The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use VMware::Vix::Host;

my %opt;
) or pod2usage(1);

pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $opt{help};
pod2usage("No image specified") unless $opt{image};
my @datastores = VMware::Vix::Host->datastore;
$opt{store} = $datastores[0] if @datastores == 1 and not $opt{store};
pod2usage("No datastore specified, and can't intuit it") unless $opt{store};
pod2usage("No vessel specified") unless $opt{vessel};

# Defaults
$opt{base} = $opt{image} . "-base" unless $opt{base};
$opt{flags} = "--flags $opt{flags}" if $opt{flags};
$opt{'skip-test'} = $opt{'skip-test'} ? "--skip-test" : "";
pod2usage("Can't finalize based on a partial build!") if $opt{finalize} and $opt{partial};

# Connect to the host
my $passwd = read_file('.passwd', err_mode => 'quiet'); chomp $passwd;
my $host = VMware::Vix::Host->new( password => $passwd )
    or die VMware::Vix::Host->error;

# Connect to VM
my $vm = $host->open( store => $opt{store}, name => $opt{image} )
    or die VMware::Vix::Host->error;
if ($vm->power_state eq "powered off") {
    # no-op; we're all set
    $opt{resume} = 0;
} elsif ($opt{resume}) {
    # XXX: Should check that it doesn't have /opt/install/bin-wrapped yet
    warn "Resuming build already in progress...\n";
} else {
    die "Host is already in state @{[$vm->power_state]}!\n";

# Find the path to the store
my $path = $host->datastore($opt{store});
die "Can't find store $opt{store}" unless $path;

# Explode if either path is mounted
my $mounted = qx(/usr/bin/vmware-mount -L);
die "Disk is already mounted; please unmount before continuing.\n"
    if $mounted =~ m{$path/($opt{image}|$opt{base})};

# XXX: This used to be a tmpdir, but it exploded -- I don't recall how
# right now.  For now, you need a "disk-image" directory to mount it
# under.
mkdir("disk-image") unless -d "disk-image";
my $mountpoint = "disk-image";

# If we're resuming, skip all of the below
unless ($opt{resume}) {

    # Clone from image if base doesn't exist
    unless ( -e "$path/$opt{base}" ) {
        unless ( -e "$path/$opt{image}" ) {
            die "Can't find image in $path/$opt{image} to clone from";
        warn "Creating base '$opt{base}' from '$opt{image}'...\n";
        !system( '/usr/bin/rsync', "-az", "$path/$opt{image}/", "$path/$opt{base}/" )
            or die "rsync failed";

    if (not $opt{partial} or not -e "$path/$opt{image}" ) {
        # Rsync to clean it up
        warn "Cloning image...\n";
            '/usr/bin/rsync',   "-az", "--delete",
            "$path/$opt{base}/", "$path/$opt{image}/"
        ) or die "rsync failed";

    # Mount the disk image

    # Copy files over
    warn "Installing source...\n";
    system( 'sudo', '/bin/rm', '-rf', "$mountpoint/opt/build", "$mountpoint/opt/install" )
        if $opt{partial};
    !system( '/usr/bin/svn', 'co', '-q', $opt{vessel}, "$mountpoint/opt/build" )
        or die "svn co failed";

    # Write init file
    open( RC, ">", "$mountpoint/etc/rc.local" ) or die "Can't write rc.init: $!";
    print RC <<EOT;
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool perl-modules -y
cd /opt/build/
./bin/shipwright-builder --install-base /opt/install $opt{flags} $opt{'skip-test'} 2>&1 | tee /opt/build/complete.log
    close RC;

    # Unmount
    sleep 5;

    # Start 'er up!
    warn "Starting build...\n";

# Wait for it to finish
my $laststate = "";
my $lastinstall = 0;
    sleep 10;
    my $state = $vm->power_state;
    if ($laststate ne $state) {
        warn ucfirst($state) . "...\n";
        if ($state =~ /tools running/ and $laststate !~ /tools running/ and $opt{username}) {
            warn "Logging in..\n";
            $vm->login($opt{username}, $opt{password});
            warn "Logged in successfully..\n";
    if ($state =~ /tools running/ and $opt{username} and $opt{password}) {
        require YAML;
        eval {$vm->copy("/opt/install/installed.yml","installed.yml")};
        unless ($@) {
            my $ref = YAML::LoadFile("installed.yml");
            if ($ref) {
                if (scalar(@{$ref}) != $lastinstall) {
                    warn "Installed " . scalar(@{$ref}) ." packages: "
                        . join(",", @{$ref}[$lastinstall .. @{$ref}-1]) . "\n";
                $lastinstall = scalar @{$ref};
    $laststate = $state;
    redo unless $state =~ /powered off/;
sleep 20;

# Check if it succeeded
!system( "cp", "$mountpoint/opt/build/complete.log", "complete.log" )
    or warn "(Copy of log failed?)\n";
die "Build failure!  See complete.log\n"
    unless -e "$mountpoint/opt/install/bin-wrapped";

# If we want a partial build, don't clone into a clean image
unless ($opt{partial}) {
    # Copy out of the image
    warn "Successfully built!  Copying out of image...\n";
        "/usr/bin/rsync", "-az",
        "--delete",       "$mountpoint/opt/install/",
    ) or die "rsync extract failed";

    # Rsync a clean copy over
    warn "Cloning a clean image...\n";
        "/usr/bin/rsync",   "-az", "--delete",
        "$path/$opt{base}/", "$path/$opt{image}/"
    ) or die "rsync failed";

    # Mount it again, and copy the built version
    warn "Installing binaries...\n";
        "/usr/bin/rsync", "-az",
        "installed-image/", "$mountpoint/opt/install/"
    ) or die "rsync placement failed";

# If we're finalizing, we need a boot cycle on this image to clean
# everything out
if ($opt{finalize}) {
    open( RC, ">", "$mountpoint/etc/rc.local" ) or die "Can't write rc.init: $!";
    print RC <<EOT;
apt-get clean
sudo rm -rf /tmp/vmware-root
sudo rm -rf /home/pushmi/.bash_history /home/pushmi/.sudo_as_admin_successful
sudo rm -rf /root/.bash_history /root/vmware-tools-distrib
    close RC;

    # Sync and unmount
    sleep 5;

    # Boot and wait for it to halt
    warn "Booting and finalizing...\n";
    sleep 10 until $vm->power_state =~ /powered off/;

    # Re-mount for final rc.local, path changes

!system( 'cp', $opt{rcfile}, "$mountpoint/etc/rc.local" )
    or die "run rc.init copy failed" if $opt{rcfile};

# Prepend the installed path to PATH
my $PATH = do {local @ARGV = "$mountpoint/etc/environment"; $_ = <>; close ARGV; $_};
$PATH =~ s/PATH="(.*)"\n?/$1/;
open(ENV, ">", "$mountpoint/etc/environment") or die "Can't open environment for writing: $!";
print ENV qq{PATH="/opt/install/bin:$PATH"\n};
close ENV;

# Unmount

if ($opt{finalize}) {
    warn "Defragmenting...\n";
    my @date = (localtime)[5,4,3];
    my $date = join("-",$date[0]+1900, $date[1]+1, $date[2]);
    my (@dirs) = File::Spec->splitdir((File::Spec->splitpath($vm->absolute($vm->disk)))[1]);
    warn "dirs are @dirs";
    my $dir = pop @dirs;
    my $path = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs);
    warn "path is $path; removing $path/*.log";
    unlink for <$path/*.log>;
    warn "tar cj -C $path $dir | split -d -b 100M - $opt{image}-$date.tar.bz2.\n";
    `tar cj -C $path $dir | split -d -b 100M - $opt{image}-$date.tar.bz2.`;
    warn "Split files into: $opt{image}-$date.tar.bz2.*\n";
} else {
    # Power it on to take it for a test ride
    warn "Image started!\n";


=head1 NAME

jeos-build - Create a stand-alone VMware image from a Shipwright vessel


  jeos-build --image Vessel \
             --vessel file://path/to/svn \
             --skip-test \
             --rcfile boot-rc.local

=head1 OPTIONS


=item --image C<IMAGENAME>

Sets the name of the VMware image to create.  This option is required.

=item --base C<IMAGENAME>

The base VMware image to clone from.  If this option is not provided,
it is assumed to be the C<--image> argument with C<-base> appended.
If the base image does not exist, but the destination image does, the
base image is first created by copying the destination image.

=item --vessel C<URI>

The URI to the shipwright source vessel.  This should be a URI that
can be understood by C<svn co>.  This option is required.

=item --store C<PATH>

Specifies the name of the local VMware datastore to use.  This option
is required if there is more than one local VMware datastore.

=item --flags C<FLAGS>

Specifies the set of flags to be passed on to C<shipwright-build>.

=item --skip-test

Passes C<--skip-test> to the C<shipwright-build> invocation, which
skips all tests when building the finished vessel.

=item --partial

Creates a I<partial> build.  That is, the completed F</opt/install> is
not copied out into a new clean copy of the base image, but is left
in-place.  This option is faster, and usually suffices for all but the
last clean build.

=item --rcfile C<PATH>

Sets the F<rc.local> file which is copied over to the image after a
sucessful build.  This file should set up first run properties of the
appliance.  It omitted, defaults to the default, no-op F<rc.local>.

=item --username C<USERNAME>

A valid username on the VMware image.  Providing this, though not
required, allows for realtime updates as to the status of the install.

=item --password C<PASSWORD>

The password for the above account.

=item --resume

Used if the build is already in progress on the VMware instance, but
the corresponding invocation to C<jeos-build> was aborted.  In all
other cases, it is an error to run C<jeos-build> with the destination
VMware instance not in the "powered off" state.

=item --help

These help pages.


=head2 FILES


=item F<.passwd>

The password to use when connecting to the local VMware Server.  If
this file does not exist, or cannot be read, the user will be

=item F</etc/vmware/hostd/datastores.xml>

The default path to the local VMware Server datastore configuration

