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=encoding utf8


=head1 NAME

WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB::20120810 - interact with DynamoDB using API version 20120810

=head1 VERSION

version 0.005


=head2 new

Instantiates the API object.

Expects the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * implementation - the object which provides a Future-returning C<request> method,
see L<WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB::NaHTTP> for example.

=item * uri - the base URI for constructing requests

=item * security - 'iam' or 'key'

=item * access_key - the access key for signing requests (only for security=key)

=item * secret_key - the secret key for signing requests (only for security=key)

=item * role - the role to use for requests (only for security=iam, usually autodetected from EC2 instance metadata)

=item * algorithm - which signing algorithm to use, default AWS4-HMAC-SHA256


=head2 security_token

=head2 create_table

Creates a new table. It may take some time before the table is marked
as active - use L</wait_for_table> to poll until the status changes.

Named parameters:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name

=item * read_capacity - expected read capacity units (optional, default 5)

=item * write_capacity - expected write capacity units (optional, default 5)

=item * fields - an arrayref specifying the fields, in pairs of (name, type),
where type is N for numeric, S for string, SS for string sequence, B for binary

=item * primary - the primary keys as an arrayref of pairs indicating (name, type),
default type is hash so ['pkey'] would create a single HASH primary key


=head2 describe_table

Describes the given table.

Takes a single named parameter:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name


and returns the table spec.

=head2 delete_table

Delete a table entirely.

Takes a single named parameter:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name


=head2 wait_for_table

Waits for the given table to be marked as active.

Takes a single named parameter:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name


=head2 each_table

Run code for all current tables.

Takes a coderef as the first parameter, will call this for each table found.

=head2 list_tables

Returns a L<Future> which will resolve with a list of all tables.

Takes no parameters.

 $ddb->list_tables->on_done(sub {
  my @tbl = @_;
  print "Table: $_\n" for @tbl;

=head2 put_item

Writes a single item to the table.

Takes the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name

=item * fields - the field spec, as a { key => value } hashref


=head2 update_item

Updates a single item in the table.

Takes the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name

=item * item - the item to update, as a{ key => value } hashref

=item * fields - the field spec, as a { key => value } hashref


=head2 delete_item

Deletes a single item from the table.

Takes the following named parameters:

=over 4

=item * table - the table name

=item * item - the item to delete, as a { key => value } hashref


=head2 batch_get_item

Retrieve a batch of items from one or more tables.

Takes a coderef which will be called for each found item, followed by
these named parameters:

=over 4

=item * items - the search spec, as { table => { attribute => 'value', ... }, ... }


=head2 scan

Scan a table for values with an optional filter expression.

=head1 METHODS - Internal

The following methods are intended for internal use and are documented
purely for completeness - for normal operations see L</METHODS> instead.

=head1 FUNCTIONS - Internal

=head2 type_for_value

Returns an appropriate type (N, S, SS etc.) for the given

Rules are similar to L<JSON> - if you want numeric, numify (0+$value),
otherwise you'll get a string.

=head2 type_and_value

Returns a pair of (type, value), using L</type_for_value>.


=over 4

=item L<WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB>

L<cached_iam_credentials|WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB/cached_iam_credentials>, L<credentials|WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB/credentials>, L<find_iam_role|WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB/find_iam_role>, L<iam|WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB/iam>, L<make_request|WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB/make_request>, L<retrieve_iam_credentials|WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB/retrieve_iam_credentials>, L<security|WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB/security>, L<uri|WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB/uri>


=head1 AUTHOR

Tom Molesworth <>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright Tom Molesworth 2013-2015. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.