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package DBIx::DBH;

our $VERSION = '1.0';

use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;

has [ 'username', 'password' ] => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');

subtype 'DSNHashRef'  => as 'HashRef'  => where { defined($_->{driver}) };

has 'dsn'  => (is => 'rw', isa => 'DSNHashRef');
has 'attr' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef');
has 'debug' => (is => 'rw', default => 0);

sub BUILD {
    #warn Dumper($self);

sub dsn_string {

  my %dsn = % { $self->dsn } ;
  my $driver = delete($dsn{driver});
  my $dsn = "dbi:$driver";

  my $extra = join ';', map { sprintf "%s=%s", $_, $dsn{$_} } (sort keys %dsn) ;
  length($extra) and $dsn = "$dsn:$extra";

  $self->debug and warn "dsn: $dsn";


sub for_dbi {

  my @dbi = ($self->dsn_string, $self->username, $self->password, $self->attr);
  $self->debug and warn "dbi data: " . Dumper(\@dbi);

sub for_skinny {
  my @data = 
   dsn => $self->dsn_string, 
   username => $self->username, 
   password => $self->password
  $self->debug and warn "skinny data: " . Dumper(\@data);

sub for_rose_db {

  my @data = (
   username => $self->username,
   password => $self->password,

  $self->debug and warn "data: " . Dumper(\@data);


sub dbh {

  use DBI;

  my $dbh = DBI->connect($self->for_dbi)

sub conn {

  require DBIx::Connector;

  my $dbh = DBIx::Connector->new($self->for_dbi);


# Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it!

=head1 NAME

 DBIx::DBH - helper for DBI connection( data)?


 use DBIx::DBH;

 my $config = DBIx::DBH->new
     user => $user,
     pass => $pass,
     dsn  => { driver => 'mysql', port => 3306 },
     attr => { RaiseError => 1 }

 $config->for_skinny ; # outputs data structure for DBIx::Skinny setup
 $config->for_rose_db; # outputs data structure for Rose::DB::register_db
 $config->for_dbi;     # outputs data structure for DBI connect()
 $config->dbh;  # makes a database connection with DBI
 $config->conn; # makes a DBIx::Connector instance


L<DBIx::DBH> allows you to specify the DBI dsn ( L<DBI/"connect> )
as a hash ref instead of a string. A hashref is a more viable structure
in a few cases:

=over 4

=item * working with Rose::DB

L<Rose::DB::Tutorial/Registering_data_sources> shows that L<Rose::DB>
expects the dsn information as discrete key-value pairs as opposed to
a string. The C<< ->for_rose_db >> method takes the DBIx::DBH instance
and returns a hash array which can be consumed by L<Rose::DB/register_db>

NOTE: A working example for using DBIx::DBH to connect in 
L<Rose::DB::Object> is L<here|>

=item * working with DBIx:Skinny

Unless you pass in a living, breathing L<DBI> database handle,
L<DBIx::Skinny> expects the connection information to be passed in
key-value pairs. The C<< ->for_skinny >> addresses this API demand.

NOTE: A working example for using DBIx::DBH to connect in
L<DBIx::Skinny> is L<here|>

=item * programmatic connection attempts

It is much easier to manipulate a hash programmatically if you need to 
systematically modify it as part of a series of connection attempts.

=item * high-level structure

Whether you are talking about configuration file utilities or form data,
most data from these modules comes back directly as hashes. So you have
a more direct way of shuttling data into a database connection if you 
use this module:

   my $dbh = DBIx::DBH->new(map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } 
                 grep(/dsn|user|pass/, keys %{$cgi->Vars})->dbh;

Instead of a bunch of string twiddling.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 for_dbi

Returns data in a format suitable for calling C<< DBI->connect >>.

=head3 dbh

Actually constructs a L<DBI|DBI> database handle via  C<< DBI->connect >>.

=head3 conn

Actually constructs a L<DBIx::Connect|DBIx::Connector> database handle.

=head2 for_skinny

Returns data in a format suitable for using L<DBIx::Skinny|DBIx::Skinny>.

=head2 for_rose_db

Returns data in a format suitable for using L<Rose::DB>

=head1 Legacy Version

A procedural version of DBIx::DBH is still available as

=head1 An example extension

The file F<> in L<DBIx::Cookbook> is an example of deriving a connection
class from DBIx::DBH -


=head1 SEE ALSO


=item * L<Config::DBI>

=item * L<DBIx::Connect>

=item * L<DBIx::Password>

=item * L<Ima::DBI>


=head2 Links

=head3 "Avoiding compound data in software and system design"


=head1 AUTHOR

Terrence Brannon, C<< >>

thanks to Khisanth, Possum and DrForr on #perl-help




Copyright (C) by Terrence Brannon

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
