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[%#- -*- mode: tt -*- %]
[%- PROCESS 'include/defaults' -%]
[% USE env = EnvHash %]
[% USE Autoformat %]
[%- IF machine           != '' %][% THROW LEGACY "Use '-Dmachines=...' (plural).\n" %][% END -%]
[%- IF queue             == '' %][% queue           = 'AdHoc' %][% END -%]
[%- IF topic             == '' %][% topic           = 'Misc' %][% END -%]
[%- IF tests_host        == '' %][% tests_host      = '/PATH/TO/' %][% END -%]
[%- IF test_timeout      == '' %][% test_timeout    = '10800' %][% END -%]
[%- IF machines          == '' %][% machines        = 'einstein,hawking,turing' %][% END -%]
[%- IF producer          == '' %][% producer        = '' %][% END -%]
[%- IF producer_params   == '' %][% producer_params = '' %][% END -%]
[%- IF producer_env      == '' %][% producer_env    = '' %][% END -%]
[%- IF shorttitle_test_host  == '' %][% shorttitle_test_host    = '' %][% END -%]
[%- IF shorttitle_test_guest == '' %][% shorttitle_test_guest   = '' %][% END -%]
[%- shorttitle_test_host = BLOCK %][% IF tests_host.match(',') %]MULTI[% ELSE %][% tests_host.replace('.*/([^/]+)$', '$1').replace('^(xen|kvm|any)-','').replace('\.sh$','').replace('\.t$','').replace('[-_]','') %][% END %][% END -%]
[%- IF title             == ''    %][% title          = BLOCK %]Starter[%- IF shorttitle_test_host != '' %]-[% shorttitle_test_host %][% ELSE %][% END %][%- IF shorttitle_test_guest != '' %]-[% shorttitle_test_guest %][% END %][% END %][% END -%]
[%- IF titlesuffix       == ''    %][% titlesuffix = BLOCK %][%- IF shorttitle_benchmark_guest != '' %][% shorttitle_benchmark_guest %][% END %][% END %][% END -%]
[%- AllMachines       = machines.split(',')      || [] -%]
[%- AllTestsHost      = tests_host.split(',')    || [] -%]
[%- AllProducerEnv    = producer_env.split(';')  || [] -%]
[% fullname = BLOCK %][% title %][% IF titlesuffix %]-[% titlesuffix %][% END %][% END %]
### Start a local program to initiate a testrun.
### [topic.any.generic.local]
### Name   : [% fullname %]
### Optional params:
###   -Dtests_host=<testname>    Starter scripts, comma separated;                          default: /PATH/TO/
###   -Dtest_timeout=<seconds>   Timeout for tests;                                         default: 10800 (3h)
###   -Dmachines=<machine>       Machine names, comma separated;                            default: einstein,hawking,turing
###   -Dqueue=<queue>            Queue to use;                                              default: AdHoc
###   -Dtitlesuffix=<string>     Suffix to be used in testplan and testrun names;           default: <empty>
###   -Dproducer=<programname>   Program to produce preconditions;                          default: <empty>
###   -Dproducer_params=<paramlist> Parameter line to producer program;                     default: <empty>
###   -Dproducer_env=<varlist>   Env vars to producer; semicolon-separated key=value pairs; default: <empty>
### Available values:
###   machines:
[%- FILTER Autoformat(all => 1) %]
###      [% FOREACH m = machine_list -%][% m %], [% END %]
[% END %]
##   tests (tests_host, tests_guest):
##      - non-path words are interpreted as Autotest subtests:
[%- FILTER Autoformat(all => 1) %]
##          [% FOREACH t = useful_autotest_tests -%][% t %], [% END %]
[%- END -%]
##      - absolute path names, like "/data/tapper/autoreport/mytest.t"
##        are interpreted as script to execute (and every file inside
##        that path/* will also be copied)
###   producer:
###      SYNOPSIS:
###        -Dproducer_params="-Dcc=gcc -Dprefix=/usr/local"
###        -Dproducer_env="CFLAGS='-O2 -march=k6 -mcpu=k6';TARGETNAME=example-kernel-file'"
### Typical command lines (User tapper@tapper):
###   $ tapper testplan-new --file [% env.HOME %]/.tapper/testplans/topic/any/generic/local
###   $ tapper testplan-new --file [% env.HOME %]/.tapper/testplans/topic/any/generic/local -Dmachines=machine1,machine2
###   $ tapper testplan-new --file [% env.HOME %]/.tapper/testplans/topic/any/generic/local -Dmachines=lemure -Dtests_host=/PATH/TO/,/PATH/TO/
[%- FOREACH machine = AllMachines %]
type: multitest
   shortname: "[% title %] - [% kernelpkg %]"
   topic: [% topic %]
   queue: [% queue %]
        - [% machine %]
[%- IF producer != '' %]
        - precondition_type: produce
          producer: ExternalProgram
          program: [% producer %]
[%-    IF producer_params != '' %]
            - [% producer_params %]
[%     END -%][%# IF producer_params -%]
[%-    IF producer_env != '' %]
[%-       FOREACH env = AllProducerEnv %][% env_entry = env.split('=') %][%# beware of values containing "=" %]
            [% env_entry.0 %]: [% env_entry.slice(1,env_entry.max).join("=") %]
[%-       END -%]
[%     END -%]
[% END -%][%# IF producer %]
[%- FOREACH test0 = AllTestsHost %]
        - precondition_type: testprogram
          program: [% test0 %]
          timeout: [% test_timeout %]
          capture: tap
[% END -%][%# FOREACH AllTestsHost testprograms %]
        - precondition_type: hint
          skip_install: 1
          local: 1
[%- END %][%# FOREACH AllMachines %]