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#! /bin/env perl
# -*- perl -*-

# @Author: Tong SUN, (c)2002-2008, all right reserved
# @Version: $Date: 2008/11/04 21:38:09 $ $Revision: 1.10 $
# @HomeURL:

# First draft in script from
# By Sujit Pal, Concord, California, USA

# {{{ POD, Intro: 

=head1 NAME

news-search - console-based newsgroup articles searcher.


  news-search [options...] ngname [ngname...] [param=value...]


  news-search --max_p=30 tor.housing Subject='rent|sublet|room|bdr|house|apt|apartment|condo' NoSubject='sale|FS'

This search the default 'news' nntp server. Or, to specify an alternative one:

  news-search --max_p=80 -v 'cups.*' Body='die|break|broke'

Check out all the program options that you can use. E.g.,

  news-search --headers='Newsgroups|Message-ID|Bytes' -nopbody alt.binaries.e-book.technical alt.binaries.e-books alt.binaries.e-book Subject='Java|JDBC|JNDI|JAXP|EJB|Servlet|Jsp|struts' NoSubject=Javascript


This program is a console-based newsgroup articles searcher.


Parameters passed from the command line are grouped into two categories,
the optional program options, followed by mandatory searching arguments.

The following searching arguments are supported.

=over 4

=item *

ngname, newsgroup pattern to search. May have more than one newsgroups to
search at once. May have wildcard ('*') in group name, eg, '*linux*'.

=item *

Subject=pattern, look in the Subject: line.

=item *

From=pattern, look for author in the From: line.

=item *

Body=pattern, look for pattern in article body.


The pattern can be any Perl regular expressions.

The above pattern match keyword can also be prefixed with 'No', e.g.,


to ignore messages if pattern found in the Subject: line.


# }}} 

# ############################################################## &ps ###
# ................................................... Program starts ...

# ============================================================== &us ===
# ............................................................. Uses ...

# -- global modules
use strict;			# !
use integer;			# !

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
#require Data::Dumper;

use News::Search;

# ============================================================== &cs ===
# ................................................. Constant setting ...
my $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.10 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);

# ============================================================== &gv ===
# .................................................. Global Varibles ...

# ############################################################## &ss ###
# ................................................ Subroutions start ...

# my handler for group starts ...
sub my_group_handler {
    my $newsgroup = shift;
    print STDERR "\n\nSearching group '$newsgroup'\n\n";

# my handler for news message ...
sub my_message_handler {
    print STDERR ".";

# ============================================================== &sb ===
# .................................................... Script begins ...

# {{{ POD, Options: 

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -max_p=i

Maximum number of posts to search (not return). Default is 10.

=item -subpre=s

The prefix string printed before printing the Subject.

=item -subsuf=s

The suffix string printed after printing the Subject.

=item -headers=s

Message headers to print.

=item -phead

Print message headers. Default is yes.
May be turned off by prefixing the option with "no" or "no-".

=item -pbody

Print message body. Default is yes.
May be turned off by prefixing the option with "no" or "no-".

=item -verbose

Be verbose. Default is no.

=item -help|?

Print a brief help message.

=item -man

Show the manual page.


Options names may be abbreviated to uniqueness, case does not matter, and a
single dash is sufficient, even for long option names.


# }}} 

# Handle command line arguments
die "\nnews-search - console-based newsgroup articles searcher\n".
    "Use the options -help or -man to get more helps.\n"
    if $#ARGV == -1;

my %options =
     max_p   => 10,		# maximum number of posts to search (not return)
     subpre  => "Subject: ",	# prefix before printing the Subject
     subsuf  => "\n",		# suffix after printing the Subject
     headers => 'Date|From',	# message headers to print
     phead   => 1,		# print message header?
     pbody   => 1,		# print message body?
     verbose => 0,

    ) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $options{help};
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $options{man} or !@ARGV;

#print STDERR "\n==>> \n" . Data::Dumper->Dump([\%options, \@ARGV]) . "==<< \n";

# ============================================================ &pclp ===
# .................................. process command line parameters ...

my $ns = News::Search->
    new( {
	  msg_limit   => $options{max_p},
	  msg_headers => $options{headers},
	  verbose     => $options{verbose},
	  on_group    => \&my_group_handler,
	  on_message  => \&my_message_handler,
      } );

my %newsarticles = $ns->SearchNewsgroups;
print STDERR "\n";
#print STDERR "\n==>> \n" . Data::Dumper->Dump([\%newsarticles]) . "==<< \n";

# Dump found news postings
foreach my $article (values %newsarticles) {
    print "$options{subpre}$article->{SUBJECT}$options{subsuf}";
    print join("\n",@{$article->{"HEADER"}}). "\n\n" if $options{phead};
    print $article->{"BODY"}. "\n" if $options{pbody};
print "\n\n";

=head1 AUTHOR

SUN, Tong C<< <suntong at> >>


Copyright 2003-2008 Tong Sun, all rights reserved.

This program is released under the BSD license.
