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# Stateless proxy
# listens on multiple legs and forwards SIP packets between the legs
# TODO: do NAT

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default bundling);
use List::Util 'first';

use Net::SIP;
use Net::SIP::Util ':all';
use Net::SIP::Debug;
use Net::SIP::NATHelper::Local;
use Storable;

$SIG{TERM} = $SIG{INT} = sub { exit(0) };

sub usage {
    print STDERR "ERROR: @_\n" if @_;
    print STDERR <<EOS;
usage: $0 [ basic_options ] (
    --leg ip[:port]
    [ --registrar ]
    [ --domain domain ]*
    [ --proxy host[:port]

Listens on given local addresses and forwards SIP packets between
the created legs. For each leg it can specify a number of domains,
which are used on this side of the leg, if none are specified everything
is accepted. If option --registrar is given it will work as a registrar
for the specified domains on this leg.

Basic options:
  -d|--debug [level]           Enable debugging
  -h|--help                    Help (this info)
  --rdump file                 dump/restore register information into/from this file
  --nathelper                  use local NATHelper
Leg specific options:
  -L|--leg  ip[:port]          specify leg
  -D|--domain domain           specify domain on legs side
  -P|--proxy host[:port]       send all packets on leg via host as proxy
  -r|--registrar               work as registrar on this leg
  -X|--prefix DD=tgt-domain    rewrite target number DDXXXX\@domain to XXXX\@tgt-domain


  Listen on and accept requests from and work
  as registrar for Route calls for on this leg, all
  other calls are forwarded through leg
  Calls for recipients 0XXX\ gets rewritten to
  XXX\ and routed accordingly via
  On requests from everywhere, but only for
  are accepted.

  $0 -d 50 \
  --leg --domain -r -X \
  --leg --proxy

    exit( @_ ? 1:0 );

# Get options

my (%legs,$debug);
my (@domains,%prefix,$be_registrar,$proxy,$leg,$rdump,$nathelper);
my $check_leg = sub {
    my (undef,$val) = @_;
    if ( $leg ) {
	$legs{$leg} = {
	    domains => @domains ? [ @domains ] : undef,
	    prefix => %prefix ? { %prefix }: undef,
	    registrar => $be_registrar,
	    proxy => $proxy,
	(@domains,%prefix,$be_registrar,$proxy) = ();
    $leg = $val;
    'd|debug:i'   => \$debug,
    'h|help'      => sub { usage() },
    'rdump=s'     => \$rdump,
    'nathelper'   => \$nathelper,
    'L|leg=s'     => $check_leg,
    'r|registrar' => \$be_registrar,
    'D|domain=s'  => \@domains,
    'P|proxy=s'   => \$proxy,
    'X|prefix=s'  => sub {
	my ($prefix,$domain) = $_[1] =~m{^(\d+)=(\w[\w\-\.]+)$}
	    or usage( "bad prefix $_[1]" );
	$prefix{$prefix} = $domain;
) || usage( "bad option" );

$check_leg->(); #final call
Net::SIP::Debug->level( $debug || 1 ) if defined $debug;
%legs or usage( 'no addr to listen' );

# create Legs

my (%domain2leg,%leg2proxy,%leg2rewrite);
while ( my ($addr,$opt) = each %legs ) {
    my $leg = $opt->{leg} = Net::SIP::Leg->new( addr => $addr );
    foreach my $dom (@{ $opt->{domains} }) {
	$domain2leg{$dom}   = $leg;
	$leg2proxy{$leg} = $opt->{proxy} if $opt->{proxy};
    if ( my $p = $opt->{prefix} ) {
	my %p = %{ $opt->{prefix} };
	# longest prefix first
	my @pf = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } keys %p;
	$leg2rewrite{$leg} = sub {
	    my ($user,$dom) = @_;
	    $user or return;
	    DEBUG( 50,"try to rewrite $user\@$dom, pf=@pf" );
	    for my $pf (@pf) {
		if ( $user =~m{^\Q$pf\E(.+)} ) {
		    return ($1,$p{$pf});

# create Dispatcher

my $loop = Net::SIP::Dispatcher::Eventloop->new;
my $disp = Net::SIP::Dispatcher->new(
    [ map { $_->{leg} } values(%legs) ],

$nathelper = $nathelper && Net::SIP::NATHelper::Local->new($loop);

# create Registrars on the legs and wraps them
# together into on object

my %savereg;
    $rdump or return;
    Storable::store( \%savereg,$rdump );

my %registrar;
if ( my $regdata = $rdump && -f $rdump &&  Storable::retrieve($rdump)) {
    %savereg = %$regdata
foreach my $opt ( values %legs ) {
    $opt->{registrar} or do {
	DEBUG( 50,"no registrar on leg $opt->{leg} ".$opt->{leg}->dump );
    my $reg = $registrar{ $opt->{leg} } = Net::SIP::Registrar->new(
	dispatcher => $disp,
	domains    => $opt->{domains},
	#min_expires => 1,
	#max_expires => 15,
    DEBUG( 50,"create registrar on leg $opt->{leg} ".$opt->{leg}->dump." for domains @{$opt->{domains}}" );
    my $key = $opt->{leg}->dump;
    $reg->_store( $savereg{$key} ||= {} );

my $registrar = %registrar
    ? myRegistrar->new( %registrar )
    : undef;

# create StatelessProxy

my $stateless_proxy = myProxy->new(
    dispatcher    => $disp,
    domain2leg    => \%domain2leg,
    leg2rewrite   => \%leg2rewrite,
    leg2registrar => \%registrar,
    leg2proxy     => \%leg2proxy,
    nathelper     => $nathelper,

if ( $registrar ) {
    # create chain, where first the registrar gets the packet
    # and the proxy will handle it only, if the registrar
    # does not handle it
    my $chain = Net::SIP::ReceiveChain->new(
	[ $registrar, $stateless_proxy ]
    DEBUG( 50,"set receiver to $chain" );
    $disp->set_receiver( $chain );
} else {
    DEBUG( 50,"set receiver to $stateless_proxy" );
    $disp->set_receiver( $stateless_proxy );

# run..

# myRegistrar contains multiple registrars
# the receive method checks based on the incoming
# leg, if one of the registrars is responsable
# it will not be queried, this will be done on
# the single registrars

package myRegistrar;
use Net::SIP::Debug;

sub new {
    my ($class,%hash) = @_;
    # Net::SIP::Registrar objects indexed by string
    # representation of leg
    return bless \%hash,$class

sub receive {
    my myRegistrar $self = shift;
    my ($packet,$leg,$addr) = @_;
    return unless $packet->is_request and $packet->method eq 'REGISTER';
    DEBUG( 50,"Registrar got ".$packet->dump );
    # return undef if not registrar for leg, otherwise
    # let it handle by the registrar object
    my $reg = $self->{$leg} || return;
    return $reg->receive( @_ );

# myProxy
# special handling for domain2leg and registrars
# on the leg and for rewriting leg2rewrite and
# setting dst with leg2proxy

package myProxy;
use base 'Net::SIP::StatelessProxy';
use Net::SIP::Debug;
use Net::SIP::Util ':all';
use fields qw( domain2leg leg2registrar leg2rewrite leg2proxy );

sub new {
    my ($class,%args) = @_;
    my $d2l     = delete $args{domain2leg};
    my $reg     = delete $args{leg2registrar};
    my $rewrite = delete $args{leg2rewrite};
    my $l2p     = delete $args{leg2proxy};
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %args,
	rewrite_contact => \&_rewrite_contact,
    $self->{domain2leg}    = $d2l;
    $self->{leg2registrar} = $reg;
    $self->{leg2rewrite}   = $rewrite;
    $self->{leg2proxy}     = $l2p;
    return $self;

# QUICK and DIRTY caching of contact rewrites
    my ($cache,$cache_old,$trotate,$random);
    sub _rewrite_contact {
	my ($contact) = @_;
	my $now = time();
	if ( ! $trotate || $now - $trotate > 600 ) {
	    $cache_old = $cache;
	    $trotate = $now;
	my $hit = $cache->{$contact};
	if ( ! $hit && ( $hit = $cache_old->{$contact})) {
	    # refresh cache
	    $cache->{$contact} = $hit
	$hit and do {
	    DEBUG( 50,"rewrote $contact -> $hit" );
	    return $hit
	$contact !~m{\@} and do {
	    # no hit for rewrite back found
	    DEBUG( 50,"no rewrite back for $contact found" );

	# create new rewrite
	$random ||= rand( 2**32 );
	for( my $try = 0;$try < 1000; $try++ ) {
	    my $rw = sprintf "%x.%x",rand(2**32),$random;
	    next if $cache->{$rw} || $cache_old->{$rw};
	    $cache->{$rw} = $contact;
	    $cache->{$contact} = $rw;
	    DEBUG( 50,"rewrite $contact -> $rw (NEW)" );
	    return $rw;
	DEBUG( 50,"rewrite failed, cache too full..." );

# FIXME: move to Net::SIP::Util
# reverse to sip_uri2parts
sub sip_parts2uri {
    my ($domain,$user,$sip_proto,$param) = @_;
    my $uri = "$sip_proto:$user\@$domain";
    return sip_parts2hdrval( 'to',$uri,$param )

sub __forward_request_getleg {
    my myProxy $self = shift;
    my $entry = shift;
    my $packet = $entry->{packet};

    # rewrite packet
    if ( my $lrw = $self->{leg2rewrite} ) {
	if ( my $rw = $lrw->{$entry->{incoming_leg}} ) {
	    DEBUG( 50,"rewrite URI in request\n".$packet->dump );

	    # rewrite URI
	    # FIXME: this works only for RFC3261 conform requests!
	    my $uri = $packet->uri;
	    my ($domain,$user,$sip_proto,undef,$param) = sip_uri2parts($uri);
	    if ( ($user,$domain) = $rw->($user,$domain) ) {
		my $new_uri = sip_parts2uri( $domain,$user,$sip_proto,$param);
		DEBUG( 50,"rewrite URI $uri to $new_uri" );
	} else {
	    DEBUG( 50,"no rewriting" );

    if ( my @r = $packet->get_header( 'route' )) {
	# default routing
	DEBUG( 50,"have route header, no special handling" );
	$entry->{has_route} = 1;
	return $self->SUPER::__forward_request_getleg( $entry )

    my ($domain,$user,$sip_proto,undef,$param) = sip_uri2parts($packet->uri);

    my $d2l = $self->{domain2leg};
    my $disp = $self->{dispatcher};
    my @legs; # list of possible outgoing legs

    if ( $d2l && %$d2l ) {
	##### special routing based on domain2leg
	DEBUG( 50,"special routing based on domain2leg, domain=$domain" );
	my $dom = $domain;
	my $leg = $d2l->{$dom}; # exact match
	while ( ! $leg) {
	    $dom =~s{^[^\.]+\.}{} or last;
	    $leg = $d2l->{ "*.$dom" };
	$leg ||= $d2l->{ $dom = '*'}; # catch-all
	if ( ! $leg ) {
	    DEBUG( 50,"no leg found for domain $domain" );
	    # limit to legs for which I have no domain2leg mapping
	    my %legs = map { $_ => $_ } @{ $disp->{legs} };
	    delete @legs{ values %$d2l };
	    @legs = values %legs;
	} else {
	    DEBUG( 50,"found leg=".$leg->dump." for domain $domain" );
	    @legs = $leg
	if ( ! @legs ) {
	    # no available legs -> DROP
	    DEBUG( 2,"no leg for domain $domain and no legs w/o domain -> DROP ".$packet->dump );

    if ( my $l2r = $self->{leg2registrar} ) {
	#### try if the registrar has the address on some leg
	#### if, then set the outgoing leg and rewrite the packet to
	#### reflect the new URI
	my @reg = @legs ? @{$l2r}{@legs} : values %$l2r;
	for my $leg ( @legs ? @legs : values %$l2r ) {
	    my $reg = $l2r->{$leg} or next;
	    DEBUG( 10,"query registrar for $sip_proto:$user\@$domain" );
	    my @addr = $reg->query( "$sip_proto:$user\@$domain" ) or next;
	    $packet->set_uri( $addr[0] );
	    @legs = grep { $_ eq $leg } @{ $disp->{legs}};

    @{ $entry->{outgoing_leg}} = @legs;
    return $self->SUPER::__forward_request_getleg( $entry );

sub __forward_request_getdaddr {
    my myProxy $self = shift;
    my $entry = shift;
    my $legs = $entry->{outgoing_leg};

    # if leg was given by route try to check for Registrar there
    if ( @$legs && $entry->{has_route} && ( my $reg = $self->{leg2registrar}{$legs->[0]} )) {
	#### try if the registrar has the address on the leg
	#### if, then set the outgoing leg and rewrite the packet to
	#### reflect the new URI
	my $packet = $entry->{packet};
	my ($domain,$user,$sip_proto) = sip_uri2parts($packet->uri);
	DEBUG( 10,"query registrar for $sip_proto:$user\@$domain" );
	if ( my @addr = $reg->query( "$sip_proto:$user\@$domain" )) {
	    $packet->set_uri( $addr[0] );

    # find out proxy on leg
    if (@$legs == 1 && ( my $addr = $self->{leg2proxy}{$legs->[0]} )) {
	$addr .= ':5060' if $addr !~m{:\d+$};
	DEBUG( 50,"set addr to $addr from legs proxy address" );
	@{ $entry->{dst_addr}} = $addr;
    return $self->SUPER::__forward_request_getdaddr( $entry );