The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package Shipwright::Backend::Base;

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile catdir splitpath/;
use Shipwright::Util;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use File::Copy 'copy';
use File::Copy::Recursive qw/rcopy/;
use File::Path qw/make_path remove_tree/;
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq firstidx/;
use Module::Info;

our %REQUIRE_OPTIONS = ( import => [qw/source/] );

use base qw/Shipwright::Base/;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/repository log/);

=head1 NAME

Shipwright::Backend::Base - Base Backend Class


Base Backend Class

=head1 METHODS


=item new

the constructor


sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $self = bless {@_}, ref $proto || $proto;
    return $self->build(@_);

=item build


sub build {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->log( Log::Log4perl->get_logger( ref $self ) );
    return $self;

sub _subclass_method {
    my $method = ( caller(0) )[3];
    confess_or_die "your should subclass $method\n";

=item initialize

initialize a project
you should subclass this method, and call this to get the dir with content initialized


sub initialize {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir =
      tempdir( 'shipwright_backend_base_XXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1 );

    rcopy( share_root(), $dir )
      or confess_or_die "copy share_root failed: $!";


    # set proper permissions for yml under /shipwright/
    my $sw_dir = catdir( $dir, 'shipwright' );
    my $sw_dh;
    opendir $sw_dh, $sw_dir or die "can't opendir $sw_dir: $!";
    for my $yml ( grep { /.yml$/ } readdir $sw_dh ) {
        chmod 0644, catfile( $dir, 'shipwright', $yml ); ## no critic
    closedir $sw_dh;

    chmod 0644, catfile( $dir, 't', 'test' );

    return $dir;

sub _install_module_build {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir = shift;
    my $module_build_path = catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'Module', );
    make_path( catdir( $module_build_path, 'Build' ) );
    copy( Module::Info->new_from_module('Module::Build')->file,
            $module_build_path ) or confess_or_die "copy Module/ failed: $!";
            Module::Info->new_from_module('Module::Build')->inc_dir, 'Module',
        catdir( $module_build_path, 'Build' )
      or confess_or_die "copy Module/Build failed: $!";

    # Module::Build needs Module::Metadata, Perl::OSType
    if ( Module::Info->new_from_module('Perl::OSType') ) {
        make_path( catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'Perl' ) );
        copy( Module::Info->new_from_module('Perl::OSType')->file,
            catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'Perl' ) )
          or confess_or_die "copy Perl/ failed: $!";

# Module::Metadata 1.02 requires version 0.87+, which isn't in perl core yet
# we can't simply copy to inc because it's not plain perl.
# so here we do a maybe dangerous thing, hack Module::Metadata to not require
# version 0.87+
# so is Module::Build
    my @files = catfile( $dir, 'inc', 'Module', 'Build', '' );

    if ( Module::Info->new_from_module('Module::Metadata') ) {
        copy( Module::Info->new_from_module('Module::Metadata')->file,
            catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'Module' ) )
          or confess_or_die "copy Module/ failed: $!";
        push @files, catfile( $dir, 'inc', 'Module', '' );

    for my $file ( @files ) {
        open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!;
        local $/;
        my $content = <$fh>;
        if ( $content =~ s!use version[^'"]+?(['"]?\s*;)!use version $1;! ) {
            chmod 0755, $file unless -w $file;
            open $fh, '>', $file or die $!;
            print $fh $content;
            close $fh;

sub _install_yaml_tiny {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir = shift;

    my $yaml_tiny_path = catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'YAML' );
    make_path( $yaml_tiny_path );
    rcopy( Module::Info->new_from_module('YAML::Tiny')->file, $yaml_tiny_path )
      or confess_or_die "copy YAML/ failed: $!";

sub _install_clean_inc {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir = shift;
    my $util_inc_path = catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'Shipwright', 'Util' );
    make_path( $util_inc_path );
    for my $mod ( qw/CleanINC PatchModuleBuild/ ) {
        rcopy( Module::Info->new_from_module("Shipwright::Util::$mod")->file,
            $util_inc_path )
          or confess_or_die "copy $mod failed: $!";

sub _install_file_compare {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir = shift;

    my $path = catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'File' );
    make_path( $path );
    rcopy( Module::Info->new_from_module('File::Compare')->file, $path )
      or confess_or_die "copy File/ failed: $!";

sub _install_file_copy_recursive {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir = shift;

    my $path = catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'File', 'Copy' );
    make_path( $path );
    rcopy( Module::Info->new_from_module('File::Copy::Recursive')->file, $path )
      or confess_or_die "copy File/Copy/ failed: $!";

sub _install_file_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir  = shift;

    my $path = catdir( $dir, 'inc', 'File' );
    rcopy( Module::Info->new_from_module('File::Path')->file, $path )
      or confess_or_die "copy File/ failed: $!";

=item import

import a dist.


sub import {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless ref $self; # get rid of class->import
    my %args = @_;
    my $name = ( splitpath( $args{source} ) )[-1];

    if ( $self->has_branch_support ) {
        if ( $args{branches} ) {
            $args{as} = '';
        else {
            $args{as} ||= 'vendor';

    unless ( $args{_initialize} || $args{_extra_tests} ) {
        if ( $args{_extra_tests} ) {
            $self->delete( path => "/t/extra" ) if $args{delete};

            $self->log->info( "importing extra tests to " . $self->repository );
            for my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( import => %args, name => $name ) ) {
        elsif ( $args{build_script} ) {
            if ( $self->info( path => "/scripts/$name" )
                && not $args{overwrite} )
                $self->log->warn("/scripts/$name exists already");
            else {
                $self->delete( path => "/scripts/$name" ) if $args{delete};

                $self->log->info( "importing $args{source}'s scripts to "
                      . $self->repository );
                for my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( import => %args, name => $name ) ) {

        else {
            if ( $self->has_branch_support ) {
                if ( $self->info( path => "/sources/$name/$args{as}" )
                    && not $args{overwrite} )
                    $self->log->warn( "sources/$name/$args{as} exists already" );
                else {
                    $self->delete( path => "/sources/$name/$args{as}" )
                      if $args{delete};
                        "importing $args{source} to " . $self->repository );

                    my $version = $self->version;
                    if ( $args{as} ) {
                        $version->{$name}{$args{as}} = $args{version};
                    else {
                        $version->{$name} = $args{version};

                    my $branches = $self->branches;
                    if ( $args{branches} ) {

                  # mostly this happens when import from another shipwright repo
                        if ( @{ $args{branches} } ) {
                            $branches->{$name} = $args{branches};
                    elsif (
                            $name !~ /^cpan-/ && 
                            $branches->{$name} && grep { $args{as} eq $_ }
                            @{ $branches->{$name} }
                        $branches->{$name} =
                          [ @{ $branches->{$name} || [] }, $args{as} ];

                      my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( import => %args, name => $name ) )
            else {
                if ( $self->info( path => "/dists/$name" )
                    && not $args{overwrite} )
                    $self->log->warn( "dists/$name exists already" );
                else {
                    $self->delete( path => "/dists/$name" ) if $args{delete};
                        "importing $args{source} to " . $self->repository );

                    my $version = $self->version;
                    $version->{$name} = $args{version};

                      my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( import => %args, name => $name ) )
    else {
        for my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( import => %args, name => $name ) ) {

=item export


sub export {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $path = $args{path} || '';
        'exporting ' . $self->repository . "/$path to $args{target}" );
    for my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( export => %args ) ) {

=item checkout


sub checkout {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $path = $args{path} || '';
        'exporting ' . $self->repository . "/$path to $args{target}" );
    for my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( checkout => %args ) ) {

=item commit

A wrapper around svn's commit command.


sub commit {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    $self->log->info( 'committing ' . $args{path} );
    for my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( commit => @_ ) ) {
        run_cmd( $cmd, 1 );

sub _add_to_order {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;

    my $order = $self->order;

    unless ( grep { $name eq $_ } @$order ) {
        $self->log->info( "adding $name to order for " . $self->repository );
        push @$order, $name;

=item update_order

regenerate the dependency order.


sub update_order {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    $self->log->info( "updating order for " . $self->repository );

    my @dists = @{ $args{for_dists} || [] };
    unless (@dists) {
        @dists = $self->dists;

    s{/$}{} for @dists;

    my $require = {};

    for (@dists) {
        $self->_fill_deps( %args, require => $require, name => $_ );

    require Algorithm::Dependency::Ordered;
    require Algorithm::Dependency::Source::HoA;

    my $source = Algorithm::Dependency::Source::HoA->new($require);
    my $dep = Algorithm::Dependency::Ordered->new( source => $source, )
      or confess_or_die $@;
    my $order = $dep->schedule_all();


=item graph_deps

return a dependency graph in graphviz format


sub graph_deps {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    $self->log->info( "outputting a graphviz order for " . $self->repository );

    my @dists = @{ $args{for_dists} || [] };
    unless (@dists) {
        @dists = $self->dists;

    s{/$}{} for @dists;

    my $require = {};

    for my $distname (@dists) {
        $self->_fill_deps( %args, require => $require, name => $distname );

    my $out = 'digraph g {
        graph [ overlap = scale, rankdir= LR ];
        node [ fontsize = "18", shape = record, fontsize = 18 ];

    for my $dist (@dists) {
        $out .= qq{ "$dist" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "$dist" ];\n};
        for my $dep ( @{ $require->{$dist} } ) {
            $out .= qq{"$dist" -> "$dep";\n};
    $out .= "\n};";
    return $out;

sub _fill_deps {
    my $self    = shift;
    my %args    = @_;
    my $require = $args{require};
    my $name    = $args{name};

    return if $require->{$name};
    my $req = $self->requires( name => $name ) || {};

    if ( $req->{requires} ) {
        for (qw/requires recommends build_requires test_requires/) {
            push @{ $require->{$name} }, keys %{ $req->{$_} }
              unless $args{"skip_$_"};
    else {

        #for back compatbility
        push @{ $require->{$name} }, keys %$req;
    @{ $require->{$name} } = uniq @{ $require->{$name} };

    for my $dep ( @{ $require->{$name} } ) {
        next if $require->{$dep};
        $self->_fill_deps( %args, name => $dep );

sub _yml {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;
    my $yml  = shift;

    my $file = catfile( $self->repository, $path );
    if ($yml) {

        dump_yaml_file( $file, $yml );
    else {

=item order

get or set the dependency order.


sub order {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $order = shift;
    my $path  = '/shipwright/order.yml';
    return $self->_yml( $path, $order );

=item map

get or set the map.


sub map {
    my $self = shift;
    my $map  = shift;

    my $path = '/shipwright/map.yml';
    return $self->_yml( $path, $map );

=item source

get or set the sources map.


sub source {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $source = shift;
    my $path   = '/shipwright/source.yml';
    return $self->_yml( $path, $source );

=item flags

get or set flags.


sub flags {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $flags = shift;

    my $path = '/shipwright/flags.yml';
    return $self->_yml( $path, $flags );

=item version

get or set version.


sub version {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $version = shift;

    my $path = '/shipwright/version.yml';
    return $self->_yml( $path, $version );

=item branches

get or set branches.


sub branches {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $branches = shift;

    if ( $self->has_branch_support ) {
        my $path = '/shipwright/branches.yml';
        return $self->_yml( $path, $branches );

    # no branches support in 1.x

=item ktf

get or set known failure conditions.


sub ktf {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ktf  = shift;
    my $path = '/shipwright/known_test_failures.yml';

    return $self->_yml( $path, $ktf );

=item refs

get or set refs


sub refs {
    my $self = shift;
    my $refs = shift;
    my $path = '/shipwright/refs.yml';

    return $self->_yml( $path, $refs );

=item delete


sub delete {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $path = $args{path} || '';
    if ( $self->info( path => $path ) ) {
        $self->log->info( "deleting " . $self->repository . $path );
        for my $cmd ( $self->_cmd( delete => path => $path ) ) {
            run_cmd( $cmd, 1 );

=item list


sub list {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $path = $args{path} || '';
    if ( $self->info( path => $path ) ) {
        my $out = run_cmd( $self->_cmd( list => path => $path ) );
        return $out;

=item dists


sub dists {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $out  = $self->list( path => '/scripts' );
    return split /\s+/, $out;

=item move


sub move {
    my $self     = shift;
    my %args     = @_;
    my $path     = $args{path} || '';
    my $new_path = $args{new_path} || '';
    if ( $self->info( path => $path ) ) {
            "moving " . $self->repository . "/$path to /$new_path" );
        for my $cmd (
                move     => path => $path,
                new_path => $new_path,

=item info


sub info {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $path = $args{path} || '';

    my ( $info, $err ) =
      run_cmd( $self->_cmd( info => path => $path ), 1 );
    $self->log->warn($err) if $err;

    if (wantarray) {
        return $info, $err;
    else {
        return $info;

=item requires

return the hashref of require.yml for a dist.


sub requires {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $name = $args{name};

    return $self->_yml( "/scripts/$name/require.yml" );

=item check_repository

Check if the given repository is valid.


sub check_repository {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    if ( $args{action} eq 'create' ) {
        return 1;
    else {

        # every valid shipwright repo has '/shipwright' subdir;
        my $info = $self->info( path => '/shipwright' );

        return 1 if $info;

=item update

you should subclass this method, and run this to get the file path with latest version


sub update {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    confess_or_die "need path option" unless $args{path};

    if ( $args{path} =~ m{/$} ) {
        # it's a directory
        if ( $args{path} eq '/inc/' && ! $args{source} ) {
            my $dir = tempdir(
                CLEANUP => 1,
                TMPDIR  => 1,
            $self->_update_dir( '/inc/', catdir($dir, 'inc') );
        elsif ( $args{source} ) {
            $self->_update_dir( $args{path}, $args{source} );
    else {

        confess_or_die "$args{path} seems not shipwright's own file"
          unless -e catfile( share_root(), $args{path} );

        return $self->_update_file( $args{path},
            catfile( share_root(), $args{path} ) );

=item test_script

get or set test_script for a project, i.e. /t/test


sub test_script {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    if ( $args{source} ) {
        $self->_update_file( '/t/test', $args{source} );
    else {
        return $self->cat( path => '/t/test' );

=item trim

trim dists


sub trim {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my @names_to_trim;

    if ( ref $args{name} ) {
        @names_to_trim = @{ $args{name} };
    else {
        @names_to_trim = $args{name};

    my $order   = $self->order;
    my $map     = $self->map;
    my $version = $self->version || {};
    my $source  = $self->source || {};
    my $flags   = $self->flags || {};

    for my $name (@names_to_trim) {
        if ( $self->has_branch_support ) {
            $self->delete( path => "/sources/$name" );
        else {
            $self->delete( path => "/sources/$name" );
        $self->delete( path => "/scripts/$name" );

        # clean order.yml
        @$order = grep { $_ ne $name } @$order;

        # clean map.yml
        for ( keys %$map ) {
            delete $map->{$_} if $map->{$_} eq $name;

        # clean version.yml, source.yml and flags.yml

        for my $hashref ( $source, $flags, $version ) {
            for ( keys %$hashref ) {
                if ( $_ eq $name ) {
                    delete $hashref->{$_};


=item update_refs

update refs.

we need update this after import and trim


sub update_refs {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $order = $self->order;
    my $refs  = {};

    for my $name (@$order) {

        # initialize here, in case we don't have $name entry in $refs
        $refs->{$name} ||= 0;

        my $req = $self->requires( name => $name ) || {};

        my @deps;
        if ( $req->{requires} ) {
            @deps = (
                keys %{ $req->{requires} },
                keys %{ $req->{recommends} },
                keys %{ $req->{build_requires} },
                keys %{ $req->{test_requires} }
        else {

            #for back compatbility
            @deps = keys %$req;

        @deps = uniq @deps;

        for (@deps) {


=item has_branch_support

return true if has branch support 


sub has_branch_support {
    my $self = shift;
    return 1 if $self->info( path => '/shipwright/branches.yml' );

*_initialize_local_dir = *_cmd = *_update_file = *_update_dir =

=item local_dir

for vcs backend, we made a local checkout/clone version, which will live here


sub local_dir {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $need_init = shift;
    my $base_dir =
      catdir( shipwright_user_root(), 'backends' );
    make_path( $base_dir ) unless -e $base_dir;
    my $repo = $self->repository;
    $repo =~ s/:/-/g;
    $repo =~ s![/\\]!_!g;
    my $target = catdir( $base_dir, $repo );
    return $target;


=item strip_repository


sub strip_repository {
    my $self = shift;
    my $repo = $self->repository;
    $repo =~ s/^[a-z+]+://;




=head1 AUTHORS

sunnavy  C<< <> >>


Shipwright is Copyright 2007-2012 Best Practical Solutions, LLC.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.