The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
[%#- -*- mode: tt -*- %]
[%- PROCESS 'include/defaults' -%]
[% USE Autoformat %]
[%- IF machine     != '' %][% THROW LEGACY "Use '-Dmachines=...' (plural) now.\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF tests_dom0  != '' %][% THROW LEGACY "Use '-Dtest_host=...' now.\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF tests_domu  != '' %][% THROW LEGACY "Use '-Dtests_guest=...' now.\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF Timeout     != '' %][% THROW LEGACY "Use '-Dtest_timout=...' now.\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF tests       != '' %][% THROW AMBIGUITY "Use '-Dtests_host=...'.\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF host        != '' %][% THROW AMBIGUITY "Use '-Dmachines=...'.\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF hosts       != '' %][% THROW AMBIGUITY "Use '-Dmachines=...'.\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF queues      != '' %][% THROW AMBIGUITY "Use '-Dqueue=name' (singular).\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF queue.match(',')  %][% THROW AMBIGUITY "Use '-Dqueue=name' (only one queue).\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF queue       == '' %][% queue          = 'AdHoc' %][% END -%]
[%- IF machines    == '' %][% machines       = 'limete' %][% END -%]
[%- IF distros     == '' %][% distros        = 'baseimage' %][% END -%]
[%- IF buildserver == '' %][% buildserver    = 'acid' %][% END -%][%# acid=64bit, selen=32bit %]
[%- IF packages_host == '' %][% packages_host = '' %][% END -%]
[%- IF tests_host  == '' %][% tests_host     = 'linus_stress' %][% END -%][%# 'hackbench,unixbench,dbench,tiobench,iozone,reaim,aiostress,compilebench' %]
[%- IF test_timeout == '' %][% test_timeout  = '10800' %][% END -%]
[%- shorttitle_test_host = BLOCK %][% IF tests_host.match(',') %]MULTI[% ELSE %][% tests_host.replace('.*/([^/]+)$', '$1').replace('^(xen|kvm)-','').replace('\.sh$','').replace('\.t$','').replace('[-_]','') %][% END %][% END -%]
[%- IF title       == ''    %][% title          = BLOCK %]Kernel[%- IF shorttitle_test_host != '' %]-[% shorttitle_test_host %][% ELSE %][% END %][% END %][% END -%]
[%- IF builder     == '' && distros == 'baseimage' && kernelpkg == '' %][% builder = 'linus' %][% END -%]
[% repository = builder %]
[% type = 'kernel' %]
[%- AllMachines       = machines.split(',')       || [] -%]
[%- AllDistros        = distros.split(',')        || [] -%]
[%- AllPackagesHost   = packages_host.split(',')  || [] -%]
[%- AllTestsHost      = tests_host.split(',')     || [] -%]
[%- AllTestsParamsHost = tests_host_params.split(';') || [] -%]
[%- AllHostBootparams = hostbootparams.split(';') || [] -%][%# SIC, semicolon! We need ',' inside bootparams. -%]
[% fullname = BLOCK %][% title %][% IF titlesuffix %]-[% titlesuffix %][% END %][% END %]
[%- IF AllHostBootparams.size == 0 %][%- AllHostBootparams.unshift('') %][% END -%][%# to not empty the loop over it -%]
### Run a Linux environment with tests.
### [topic.kernel.generic.test]
### Name   : [% fullname %]
### Host   : [% current_SLES11 %]
### Optional params:
###   -Dkernelpkg=<filename>     Filename of already existing kernel package;             default: build one
###   -Dbuilder=<buildkey>       Key what type of kernel to build;                        default: stable3-2
###   -Dbuilder_changeset=<xyz>  Changeset of kernel to build;                            default: <empt>
###   -Dhostbootparams=<param>   Kernel boot parameter to host, SEMICOLON[sic] separated; default: <empty>
###   -Dtest_timeout=<seconds>   Timeout for tests;                                       default: 10800 (3h)
###   -Dtests_host=<testname>    Workload names, comma separated, see list below;         default: <empt>
###   -Dtests_host_capture=tap   Capture and send TAP output of host tests;               default: <empty>
###   -Dpackages_host=<package>  Files to unpack in host, comma separated;                default: <empt>
###   -Ddistros=<distros>        Host distro names, comma separated; see list below;      default: sles_11.2_64

###   -Dmachines=<machine>       Machine names, comma separated;                          default: limete
###   -Dqueue=<queue>            Queue to use;                                            default: AdHoc
###   -Dtitlesuffix=<string>     Suffix to be used in testplan and testrun names;         default: <empty>
### Available values:
###   builder:
[%- FILTER autoformat(all => 1) %]
###      [% FOREACH m = kernel_builder_list -%][% m %], [% END %]
[% END %]
###      Mnemonics:
###       - "*"     means "use the minor wanted number"
###   machines:
[%- FILTER autoformat(all => 1) %]
###      [% FOREACH m = machine_list -%][% m %], [% END %]
[% END %]
###   distros:
[%- FILTER autoformat(all => 1) %]
###      [% FOREACH d = distro_list -%][% d %], [% END %]
[% END %]
###   tests_host:
###      - non-path words are interpreted as Autotest subtests:
[%- FILTER autoformat(all => 1) %]
###          [% FOREACH t = useful_autotest_tests -%][% t %], [% END %]
[%- END -%]
###      - absolute path names, like "/data/tapper/autoreport/mytest.t"
###        are interpreted as script to execute (and every file inside
###        that path/* will also be copied)
### Typical command lines (User tapper@tapper):
###   $ tapper testplan-new --file /data/tapper/live/testplan/topic/kernel/generic/test
###   $ tapper testplan-new --file /data/tapper/live/testplan/topic/kernel/generic/test -Dtests_host=hackbench
###   $ tapper testplan-new --file /data/tapper/live/testplan/topic/kernel/generic/test -Dmachines=lemure
###   $ tapper testplan-new --file /data/tapper/live/testplan/topic/kernel/generic/test -Dmachines=lemure -Dtests_host=hackbench
###   $ tapper testplan-new --file /data/tapper/live/testplan/topic/kernel/generic/test -Dkernelpkg=/data/tapper/live/repository/packages/kernel/sles11/i686/linux-3.3_rc3-94-g612b850.2012-02-10.i686.tgz
# Builder details:
#  builder:    [% builder %]
#  repository: [% repository %]
#  type:       [% type %]

[%- FOREACH distro = AllDistros %]
[%- PROCESS 'include/distrodetails' -%]
# distro:           [% distro %]
#  install_file:    [% install_file %]
#  install_repo:    [% install_repo %]
#  install_opts:    [% install_opts %]
#  kernel:          [% kernel %]
#  initrd:          [% initrd %]
[%- END %]

[%- FOREACH machine = AllMachines %]
[%- FOREACH hostbootparam_entry = AllHostBootparams %]
[%- FOREACH distro = AllDistros %]
# machine:     [% machine %]
# distro:      [% distro %]
type: multitest
   shortname: "[% fullname %]"
   topic: "[% fullname %][% IF hostbootparam_entry %] [% hostbootparam_entry %][% END %]"
   queue: [% queue %]
   - [% machine %]
[%- IF distro == 'baseimage' %]
            precondition_type: image
            image: [% current_SLES11 %]
            - testing
            - sda2
            - hda2
            mount: /
            arch: linux64
[% ELSE %]
            grub_text: "timeout 2\n\ntitle [% distro %] Testing\nkernel [% kernel %] [% install_file %] [% install_repo %] [% install_opts %] nomodeset $HOSTOPTIONS $TAPPER_OPTIONS\ninitrd [% initrd %]\n"
            name: autoinstall-[% distro %]
            precondition_type: autoinstall
            timeout: 7200
[% END %][%# baseimage %]
[%# Currently we allow distro + additional kernelpkg ===> not sure whether that really works! %]
[%- IF kernelpkg %]
            precondition_type: package
            filename: [% kernelpkg %]
[% ELSIF builder %]
            precondition_type: produce
            producer: Builder
            type: [% type %]
            repository: [% repository %]
            buildserver: [% buildserver %]
[%-    IF builder_changeset %]
            version: [% builder_changeset %]
[%     END -%]
[% END -%][%# builder %]
[%- IF kernelpkg || builder %]
            precondition_type: package
            filename: kernel/linux-firmware/firmware.tgz
            precondition_type: copyfile
            name: /data/tapper/live/repository/packages/tapperutils/kernel/
            dest: /bin/
            protocol: local
            precondition_type: exec
            filename: /bin/
            precondition_type: copyfile
            protocol: local
            name: /data/tapper/live/repository/testprograms/utilities/*
            dest: /
[% END %][%# baseimage %]
[%- FOREACH package0 = AllPackagesHost %]
            precondition_type: package
            name: [% package0 %]
[% END -%][%# FOREACH AllPackagesHost %]
[%- FOREACH test0 = AllTestsHost %]
[%- IF test0.match('^/') %][% dirname0  = test0.replace('/[^/]+$', '') %][% basename0 = test0.replace('.*/([^/]+)$', '$1') %]

#         HOST TEST PREPARE: [% test0 %]
#                            (direct test script)
            precondition_type: copyfile
            protocol: local
            name: [% dirname0 %]/*
            dest: /
[% END -%][%# IF test0.match %]
[% END -%][%# FOREACH AllTestsHost preconditions %]
            precondition_type: testprogram
            program: /data/tapper/autoreport/metainfo.t
            chdir: AUTO
[%- FOREACH test0 = AllTestsHost %]

#         HOST TEST: [% test0 %]
[%- IF test0.match('^/') %][% dirname0  = test0.replace('/[^/]+$', '') %][% basename0 = test0.replace('.*/([^/]+)$', '$1') %]
#                    (direct test script)
            precondition_type: testprogram
            program: /[% basename0 %]
            timeout: [% test_timeout %]
            chdir: AUTO
[%- IF tests_host_capture %]
            capture: [% tests_host_capture %]
[%  END %]
[%- IF tests_host_params %]
[%-   FOREACH param0 = AllTestsParamsHost %]
            - [% param0 %]
[%    END %]
[%  END %]
[% ELSE %]
#                    (autotest)
            precondition_type: testprogram
            program: /opt/tapper/bin/tapper-testsuite-autotest
            timeout: [% test_timeout %]
            - --source_url
            - file:///data/tapper/live/repository/packages/autotest/renormalist-autotest-039effb.tar.gz
            - --test
            - [% test0 %]
[% END -%][%# IF test0.match %]
[% END -%][%# FOREACH AllTestsHost testprograms %]
            precondition_type: grub
            config: |
             timeout 3
             default 0
             title KERNEL [% kernel_version %]
               root $grubroot
               kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=$root $HOSTOPTIONS debug ignore_loglevel
               initrd /boot/initrd
[%- END %][%# FOREACH AllDistros %]
[%- END %][%# FOREACH AllHostBootparams %]
[%- END %][%# FOREACH AllMachines %]