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package Padre::Plugin::Vi::Editor;
use strict;
use warnings;

my %subs;

use List::Util   ();
use Padre::Wx    ();
use Padre::Plugin::Vi::CommandLine;

our $VERSION = '0.21';

sub new {
	my ($class, $editor) = @_;
	my $self = bless {}, $class;
	$self->{insert_mode} = 0;
	$self->{buffer}      = '';
	$self->{visual_mode}    = 0;
	$self->{editor}         = $editor;

	return $self;

sub editor { return $_[0]->{editor} }

$subs{CHAR} = {
	# movements
	l => \&move_right,
	h => \&move_left,
	k => \&line_up,
	j => \&line_down,
	w => \&word_right,
	b => \&word_left,

	G => \&goto_line,

	# selection
	v => \&visual_mode,
	### swictch to insert mode
	a => \&append_mode,
	i => \&insert_mode,
	o => \&open_below,
	O => \&open_above,
	### editing from navigation mode
	x => \&delete_char,
	u => \&undo,
	p => \&paste_after,
	P => \&paste_before,

	J => \&join_lines,

	dd => \&delete_lines,
	dw => \&delete_words,
	'd$' => \&delete_till_end_of_line,
	yy => \&yank_lines,
	yw => \&yank_words,
	'y$' => \&yank_till_end_of_line,

	ZZ => \&save_and_quit,
	'$' => \&goto_end_of_line, # Shift-4 is $   End
	'^' => \&goto_beginning_of_line, # Shift-6 is ^   Home

$subs{PLAIN} = {
	# movements
	Wx::WXK_RIGHT => $subs{CHAR}{l},
	Wx::WXK_LEFT  => $subs{CHAR}{h},
	Wx::WXK_UP    => $subs{CHAR}{k},
	Wx::WXK_DOWN  => $subs{CHAR}{j},

	Wx::WXK_PAGEUP => sub {
		my ($self, $count) = @_; # TODO use $count ??
		if ($self->{visual_mode}) {
		} else {
	Wx::WXK_PAGEDOWN => sub {
		my ($self, $count) = @_; # TODO use $count ??
		if ($self->{visual_mode}) {
		} else {
	Wx::WXK_HOME => \&goto_beginning_of_line,
	Wx::WXK_END => \&goto_end_of_line,

$subs{VISUAL} = {
	d => \&delete_selection,
	x => \&delete_selection,
	y => \&yank_selection,
	v => sub {}, # just end visual mode

$subs{SHIFT} = {

# the following does not yet work as we need to neuralize the Ctrl-N of Padre
# before we can see this command
$subs{COMMAND} = {
	ord('N') => sub { # autocompletion
		print "Ctrl-N $_[0]\n";
		my $main   = Padre->ide->wx->main_window;

# returning the value that will be given to $event->Skip()
sub key_down {
	my ($self, $mod, $code) = @_;

	if ($code == Wx::WXK_ESCAPE) {
		$self->{insert_mode} = 0;
		$self->{buffer}      = '';
		$self->{visual_mode}    = 0;
		return 0;

	if ($self->{insert_mode}) {
		return 1;

# list of keys we don't want to implement but pass back to the STC to handle
#	my %skip = map { $_ => 1 }
#	if ($skip{$code}) {
#		return 1;
#	}

	# remove the bit ( Wx::wxMOD_META) set by Num Lock being pressed on Linux
	$mod = $mod & (Wx::wxMOD_ALT() + Wx::wxMOD_CMD() + Wx::wxMOD_SHIFT());
	my $modifier = (  $mod == Wx::wxMOD_SHIFT() ? 'SHIFT' 
	               :  $mod == Wx::wxMOD_CMD()   ? 'COMMAND'
	               :                              'PLAIN');

	if (my $thing = $subs{$modifier}{$code}) {
		my $sub;
		if (not ref $thing) {
			if ($subs{$modifier}{ $thing } and ref $subs{$modifier}{ $thing } and ref $subs{$modifier}{ $thing } eq 'CODE') {
				$sub = $subs{$modifier}{ $thing };
			} else {
				warn "Invalid entry in 'subs' hash  in code '$thing' referenced from '$code'";
		} elsif (ref $subs{$modifier}{$code} eq 'CODE') {
			$sub = $thing;
		} else {
			warn "Invalid entry in 'subs' hash for code '$code'";
		my $count = $self->{buffer} =~ /^(\d+)/ ? $1 : 1; 
		if ($sub) {
			$sub->($self, $count);
		$self->{buffer} = '';
		return 0 ;

	# left here to easily find extra keys we still need to implement:
	#printf("key '%s' '%s'\n", $mod, $code); 
	return 0;

sub get_char {
	my ($self, $mod, $code, $chr) = @_;

# print "CHR $chr\n" if $chr;
	if ($self->{insert_mode}) {
		return 1;
	$self->{buffer} .= $chr;
	#print "Buffer: '$self->{buffer}'\n";
	if ($self->{visual_mode}) {
		if ($self->{buffer} =~ /^[dvxy]$/) {
			my $command = $self->{buffer};
			if ($subs{VISUAL}{$command}) {
				$self->{buffer}      = '';
				$self->{visual_mode} = 0;
			return 0 ;

	if ($chr eq ':') {
		$self->{buffer} = '';
		return 0;
	if ($self->{buffer} =~ /^(\d*)([wblhjkvaioxupOJPG\$^])$/ or 
		$self->{buffer} =~ /^(\d*)(ZZ|d[dw\$]|y[yw\$])$/) {
		my $count   = $1;
		my $command = $2;
		# special case default value
		if ($command eq 'G') {
			$count ||= $self->{editor}->GetLineCount;
		} else {
			$count ||= 1;

		if ($subs{CHAR}{$command}) {
			$subs{CHAR}{$command}->($self, $count);
			$self->{buffer} = '';
		return 0 ;

	# left here to easily find extra keys we still need to implement:
	#printf("chr '%s' '%s'\n", $mod, $chr);
	return 0;

sub line_down {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	if ($self->{visual_mode}) { # TODO moer than one lines
	#$self->{editor}->LineDown; # is this broken?
	my $pos  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentPos;
	my $line = $self->{editor}->LineFromPosition($pos);
	my $last_line = $self->{editor}->LineFromPosition(length $self->{editor}->GetText);
	my $toline = List::Util::min($line+$count, $last_line);
	$self->line_up_down($pos, $line, $toline);

sub line_up {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;

	if ($self->{visual_mode}) {
	#$self->{editor}->LineUp; # is this broken?
	my $pos  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentPos;
	my $line = $self->{editor}->LineFromPosition($pos);
	my $toline = List::Util::max($line-$count, 0);
	$self->line_up_down($pos, $line, $toline);

sub line_up_down {
	my ($self, $pos, $line, $toline) = @_;
	my $to;
	if ($self->{end_pressed}) {
		$to = $self->{editor}->GetLineEndPosition($toline);
	} else {
		$to = $self->{editor}->FindColumn($toline, $self->{editor}->GetColumn($pos));

sub goto_end_of_line {
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->{end_pressed} = 1;
	if ($self->{visual_mode}) {
	} else {

sub goto_beginning_of_line {
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->{end_pressed} = 0;
	if ($self->{visual_mode}) {
	} else {

sub select_rows {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	my $line  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentLine;
	my $start = $self->{editor}->PositionFromLine( $line );
	my $end   = $self->{editor}->PositionFromLine( $line + $count );
	#my $end   = $self->{editor}->GetLineEndPosition($line+$count-1);
	$self->{editor}->SetSelection($start, $end);

sub move_right {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	#print "COUNT $count\n";
	$self->{end_pressed} = 0;
	if ($self->{visual_mode}) {
		$self->{editor}->CharRightExtend(); # TODO use $count
	} else {
		my $pos  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentPos;
		$self->{editor}->GotoPos($pos + $count); 

sub move_left {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	$self->{end_pressed} = 0;
	if ($self->{visual_mode}) {
		$self->{editor}->CharLeftExtend; # TODO use $count
	} else {
		my $pos  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentPos;
		$self->{editor}->GotoPos(List::Util::max($pos - $count, 0)); 

sub visual_mode {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	my $main   = Padre->ide->wx->main_window;
	$self->{visual_mode} = 1;

# switch to insert mode
sub append_mode {  # append
	my ($self, $count) = @_; # TODO use $count ??
	$self->{insert_mode} = 1;
	# change cursor

sub insert_mode { # insert
	my ($self, $count) = @_; # use $count ?
	$self->{insert_mode} = 1;
	my $pos  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentPos;
	# change cursor

sub open_below {
	my ($self, $count) = @_; # TODO use $count ??
	$self->{insert_mode} = 1;
	my $line = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentLine;
	my $end  = $self->{editor}->GetLineEndPosition($line);
	# go to end of line, insert newline
	# change cursor

sub open_above {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	$self->{insert_mode} = 1;
	my $line  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentLine;
	my $start = $self->{editor}->PositionFromLine($line);
	# go to beginning of line, insert newline, go to previous line
	# change cursor

sub delete_char {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	my $pos  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentPos;
	$self->{editor}->SetTargetEnd($pos + $count);
	$self->{buffer} = '';

sub undo {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;

sub paste_after {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	my $text = Padre::Wx::Editor::get_text_from_clipboard();
	if ($text =~ /\n/) {
		my $line  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentLine;
		my $start = $self->{editor}->PositionFromLine($line+1);

sub paste_before {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	my $text = Padre::Wx::Editor::get_text_from_clipboard();
	if ($text =~ /\n/) {
		my $line  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentLine;
		my $start = $self->{editor}->PositionFromLine($line);
	} else {
		my $pos = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentPos;

sub join_lines {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	my $main   = Padre->ide->wx->main_window;

sub goto_line {
	my ($self, $count) = @_; # TODO: special case for count !!
	$self->{buffer} = '';

sub delete_lines {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
sub delete_till_end_of_line {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	#$self->{editor}->DelLineRight; # would be nice, but it does not put the strin in the clipboard

sub yank_till_end_of_line {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;


sub select_till_end_of_line {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $line  = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentLine;
	my $start = $self->{editor}->GetCurrentPos;
	my $end   = $self->{editor}->GetLineEndPosition($line);

	$self->{editor}->SetSelection($start, $end);

sub delete_words {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	$self->{editor}->WordRightEndExtend for 1..$count;
sub yank_words {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	$self->{editor}->WordRightEndExtend for 1..$count;

sub yank_lines {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;

sub remove_selection {
	my ($self) = @_;

sub delete_selection {
	my ($self) = @_;
sub yank_selection {
	my ($self) = @_;

sub save_and_quit {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $main   = Padre->ide->wx->main_window;

sub word_right {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	$self->{editor}->WordRight for 1..$count;
sub word_left {
	my ($self, $count) = @_;
	$self->{editor}->WordLeft for 1..$count;


# Copyright 2008 Gabor Szabo.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.