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#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

# get rid of warnings
use Class::C3;
use MRO::Compat;

use Tapper::Model 'model';

use Data::Dumper;
use Test::Fixture::DBIC::Schema;
use Tapper::Schema::TestTools;

use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        construct_fixture( schema  => testrundb_schema,  fixture => 't/fixtures/testrundb/testrun_with_scheduling_run1.yml' );
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

use aliased 'Tapper::MCP::Scheduler::Controller';
use aliased 'Tapper::MCP::Scheduler::Algorithm';
use aliased 'Tapper::MCP::Scheduler::Algorithm::DummyAlgorithm';
use aliased 'Tapper::Producer::DummyProducer';

# --------------------------------------------------

my $algorithm = Algorithm->new_with_traits ( traits => [DummyAlgorithm] );
my $scheduler = Controller->new (algorithm => $algorithm);

# --------------------------------------------------

my $free_hosts;
my $next_job;
my @free_host_names;
my @queues;

# Job 1

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(iring bullock dickstone athene bascha)], "free hosts: all");
$next_job   = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 201, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "bullock", "fitting host bullock");
my $job1 = $next_job;

# Job 2

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(iring dickstone athene bascha)], "free hosts: bullock taken");
$next_job   = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 301, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "iring", "fitting host iring");
my $job2 = $next_job;

# Job 3

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene bascha)], "free hosts: iring taken");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 101, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "bascha", "fitting host bascha");
my $job3 = $next_job;

# Intermediate state

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene)], "free hosts: bascha taken");

$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Indeed no fitting while all requested machines busy");

# ask once again unsuccessfully
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting while all requested machines busy");

# finish Job2
is($job2->status, "finished", "job2 finished");
is($job2->host->free, 1, "host of job2 free again");
is($job2->host->name, "iring", "and it is indeed iring");
is($job2->queue->name, "Kernel", "and it is a Kernel job");

# Job 4
$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring)], "free hosts: iring available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 302, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "iring", "fitting host iring");
is($next_job->queue->name, "Kernel", "it is a Kernel job");
my $job4 = $next_job;

# intermediate state
my @non_scheduled_jobs = map {$_->id} model('TestrunDB')->resultset('TestrunScheduling')->non_scheduled_jobs->all;
cmp_bag([ @non_scheduled_jobs ], [102, 103, 202, 203, 303], 'Jobs waiting for schedule');

# finish Job 4
is($job4->status, "finished", "job4 finished");
is($job4->host->free, 1, "host of job4 free again");
is($job4->host->name, "iring", "and it is indeed iring");
is($job4->queue->name, "Kernel", "and it is a Kernel job");

# check state of merged queue AFTER FINISH

# Job 5

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring)], "free hosts: iring available");

$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 303, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "iring", "fitting host iring");
is($next_job->queue->name, "Kernel", "it is a Kernel job");

my $job5 = $next_job;

# check queue, no new because merged queue is full

# try an unsuccessful one

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene)], "free hosts: only useless hosts");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# Finish Job 5

is($job4->status, "finished", "job5 finished");
is($job4->host->free, 1, "host of job5 free again");
is($job4->host->name, "iring", "and it is indeed iring");
is($job4->queue->name, "Kernel", "and it is a Kernel job");

# check state of merged queue AFTER FINISH

# try an unsuccessful one

# but the last Xen job get slurped into merged queue

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring)], "free hosts: iring available again");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# trying the same no-success again

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring)], "free hosts: iring available again");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# trying the same no-success a third time

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring)], "free hosts: iring available again");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# Finish Job 1

is($job1->status, "finished", "job1 finished");
is($job1->host->free, 1, "host of job1 free again");
is($job1->host->name, "bullock", "and it is indeed bullock");
is($job1->queue->name, "KVM", "and it is a KVM job");

# check state of merged queue AFTER FINISH

# check queue

# Job 6

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bullock)], "free hosts: iring and bullock available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 202, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "bullock", "fitting host bullock");
is($next_job->queue->name, "KVM", "it is a KVM job");
my $job6 = $next_job;

# check queue, no new because merged queue is full

# Finish Job 3

is($job3->status, "finished", "job3 finished");
is($job3->host->free, 1, "host of job3 free again");
is($job3->host->name, "bascha", "and it is indeed bascha");
is($job3->queue->name, "Xen", "and it is a Xen job");

# check state of merged queue AFTER FINISH

# check queue

# check free hosts
$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bascha)], "free hosts: iring and bascha available");

# currently running: Job 6-bullock-KVM

# Job 7

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bascha)], "free hosts: iring and bascha available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 102, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "bascha", "fitting host bascha");
is($next_job->queue->name, "Xen", "it is a Xen job");
my $job7 = $next_job;

# check queue, no new because merged queue is full

# check free hosts
$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring )], "free hosts: iring available");

# currently running: Job 6-bullock-KVM, 7-bascha-Xen

# Finish Job 7

is($job7->status, "finished", "job7 finished");
is($job7->host->free, 1, "host of job7 free again");
is($job7->host->name, "bascha", "and it is indeed bascha");
is($job7->queue->name, "Xen", "and it is a Xen job");

# check state of merged queue AFTER FINISH

# check queue

# check free hosts
$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bascha)], "free hosts: dickstone athene iring bascha");

# currently running: Job 6-bullock-KVM

# Finish Job 6

is($job6->status, "finished", "job6 finished");
is($job6->host->free, 1, "host of job7 free again");
is($job6->host->name, "bullock", "and it is indeed bullock");
is($job6->queue->name, "KVM", "and it is a KVM job");

# check state of merged queue AFTER FINISH

# check queue

# check free hosts
$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bascha bullock)], "free hosts: dickstone athene iring bascha bullock");

# currently running: none

# Job 8

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bascha bullock)], "free hosts: dickstone athene iring bascha bullock");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 203, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "bullock", "fitting host bullock");
is($next_job->queue->name, "KVM", "it is a KVM job");
my $job8 = $next_job;

# check free hosts
$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bascha)], "free hosts: dickstone athene iring bascha");

# currently running: Job 8-bullock-KVM

# Job 9

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bascha )], "free hosts: dickstone athene iring bascha");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job->id, 103, "next fitting host");
is($next_job->host->name, "bascha", "fitting host bascha");
is($next_job->queue->name, "Xen", "it is a Xen job");
my $job9 = $next_job;

# check queue, no new because merged queue is full

# check free hosts
$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring )], "free hosts: iring available");

# currently running: Job 8-bullock-KVM, Job 9-bascha-Xen

# try an unsuccessful get_next_job

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring)], "free hosts: iring available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# try second time unsuccessfully

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring)], "free hosts: iring available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# try third time unsuccessfully, just to be sure

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring)], "free hosts: iring available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# currently running: Job 8-bullock-KVM, Job 9-bascha-Xen

# Finish Job 8

is($job8->status, "finished", "job8 finished");
is($job8->host->free, 1, "host of job8 free again");
is($job8->host->name, "bullock", "and it is indeed bullock");
is($job8->queue->name, "KVM", "and it is a KVM job");

# check state of merged queue AFTER FINISH

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bullock)], "free hosts: iring, bullock available");

# currently running: Job 9-bascha-Xen

# Finish Job 9

is($job9->status, "finished", "job9 finished");
is($job9->host->free, 1, "host of job9 free again");
is($job9->host->name, "bascha", "and it is indeed bascha");
is($job9->queue->name, "Xen", "and it is a Xen job");

# check state of merged queue AFTER FINISH

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bullock bascha)], "free hosts: iring, bullock, bascha available");

# currently running: none

# try an unsuccessful get_next_job

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bullock bascha)], "free hosts: iring, bullock, bascha available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# try second time unsuccessfully

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bullock bascha)], "free hosts: iring, bullock, bascha available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");

# try third time unsuccessfully, just to be sure

$free_hosts = model("TestrunDB")->resultset("Host")->free_hosts;
@free_host_names = map { $_->name } $free_hosts->all;
cmp_bag(\@free_host_names, [qw(dickstone athene iring bullock bascha)], "free hosts: iring, bullock, bascha available");
$next_job = $scheduler->get_next_job();
is($next_job, undef, "Again no fitting for available machines");


# - drop "", now all in MCP