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package WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB::20120810;
  $WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB::20120810::VERSION = '0.001';
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB::20120810 - interact with DynamoDB using API version 20120810

=head1 VERSION

version 0.001



use Future;
use Future::Utils qw(repeat);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use JSON::XS;
use Scalar::Util qw(reftype);
use B qw(svref_2object);
use HTTP::Request;

use WebService::Amazon::Signature;

my $json = JSON::XS->new;

=head2 new

Instantiates the API object.

Expects the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * implementation - the object which provides a Future-returning C<request> method,
see L<WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB::NaHTTP> for example.

=item * host - the host (IP or hostname) to communicate with

=item * port - the port to use for HTTP(S) requests

=item * ssl - true for HTTPS, false for HTTP

=item * algorithm - which signing algorithm to use, default AWS4-HMAC-SHA256

=item * scope - the scope for requests, typically C<region/host/aws4_request>

=item * access_key - the access key for signing requests

=item * secret_key - the secret key for signing requests



sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	bless { @_ }, $class

sub implementation { shift->{implementation} }
sub host { shift->{host} }
sub port { shift->{port} }
sub algorithm { 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256' }
sub scope { shift->{scope} }
sub access_key { shift->{access_key} }
sub secret_key { shift->{secret_key} }

=head2 create_table

Creates a new table. It may take some time before the table is marked
as active - use L</wait_for_table> to poll until the status changes.

Named parameters:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name

=item * read_capacity - expected read capacity units (optional, default 5)

=item * write_capacity - expected write capacity units (optional, default 5)

=item * fields - an arrayref specifying the fields, in pairs of (name, type),
where type is N for numeric, S for string, SS for string sequence, B for binary

=item * primary - the primary keys as an arrayref of pairs indicating (name, type),
default type is hash so ['pkey'] would create a single HASH primary key



sub create_table {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my %payload = (
		TableName => $args{table},
		ProvisionedThroughput => {
			ReadCapacityUnits => $args{read_capacity} || 5,
			WriteCapacityUnits => $args{write_capacity} || 5,
	my @fields = @{$args{fields}};
	my %field;
	while(my ($k, $type) = splice @fields, 0, 2) {
		$field{$k} = $type;
		push @{$payload{AttributeDefinitions} }, {
			AttributeName => $k,
			AttributeType => $type || 'S',
	my @primary = @{$args{primary} || []};
	while(my ($k, $type) = splice @primary, 0, 2) {
		die "Unknown field $k" unless exists $field{$k};
		push @{$payload{KeySchema} }, {
			AttributeName => $k,
			KeyType       => $type || 'HASH',
	my $req = $self->make_request(
		target => 'CreateTable',
		payload => \%payload,

=head2 describe_table

Describes the given table.

Takes a single named parameter:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name


and returns the table spec.


sub describe_table {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my %payload = (
		TableName => $args{table},
	my $req = $self->make_request(
		target => 'DescribeTable',
		payload => \%payload,
		# Sadly not the same key as used in DeleteTable
		done => sub { my $content = shift; $json->decode($content)->{Table}; }

=head2 delete_table

Delete a table entirely.

Takes a single named parameter:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name



sub delete_table {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my %payload = (
		TableName => $args{table},
	my $req = $self->make_request(
		target => 'DeleteTable',
		payload => \%payload,
		# Sadly not the same key as used in DescribeTable
		done => sub { my $content = shift; $json->decode($content)->{TableDescription} }

=head2 wait_for_table

Waits for the given table to be marked as active.

Takes a single named parameter:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name



sub wait_for_table {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	repeat {
	} until => sub {
		my $f = shift;
		my $status = $f->get->{TableStatus};
		warn "status: " . $status; 
		$status eq 'ACTIVE'

=head2 each_table

Run code for all current tables.

Takes a coderef as the first parameter, will call this for each table found.


sub each_table {
	my $self = shift;
	my $code = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my %payload;
	my $last_table;
	repeat {
		$payload{ExclusiveStartTableName} = $args{start} if defined $args{start};
		$payload{Limit} = $args{limit} if defined $args{limit};
		my $req = $self->make_request(
			target => 'ListTables',
			payload => \%payload,
		$self->_request($req)->on_done(sub {
			my $rslt = shift;
			my $data = $json->decode($rslt);
			for my $tbl (@{$data->{TableNames}}) {
			$last_table = $data->{LastEvaluatedTableName};
			$args{start} = $last_table;
	} while => sub {
#		warn "Checking @_ => $last_table\n";
		defined $last_table

=head2 put_item

Writes a single item to the table.

Takes the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name

=item * fields - the field spec, as a { key => value } hashref



sub put_item {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;

	my %payload = (
		TableName => $args{table},
		ReturnConsumedCapacity => $args{capacity} ? 'TOTAL' : 'NONE',
	foreach my $k (keys %{$args{fields}}) {
		my $v = $args{fields}{$k};	
		$payload{Item}{$k} = { type_for_value($v) => $v };

	my $req = $self->make_request(
		target => 'PutItem',
		payload => \%payload,
		# Sadly not the same key as used in DeleteTable
		done => sub { $json->decode(shift)->{Table}; }


=head2 update_item

Updates a single item in the table.

Takes the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name

=item * item - the item to update, as a{ key => value } hashref

=item * fields - the field spec, as a { key => value } hashref



sub update_item {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;

	my %payload = (
		TableName => $args{table},
		ReturnConsumedCapacity => $args{capacity} ? 'TOTAL' : 'NONE',
	foreach my $k (keys %{$args{item}}) {
		my $v = $args{item}{$k};	
		$payload{Key}{$k} = { type_for_value($v) => $v };
	foreach my $k (keys %{$args{fields}}) {
		my $v = $args{fields}{$k};	
		$payload{AttributeUpdates}{$k} = {
			Action => $args{action} || 'PUT',
			Value => { type_for_value($v) => $v }

	my $req = $self->make_request(
		target => 'UpdateItem',
		payload => \%payload,
		done => sub { $json->decode(shift) }

=head2 delete_item

Deletes a single item from the table.

Takes the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name

=item * item - the item to delete, as a{ key => value } hashref



sub delete_item {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;

	my %payload = (
		TableName => $args{table},
		ReturnConsumedCapacity => $args{capacity} ? 'TOTAL' : 'NONE',
	foreach my $k (keys %{$args{item}}) {
		my $v = $args{item}{$k};	
		$payload{Key}{$k} = { type_for_value($v) => $v };

	my $req = $self->make_request(
		target => 'DeleteItem',
		payload => \%payload,
		done => sub { $json->decode(shift) }

=head2 batch_get_item

Retrieve a batch of items from one or more tables.

Takes a coderef which will be called for each found item, followed by
these named parameters:

=over 4

=item * items - the search spec, as { table => { attribute => 'value', ... }, ... }



sub batch_get_item {
	my $self = shift;
	my $code = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my %payload = (
		ReturnConsumedCapacity => $args{capacity} ? 'TOTAL' : 'NONE',
	for my $tbl (keys %{$args{items}}) {
		my $item = $args{items}{$tbl};
		my @keys = @{$item->{keys}};
		$payload{RequestItems}{$tbl}{Keys} = [];
		while(my ($k, $v) = splice @keys, 0, 2) {
			push @{$payload{RequestItems}{$tbl}{Keys}}, {
				$k => {
					type_for_value($v) => $v

	my $finished = 0;
	repeat {
		my $req = $self->make_request(
			target => 'BatchGetItem',
			payload => \%payload,
		$self->_request($req)->on_done(sub {
			my $rslt = shift;
			my $data = $json->decode($rslt);
			my @resp = %{$data->{Responses}};
			# { Something => [ { Name => { S => 'text' } } ] }
			while(my ($k, $v) = splice @resp, 0, 2) {
				for my $entry (@$v) {
					$code->($k => {
						map {; $_ => values %{$entry->{$_}} } keys %$entry
			$args{RequestItems} = $data->{UnprocessedKeys};
			$finished = 1 unless keys %{$data->{UnprocessedKeys}};
	} until => sub { $finished };

=head2 scan

Scan a table for values with an optional filter expression.


sub scan {
	my $self = shift;
	my $code = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my %payload = (
		TableName => $args{table},
		ReturnConsumedCapacity => $args{capacity} ? 'TOTAL' : 'NONE',
	$payload{AttributesToGet} = $args{fields};
	$payload{Limit} = $args{limit} if exists $args{limit};
	my %filter;
	for my $f (@{$args{filter}}) {
		$filter{$f->{field}} = {
			AttributeValueList => [ {
				type_for_value($f->{value}) => $f->{value},
			} ],
			ComparisonOperator => $f->{compare} || 'EQ',
	$payload{ScanFilter} = \%filter if %filter;
	my $finished = 0;
	my $count = 0;
	repeat {
		my $req = $self->make_request(
			target => 'Scan',
			payload => \%payload,
		$self->_request($req)->on_done(sub {
			my $rslt = shift;
			my $data = $json->decode($rslt);
			for my $entry (@{$data->{Items}}) {
					map {; $_ => values %{$entry->{$_}} } keys %$entry
			$count += $data->{Count};
			$args{ExclusiveStartKey} = $data->{LastEvaluatedKey};
			$finished = 1 unless keys %{$data->{LastEvaluatedKey}};
	} until => sub { $finished };

=head1 METHODS - Internal

The following methods are intended for internal use and are documented
purely for completeness - for normal operations see L</METHODS> instead.

=head2 make_request

Generates an L<HTTP::Request>.


sub make_request {
	my $self = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my $api_version = '20120810';
	my $host = $self->host;
	my $target = $args{target};
	my $js = JSON::XS->new;
	my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
		POST => 'http://' . $self->host . ($self->port ? (':' . $self->port) : '') . '/'
	$req->header( host => $host );
	my $http_date = strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z', localtime);
	$req->header( 'Date' => $http_date );
	$req->header( 'x-amz-target', 'DynamoDB_'. $api_version. '.'. $target );
	$req->header( 'content-type' => 'application/x-amz-json-1.0' );
	my $payload = $js->encode($args{payload});
	$req->header( 'Content-Length' => length($payload));
	my $amz = WebService::Amazon::Signature->new(
		version    => 4,
		algorithm  => $self->algorithm,
		access_key => $self->access_key,
		scope      => $self->scope,
		secret_key => $self->secret_key,
	$req->header(Authorization => $amz->calculate_signature);

sub _request {
	my $self = shift;
	my $req = shift;

=head1 FUNCTIONS - Internal

=head2 type_for_value

Returns an appropriate type (N, S, SS etc.) for the given

Rules are similar to L<JSON> - if you want numeric, numify (0+$value),
otherwise you'll get a string.


sub type_for_value {
	my $v = shift;
	if(my $ref = reftype($v)) {
		# An array maps to a sequence
		if($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
			my $flags = B::svref_2object(\$v)->FLAGS;
			# Any refs mean we're sending binary data
			return 'BS' if grep ref($_), @$v;
			# Any stringified values => string data
			return 'SS' if grep $_ & B::SVp_POK, map B::svref_2object(\$_)->FLAGS, @$v;
			# Everything numeric? Send as a number
			return 'NS' if @$v == grep $_ & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK), map B::svref_2object(\$_)->FLAGS, @$v;
			# Default is a string sequence
			return 'SS';
		} else {
			return 'B';
	} else {
		my $flags = B::svref_2object(\$v)->FLAGS;
		return 'S' if $flags & B::SVp_POK;
		return 'N' if $flags & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK);
		return 'S';



=head1 AUTHOR

Tom Molesworth <>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright Tom Molesworth 2013. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.