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package Tickit::Widget::Table;
# ABSTRACT: a table widget for larger datasets
use strict;
use warnings;

use parent qw(Tickit::Widget);

our $VERSION = '0.216';

=head1 NAME

Tickit::Widget::Table - table widget with support for scrolling/paging

=head1 VERSION

version 0.216


 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Tickit;
 use Tickit::Widget::Table;
 my $tbl = Tickit::Widget::Table->new;
 	label => 'Left',
 	align => 'left',
 	width => 8,
 	label => 'Second column',
 	align => 'centre'
 $tbl->adapter->push([ map [qw(left middle)], 1..100 ]);
 Tickit->new(root => $tbl)->run;


B<WARNING>: This is still a preview release. API might be subject to change in
future, please get in contact if you're using this, or wait for version 1.000.

=begin HTML

<p>Basic rendering:</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Paged table widget in action" width="430" height="306"></p>
<p>Adapter updating dynamically, styled columns, deferred loading:</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Paged table widget in action" width="539" height="315"></p>

=end HTML

This widget provides a scrollable table implementation for use on larger data
sets. Rather than populating the table with values, you provide an adapter
which implements the C<count> and C<get> methods, and the table widget will
query the adapter for the current "page" of values.

This abstraction should allow access to larger datasets than would fit in
available memory, such as a database table or procedurally-generated data.

See L<Adapter::Async::OrderedList::Array> if your data is stored in a Perl
array. Other subclasses may be available if you have a different source.

=head2 Transformations

Apply to:

=over 4

=item * Row

=item * Column

=item * Cell


=head3 Item transformations

This takes the original data item for the row, and returns one of the following:

=over 4

=item * Future - when resolved, the items will be used as cells

=item * Arrayref - holds the cells directly


The data item can be anything - an array-backed adapter would return an arrayref, ORM will give you an object for basic collections.

Any number of cells may be returned from a row transformation, but you may get odd results if the cell count is not consistent.

An array adapter needs no row transformation, due to the arrayref behaviour. You could provide a Future alternative:

 $row->apply_transformation(sub {
  my ($item) = @_;

For the ORM example, something like this:

 $row->apply_transformation(sub {
  my ($item) = @_;
   map $item->$_, qw(id name created)

=head3 Column transformations

Column transformations are used to apply styles and formats.

You get an input value, and return either a string or a Future.

Example date+colour transformation on column:

 $col->apply_transformation(sub {
  my $v = shift;
   String::Tagged->new(strftime '%Y-%m-%d', $v)
   ->apply_tag(0, 4, b => 1)
   ->apply_tag(5, 1, fg => 8)
   ->apply_tag(6, 2, fg => 4)
   ->apply_tag(9, 1, fg => 8)

=head3 Cell transformations

Cell transformations are for cases where you need fine control over individual components. They operate similarly to column transformations,
taking the input value and returning either a string or a Future.

Typical example would be a spreadsheet:

 $cell->apply_transformation(sub {
  my $v = shift;
  return $v unless blessed $v;
  return eval $v if $v->is_formula;
  return $v->to_string if $v->is_formatted;
  return "$v"

=head3 View transformations

This happen every time the row is rendered. They provide the ability to do view-specific modification,
such as replacing long strings with an elided version ("Some lengthy messa...")


use Tickit::RenderBuffer qw(LINE_SINGLE LINE_DOUBLE CAP_BOTH);
use Tickit::Utils qw(distribute substrwidth align textwidth chars2cols);
use String::Tagged;
use Future::Utils qw(fmap_void try_repeat);
use Tickit::Style;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number blessed);
use POSIX qw(floor);

use Adapter::Async::OrderedList;
use Adapter::Async::OrderedList::Array;

use constant WIDGET_PEN_FROM_STYLE => 1;
use constant CLEAR_BEFORE_RENDER   => 0;
use constant KEYPRESSES_FROM_STYLE => 1;
use constant CAN_FOCUS             => 1;

	style_definition 'base' =>
		cell_padding         => 1,
		fg                   => 'white',
		highlight_b          => 1,
		highlight_fg         => 'yellow',
		highlight_bg         => 'blue',
		selected_b           => 1,
		selected_fg          => 'white',
		selected_bg          => 'red',
		header_b             => 1,
		header_fg            => 'blue',
		scrollbar_fg         => 'white',
		scrollbar_bg         => 'black',
		scrollbar_line_style => 'none',
		scroll_b             => 1,
		scroll_fg            => 'white',
		scroll_bg            => 'black',
#		scroll_line_style    => 'block';
# Technically we should ignore any keyboard input if we don't have focus,
# but other widgets don't currently do this and things seem to work without
# it anyway.
#	style_definition ':focus' =>
		'<Up>'               => 'previous_row',
		'<Down>'             => 'next_row',
		'<PageUp>'           => 'previous_page',
		'<PageDown>'         => 'next_page',
		'<Home>'             => 'first_row',
		'<End>'              => 'last_row',
		'<Left>'             => 'previous_column',
		'<Right>'            => 'next_column',
		'<Space>'            => 'select_toggle',
		'<Enter>'            => 'activate';

# Allow more descriptive terms for column alignment - these
# map to the values allowed by the Tickit::Utils::align series
# of functions.
	left   => 0,
	right  => 1,
	centre => 0.5,
	center => 0.5,
	middle => 0.5,

=head1 METHODS


=head2 new

Instantiate. Will attempt to take focus.

Takes the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * on_activate - coderef to call when the user hits the Enter key,
will be passed the highlighted row or selection when in C<multi_select> mode,
see L</on_activate> for more details.

=item * multi_select - when set, the widget will allow selection of multiple
rows (typically by pressing Space to toggle a given row)

=item * adapter - an L<Adapter::Async::OrderedList::Array> instance

=item * data - alternative to passing an adapter, if you want to wrap an existing
array without creating an L<Adapter::Async::OrderedList> subclass yourself


Returns a new instance.


sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my %attr;
	$attr{$_} = delete $args{$_} for qw(
	$attr{header_visible} //= 1;
	$attr{header_lines} //= 1;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

	# First we assign the adapter, since it might be used elsewhere
	$attr{adapter} ||= Adapter::Async::OrderedList::Array->new(
		data => delete($attr{data}) || []
	$self->on_adapter_change(delete $attr{adapter});

	# Special-case parameters which need method calls
	$self->on_activate(delete $attr{on_activate}) if $attr{on_activate};
	$self->multi_select(delete $attr{multi_select} || 0);

	# Some defaults
	$attr{item_transformations} ||= [ ];
	$attr{cell_transformations} ||= { };
	$attr{failure_transformations} = [ $attr{failure_transformations} ] if $attr{failure_transformations} && ref $attr{failure_transformations} eq 'CODE';
	$attr{view_transformations} = [ $attr{view_transformations} ] if $attr{view_transformations} && ref $attr{view_transformations} eq 'CODE';
	$attr{highlight_row} //= 0;

	# Apply our attributes now
	my @cols = @{ delete $attr{columns} || [] };
	$self->{$_} = $attr{$_} for keys %attr;
	for my $col (@cols) {

sub adapter { shift->{adapter} }

=head2 bus

Bus for event handling. Normally an L<Adapter::Async::Bus> instance
shared by the adapter.


sub bus { $_[0]->{bus} ||= $_[0]->adapter->bus }

=head1 METHODS - Table content

=head2 clear

Clear all data in the table.


sub clear {
	my $self = shift;
	# Let our event handler take care of any required cleanup here

=head2 expose_row

Expose the given row (provided as an index into the underlying storage).



sub expose_row {
	my ($self, $idx) = @_;
	if(my $win = $self->window) {
		my $row = $self->row_from_idx($idx);
		return $self unless $row >= 0;
		my $rect = Tickit::Rect->new(
			top   => $row,
			left  => 0,
			lines => 1,
			cols  => $win->cols
		$win->expose($rect) if $rect;
	return $self;

=head2 add_column

Add a new column. Takes the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * width - (optional) number of columns

=item * type - (optional) data type, currently only supports 'text' (the default)

=item * align - (optional) align left, center or right

=item * transform - (optional) list of transformations to apply

=item * visible - (optional) true if this column should be shown


Returns $self.


sub add_column {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	# delete $args{width} if $args{width} eq 'auto';
	@args{qw(base expand)} = (0,1) unless exists $args{width};
	$args{fixed} = delete $args{width} if looks_like_number($args{width});
	$args{type} ||= 'text';
	$args{align} = $ALIGNMENT_TYPE{$args{align}} if defined($args{align}) && exists $ALIGNMENT_TYPE{$args{align}};
	$args{align} ||= 0;
	$args{visible} //= 1;
	$args{transform} ||= [];
	$args{transform} = [ $args{transform} ] unless ref $args{transform} eq 'ARRAY';
	push @{$self->{columns}}, \%args;
	return $self if $self->{distribute_pending};
	return $self unless my $win = $self->window;
	$self->{distribute_pending} = 1;
	$win->term->later(sub {
		return unless $self->{distribute_pending};
		delete $self->{distribute_pending};

=head2 selected_rows

Returns the selected row, or multiple rows as a list if multi_select is enabled.
If multi_select is enabled it does not return the row currently highlighted (unless that row is also selected).


sub selected_rows {
	my $self = shift;

	if($self->multi_select) {
		my @selected = sort { $a <=> $b } grep $self->{selected}{$_}, keys %{$self->{selected}};
		return @{$self->data}[@selected];
	} else {
		my $idx = $self->highlight_row;
		return $self->data->[$idx];

=head1 METHODS - Callbacks

=head2 on_activate

Accessor for the activation callback - if called without parameters,
will return the current coderef (if any), otherwise, will set the new

This callback will be triggered via L</key_activate>:

 $code->($row_index, $row_data_as_arrayref)

If multiselect is enabled, the callback will have the following:

   [$highlight_row_index, @selected_row_indices],

(the selected row data + index list could be empty here)


sub on_activate {
	my $self = shift;
	if(@_) {
		$self->{on_activate} = shift;
		return $self;
	return $self->{on_activate}

=head2 multi_select

Accessor for multi_select mode - when set, this allows multiple rows
to be selected.


sub multi_select {
	my $self = shift;
	if(@_) {
		$self->{multi_select} = shift;
		return $self;
	return $self->{multi_select} ? 1 : 0

=head1 METHODS - Other

=head2 lines

Number of lines to request.


sub lines { 1 }

=head2 cols

Number of columns to request.


sub cols { 1 }

=head2 vscroll

True if there's a vertical scrollbar (currently there is no way to
disable this scrollbar).


sub vscroll { 1 }

=head2 hscroll

True if there's a horizontal scrollbar. There isn't one, this always
returns false.


sub hscroll { 0 }

=head2 row_offset

Current row offset (vertical scroll position).


sub row_offset { shift->{row_offset} //= 0 }

=head2 header_rect

Returns the L<Tickit::Rect> representing the header area.


sub header_rect {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{header_rect} ||= Tickit::Rect->new(
		top   => 0,
		lines => $self->header_lines,
		left  => 0,
		cols  => $self->window->cols

=head2 body_rect

Returns the L<Tickit::Rect> representing the body area.


sub body_rect {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{body_rect} ||= Tickit::Rect->new(
		top   => $self->header_lines,
		lines => $self->window->lines - $self->header_lines,
		left  => 0,
		cols  => $self->window->cols - 1

=head2 scrollbar_rect

Returns the L<Tickit::Rect> representing the scroll bar.


sub scrollbar_rect {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{scrollbar_rect} ||= Tickit::Rect->new(
		top   => $self->header_lines,
		bottom => $self->window->lines - 1,
		left  => $self->window->cols - 1,
		cols  => 1,

=head2 hide_header

Removes the header - the body will expand upwards to compensate.

sub hide_header {
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->window->expose if $self->window;
	delete @{$self}{qw(body_rect header_rect scrollbar_rect)};
	$self->{header_visible} = 0;

=head2 show_header

Makes the header visible again. See L</hide_header>.


sub show_header {
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->{header_visible} = 1;
	delete @{$self}{qw(body_rect header_rect scrollbar_rect)};
	$self->window->expose if $self->window;

=head2 header_visible

Returns true if the header is visible, 0 otherwise.


sub header_visible { $_[0]{header_visible} ? 1 : 0 }

=head2 header_lines

Returns the number of lines in the header. Hardcoded to 1.


sub header_lines { $_[0]->header_visible ? $_[0]->{header_lines} : 0 }

=head2 body_lines

Returns the number of lines in the body.


sub body_lines { $_[0]->window->lines - $_[0]->header_lines }

=head2 body_cols

Returns the number of columns in the body.


sub body_cols { $_[0]->window->cols - 1 }

=head2 idx_from_row

Returns a storage index from a body row index.


sub idx_from_row {
	my ($self, $row) = @_;
	return $self->row_offset + $row - $self->header_lines;

=head2 row_from_idx

Returns a body row index from a storage index.


sub row_from_idx {
	my ($self, $idx) = @_;
	return $self->header_lines + $idx - $self->row_offset;

=head2 row_cache_idx

Returns a row cache offset from a storage index.


sub row_cache_idx {
	my ($self, $idx) = @_;
	die "no window yet" unless $self->window;
	return $self->body_lines + $idx - $self->row_offset;

=head2 idx_from_row_cache

Returns a storage index from a row cache offset.


sub idx_from_row_cache {
	my ($self, $row) = @_;
	return $row + $self->row_offset - $self->body_lines;

sub column_width {
	my ($self, $idx) = @_;

=head2 highlight_row

Returns the index of the currently-highlighted row.


sub highlight_row {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{highlight_row};

=head2 highlight_visible_row

Returns the position of the highlighted row taking scrollbar into account.


sub highlight_visible_row {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{highlight_row} - $self->row_offset;

sub loading_message { 'Loading...' }

=head1 METHODS - Rendering

=head2 render_to_rb

Render the table. Called from expose events.


sub render_to_rb {
	my ($self, $rb, $rect) = @_;
	my $win = $self->window;
	$self->{highlight_row} ||= 0;

	$self->render_header($rb, $rect) if $self->header_visible;
	$self->render_body($rb, $rect);
	$self->render_scrollbar($rb, $rect) if $self->vscroll;
	my $highlight_pos = $self->header_lines + $self->highlight_visible_row;
	$win->cursor_at($highlight_pos, 0);

=head2 render_header

Render the header area.


sub render_header {
	my ($self, $rb, $rect) = @_;

	$rect = $rect->intersect($self->header_rect)
		or return $self;

	$rb->goto(0, 0);
	for my $col (0..$#{$self->{columns}}) {
		my $def = $self->{columns}[$col];
		$self->render_header_cell($rb, $def);
	$rb->erase_to($self->window->cols, $self->get_style_pen('padding'));

=head2 render_header_cell

Render a specific header cell.


sub render_header_cell {
	my ($self, $rb, $def) = @_;
	my $base_pen = $self->get_style_pen(
	$rb->erase_to($def->{start}, $base_pen) if $def->{start};
	my ($pre, undef, $post) = align textwidth($def->{label} // ''), $def->{value} // 0, $def->{align} // 0;
	$rb->erase($pre, $base_pen) if $pre;
	$rb->text($def->{label} // '', $base_pen);
	$rb->erase($post, $base_pen) if $post;

=head2 render_scrollbar

Render the scrollbar.


sub render_scrollbar {
	my ($self, $rb, $rect) = @_;
	return $self unless my $win = $self->window;

	$rect = $rect->intersect($self->scrollbar_rect)
		or return $self;

	my $cols = $win->cols - 1;
	my $h = $win->lines - $self->header_lines;

	# Need to clear any line content first, since we may be overwriting part of
	# the previous scrollbar rendering here
			top => $self->header_lines,
			left => $cols,
			right => $cols,
			bottom => $h,
	if(my ($min, $max) = map $self->header_lines + $_, $self->scroll_rows) {
		# Scrollbar should be shown, since we don't have all rows visible on the screen at once
		$rb->vline_at($self->header_lines, $min - 1, $cols, LINE_SINGLE, $self->get_style_pen('scrollbar'), CAP_BOTH) if $min > 1;
		$rb->vline_at($min, $max, $cols, LINE_DOUBLE, $self->get_style_pen('scroll'), CAP_BOTH);
		$rb->vline_at($max + 1, $h, $cols, LINE_SINGLE, $self->get_style_pen('scrollbar'), CAP_BOTH) if $max < $h;
	} else {
		# Placeholder scrollbar - just render it as empty
		$rb->vline_at($self->header_lines, $h, $cols, LINE_SINGLE, $self->get_style_pen('scrollbar'), CAP_BOTH);

=head2 render_body

Render the table body.


sub render_body {
	my ($self, $rb, $rect) = @_;
	return $self unless my $win = $self->window;

	# Make sure we only step through the parts of
	# the expose event that relate to the body
	# area
	$rect = $rect->intersect($self->body_rect)
		or return $self;

	for my $line ($rect->linerange) {
		my $idx = $self->idx_from_row($line);
		if(my $f = $self->row_cache($idx)) {
			if($f->is_done) {
				$self->render_row($rb, $rect, $idx, $f->get);
			} elsif($f->is_ready) {
				$self->render_failed_row($rb, $rect, $idx, $f->is_cancelled ? 'cancelled' : $self->failure_transform($f->failure));
			} else {
				$self->render_pending_row($rb, $rect, $idx);
		} else {
			$rb->erase_at($line, $rect->left, $rect->cols, $self->get_style_pen);

sub failure_transform {
	my ($self, $msg) = @_;
	return $msg unless my $ft = $self->{failure_transformations};
	$msg = $_->($msg) for @$ft;

=head2 render_row

Renders a given row, using storage index.


sub render_row {
	my ($self, $rb, $rect, $row, $data) = @_;

	my $line = $self->row_from_idx($row);
	my $base_pen = $self->get_style_pen(
		($row == $self->highlight_row)
		? 'highlight'
		: ($self->multi_select && $self->{selected}{$line + $self->row_offset - $self->header_lines})
		? 'selected'
		: undef
	for my $col (0..$#$data) {
		my $v = $self->apply_view_transformations($row, $col, $data->[$col]) // '';
		my $def = $self->{columns}[$col];
		$rb->goto($line, $def->{start} // 0);
		# Prevent any vertical whitespace because we only handle single-line widgets, and textwidth() returns
		# undef on \n
		$v =~ s/\v+/ /g;
		my ($pre, undef, $post) = align textwidth($v), $def->{value} // 0, $def->{align} // 0;
		$rb->erase($pre, $base_pen) if $pre;
		if(blessed($v) && $v->isa('String::Tagged')) {
			# Copy before modifying, might be overkill?
			my $st = String::Tagged->new($v);
			$st->merge_tags(sub {
				my ($k, $left, $right) = @_;
				return $left eq $right;
			$st->iter_substr_nooverlap(sub {
				my ($substr, %tags) = @_;
				my %attr = (
				my $pen = Tickit::Pen::Immutable->new(%attr);
				$rb->text($substr, $pen);
		} else {
			$rb->text($v, $base_pen);
		$rb->erase($post, $base_pen) if $post;
		my $target = $col < $#$data ? $self->{columns}[$col + 1]->{start} : $self->body_cols;
		$rb->erase_to($target, $base_pen) if $target;

sub render_failed_row {
	my ($self, $rb, $rect, $row, $failure) = @_;

	my $line = $self->row_from_idx($row);
	my $base_pen = $self->get_style_pen(
		($row == $self->highlight_row)
		? 'highlight'
		: ($self->multi_select && $self->{selected}{$line + $self->row_offset - $self->header_lines})
		? 'selected'
		: 'failed'

	$rb->goto($line, 0);
	($failure //= '') =~ s/\v+/ /g;
	my $w = textwidth($failure);
	die "undef \$w from $failure" unless defined $w;
	my ($pre, undef, $post) = align $w, $self->body_cols // 1, 0.5;
	$rb->erase($pre, $base_pen) if $pre;
	$rb->text($failure, $base_pen);
	$rb->erase($post, $base_pen) if $post;

sub render_pending_row {
	my ($self, $rb, $rect, $row) = @_;

	my $line = $self->row_from_idx($row);
	my $base_pen = $self->get_style_pen(
		($row == $self->highlight_row)
		? 'highlight'
		: ($self->multi_select && $self->{selected}{$line + $self->row_offset - $self->header_lines})
		? 'selected'
		: 'pending'

	$rb->goto($line, 0);
	my ($pre, undef, $post) = align textwidth($self->loading_message // ''), $self->body_cols // 1, 0.5;
	$rb->erase($pre, $base_pen) if $pre;
	$rb->text($self->loading_message, $base_pen);
	$rb->erase($post, $base_pen) if $post;

=head2 on_scroll

Update row cache to reflect a scroll event.


sub on_scroll {
	my ($self, $offset) = @_;
	die "undef offset" unless defined $offset;

	# Our row cache is a scrolling fixed-size window over the previous,
	# current and next page, so any removals need to be compensated by
	# empty items at the other end
	my @replace = (undef) x ($offset < 0 ? -$offset : $offset);

	my @removed;
	if($offset > 0) {
		# Scrolling down means we throw away the first N rows
		@removed = splice @{$self->{row_cache}}, 0, $offset;
		push @{$self->{row_cache}}, @replace;
	} else {
		# and in the other direction, last N rows
		@removed = splice @{$self->{row_cache}}, @{$self->{row_cache}} + $offset, -$offset, @replace;
		unshift @{$self->{row_cache}}, @replace;

	# Any items that were still in progress are no longer required, make
	# sure we cancel them to avoid unnecessary work.
	$_->cancel for grep defined($_) && !$_->is_ready, @removed;

	return $self if exists $self->{cache_primer};
	$self->{cache_primer} = 1;
	$self->window->tickit->later(sub {
		# Prime the cache for the missing entries
		$self->row_cache($self->idx_from_row_cache($_)) for grep !defined($self->{row_cache}[$_]), 0..$#{$self->{row_cache}}; 
		delete $self->{cache_primer};

=head2 fold_future

Helper method to apply a series of coderefs to a value.


sub fold_future {
	my ($self, $prefix, $item, @steps) = @_;
	return Future->wrap($item) unless @steps;
	try_repeat {
		my $code = shift;
		Future->call(sub { $code->(@$prefix, $item) })->on_done(sub {
			$item = shift
	} foreach => \@steps

sub update_row_cache {
	my ($self, $row) = @_;
	undef $self->{row_cache}[$self->row_cache_idx($row)];
	$self->row_cache($row)->on_ready(sub {

=head2 row_cache

Row cache accessor.


sub row_cache {
	my ($self, $row) = @_;
	$self->{row_cache}[$self->row_cache_idx($row)] ||= do {
		my $found;
			start => $row,
			count => 1,
			on_item => sub {
				# We have an item from storage. No idea what it is, could be an
				# object, hashref, arrayref... the item transformations will
				# convert it into something usable
				my ($idx, $item) = @_;

				# Somewhat tedious way to reduce() a Future chain
				$found = $self->fold_future([ $row ], $item, @{$self->{item_transformations}})
		)->then(sub {
			$found || Future->done
		})->then(sub {
			# Our item is now accessible as an arrayref, start working on the columns
			return Future->done unless @_;
			my ($item) = @_;
			my @pending;
			for my $col (0..$#{$self->{columns}}) {
				my $cell = $item->[$col];
				push @pending, (
					$self->fold_future([ $row, $col ], $cell, @{$self->{columns}[$col]{transform} || [] })
				)->then(sub {
					# hey look at all these optimisations we're not doing
					$self->fold_future([ $row, $col ], shift, @{$self->{cell_transformations}{"$row,$col"} || []})
				})->on_fail(sub { warn "Fail: @_\n" })
			# our transform at the tail of each Future chain should ensure that we
			# end up with a helpful list of cells for this item. One last thing to
			# do: bundle that back into an arrayref, because Reasons.
				done => sub { [ @_ ] }

=head2 apply_view_transformations

Apply the transformations just before we render. Can return anything we know how to render.


sub apply_view_transformations {
	my ($self, $line, $col, $v) = @_;
	$v = $_->($line, $col, $v) for @{$self->{view_transformations}};

=head2 reshape

Handle reshape requests.


sub reshape {
	my $self = shift;
	delete @{$self}{qw(body_rect header_rect scrollbar_rect)};
	# Clear cache on resize... not great but avoids rendering glitches for now.
	$self->{row_cache} = [
		(undef) x ($self->body_lines * 3)

=head2 distribute_columns

Distribute space between columns.


sub distribute_columns {
	my $self = shift;
	my $pad = $self->get_style_values('cell_padding');
	my @spacing = @{$self->{columns}};
	(undef, @spacing) = map {;
			base => $pad,
			expand => 0,
			type => 'padding'
	} @spacing if $pad;
	my $cols = $self->window->cols;
	--$cols if $self->vscroll;
	distribute $cols, @spacing;

=head2 window_gained

Called when a window has been assigned to the widget.


sub window_gained {
	my $self = shift;
	my $win = $self->window;

	# Row cache starts as empty. We should really
	# preserve any previous values here.
	$self->{row_cache} = [
		(undef) x ($self->body_lines * 3)

	# Default anyway in newer versions
	$win->set_expose_after_scroll(1) if $win->can('set_expose_after_scroll');

=head2 expose_rows

Expose the given rows.


sub expose_rows {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self unless my $win = $self->window;
	my $cols = $win->cols;
	map Tickit::Rect->new(
		top => $_,
		left => 0,
		lines => 2,
		cols => $cols
	), @_;

=head2 scroll_highlight

Update scroll information after changing highlight position.


sub scroll_highlight {
	my $self = shift;
	my $offset = shift;
	return $self unless my $win = $self->window;

	if($self->highlight_row + $offset < 0) {
		$offset = -$self->highlight_row;
	if($self->highlight_row + $offset > $self->row_count - 1) {
		$offset = $self->row_count - $self->highlight_row;
	return $self unless my $scrollbar_rect = $self->active_scrollbar_rect;
	my $old = $self->highlight_visible_row;

	# FIXME Work out the changed extents on the
	# scrollbar, and just update those - note that
	# T::W::ScrollBar should already have this logic
	# somewhere, as does ProgressBar
	my $redraw_rect = Tickit::RectSet->new;

	$self->{highlight_row} += $offset;
	$self->{row_offset} += $offset;

	$redraw_rect->add($scrollbar_rect->translate($offset, 0));
	$redraw_rect->add($_) for $self->expose_rows($old, $self->highlight_visible_row);

	my $hdr = $self->header_lines;
	$win->scrollrect($hdr, 0, $win->lines - $hdr, $win->cols, $offset, 0);
	$win->expose($_) for map $_->translate(-$offset, 0), $redraw_rect->rects;

=head2 move_highlight

Move the highlighted row by the given offset (can be negative to move up).


sub move_highlight {
	my $self = shift;
	my $offset = shift;
	return $self unless my $win = $self->window;

	my $old = $self->highlight_visible_row;
	$self->{highlight_row} += $offset;

	$win->expose($_) for $self->expose_rows($old, $self->highlight_visible_row);

=head2 scroll_position

Current vertical scrollbar position.


sub scroll_position { shift->{row_offset} }

=head2 row_count

Total number of rows.


sub row_count {
	my $self = shift;

=head2 sb_height

Current scrollbar height.


sub sb_height {
	my $self = shift;
	my $ext = $self->scroll_dimension;
	my $max = $self->row_count - $ext;
	return 1 unless $max;
	return floor(0.5 + ($ext * $ext / $max));

=head2 scroll_rows

Positions of the scrollbar indicator.


sub scroll_rows {
	my $self = shift;
	my $cur = $self->scroll_position;
	my $ext = $self->scroll_dimension;
	my $max = $self->row_count - $ext;
	return unless $max;
	my $y = floor(0.5 + ($cur * ($ext - $self->sb_height) / $max));
	return $y, $y + $self->sb_height;

=head2 active_scrollbar_rect

Rectangle representing the area covered by the current scrollbar.


sub active_scrollbar_rect {
	my $self = shift;
	return unless my ($start, $end) = $self->scroll_rows;
		top => $self->header_lines + $start,
		bottom => 2 + $end,
		left => $self->window->cols - 1,
		cols => 1,

=head2 scroll_dimension

Size of the vertical scrollbar.


sub scroll_dimension {
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 unless my $win = $self->window;
	$win->lines - 2;

=head2 on_adapter_change

Applies a new adapter, taking care of any cleanup if there was an
adapter previously active.

Can be passed undef, to remove the adapter completely.


sub on_adapter_change {
	my ($self, $adapter) = @_;

	if(my $old = $self->{adapter}) {

	delete $self->{bus};
	$self->{adapter} = $adapter;
	undef $self->{item_count};
	return $self unless $adapter;

	# Want weakrefs in here, because we're storing the subscriptions
	# for later cleanup. 
		$self->{adapter_subscriptions} = [
			splice => $self->curry::weak::on_splice_event,
			clear  => $self->curry::weak::on_clear_event,
			modify => $self->curry::weak::on_modify_event,

	$self->adapter->count->on_done(sub {
		$self->{item_count} = shift

sub idx_in_row_cache_range {
	my ($self, $idx) = @_;
	return 0 unless $self->idx_from_row_cache(0) <= $idx;
	return 0 unless $self->idx_from_row_cache(3 * $self->body_lines - 1) >= $idx;
	return 1;

sub on_modify_event {
	my ($self, $ev, $idx, $data) = @_;
	return unless $self->window;
	$self->update_row_cache($idx) if $self->idx_in_row_cache_range($idx);

=head2 on_splice_event

Invoked by the adapter when data is added to or removed from
the data source.


sub on_splice_event {
	my ($self, $ev, $idx, $len, $data) = @_;

	my $delta = @$data - $len;

	if(my $win = $self->window) {
		# Row cache update
		my $rc_start = $self->idx_from_row_cache(0);
		my $rc_end = $self->idx_from_row_cache(3 * $self->body_lines - 1);

		# Just nuke the cache if this overlaps. It's
		# not very efficient, but should prevent
		# rendering glitches.
		if($idx + $len >= $rc_start && $idx <= $rc_end) {
			undef($_) for @{$self->{row_cache}};
		if($idx + @$data >= $rc_start && $idx <= $rc_end) {
			undef($_) for @{$self->{row_cache}};

		$self->scroll_highlight($delta) if $delta;

	# Either update our cached count based on
	# the change, or request a new count if we have
	# none yet
	if(defined $self->{item_count}) {
		$self->{item_count} += $delta;
	} else {
		$self->adapter->count->on_done(sub {
			$self->{item_count} = shift

=head2 on_clear_event

Called by the adapter when all data has been removed from the
data source.


sub on_clear_event {
	my ($self, $ev) = @_;
	$self->{highlight_row} = 0;
	$self->{item_count} = 0;
	if(my $win = $self->window) {

=head1 METHODS - Key bindings

=head2 key_previous_row

Go to the previous row.


sub key_previous_row {
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 unless my $win = $self->window;
	return 1 if $self->{highlight_row} <= 0;

	if($self->highlight_visible_row >= 1) {
		return 1;

=head2 key_next_row

Move to the next row.


sub key_next_row {
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 unless my $win = $self->window;
	return 1 if $self->{highlight_row} >= $self->row_count - 1;

	if($self->highlight_visible_row < $win->lines - 2) {
		return 1;
	return 1;

=head2 key_first_row

Move to the first row.


sub key_first_row {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{highlight_row} = 0;
	$self->{row_offset} = 0;

=head2 key_last_row

Move to the last row.


sub key_last_row {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{highlight_row} = $self->row_count - 1;
	$self->{row_offset} = $self->row_count > $self->scroll_dimension ? -1 + $self->row_count - $self->scroll_dimension : 0;

=head2 key_previous_page

Go up a page.


sub key_previous_page {
	my $self = shift;

=head2 key_next_page

Go down a page.


sub key_next_page {
	my $self = shift;

=head2 key_next_column

Move to the next column.


sub key_next_column { 1 }

=head2 key_previous_column

Move to the previous column.


sub key_previous_column { 1 }

=head2 key_first_column

Move to the first column.


sub key_first_column { 1 }

=head2 key_last_column

Move to the last column.


sub key_last_column { 1 }

=head2 key_activate

Call the C< on_activate > coderef with either the highlighted item, or the selected
items if we're in multiselect mode.

 $on_activate->([ row indices ], [ items... ])

The items will be as returned by the storage adapter, and will not have any of the
data transformations applied.


sub key_activate {
	my $self = shift;
	if(my $code = $self->{on_activate}) {
		my @selected = 
			? (sort { $a <=> $b } grep $self->{selected}{$_}, keys %{$self->{selected}})
			: ($self->highlight_row);
		my $f; $f = $self->adapter->get(
			items => \@selected,
		)->then(sub {
			my $ret = $code->(\@selected, shift);
			return blessed($ret) && $ret->isa('Future') ? $ret : Future->wrap($ret)
		})->on_ready(sub { undef $f });

=head2 key_select_toggle

Toggle selected row.


sub key_select_toggle {
	my $self = shift;
	return 1 unless $self->multi_select;
	$self->{selected}{$self->highlight_row} = $self->{selected}{$self->highlight_row} ? 0 : 1;

=head1 METHODS - Filtering

Very broken. Ignore these for now. Sorry.


sub row_visibility_changed {
	my $self = shift;

=head2 row_visibility

Sets the visibility of the given row (by index).


 # Make row 5 hidden
 $tbl->row_visibility(5, 0)
 # Show row 0
 $tbl->row_visibility(0, 1)


sub row_visibility {
	my ($self, $idx, $visible) = @_;
	my $row = $self->adapter->get($idx);
	my $prev = ref($row);
	$prev = 'Tickit::Widget::Table::VisibleRow' if $prev eq 'ARRAY';
	my $next = $visible
	? 'Tickit::Widget::Table::VisibleRow'
	: 'Tickit::Widget::Table::HiddenRow';
	bless $row, $next;
	$self->row_visibility_changed($idx) unless $self->{IS_FILTER} || ($prev eq $next);

=head2 filter

This will use the given coderef to set the visibility of each row in the table.
The coderef will be called once for each row, and should return true for rows
which should be visible, false for rows to be hidden.

The coderef currently takes a single parameter: an arrayref representing the
columns of the row to be processed.

 # Hide all rows where the second column contains the text 'OK'
 $tbl->filter(sub { shift->[1] ne 'OK' });

Note that this does not affect row selection: if the multiselect flag is enabled,
it is possible to filter out rows that are selected. This behaviour is by design
(the idea was to allow union select via different filter criteria), call the
L</unselect_hidden_rows> method after filtering if you want to avoid this.

Also note that this is a one-shot operation. If you add or change data, you'll
need to reapply the filter operation manually.


sub filter {
	my ($self, $filter) = @_;
	# Defer any updates until we've finished making changes
	local $self->{IS_FILTER} = 1;
	for my $idx (0..$self->adapter->count - 1) {
		my $row = $self->adapter->get($idx);
		$self->row_visibility($idx, $filter->($row));

sub apply_filters_to_row {
	my ($self, $idx) = @_;

=head2 unselect_hidden_rows

Helper method to mark any hidden rows as unselected.
Call this after L</filter> if you want to avoid confusing
users with invisible selected rows.


sub unselect_hidden_rows {
	my $self = shift;
	delete @{$self->{selected}}{
		grep ref($self->adapter->get($_))->isa('Tickit::Widget::Table::HiddenRow'), 0..$self->adapter->count-1



=head1 TODO

Current list of pending features:

=over 4

=item * Column and cell highlighting modes

=item * Proper widget-in-cell support

=item * Better header support (more than one row, embedded widgets)

=item * More efficient redraw when showing/hiding header (scroll body and redraw just the header lines)


=head1 SEE ALSO

Other tables and table-like things:

=over 4

=item * L<Tickit::Widget::Table::Paged> - earlier version of this module without adapter support

=item * L<Text::ANSITable> - not part of L<Tickit> but has some impressive styling capabilities.

=item * L<Term::TablePrint> - again, not part of L<Tickit> but provides an interactive table
via direct terminal access.


And these are probably important background reading for formatting and data source support:

=over 4

=item * L<String::Tagged> - supported for applying custom formatting (specifically, pen attributes)

=item * L<Adapter::Async> - API for dealing with abstract data sources

=item * L<Adapter::Async::OrderedList> - subclass of the above for our tabular layout API


=head1 AUTHOR

Tom Molesworth <>


With thanks to the following for contribution:

=over 4

=item * Paul "LeoNerd" Evans for testing and suggestions on storage/abstraction handling

=item * buu, for testing and patches


=head1 LICENSE

Copyright Tom Molesworth 2012-2015. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.