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# Games-Console - a 2D quake-style console

package Games::Console;

# (C) by Tels <>

use strict;
use vars qw/$VERSION/;

$VERSION = '0.04';

# methods

sub new
  # create a new console
  my $class = shift;

  my $self = { };
  bless $self, $class;
  my $args = $_[0];
  $args = { @_ } unless ref $args eq 'HASH';

  $self->{background_color} = $args->{background} || [0.4, 0.6, 1];
  $self->{background_alpha} = $args->{background_alpha} || 0.5;

  $self->{text_color} = $args->{text_color} || [ 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 ];
  $self->{text_alpha} = $args->{text_alpha} || 0.8;
  $self->{max_msg} = $args->{backbuffer_size} || 100;
  $self->{font} = $args->{font};

  # maximum height/width in percent
  $self->{width} = abs($self->{width} || 100);
  $self->{height} = abs($args->{height} || 50);
  $self->{width} = 100 if $self->{width} > 100;
  $self->{height} = 100 if $self->{height} > 100;
  $self->{screen_width} = 640;
  $self->{screen_height} = 480;
  $self->{direction} = 1;
  # in percent per second (50 means it takes 2 seconds to open console)
  $self->{speed} = 50;
  $self->{start_percent} = 0;		# started moving at this percentage
  $self->{start_time} = 0;		# and this time
  $self->{cur_percent} = 0;		# cur percent visible

  $self->{messages} = [];
  $self->{spacing_y} = 0;
  $self->{border_x} = 5;
  $self->{border_y} = 5;
  $self->{prompt} = $args->{prompt} || '> ';
  $self->{cursor} = $args->{cursor} || '_';
  $self->{offset} = 0;
  $self->{last_cursor} = 0;
  $self->{cursor_time} = abs($args->{cursor_time} || 300);
  $self->{current_input} = '';	# what user entered until ENTER key is pressed
  $self->{last_input} = [ ];	
  $self->{last_input_pos} = 0;	
  $self->{max_last_input} = 64;	

  $self->{cur_height} = 0;	# invisble

sub close
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{direction} = -1 if $self->{visible};

sub open
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{direction} = 1; $self->{visible} = 1;
  $self->{start_time} = shift;
  $self->{start_percent} = $self->{cur_percent};

sub toggle
  my $self = shift;

  if (!$self->{visible})
    $self->{direction} = 1; $self->{visible} = 1;
    $self->{direction} = - $self->{direction};
    $self->{direction} = -1 if $self->{direction} == 0;
  $self->{start_time} = shift;
  $self->{start_percent} = $self->{cur_percent};

sub visible
  # make immidiately visible/invisible
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_ > 0)
    my $v = $_[0] ? 1 : 0;
    if ($self->{visible} && !$v)
      $self->{direction} = 0;
      $self->{cur_percent} = 0;
    elsif (!$self->{visible} && $v)
      $self->{direction} = 1;
      $self->{start_percent} = 0;
      $self->{start_time} = shift;
    $self->{visible} = $v;

sub render
  my ($self,$current_time) = @_;

  return unless $self->{visible};

  if ($self->{direction} != 0)
    $self->{cur_percent} = $self->{start_percent} + 
       $self->{direction} * ($current_time - $self->{start_time}) *
       $self->{speed} / 100;

  if ($self->{cur_percent} < 0)
    # fully closed
    $self->{cur_percent} = 0;
    $self->{start_percent} = 0;
    $self->{direction} = 0;
    $self->{visible} = 0;

  if ($self->{cur_percent} > 100)
    # fully open
    $self->{cur_percent} = 100;
    $self->{direction} = 0;
  # calculate height/width
  my $w = $self->{width} * $self->{screen_width} / 100;
  my $h = ($self->{cur_percent} / 100) 
          * $self->{height} * $self->{screen_height} / 100;

  $self->_render( 0, $self->{screen_height}, $w, $h, $current_time );


sub _render
  # prepare the output, render the background and the text
  my ($self,$x,$y,$w,$h,$time) = @_;


sub message
  my ($self,$msg) = @_;

  my $m = $self->{messages};			# shortcut

  push @$m, [ $msg ];

  shift @$m while (scalar @$m > $self->{max_msg});

sub screen_width
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_ > 0)
    $self->{screen_width} = $_[0];

sub screen_height
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_ > 0)
    $self->{screen_height} = $_[0];

sub background_color
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{background_color} = shift if @_ > 0;

sub text_color
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{text_color} = shift if @_ > 0;

sub background_alpha
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{background_alpha} = shift if @_ > 0;

sub text_alpha
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{text_alpha} = shift if @_ > 0;

sub width
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_ > 0)
    $self->{width} = abs(shift);
    $self->{width} = 100 if $self->{width} > 100;

sub height
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_ > 0)
    $self->{height} = abs(shift);
    $self->{height} = 100 if $self->{height} > 100;

sub speed
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_ > 0)
    $self->{speed} = abs(shift);
    $self->{speed} = 100 if $self->{speed} > 100;

sub backbuffer_size
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{max_msg} = abs(shift) if @_ > 0;

sub cursor
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{cursor} = $_[0] if @_ > 0;

sub prompt
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{prompt} = $_[0] if @_ > 0;

sub backspace
  my $self = shift;

  if ($self->{current_input} ne '')
    substr($self->{current_input},-1,1) = '';

sub autocomplete
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{last_input_pos} = 0;	

sub input
  # get/set the current_input buffer
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_ > 0)
    my $m = $self->{last_input};
    unshift @$m, $self->{current_input}; 
    pop @$m while (scalar @$m > $self->{max_last_input});
    $self->{current_input} = $_[0];
    $self->{last_input_pos} = 0;	

sub last_input
  # set the current_input buffer to the last entered input
  my $self = shift;
  my $dir = shift || 0;

  my $m = $self->{last_input};

  my $pos = $self->{last_input_pos};
  if ($pos < 0 || $pos >= scalar @$m)
    $self->{current_input} = ''; 
    $self->{current_input} = $m->[$pos] if scalar @$m > 0;
  if ($dir >= 0)
    $pos++ if $pos < scalar @$m;
    $pos-- if $pos >= 0;
  $self->{last_input_pos} = $pos;

sub add_input
  # add more text to the current_input buffer
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{current_input} .= $_[0];

sub scroll
  my ($self,$ofs) = @_;

  $self->{offset} += $ofs;
  print $self->{offset},"\n";
  $self->{offset} = 0 if $self->{offset} < 0;
  $self->{offset} = scalar @{$self->{messages}}
   if $self->{offset} >= scalar @{$self->{messages}};
  print $self->{offset},"\n";

sub offset
  my ($self) = @_;


sub messages
  # return number of messages in backbuffer
  my $self = shift;

  scalar @{$self->{messages}};

sub clear
  # clear backbuffer
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{messages} = [];




=head1 NAME

Games::Console - provide a 2D quake style in-game console


	use Games::Console;

	my $console = Games::Console->new(
	  font => $font_object,
	  background_color => [ 1,1,0],
	  background_alpha => 0.4,
	  text_color => [ 1,1,1 ],
	  text_alpha => 1,
          speed => 50,			# in percent per second
	  height => 50,			# fully opened, in percent of screen
	  width => 100,			# fully opened, in percent of screen
	  backbuffer_size => 100,	# keep so many messages
	  prompt => ' >',
	  cursor => '_',

	$console->message('Hello there!');

=head1 EXPORTS

Exports nothing on default. 


This package provides you with a quake-style console for your games. The
console gathers messages and let's you scroll trough them. It also can
display a command line.

This package is just a base class setting up everything,
but doesn't actually render anything.

See Games::Console::SDL and Games::Console::OpenGL for subclasses that
implement the actual rendering to the screen via SDL and OpenGL, respectively.

=head1 METHODS

=over 2

=item new()

	my $console = Games::Console->new( $args );

Create a new console. Typically, you have only one.

C<$args> is a hash ref containing the following keys:

	logfile			where to log messages
	loglevel		the log level (e.g. what to log)
	text_color		color of output text as array ref [r,g,b]
	text_alpha		blend font over background for semitransparent
	background_color	color of background as array ref [r,g,b]
	background_alpha	blend console background over screen background

=item message()


Append a message to the console's buffer.

=item render()

	$console->render ( $current_time );

If the console is currently visible, render it.

=item add_input()


Add the text to the current input line (e.g. what is displayed after the
prompt). See also L<input()>.

=item input()

	$current_input = $console->input();

Get or set the contents of the current input line (e.g. what is displayed
after the prompt). See also L<input()>.

Example usage after user pressed enter:

	$console->message( $console->input() );

=item backspace()


Erases the last charcter from the current input buffer, unless the buffer is
empty. Returns the current input buffer after the operation.

=item text_color()

        $rgb = $console->text_color();		# [$r,$g, $b ]
        $console->color(1,0.1,0.8);		# set RGB

Sets the color of the text output.

=item background_color()

        $rgb = $console->background_color();	# [$r,$g, $b ]
        $console->background_color(1,0.1,0.8);	# set RGB

Sets the color of the background output. See also L<background_alpha()>.

=item text_alpha()

        $a = $console->text_alpha();	# $a
        $console->alpha(0.8);		# set A
        $console->alpha(undef);		# set's it to 1.0 (seems an OpenGL
					# specific set because
					# glColor($r,$g,$b) also sets $a == 1

Sets the alpha value of the rendered text output.

=item background_alpha()

        $a = $console->background_alpha();	# $a
        $console->background_alpha(0.8);	# set A

Sets the alpha value of the background (e.g. make it semi-transparent or

=item speed()

        $s = $console->speed();		# in percent
        $console->color(20);		# set new speed (means 5 seconds time)

Gets/sets the opening/closing speed in percent per second, e.g. 25 means
100/25 = 4 seconds time.

=item cursor()

        $s = $console->cursor();	# get cursor string
        $console->cursor('_');		# set new cursor

Get/sets the string used as cursor.

=item prompt()

        $s = $console->prompt();	# get prompt string
        $console->prompt('_');		# set new prompt string

Get/sets the string used as prompt.

=item backbuffer_size()

        $s = $console->backbuffer_size();	# so many lines
        $console->backbuffer_size(20);		# keep 20

Sets the number of lines in the backbuffer, e.g. how many of the last message
lines are kept by the console.

=item close()


Starts closing the console. See L<open()> and L<toggle()>.

=item open()


Starts opening the console. See L<close()> and L<toggle()>.

=item toggle()


Toggles the console on or off. See L<open()> and L<close()>.

=item visible()


Makes the console immidiately visible or invisible, unlike L<open()>,
L<close()> or L<toggle()>, which gradually move the console in or out.

=item scroll()


Scroll the console'soutput by so many lines up or down (to access the
backbuffer via SHIFT+CURSOR_UP, for instance). See also L<offset()>.

=item offset()

	my $offset = $console->offset();

Return the current offset. See L<scroll()>.

=item messages()

	my $msgs = $console->messages();

Return number of message-lines in backbuffer.

=item clear()


Erase all message-lines in the backbuffer, e.g. clear it.



None yet.

=head1 AUTHORS

(c) 2003,2006 Tels <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Games::3D>, L<SDL:App::FPS>, and L<SDL::OpenGL>.
