The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
#line 1

package ExtUtils::F77;

use Config;
use File::Spec;

#line 34

$VERSION = "1.16";

warn "\nExtUtils::F77: Version $VERSION\n";

# Database starts here. Basically we have a large hash specifying
# entries for each os/compiler combination. Entries can be code refs
# in which case they are executed and the returned value used. This
# allows us to be quite smart.

# Hash key convention is uppercase first letter of
# hash keys. First key is usually the name of the architecture as
# returned by Config (modulo ucfirst()).

print "Loaded ExtUtils::F77 version $VERSION\n";


### SunOS (use this as a template for new entries) ###

# Code to figure out and return link-string for this architecture
# Returns false if it can't find anything sensible.

$F77config{Sunos}{F77}{Link} = sub {  
       $dir = find_highest_SC("/usr/lang/SC*");
       return "" unless $dir; # Failure
       print "$Pkg: Found Fortran latest version lib dir $dir\n";
       return "-L$dir -lF77 -lm";

# Whether symbols (subroutine names etc.) have trailing underscores 
# (true/false)

$F77config{Sunos}{F77}{Trail_} = 1; 

# Name of default compiler - corresponds to one of the above keys

$F77config{Sunos}{DEFAULT} = 'F77'; 

# Program to run to actually compile stuff

$F77config{Sunos}{F77}{Compiler} = 'f77';

# Associated compiler flags

$F77config{Sunos}{F77}{Cflags} = '-O';

############ Rest of database is here ############ 

### Solaris ###

$F77config{Solaris}{F77}{Link} = sub {
     my $NSPATH;
     my $dir;

     #find the SUNWspro entry of nonstandard inst. in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
     if ( defined $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} &&
	  $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} =~ m{([^:]*SUNWspro[^/]*)} )
       $NSPATH = $1;

     elsif ( defined $ENV{'PATH'} ) {

       foreach ( split (/:/,$ENV{PATH}) ) {
	 if ( m{(.*SUNWspro[^/]*)} ) {
	   $NSPATH = $1;

     if (defined $NSPATH) {

       print "$Pkg: Found F77 path:--->$NSPATH\n";

       $dir = find_highest_SC("$NSPATH/WS*/lib") ||
              find_highest_SC("$NSPATH/SC*/lib") ||

       # that failed.  try $NSPATH/lib. use glob to
       # match for libF77.*, as libF77.a isn't there anymore?
       unless ( $dir )
	 print "$Pkg: Trying $NSPATH/lib\n";
	 $dir = "$NSPATH/lib" if glob("$NSPATH/lib/libF77*");
     } else {
     return "" unless $dir; # Failure
     print "$Pkg: Found Fortran latest version lib dir $dir\n";

     my @libs;

     # determine libraries. Forte 7 doesn't have F77 or M77
     if ( qx/$F77config{Solaris}{F77}{Compiler} -V 2>&1/ 
                      =~ /Forte Developer 7/ )
       push @libs, qw/
       push @libs, qw/

     join( ' ', "-L$dir", @libs );

$F77config{Solaris}{F77}{Trail_} = 1;
$F77config{Solaris}{F77}{Compiler} = 'f77';
$F77config{Solaris}{F77}{Cflags} = '-O';
$F77config{Solaris}{DEFAULT} = 'F77';

### Generic GNU-77 or F2C system ###

$F77config{Generic}{G77}{Link} = sub {
    my @libs = ('g2c', 'f2c');
    my ($dir, $lib, $test);
    foreach $test (@libs) {
      $dir = `g77 -print-file-name=lib$test.a`;
      chomp $dir;
      # Note that -print-file-name returns just the library name
      # if it cant be found - make sure that we only accept the
      # directory if it returns a proper path (or matches a /)
      if (defined $dir && $dir ne "lib$test.a") {
        $lib = $test; # Found an existing library

    if( defined $dir  && defined $lib) {
        $dir =~ s,/lib$lib.a$,,;
    } else {
        $dir = "/usr/local/lib";
        $lib = "f2c";
    return( "-L$dir -L/usr/lib -l$lib -lm" );
$F77config{Generic}{G77}{Trail_} = 1;
$F77config{Generic}{G77}{Compiler} = find_in_path('g77','f77','fort77');
$F77config{Generic}{G77}{Cflags} = '-O';
$F77config{Generic}{DEFAULT} = 'G77';
$F77config{Generic}{F2c}     = $F77config{Generic}{G77};

### cygwin ###
#"-lg2c -lm";
# needed this on my cygwin system to get things working properly
sub getcyglink {
   return join ' ', map {my $lp = `g77 -print-file-name=lib$_.a`;
			$lp =~ s|/[^/]+$||;
			 $lp =~ s|L([a-z,A-Z]):|L//$1|g;
			 "-L$lp -l$_"} qw/g2c m/;

$F77config{Cygwin}{G77}{Trail_} = 1;
$F77config{Cygwin}{G77}{Compiler} = 'g77';
$F77config{Cygwin}{G77}{Cflags} = '-O';
$F77config{Cygwin}{G77}{Link}	= \&getcyglink;
$F77config{Cygwin}{DEFAULT}	= 'G77';

### Linux ###

$F77config{Linux}{G77}     = $F77config{Generic}{G77};
$F77config{Linux}{F2c}     = $F77config{Generic}{G77};
# database entry for the gfortran compiler
$F77config{Linux}{GFortran}{Link} = sub {
    $dir = `gfortran -print-file-name=libgfortran.a`;
    chomp $dir;
    # Note that -print-file-name returns just the library name
    # if it cant be found - make sure that we only accept the
    # directory if it returns a proper path (or matches a /)

    if( defined $dir ) {
        $dir =~ s,/libgfortran.a$,,;
    } else {
        $dir = "/usr/local/lib";
    return( "-L$dir -L/usr/lib -lgfortran -lm" );
$F77config{Linux}{GFortran}{Trail_}   = 1;
$F77config{Linux}{GFortran}{Compiler} = 'gfortran';
$F77config{Linux}{GFortran}{Cflags}   = '-O';
$F77config{Linux}{DEFAULT} = 'G77';

# check for 'non g77' DEFAULT compilers on Linux:
if (ucfirst($Config{'osname'}) eq "Linux") 
  my $default;

  # check for gfortran compiler:
  $default = find_in_path('gfortran');

  if( $default =~ /gfortran/ )
     $F77config{Linux}{DEFAULT} = 'GFortran'; 

  # code for ifort, g95 etc........

### DEC OSF/1 ###

$F77config{Dec_osf}{F77}{Link}   = "-L/usr/lib -lUfor -lfor -lFutil -lm -lots -lc";
$F77config{Dec_osf}{F77}{Trail_} = 1;
$F77config{Dec_osf}{F77}{Compiler} = 'f77';
$F77config{Dec_osf}{F77}{Cflags} = '-O';
$F77config{Dec_osf}{DEFAULT}     = 'F77';

### HP/UX ###

$F77config{Hpux}{F77}{Link}   = "-L/usr/lib -lcl -lm";
$F77config{Hpux}{F77}{Trail_} = 0;
$F77config{Hpux}{F77}{Compiler} = 'f77';
$F77config{Hpux}{F77}{Cflags} = '-O';
$F77config{Hpux}{DEFAULT}     = 'F77';

### IRIX ###

# From: Ovidiu Toader <>
# For an SGI running IRIX 6.4 or higher (probably lower than 6.4 also)
# there is a new abi, -64, which produces 64 bit executables. This is no
# longer an experimental feature and I am using it exclusively without any
# problem. The code below is what I use instead of original IRIX section
# in the ExtUtils::F77 package. It adds the -64 flag and it is supposed to
# provide the same functionality as the old code for a non -64 abi. 

if (ucfirst($Config{'osname'}) eq "Irix")
  my ($cflags,$mips,$default_abi,$abi,$mips_dir,$libs);
  $cflags = $Config{cc};
  ($mips) = ($cflags =~ /(-mips\d)/g);
  $mips = "" if ! defined($mips);
  $mips_dir = $mips;$mips_dir =~ s/-//g;
  $default_abi = $Config{osvers} >= 6.4 ? "-n32" : "-o32";
    # -32 seems to be synonymous for -o32 (CS)
    $abi = "-o32",last GET_ABI if $cflags =~ /-o?32/;
    $abi = "-n32",last GET_ABI if $cflags =~ /-n32/;
    $abi = "-64",last GET_ABI if $cflags =~ /-64/;
    $abi = $default_abi;
  if ( $abi eq "-64" ){
    $libs = ( (-r "/usr/lib64/$mips_dir") && (-d _) && (-x _) ) ?
	"-L/usr/lib64/$mips_dir" : "";
    $libs .=  " -L/usr/lib64 -lfortran -lm";
  if ( $abi eq "-n32" ){
    $libs = ( (-r "/usr/lib32/$mips_dir") && (-d _) && (-x _) ) ?
	"-L/usr/lib32/$mips_dir" : "";
    $libs .=  " -L/usr/lib32 -lfortran -lm";
  if ( $abi eq "-o32" ){
    $libs = "-L/usr/lib -lF77 -lI77 -lU77 -lisam -lm";
  $F77config{Irix}{F77}{Cflags}   = "$abi $mips";
  $F77config{Irix}{F77}{Link}     = "$libs";
  $F77config{Irix}{F77}{Trail_}   = 1;
  $F77config{Irix}{F77}{Compiler} = "f77 $abi";
  $F77config{Irix}{DEFAULT}       = 'F77';

### AIX ###

$F77config{Aix}{F77}{Link}   = "-L/usr/lib -lxlf90 -lxlf -lc -lm";
$F77config{Aix}{F77}{Trail_} = 0;
$F77config{Aix}{DEFAULT}     = 'F77';

### FreeBSD ###

$F77config{Freebsd}{F77}{Trail_} = 1;
$F77config{Freebsd}{F77}{Link}   = '-L/usr/lib -lf2c -lm';
$F77config{Freebsd}{DEFAULT}     = 'F77';

### VMS ###

$F77config{VMS}{Fortran}{Trail_} = 0;
$F77config{VMS}{Fortran}{Link}   = ' ';         # <---need this space!
$F77config{VMS}{DEFAULT}     = 'Fortran';
$F77config{VMS}{Fortran}{Compiler} = 'Fortran';

### Darwin (Mac OS X) ###

$F77config{Darwin}{GFortran}{Trail_} = 1;
$F77config{Darwin}{GFortran}{Cflags} = ' ';        # <---need this space!
$F77config{Darwin}{GFortran}{Link}   = '-L/usr/local/lib -lgfortran';    
$F77config{Darwin}{GFortran}{Compiler} = 'gfortran';

$F77config{Darwin}{DEFAULT}     = 'G77';

############ End of database is here ############ 

#line 358

# Package variables

$Runtime = "-LSNAFU -lwontwork";
$RuntimeOK = 0;
$Trail_  = 1;
$Pkg   = "";
$Compiler = "";
$Cflags = "";

sub get; # See below

# All the figuring out occurs during import - this is because
# a lot of the answers depend on a lot of the guesswork.

sub import {
   no warnings; # Shuts up complaints on Win32 when running PDL tests
   $Pkg    = shift;
   my $system   = ucfirst(shift);  # Set package variables
   my $compiler = ucfirst(shift);
   $Runtime = "-LSNAFU -lwontwork";

   # Guesses if system/compiler not specified.

   $system   = ucfirst $Config{'osname'} unless $system;
   $system = 'Cygwin' if $system =~ /Cygwin/;
   $compiler = get $F77config{$system}{DEFAULT} unless $compiler;

   print "$Pkg: Using system=$system compiler=" .
       (defined $compiler ? $compiler : "<undefined>") . "\n";

   if (defined($ENV{F77LIBS})) {
      print "Overriding Fortran libs from value of enviroment variable F77LIBS = $ENV{F77LIBS}\n";
      $Runtime = $ENV{F77LIBS};
   else {

     # Try this combination

     if ( defined( $compiler ) and defined( $F77config{$system} )){
     	my $flibs = get ($F77config{$system}{$compiler}{Link});
        if ($flibs ne "") {
     	   $Runtime = $flibs;# . gcclibs();
	   # We don't want to append gcc libs if we are using
	   # non gnu compilers. Initially, explicitly check for
	   # use of sun compiler
	   $Runtime .= gcclibs($flibs) unless $flibs =~ /sunmath/;
	   $Runtime =~ s|L([a-z,A-Z]):|L//$1|g if $^O =~ /cygwin/i;
           $Runtime = ' ' if $^O eq 'VMS';  # <-- need this space!
	   print "Runtime: $Runtime\n";
           $ok = 1;
     	   $ok = validate_libs($Runtime) if $flibs ne "";
     }else {
     	$Runtime = $ok = "";

     # If it doesn't work try Generic + GNU77

      unless (("$Runtime" ne "-LSNAFU -lwontwork") && $ok) {
     	print <<"EOD";
$Pkg: Unable to guess and/or validate system/compiler configuration
$Pkg: Will try system=Generic Compiler=G77
    	 $system   = "Generic";
    	 $compiler = "G77";
    	 my $flibs = get ($F77config{$system}{$compiler}{Link});
    	 $Runtime =  $flibs . gcclibs($flibs);
    	 $ok = validate_libs($Runtime) if $flibs ne "";
    	 print "$Pkg: Well that didn't appear to validate. Well I will try it anyway.\n"
    	      unless $Runtime && $ok;

      $RuntimeOK = $ok;

   } # Not overriding   

   # Now get the misc info for the methods.

   if (defined( $F77config{$system}{$compiler}{Trail_} )){
      $Trail_  = get $F77config{$system}{$compiler}{Trail_};  
      print << "EOD";
$Pkg: There does not appear to be any configuration info about
$Pkg: names with trailing underscores for system $system. Will assume
$Pkg: F77 names have trailing underscores.
      $Trail_ = 1;

   if (defined( $F77config{$system}{$compiler}{Compiler} )) {
	$Compiler = get $F77config{$system}{$compiler}{Compiler};
   } else {
	print << "EOD";
$Pkg: There does not appear to be any configuration info about
$Pkg: the F77 compiler name. Will assume 'f77'.
	$Compiler = 'f77';
print "$Pkg: Compiler: $Compiler\n";

   if (defined( $F77config{$system}{$compiler}{Cflags} )) {
	$Cflags = get $F77config{$system}{$compiler}{Cflags} ;
   } else {
	print << "EOD";
$Pkg: There does not appear to be any configuration info about
$Pkg: the options for the F77 compiler. Will assume none
$Pkg: necessary.
	$Cflags = '';

   print "$Pkg: Cflags: $Cflags\n";

} # End of import ()

#line 512
sub runtime { return $Runtime; }
sub runtimeok { return $RuntimeOK; }
sub trail_  { return $Trail_; }
sub compiler { return $Compiler; }
sub cflags  { return $Cflags; }

### Minor internal utility routines ###

# Get hash entry, evaluating code references

sub get { ref($_[0]) eq "CODE" ? &{$_[0]} : $_[0] };

# Test if any files exist matching glob

sub any_exists {
    my @glob = glob(shift);
    return scalar(@glob);

# Find highest version number of SCN.N(.N) directories
# (Nasty SunOS/Solaris naming scheme for F77 libs]
sub find_highest_SC {
    print "$Pkg: Scanning for $_[0]\n";
    my @glob = glob(shift);
    my %n=();
    for (@glob) {
      #print "Found $_\n";
       if ( m|/SC(\d)\.(\d)/?.*$| ) {
           $n{$_} = $1 *100 + $2 * 10;
       if ( m|/SC(\d)\.(\d)\.(\d)/?.*$| ) {
           $n{$_} = $1 *100 + $2 * 10 + $3;
    my @sorted_dirs = grep {-f "$_/libF77.a"} sort {$n{$a} <=> $n{$b}} @glob;

    return pop @sorted_dirs; # Highest N

# Validate a string of form "-Ldir -lfoo -lbar"

sub validate_libs {
   print "$Pkg: Validating $_[0]   ";
   my @args = split(' ',shift());
   my $pat;
   my $ret = 1;

   # Create list of directories to search (with common defaults)

   my @path = ();     
   for (@args, "/usr/lib", "/lib") { 
      push @path, $1 if /^-L(.+)$/ && -d $1;

   # Search directories

   for (@args) {      
      next if /^-L/;
      next if $_ eq "-lm"; # Ignore this common guy
      if (/^-l(.+)$/) {
         $pat = join(" ", map {$_."/lib".$1.".*"} @path); # Join dirs + file
         #print "Checking for $pat\n";
         unless (any_exists($pat)) {
            print "\n$Pkg:    Unable to find library $_" ;
            $ret = 0;
   print $ret ? "[ok]\n" : "\n";
   return $ret;

sub testcompiler {

    my $file = File::Spec->tmpdir . "/testf77$$";
    $file =~ s/\\/\//g; # For Win32

    my $ret;
    print OUT "      print *, 'Hello World'\n";
    print OUT "      end\n";
    print "Compiling the test Fortran program...\n";
    system "$Compiler $Cflags $file.f -o ${file}_exe";
    print "Executing the test program...\n";
    if (`${file}_exe` ne " Hello World\n") {
       print "Test of Fortran Compiler FAILED. \n";
       print "Do not know how to compile Fortran on your system\n";
       print "Congratulations you seem to have a working f77!\n";
    unlink("${file}_exe"); unlink("$file.f"); unlink("$file.o") if -e "$file.o";
    return $ret;

# Return gcc libs (e.g. -L/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-sunos4.1.3_U1/2.7.0 -lgcc)

sub gcclibs {
   my $flibs = shift; # Fortran libs
   my $isgcc = $Config{'cc'} eq 'gcc';
   if (!$isgcc && $^O ne 'VMS') {
      print "Checking for gcc in disguise:\n";
      $isgcc = 1 if $Config{gccversion};
      my $string;
      if ($isgcc) {
        $string = "Compiler is gcc version $Config{gccversion}";
        $string .= "\n" unless $string =~ /\n$/;
      } else {
        $string = "Not gcc\n";
      print $string;
   if ($isgcc or ($flibs =~ /-lg2c/) or ($flibs =~ /-lf2c/) ) {
       $gccdir = `gcc -print-libgcc-file-name`; chomp $gccdir;
       $gccdir =~ s/\/libgcc.a//;
       return " -L$gccdir -lgcc";   
       return "";

# Try and find a program in the users PATH

sub find_in_path {
   my @names = @_;
   my @path;
   if($^O =~ /mswin32/i) {
     for(@names) { $_ .= '.exe'}
     @path = split(";", $ENV{PATH});
   else {@path = split(":",$ENV{PATH})}
   my ($name,$dir);
   for $name (@names) {
      for $dir (@path) {
         if (-x $dir."/$name") {
	    print "Found compiler $name\n";
	    return $name;
   return '' if $^O eq 'VMS';
   return undef;
#   die "Unable to find a fortran compiler using names: ".join(" ",@names);

#line 668

1; # Return true