|' is in $from and $to
my $callid = "$from|$to|0|". sprintf( "%08x",rand(2**16));

my $invite = Request->new( "INVITE",$from, {
	from      => $to,
	to        => $from,
	contact   => $me,
	'call-id' => $callid,
	cseq      => '1 INVITE',
$disp->deliver( $invite, do_retransmits => 1 );

# and loop
# -------------------------------------------------------------
my $stop_loop;
$loop->loop( undef, \$stop_loop );
$loop->loop(1) if $stop_loop; # some time to forward remaining stuff

#   callback for incoming packets:
# - there are two calls which slightly different call-id, with
#   a simple way one can get the other call-id from one call-id.
# - responses are for me if there is only one via header, and
#   that's me -> handle to make requests (INVITE,ACK) from it
# - all other responses get forwarded. If last via has a cseq
#   parameter they get forwarded after changing the cseq
# - requests are for me if the URI is the contact of the local leg
#   -> forward to other call, but add "cseq" parameter to last
#   via so that the cseq of the calling uac gets saved for
#   responses
# - all requests I get should be for me, because a contact header
#   is explicitly added
sub receive {
	my ($packet,$leg,$from_addr) = @_;

	# extract info from call-id
	my $callid = $packet->callid() or do {
		DEBUG( 1,"no callid in packet. DROP" );
	my ($from,$to,$dir,$random) = split( qr{\|}, $callid );
	my $new_callid = join( '|',$from,$to, $dir?0:1, $random );

	my ( $request,$response ) = $packet->is_response
		? ( undef,$packet )
		: ( $packet, undef );

	if ( $response ) {
		# ------------------------------------------------------------------
		# Handle Responses:
		# - if it has only one via (and this is myself) it is a response
		#   to a request which originated locally. In this case make
		#   the appropriate request from it and forward it to the other side
		# - if it has more than one via just forward it to the other side
		# ------------------------------------------------------------------

		# top via must be me
		my @via = $response->get_header( 'via' );
		$leg->check_via($response) or do {
			DEBUG( 5, "top via isn't me: $via[0]" );

		# exactly one via ?
		my $cseq = $response->cseq;
		my ($num,$method) = split( ' ',$cseq );
		if ( @via == 1 ) {
			# cancel retransmits
			$disp->cancel_delivery( $response->tid );
			if ( $method eq 'INVITE' && $dir == 0 ) {
				# ---------------------------------------------------------
				# response to initial INVITE  ME->FROM
				# on success create INVITE ME->TO with SDP from response
				# ---------------------------------------------------------
				my $code = $response->code;
				if ( $code < 200 ) {
					# preliminary response, ignore and don't reply
					DEBUG( 10,"ignoring preliminary reply to initial invite" );
				} elsif ( $code >= 300 ) {
					# non successful response (we don't care about redirects)
					# send ACK and ignore
					$disp->deliver( Request->new( 'ACK',$from, {
						'call-id' => $callid,
						cseq      => "$num ACK",
						to        => scalar($response->get_header('from')),
						from      => scalar($response->get_header('to')),
						contact   => $me,
				} else {
					# success: extract SDP and forward in INVITE to
					# other party
					DEBUG( 10,"got success to initial INVITE" );
					my $sdp = $response->sdp_body or do {
						DEBUG( 1,"no SDP in response to INVITE from $from" );
					$disp->deliver( Request->new( 'INVITE', $to, 
							from => scalar($response->get_header( 'to' )),
							to => scalar($response->get_header( 'from' )),
							'call-id' => $new_callid,
							contact   => $me,
							cseq => "$num INVITE",
			} elsif ( $method eq 'INVITE' && $dir == 1 ) {
				# ---------------------------------------------------------
				# response from $to to the initial INVITE
				# on success create ACK
				# ---------------------------------------------------------
				my $code = $response->code;
				if ( $code < 200 ) {
					# preliminary response, ignore and don't reply
					DEBUG( 10,"ignoring preliminary reply from TO to initial invite" );

				# create ACK to TO
				$disp->deliver( Request->new( 'ACK', $to, {
					from => scalar($response->get_header( 'from' )),
					to   => scalar($response->get_header( 'to' )),
					'call-id' => $callid,
					contact   => $me,
					cseq => "$num ACK",

				if ( $code >= 300 ) {
					# non successful response (we don't care about redirects)
					# cancel initial call [ME,FROM]
					DEBUG( 10,"got code $code on INVITE 'TO'" );
					$disp->deliver( Request->new( 'CANCEL',$from, {
						'call-id' => $new_callid,
						cseq      => "$num INVITE",
						from => scalar($response->get_header( 'to' )),
						to   => scalar($response->get_header( 'from' )),
						contact   => $me,
				} else {
					DEBUG( 10,"got success on INVITE 'TO'" );
					# success: extract SDP and forward in ACK to FROM
					my $sdp = $response->sdp_body or do {
						DEBUG( 1,"no SDP in response to INVITE from $to" );
					$disp->deliver( Request->new( 'ACK', $from, 
							from => scalar($response->get_header( 'to' )),
							to   => scalar($response->get_header( 'from' )),
							'call-id' => $new_callid,
							contact   => $me,
							cseq => "$num ACK",
		} else {
			# ---------------------------------------------------------
			# response for forwarded request
			# change call-id and forward
			# ---------------------------------------------------------

			# get addr from next via
			my ($data) = sip_hdrval2parts( via => $via[1] );
			my ($addr,$port) = $data =~m{([\w\-\.]+)(?::(\d+))?\s*$};
			$port ||= 5060; # FIXME: not for sips!

			$response->set_header( contact => $me );
			$leg->forward_incoming( $response );
			$response->set_header( 'call-id' => $new_callid );

			# check if the last via header had a cseq attribute.
			# in this case forward the response with the given cseq
			my ($via) = $response->get_header( 'via' );
			my (undef,$param) = sip_hdrval2parts( via => $via );
			if ( defined( my $num = $param->{cseq} )) {
				my $cseq = $response->cseq;
				$cseq =~s{^(\d+)}{$num};
				$response->set_header( cseq => $cseq );

			# if this was response to BYE end this program
			$stop_loop = 1 if $method eq 'BYE';

			$leg->forward_outgoing( $response,$leg );
			$disp->deliver( $response, leg => $leg, dst_addr => "$addr:$port" );


	} else {
		# ------------------------------------------------------------------
		# Handle requests from one of the parties
		# change call-id and cseq (because I have to use one of my cseqs)
		# and forward
		# ------------------------------------------------------------------

		if ( $request->uri eq $leg->{contact} ) {
			# this is for me
			# could be CANCEL or BYE
			my $m = $request->method;
			if ( $m ne 'BYE' and $m ne 'CANCEL' ) {
				DEBUG( 10,"will not forward request to me with method $m" );

			# set URI to other party
			# if we were stateful we could store Contact infos from 
			# older packets and use them here instead.
			$request->set_uri( $dir ? $from : $to );

		my ($num,$method) = split( ' ',$request->cseq );

		# we just add 20 to the cseq we got from the uac
		# this is higher then every other locally generated cseq on
		# this side (we only used "1" until now for the first INVITE)
		$request->set_header( cseq => ( $num + 20 ).' '.$method );

		$request->set_header( contact => $me );
		$leg->forward_incoming( $request );
		$request->set_header( 'call-id' => $new_callid );

		# add cseq param to last via header because both calls maintain
		# different cseq spaces and we must know with which cseq we
		# need to forward the response
		if ( my @via = $request->get_header( 'via' ) ) {
			my ($data,$param) = sip_hdrval2parts( via => $via[0] );
			$param->{cseq} = $num;
			$via[0] = sip_parts2hdrval( 'via',$data,$param );
			$request->set_header( via => \@via );
		$leg->forward_outgoing( $request,$leg );
		$disp->deliver( $request )
