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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use warnings;
use strict;

use lib 'inc';
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile catdir splitdir rel2abs path/;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use File::Copy::Recursive qw/rmove rcopy/;
use File::Find qw/find/;
use File::Path;
use Config;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd qw/getcwd/;
use YAML::Tiny;
use Shipwright::Util::CleanINC;
use Carp qw/confess/;

my $build_base = getcwd;
my $inc_lib = join '/', splitdir($build_base), 'inc';

@ARGV = get_default_builder_options() unless @ARGV;

my %args;

use Getopt::Long;
confess "unknown option"
  unless GetOptions(
    \%args,                   'install-base=s',
    'perl=s',                 'skip=s',
    'flags=s',                'skip-test',
    'skip-test-except-final', 'only-test',
    'skip-man-pages',         'force',
    'clean',                  'name=s',
    'help',                   'advanced-help',
    'noclean',                'only=s',
    'with=s',                 'noclean-after-install',
    'make=s',                 'branches=s',
    'verbose',                'as=s',

my $USAGE = <<'END';
run: ./bin/shipwright-builder

Commonly used options: 
  --install-base            Where this vessel should be built.  Defaults to
                            a directory inside your system's default 'temp'
                            directory.  (Note that vessels are relocatable 
                            once built) 
                            Ex: --install-base /home/local/mydist
  --no-install-base         install to the default directory for each dist
  --skip-test               Don't run any tests at all
  --skip-test-except-final  Only run tests for the final package built
  --skip-man-pages          Don't install man pages for perl modules
  --force                   Install this vessel, even if some tests fail
  --advanced-help           Show additional command-line options you're
                            less likely to use.
  --verbose                 more output to stdout.



Less commonly needed options:
  --help        Print this usage
  --skip        Dists we don't want to install, comma-separated
                Ex: --skip perl,Module-Build
  --perl        Which perl to use for the to be installed vessel
                If this vessel includes a perl build, shipwright will 
                use that by default. Otherwise, it will default to the 
                perl used to run this script.
                Ex: --perl /usr/bin/perl
  --only        Skip all dists except those in this comma-separated list
                Ex: --only perl,Module-Build
  --name        The name of the project. used to create a better named dir if
                install_base is not supplied
                Ex: --name mydist
  --flags       Set shipwright build flags we need, comma-separated
                Ex:  --flags mysql,standalone

  --only-test   Test for the installed dists
                We use this to be sure everything is ok after successful 
                installation.  This option requires that you specify 
                --install-base if no __install_base from a previous
                Shipwright run is available.
  --clean       Remove vestiges of a previous build from a vessel
  --noclean     Don't automatically run a "clean" pass before building
  --with        Skip a distribution from the vessel, using one specified on 
                the commandline instead.
                Ex: --with svn=dir:/home/foo/svn
                'svn' is the dist name, 'dir:/home/foo/svn' is its source code,
                in the format of a Shipwright source distribution.
  --make        The path of your make command, default is \$ENV{SHIPWRIGHT_MAKE}
                Ex: --make /usr/bin/make
  --branches    Specify the branch of a given package in the vessel you want 
                to build.
                Ex: --branches Foo=trunk,Bar=2.0
  --as          for multi-arch dists, you can use this to specify the arch name.
                By default it's the uname.

if ( $args{'help'} ) {
    print $USAGE;
    exit 0;

if ( $args{'advanced-help'} ) {
    print $ADVANCED_USAGE;
    exit 0;

unless ( -d 'shipwright' ) {
      "$0 expects to be run in a directory with a 'shipwright' subdirectory\n";
    exit -1;

my $bin_quote = is_on_windows() ? q{"} : q{'};
my $bin_ext = $Config{_exe};

$args{skip} = { map { $_ => 1 } split /\s*,\s*/, $args{skip} || '' };
$args{flags} = {
    default => 1,
    map { $_ => 1 } split /\s*,\s*/, $args{flags} || ''

$args{with}     = { map { split /=/ } split /\s*,\s*/, $args{with}     || '' };
$args{branches} = { map { split /=/ } split /\s*,\s*/, $args{branches} || '' };

$args{make} ||=
  || which('make')
  || which('dmake')
  || which('nmake')
  || 'make';
$args{make} = $bin_quote . $args{make} . $bin_quote
  if $args{make} =~ /\s/
      && $args{make} !~ /^$bin_quote/;

if ( is_on_windows() ) {
    $args{as} ||= 'MSWin';
else {
    my $uname = `uname 2>/dev/null`;
    chomp $uname;
    $args{as} ||= $uname || 'default';

if ( $args{only} ) {
    $args{only} = { map { $_ => 1 } split /\s*,\s*/, $args{only} };

unless ( $args{name} ) {
    if ( $build_base =~ m{([-.\w]+)[\\/]([.\d]+)$} ) {
        $args{name} = "$1-$2";
    elsif ( $build_base =~ m{([-.\w]+)$} ) {
        $args{name} = $1;

unless ( $args{'no-install-base'} ) {
    $args{'install-base'} = get_install_base() unless $args{'install-base'};

    unless ( $args{'install-base'} ) {
        my $dir = tempdir( 'vessel_' . $args{name} . '-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1 );
        $args{'install-base'} = catdir( $dir, $args{name} );
        print "no default install-base, will set it to $args{'install-base'}\n";

    # replace prefix ~ with real home dir
    $args{'install-base'} =~ s/^~/(getpwuid $<)[7]/e;

    # remove last / or \
    $args{'install-base'} =~ s{[/\\]$}{};

my ( $installed, $installed_file );
my $installed_hash = {};
unless ( $args{'no-install-base'} ) {
    $installed_file =
      catfile( $args{'install-base'}, "$args{as}_installed.yml" );
    if ( -e $installed_file ) {
        $installed = YAML::Tiny->read(
            catfile( $args{'install-base'}, "$args{as}_installed.yml" ) );
        if ( ref $installed->[0] eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            $installed_hash = { map { $_ => 0 } @{ $installed->[0] } };
        elsif ( ref $installed->[0] eq 'HASH' ) {
            $installed_hash = $installed->[0];
        else {
            warn "invalid $args{as}_installed.yml";
    else {
        $installed = YAML::Tiny->new;
    $args{'install-base'} = rel2abs( $args{'install-base'} );

# YAML::Tiny objects are array based.
my $order = ( YAML::Tiny->read( catfile( 'shipwright', 'order.yml' ) ) )->[0];
my $version = ( YAML::Tiny->read( catfile( 'shipwright', 'version.yml' ) ) )->[0];

my ( $flags, $ktf, $branches );

if ( -e catfile( 'shipwright', 'flags.yml' ) ) {
    $flags = ( YAML::Tiny->read( catfile( 'shipwright', 'flags.yml' ) ) )->[0];

$flags ||= {};

if ( -e catfile( 'shipwright', 'known_test_failures.yml' ) ) {
    $ktf =
      ( YAML::Tiny->read( catfile( 'shipwright', 'known_test_failures.yml' ) ) )

$ktf ||= {};

if ( -e catfile( 'shipwright', 'branches.yml' ) ) {
    $branches =
         ( YAML::Tiny->read( catfile( 'shipwright', 'branches.yml' ) ) )->[0]
      || {};
    for my $name ( keys %{ $args{branches} } ) {
        die 'no branch name ' . $args{branches}->{$name} . " for $name"
          unless grep { $_ eq $args{branches}->{$name} }
              @{ $branches->{$name} || [] };

# fill not specified but mandatory flags
if ( $flags->{__mandatory} ) {
    for my $list ( values %{ $flags->{__mandatory} } ) {
        next unless @$list;
        next if grep { $args{flags}{$_} } @$list;
        $args{flags}{ $list->[0] }++;

# calculate the real order
if ( $args{only} ) {
    @$order = grep { $args{only}->{$_} } @$order;
else {
    @$order =
      grep {
        ( $flags->{$_} ? ( grep { $args{flags}{$_} } @{ $flags->{$_} } ) : 1 )
          && !$args{skip}->{$_}
      } @$order;

# remove the already installed ones
my @tmporder = @$order;
$order = [];
for my $item ( @tmporder ) {
    if ( exists $installed_hash->{$item} ) {
        my $installed_version = $installed_hash->{$item} || 0;
        my $branch =
          defined $args{branches}{$item}
          ? $args{branches}{$item}
          : $branches->{$item}[0];
        my $current_version   = $version->{$item}{$branch};
        if ( defined $current_version
            && $installed_version ne $current_version )
            push @$order, $item;
    else {
        push @$order, $item;

my $log;
my $build_log_file  = rel2abs('build.log');
my $system_cmd_pipe = '';
unless ( is_on_windows() || $args{'verbose'} ) {
    $system_cmd_pipe = " >>$build_log_file 2>&1";

if ( $args{'only-test'} ) {
    open $log, '>', 'test.log' or confess $!;

elsif ( $args{'clean'} ) {
else {
    if ( -e '__need_clean' && !$args{noclean} ) {
        print "seems it has been built before, need to clean first\n";
    if (@$order) {
    else {
        print "all dists are installed already\n";

sub install {

    # for install
    open $log, '>', $build_log_file or confess $!;

    # set clean flag again
    if ( $args{'noclean-after-install'} ) {
        open my $tmp_fh, '>', '__need_clean' or confess $!;
        close $tmp_fh;

    process_tmp_dists() if keys %{ $args{with} };

    # some perl distribution( e.g. on fedora ) doesn't have CPAN module
    # so we put it in eval block
    eval {
        require CPAN;

        # don't bother people no CPAN::Config since it's not a problem
        require CPAN::Config;

        # we don't want any prereqs any more!
        no warnings 'once';
        $CPAN::Config->{prerequisites_policy} = 'ignore';

# this dirty hack means that ExtUtils::AutoInstall won't try to recurse and run cpan
    $ENV{'AUTOMATED_TESTING'}         = 1;    # Term::ReadLine::Perl and others
                                              # use this to not prompt
    $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT}         = 1;
    $ENV{PERL_MM_OPT}                 = '';
    $ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}               = '';

    mkdir 'dists' unless -e 'dists';

    unless ( $args{perl} && -e $args{perl} ) {
        my $perl = catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'bin', 'perl' );
        $args{perl} = -e $perl ? $perl : $^X;

    $args{perl} = $bin_quote . $args{perl} . $bin_quote
      if $args{perl} =~ /\s/
          && $args{perl} !~ /^$bin_quote/;

    if ( $args{'no-install-base'} ) {
        for my $dist (@$order) {
            _install( $dist, $log );
            if ( $dist =~ /^perl/ ) {
                my $perl = catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'bin', 'perl' );
                $args{perl} = -e $perl ? $perl : $^X;

            chdir $build_base;
        print "install finished\n";
    else {
        open my $fh, '>', '__install_base'
          or confess "can't write to __install_base: $!";
        print $fh $args{'install-base'};
        close $fh;


            no warnings 'uninitialized';
            $ENV{DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH} =
              catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib' ) . ':'
              . $ENV{DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH};
            $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} =
              catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib' ) . ':'
              . $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH};

            $ENV{PATH} =
                catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'sbin' ) . ':'
              . catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'bin' ) . ':'
              . catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'usr', 'sbin' ) . ':'
              . catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'usr', 'bin' ) . ':'
              . $ENV{PATH};
            $ENV{LDFLAGS} .= ' -L' . catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib' );
            $ENV{CFLAGS}  .= ' -I' . catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'include' );

        mkpath $args{'install-base'} unless -e $args{'install-base'};

        mkdir catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'etc' )
          unless -e catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'etc' );
        mkdir catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'tools' )
          unless -e catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'tools' );

        for ( 'shipwright-script-wrapper', 'shipwright-perl-wrapper' ) {
            rcopy( catfile( 'etc', $_ ),
                catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'etc', $_ ) );

        for ( 'shipwright-utility', 'shipwright-source-bash',
            'shipwright-source-tcsh' )
            rcopy( catfile( 'etc', $_ ),
                catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'tools', $_ ) );

        chmod oct 755,
          catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'tools', 'shipwright-utility' );

        # remove lib it's symbolic link
        for my $r ('lib') {
            my $dir = catdir( $args{'install-base'}, $r );
            unlink $dir if -l $dir;

        # remove (usr/)?s?bin if it's an install from start
        unless ( keys %$installed_hash ) {
            for my $r (
                'bin', 'sbin',
                catdir( 'usr', 'bin' ),
                catdir( 'usr', 'sbin' ),
                my $dir = catdir( $args{'install-base'}, $r );
                next unless -e $dir;

        for my $dist (@$order) {
            _install( $dist, $log );
            _record( $dist, $log );
            if ( $dist =~ /^perl/ ) {
                my $perl = catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'bin', 'perl' );
                $args{perl} = -e $perl ? $perl : $^X;
            chdir $build_base;

        mkdir catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'bin' )
          unless -e catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'bin' );

        # in case wrappers are overwritten by accident
        for ( 'shipwright-script-wrapper', 'shipwright-perl-wrapper' ) {
            rcopy( catfile( 'etc', $_ ),
                catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'etc', $_ ) );

        my $cwd = getcwd;
        chdir $args{'install-base'};
        open my $tmp_fh, '>', '__as',
          or confess "can't wriite to $args{'install-base'}/__as: $!";
        print $tmp_fh $args{as};
        close $tmp_fh;

        mkdir 'as';
        my $as_dir = catdir( 'as', $args{as} );
        mkdir $as_dir;

        unless ( is_on_windows() ) {
            for my $r ( 'lib', 'bin', 'sbin' ) {
                next unless -e $r;
                my $dir = catdir( $as_dir, $r );
                rmove( $r, catdir( $as_dir, $r ) );

                if ( $r !~ /bin/ ) {
                    symlink $dir, $r;

            # in usr dir
            my $usr_dir = catdir( $as_dir, 'usr' );
            mkdir $usr_dir;
            for my $r ( 'bin', 'sbin' ) {
                next unless -e catdir( 'usr', $r );
                rmove( catdir( 'usr', $r ), catdir( $usr_dir, $r ) );
            chdir $cwd;


        print "install finished, the dists are at $args{'install-base'}\n";
        print $log "install finished, the dists are at $args{'install-base'}\n";

sub _install {
    my $dir = shift;
    my $log = shift;

    if ( $args{with}{$dir} && -e catdir( 'tmp_dists', $dir ) ) {
        chdir catdir( 'tmp_dists', $dir );
    else {
        if ($branches) {
            my $branch = $args{branches}{$dir} || $branches->{$dir}[0];

            # If no branch is specified but the vendor dir is there,
            # assume we should use it
            # XXX TODO - this will fail on old shipwright sources
            # which have a vendor directory inside the dist.
            if ( !$branch && -d catdir( 'sources', $dir, 'vendor' ) ) {
                $branch = 'vendor';
            my $dist_dir = catdir( 'dists', $dir );
            rmtree($dist_dir) if -e $dist_dir;
            rcopy( catdir( 'sources', $dir, split /\//, $branch ), $dist_dir )
              or confess "copy sources/$dir/$branch to dists/$dir failed: $!";
        chdir catdir( 'dists', $dir );

    my $skip_test = $args{'skip-test'} || $args{'skip-test-except-final'};

    if ( $dir eq $order->[-1] && $args{'skip-test-except-final'} ) {

        # do not skip our main dist's test
        $skip_test = 0;

    print "building $dir\n";

    if ( -e catfile( '..', '..', 'scripts', $dir, '' ) ) {
        print $log "found for $dir, will install $dir using that\n";
        my $cmd = join ' ',
          catfile( '..', '..', 'scripts', $dir, '' ),
          '--install-base' => $args{'install-base'},
          '--flags'        => join( ',', keys %{ $args{flags} } ),
          $skip_test ? '--skip-test' : (), $args{'force'} ? '--force' : (),
          $args{'clean'} ? '--clean' : ();
        system("$cmd $system_cmd_pipe");
        if ( $? >> 8 ) {
            print $log "build $dir failed"
              . (
                $? == -1
                ? ": $!"
                : ( ' with value ' . ( $? >> 8 ) )
              ) . "\n";
            my $error =
              "build $dir failed, the last output of build.log is:\n" . "\t"
              . _get_log();
            confess $error;
    else {
        my $cmds;
        if ( -e catfile( '..', '..', 'scripts', $dir, 'build' ) ) {
            print $log "found build for $dir, will install $dir using that\n";
            $cmds = cmds( catfile( '..', '..', 'scripts', $dir, 'build' ) );
        else {
            print $log "no build for $dir, will detect\n";
            $cmds = detect_cmds( '.' );

        for (@$cmds) {
            my ( $type, $cmd ) = @$_;
            next if $type eq 'clean' && $args{'noclean-after-install'};

            if ( $skip_test && $type eq 'test' ) {
                print $log "skip build $type part in $dir\n";

            print $log "build $type part in $dir with cmd: $cmd\n";

            print $log "running shipwright build command: $cmd\n";
            system("$cmd $system_cmd_pipe");
            if ( $? >> 8 ) {
                print $log "build $dir $type failed"
                  . (
                    $? == -1
                    ? ": $!"
                    : ( ' with value ' . ( $? >> 8 ) )
                  ) . "\n";
                if ( $type eq 'test' ) {
                    if ( $args{force} ) {
                        print $log
"although tests failed, will install anyway since we have force arg\n";
                    ## no critic
                    elsif ( eval "$ktf->{$dir}" ) {
                        print $log
"although tests failed, will install anyway since it's a known failure\n";

                if ( $type ne 'clean' ) {

                    # clean is trivial, we'll just ignore if 'clean' fails
                    my $error =
"build $dir $type part failed, last output of build.log is:\n"
                      . "\t"
                      . _get_log();
                    confess $error;
            else {
                print $log "build $dir $type part succeeded!\n";

    print $log "build $dir succeeded\n";
    print '=' x 80, "\n" if $args{verbose};

sub wrap_bin {
    my $log = shift;

    my $sub = sub {
        my $file = $_;

        return unless -f $file;

        my $wrap_dir = $File::Find::dir;
        $wrap_dir =~ s!as/$args{as}/!!;

        my $wrap_file = catfile( $wrap_dir, $file );
        my $tmp = $File::Find::dir;
        $tmp =~ s/\Q$args{'install-base'}\E//g;
        my $wrapped_depth =
          scalar( splitdir($File::Find::dir) ) -
          scalar( splitdir( $args{'install-base'} ) );

        mkdir $wrap_dir unless -d $wrap_dir;

        # return if it's been wrapped already
        if ( -l $wrap_file ) {
            print $log "seems $file has been already wrapped, skipping\n";

        my $type;
        if ( -T $file ) {
            open my $fh, '<', $file or confess "can't open $file: $!";
            my $shebang = <$fh>;
            if (
                && $shebang =~ m{
                $type = $1 || $2;

    # if we have this $type(e.g. perl) installed and have that specific wrapper,
    # then link to it, else link to the normal one
        if (
            && (   -e catfile( '..', 'bin', $type )
                || -e catfile( ('..') x $wrapped_depth, 'bin', $type ) )
            && -e catfile(
                ('..') x $wrapped_depth,
                'etc', "shipwright-$type-wrapper"
            symlink catfile( '..', 'etc', "shipwright-$type-wrapper" ) =>
              or confess $!;
        else {

            symlink catfile( '..', 'etc', 'shipwright-script-wrapper' ) =>
              or confess $!;
        chmod oct 755, $wrap_file;

    my @dirs =
      grep { -e $_ }
      map { catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'as', $args{as}, $_ ) } 'bin',
      catdir( 'usr', 'bin' ), catdir( 'usr', 'sbin' );
    find( { wanted => $sub, follow => 1 }, @dirs ) if @dirs;


sub substitute {
    my $text = shift;
    return unless $text;

    if ( $args{'no-install-base'} ) {
        $text =~ s/\s+\S*%%INSTALL_BASE%%\S*/ /g;
        if ( $text =~ /Build\.PL/ ) {
            $text =~ s/--install_path//g;
    else {
        my $install_base = $args{'install-base'};
        $text =~ s/%%INSTALL_BASE%%/$install_base/g;

    my $perl = -e $args{perl} ? $args{perl} : $^X;

    my $perl_archname;
    if ( is_on_windows() ) {
        $perl_archname = `$perl -MConfig -e "print \$Config{archname}"`;
    else {
        $perl_archname = `$perl -MConfig -e 'print \$Config{archname}'`;
    $text =~ s/%%PERL%%/$perl -I$inc_lib -MShipwright::Util::CleanINC/g;
    $text =~ s/%%PERL_ARCHNAME%%/$perl_archname/g;
    $text =~ s/%%MODULE_BUILD_EXTRA%%//g;
    $text =~ s/%%MAKE%%/$args{make}/g;

    if ( is_on_windows() ) {
`$perl -I$inc_lib -MShipwright::Util::CleanINC -e"eval { require Pod::Man}; if (\$@) { exit 1} else { exit 0 }" `;
    else {
`$perl -I$inc_lib -MShipwright::Util::CleanINC -e'eval { require Pod::Man}; if (\$@) { exit 1} else { exit 0 }' `;
    my $no_podman = $? >> 8;
    if ( $no_podman || $args{'skip-man-pages'} ) {
        $text =~
        $text =~
        $text =~
    else {
        $text =~ s/%%MAKEMAKER_CONFIGURE_EXTRA%%//;
        $text =~ s/%%MODULE_BUILD_BEFORE_BUILD_PL%%//;
        $text =~ s/%%MODULE_BUILD_BEFORE_BUILD%%//;

    return $text;

sub test {
    my $cmds = cmds( catfile( 't', 'test' ) );
    for (@$cmds) {
        my ( $type, $cmd ) = @$_;
        print $log "run tests $type part with cmd: $cmd\n";

        # the return of system is not so uselful, so omit it

sub cmds {
    my $file = shift;

    my @cmds;

    if ( ref $file eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        @cmds = @$file;
    elsif ( -e $file ) {
        open my $fh, '<', $file or confess "$!: $file";
        @cmds = <$fh>;
        close $fh;
        chomp @cmds;

    @cmds = map { substitute($_) } @cmds;

    my $return = [];
    for (@cmds) {
        my ( $type, $cmd );
        next unless /\S/ && /^(?!#)/;    # skip commented and blank lines

        if (/^(\S+):\s*(.*)/) {
            $type = $1;
            $cmd  = $2;
        else {
            $type = '';
            $cmd  = $_;
        push @$return, [ $type, $cmd ];

    return $return;

sub clean {
    open my $log, '>', 'clean.log' or confess $!;

    print $log "removed tmp_dists\n";

    if ($branches) {
        print $log "removed dists\n";
    else {
        for my $dist (@$order) {
            _clean( $dist, $log );
            chdir $build_base;

    unlink '__need_clean';

sub _clean {
    my $dir = shift;
    my $log = shift;

    my $cmd;
    chdir catdir( 'dists', $dir );

    if ( -e catfile( '..', '..', 'scripts', $dir, '' ) ) {
        print $log "Using to clean $dir\n";
        $cmd = join ' ', $args{perl},
          "-I $inc_lib",
          catfile( '..', '..', 'scripts', $dir, '' ),
          '--install-base' => $args{'install-base'},
          '--flags'        => join( ',', keys %{ $args{flags} } ),
    else {
        my $cmds;
        if ( -e catfile( '..', '..', 'scripts', $dir, 'build' ) ) {
            print $log "found build for $dir, will install $dir using that\n";
            $cmds = cmds( catfile( '..', '..', 'scripts', $dir, 'build' ) );
        else {
            print $log "no build for $dir, will detect\n";
            $cmds = detect_cmds( '.' );

        for (@$cmds) {
            my ( $type, $c ) = @$_;
            if ( $type eq 'clean' ) {
                $cmd = $c;

    if ( system($cmd) ) {
        print $log "clean $dir failed.\n";
    else {
        print $log "clean $dir succeeded.\n";

    print '=' x 80, "\n" if $args{verbose};

sub get_install_base {
    if ( open my $fh, '<', '__install_base' ) {
        my $install_base = <$fh>;
        close $fh;
        chomp $install_base;
        return $install_base;

sub get_default_builder_options {
    my @argv;
    if ( open my $fh, '<', '__default_builder_options' ) {
        while (<$fh>) {
            next if /^\s*#/;
            next unless /\S/;
            push @argv, $_;
        close $fh;
    return @argv;

sub process_tmp_dists {
    mkdir 'tmp_dists';

    for my $name ( keys %{ $args{with} } ) {
        my $cmd = cmd( $name, $args{with}{$name} );
        if ( ref $cmd eq 'CODE' ) {
        else {
            system($cmd) && confess "$cmd failed";

# this's a simpler version compared to shipwright's source part, only
# dir, svn, svk and git are supported currently.
# warn: dist in svn and svk must be a dir instead of a compressed file.

sub cmd {
    my ( $name, $source ) = @_;

    if ( $source =~ s/^dir(ectory)?://i ) {
        return sub { rcopy( $source, catdir( 'tmp_dists', $name ) ); };
    elsif ( $source =~ /^svn:/i ) {
        $source =~ s{^svn:(?!//)}{}i;
        return "svn export $source tmp_dists/$name";
    elsif ( $source =~ m{^(//|svk:)}i ) {
        $source =~ s/^svk://i;
        return "svk co $source tmp_dists/$name";
    elsif ( $source =~ m{^git:}i ) {
        $source =~ s{^git:(?!//)}{}i;
        return "git clone $source tmp_dists/$name";


sub _record {
    my $dist = shift;
    my $branch =
      defined $args{branches}{$dist}
      ? $args{branches}{$dist}
      : $branches->{$dist}[0];
    $branch ||= 'vendor';
    my $current_version = $version->{$dist}{$branch};
    $installed->[0]{$dist} = $current_version;

sub is_on_windows {
    return $^O =~ /MSWin/;

sub which {
    my $name = shift;

    my $path;

    for my $dir ( path() ) {
        my $p = catfile( $dir, $name );

        # XXX  any other names need to try?
        my @try = grep { -x } ( $p, $p . $bin_ext );
        for my $try (@try) {
            $path = $try;
            last LINE;

    return unless $path;
    if ( $path =~ /\s/ && $path !~ /^$bin_quote/ ) {
        $path = $bin_quote . $path . $bin_quote;

    return $path;

sub _get_perl_arch {
    my $arch_command = -e $args{perl} ? $args{perl} : $^X;
    if ( is_on_windows() ) {
        $arch_command .= q{ -MConfig -e "print $Config{archname}" };
    else {
        $arch_command .= q{ -MConfig -e 'print $Config{archname}'};
    return `$arch_command`;

sub _set_perl5lib {
    $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join(
        catdir( 'blib', 'lib' ),
        catdir( 'blib', 'arch' ),
        catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib', 'perl5', _get_perl_arch() ),
        catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib', 'perl5', 'site_perl' ),
        catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib', 'perl5' ),
            $args{'install-base'}, 'as',
            $args{as},             'lib',
            'perl5',               _get_perl_arch()
            $args{'install-base'}, 'as',
            $args{as},             'lib',
            'perl5',               'site_perl'
        catdir( $args{'install-base'}, 'as', $args{as}, 'lib', 'perl5' ),

sub _get_log {
    my $number = shift || 20;
    require Tie::File;
    if ( tie my @array, 'Tie::File', $build_log_file, autochomp => 0 ) {
        $number = @array if $number > @array;
        return join "\t", grep { defined } @array[ -1 * $number .. -1 ];
    else {
        warn "failed to open $build_log_file";

sub detect_cmds {
    my $dir = shift;
    if ( -f catfile( $dir, 'Build.PL' )) {
        print $log "detected Module::Build build system\n";
        return cmds(
'configure: %%PERL%% %%MODULE_BUILD_BEFORE_BUILD_PL%% Build.PL --install_base=%%INSTALL_BASE%% --install_path lib=%%INSTALL_BASE%%/lib/perl5 --install_path arch=%%INSTALL_BASE%%/lib/perl5',
                'make: %%PERL%% %%MODULE_BUILD_BEFORE_BUILD%% Build',
                'test: %%PERL%% %%MODULE_BUILD_BEFORE_BUILD%% Build test',
                'install: %%PERL%% %%MODULE_BUILD_BEFORE_BUILD%% Build install',
                'clean: %%PERL%% %%MODULE_BUILD_BEFORE_BUILD%% Build realclean',
    if ( -f catfile( $dir, 'Makefile.PL' )) {
        print $log "detected ExtUtils::MakeMaker build system\n";
        return cmds(
                'make: %%MAKE%%',
                'test: %%MAKE%% test',
                'install: %%MAKE%% install',
                'clean: %%MAKE%% clean',
    if ( -f catfile( $dir, 'configure' )) {
        print $log "detected autoconf build system\n";
        return cmds(
                'configure: ./configure --prefix=%%INSTALL_BASE%%',
                'make: %%MAKE%%',
                'install: %%MAKE%% install',
                'clean: %%MAKE%% clean',
    if ( -f catfile( $dir, 'configure.cmake' )) {
        print $log "detected cmake build system\n";
        return cmds(
                'configure: cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX==%%INSTALL_BASE%%',
                'make: %%MAKE%%',
                'install: %%MAKE%% install',
                'clean: %%MAKE%% clean',
    else {
        die "unknown build system for $dir";