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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Test the attribute system, especially getting, setting attributes
# on objects and classes:

use Test::More;
use strict;

   plan tests => 123;
   chdir 't' if -d 't';
   use lib '../lib';
   use_ok ("Graph::Easy::Attributes") or die($@);
   use_ok ("Graph::Easy") or die($@);

can_ok ("Graph::Easy", qw/

can_ok ("Graph::Easy::Node", qw/

can_ok ("Graph::Easy::Edge", qw/

can_ok ("Graph::Easy::Group", qw/

# color_as_hex:

my $att = 'Graph::Easy';

is ($att->color_as_hex( 'red' ), '#ff0000', 'color red');
is ($att->color_as_hex( '#0000ff' ), '#0000ff', 'color #0000ff');
is ($att->color_as_hex( '#f0c' ), '#ff00cc', 'color #f0c');
is ($att->color_as_hex( 'rgb(128,255,0)' ), '#80ff00', 'color rgb(128,255,0)');
is ($att->color_as_hex('lavender'), '#e6e6fa', 'color lavender');
is ($att->color_as_hex('lavenderblush'), '#fff0f5', 'color lavenderblush');
is ($att->color_as_hex('lavenderbush'), undef, 'color lavenderbush does not exist');

# color_name:

is ($att->color_name('red'), 'red', 'red => red');
is ($att->color_name('#ff0000'), 'red', '#ff0000 => red');
is ($att->color_name('#ffffff'), 'white', '#ffffff => white');
is ($att->color_name('#808080'), 'gray', '#808080 => gray');

# color scheme support:

is ($att->color_name('grey', 'x11'), 'grey', 'grey => grey');
is ($att->color_name('#c0c0c0','x11'), 'gray', '#c0c0c0 => gray');
is ($att->color_name('#ffffff','x11'), 'white', '#ffffff => white');
is ($att->color_name('grey23','x11'), 'grey23', 'grey23 => grey23');
# 1  => '#ca0020', 2  => '#f4a582', 3  => '#bababa', 4  => '#404040', 
is ($att->color_name('1','rdgy4'), '1', '1 => 1 under rdgy4');

# color_value:

is ($att->color_value('red'), '#ff0000', 'red => #ff0000');
is ($att->color_value('grey'), '#808080', 'grey => #808080');
is ($att->color_value('grey','x11'), '#c0c0c0', 'grey => #c0c0c0 under x11');
is ($att->color_value('grey23','x11'), '#3b3b3b', 'grey23 => #3b3b3b under x11');

# 1  => '#ca0020', 2  => '#f4a582', 3  => '#bababa', 4  => '#404040', 
is ($att->color_value('1','rdgy4'), '#ca0020', '1 => #ca0020 under rdgy4');
is ($att->color_value('4','rdgy4'), '#404040', '4 => #404040 under rdgy4');

# valid_attribute:

$att = Graph::Easy->new();


my $new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'color', 'redbrownish' );
is ($new_value, undef, 'color redbrownish is not valid');

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'fill', 'redbrownish' );
is ($new_value, undef, 'fill redbrownish is not valid');

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'border-shape', 'double' );
is (ref($new_value), 'ARRAY', 'border-shape is not valied');

# no class name: 'all' will be tested

for my $name (
    'red','w3c/red','x11/red', 'chocolate4', 'rgb(1,2,3)', 
    'rgb(10%,1%,2%)', 'rgb(8,1%,0.2)', 'w3c/grey',
  for my $class ( undef, 'node', 'node.subclass')
    my $new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'color', $name, $class );
    is ($new_value, $name, "color $name is valid");

# fallback to color scheme 'x11'

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'color', 'chocolate4' );
is ($new_value, 'chocolate4', 'color chocolate4 is valid');

# valid_attribute for graph only:

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'gid', '123', 'graph' );
is ($new_value, '123', 'gid 123 is valid for graph');

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'gid', '123', 'node' );
is (ref($new_value), 'ARRAY', 'gid is invalid for nodes');

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'gid', '123', 'edge' );
is (ref($new_value), 'ARRAY', 'gid is invalid for edges');

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'output', 'html', 'graph' );
is ($new_value, 'html', 'output "html" is valid for graph');

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'output', 'html', 'node' );
is (ref($new_value), 'ARRAY', 'output is invalid for nodes');

$new_value = $att->valid_attribute( 'output', 'html', 'edge' );
is (ref($new_value), 'ARRAY', 'output is invalid for edges');

# setting attributes on graphs, nodes and edges

my $graph = Graph::Easy->new();


my ($n,$m,$e) = $graph->add_edge('A','B');

is ($graph->error(),'','no error');
$graph->error('');			# reset potential error for next test

is ($graph->error(),'','no error');
$graph->error('');			# reset potential error for next test

$graph->set_attribute('graph', 'shape', 'point');
is ($graph->error(),"Error in attribute: 'shape' is not a valid attribute name for a graph",
  'shape is not a valid attribute');
$graph->error('');			# reset potential error for next test


is ($graph->error(),"Error in attribute: 'shape' is not a valid attribute name for a edge",
  'shape is not a valid attribute');
$graph->error('');			# reset potential error for next test

# Setting an attribute on the graph directly is the same as setting it on
# the class 'graph':

$graph->set_attribute('graph', 'flow', 'south');
is ($graph->attribute('flow'), 'south', 'flow was set to south');

$graph->set_attribute('flow', 'west');
is ($graph->attribute('flow'), 'west', 'flow was set to south');

is ($graph->attribute('label-pos'), 'top', 'label-pos defaults to top');
is ($graph->attribute('labelpos'), 'top', 'label-pos defaults to top');

$graph->set_attribute('graph', 'label-pos', 'bottom');
is ($graph->attribute('label-pos'), 'bottom', 'label-pos was set to bottom');
is ($graph->attribute('labelpos'), 'bottom', 'label-pos was set to bottom');

is ($graph->attribute('label-pos'), 'top', 'label-pos defaults to top');
is ($graph->attribute('labelpos'), 'top', 'label-pos defaults to top');

$graph->set_attribute('graph', 'labelpos', 'bottom');
is ($graph->attribute('label-pos'), 'bottom', 'label-pos was set to bottom');
is ($graph->attribute('labelpos'), 'bottom', 'label-pos was set to bottom');

# text-style attribute

for my $class (qw/edge graph node group/)
  $graph->set_attribute($class, 'text-style', 'none');
  is ($graph->error(), '', "could set text-style on $class");
  $graph->error('');			# reset potential error for next test

  $graph->set_attribute($class, 'text-style', 'bold');
  is ($graph->error(), '', "could set text-style on $class");
  $graph->error('');			# reset potential error for next test

  $graph->set_attribute($class, 'text-style', 'bold underline');
  is ($graph->error(), '', "could set text-style on $class");
  $graph->error('');			# reset potential error for next test

  $graph->set_attribute($class, 'text-style', 'bold underline overline italic');
  is ($graph->error(), '', "could set text-style on $class");
  $graph->error('');			# reset potential error for next test

$graph->set_attribute('graph', 'text-style', 'bold underline overline italic');

my $styles = $graph->text_styles();
is (join(',', sort keys %$styles), 'bold,italic,overline,underline', 'text_styles()');

my $node = $graph->add_node('one');

$node->set_attribute('text-style', 'bold underline overline italic');

$styles = $node->text_styles();
is (join(',', sort keys %$styles), 'bold,italic,overline,underline', 'text_styles() on node');

# border-style vs. borderstyle

$graph = Graph::Easy->new();


($n,$m,$e) = $graph->add_edge('A','B');

is ($n->attribute('border-style'),'solid', 'border-style is solid');
is ($n->attribute('borderstyle'),'solid', 'borderstyle is solid');


is ($n->attribute('border-style'),'dashed', 'border-style is now dashed');
is ($n->attribute('borderstyle'),'dashed', 'border-style is now dashed');

# inheritance of values ('inherit')

$graph = Graph::Easy->new();
($n,$m,$e) = $graph->add_edge('A','B');

$graph->set_attribute('node', 'color', 'red');
$graph->set_attribute('color', 'green');
$n->set_attribute('color', 'inherit');
$n->set_attribute('class', 'foo');

is ($n->attribute('class'), 'foo', 'get_attribute("class") works');

# N inherits from class "node"

is ($n->attribute('color'),'red', 'inherited red from class "node"');
is ($m->attribute('color'),'red', 'inherited red from class "node"');

$graph->set_attribute('node', 'color', 'inherit');

is ($n->attribute('color'),'green', 'inherited green from graph');
is ($m->attribute('color'),'green', 'inherited green from graph');

$m->set_attribute('color', 'blue');
is ($m->attribute('color'),'blue', 'got blue');

# raw_attribute() and get_raw_attributes()

$graph = Graph::Easy->new();
($n,$m,$e) = $graph->add_edge('A','B');

$graph->set_attribute('node', 'color', 'red');
$graph->set_attribute('color', 'green');
$n->set_attribute('color', 'inherit');
$n->set_attribute('class', 'foo');
$m->set_attribute('color', 'blue');

# N inherits from class "node"

is ($n->raw_attribute('fill'), undef, 'attribute fill not set');
is ($n->raw_attribute('color'), 'red', 
  'attribute color set to inherit, so we inherit red');

is ($graph->raw_attribute('fill'), undef, 'attribute fill not set on graph');
is ($graph->raw_attribute('color'), 'green', 
  'attribute color set to green on graph');

is ($m->raw_attribute('color'), 'blue', 
  'attribute color set to blue on node B');

is ($m->raw_attribute('fill'), undef, 
  'attribute fill not set on node m');

my $str = _att_to_str($n->raw_attributes());
is ($str, 'color=>red;', 'node A has only color set');

$str = _att_to_str($m->raw_attributes());
is ($str, 'color=>blue;', 'node B has only color set');

$str = _att_to_str($graph->raw_attributes());
is ($str, 'color=>green;', 'graph has only color set');

$str = _att_to_str($e->raw_attributes());
is ($str, '', 'edge has no attributes set');

# virtual attribute 'class'

$graph = Graph::Easy->new();

($n,$m,$e) = $graph->add_edge('Bonn','Berlin');

is ($graph->attribute('class'), '', 'class graph');
is ($n->attribute('class'), '', 'class node');
is ($e->attribute('class'), '', 'class edge');

$n->set_attribute('class', 'anon');
is ($n->attribute('class'), 'anon', 'class anon for node Bonn');

$e->set_attribute('class', 'foo');
is ($e->attribute('class'), 'foo', 'class foo for edge');

# attribute 'link'

$graph = Graph::Easy->new();

($n,$m,$e) = $graph->add_edge('Bonn','Berlin');


# default linkbase + autolink from name
is ($n->link(), '/wiki/index.php/Bonn', "link() for 'Bonn'");

is ($graph->link(), '', "no link on graph");


# graph doesn't have a name => no link
is ($graph->link(), '', "link() is 'Bonn'");

# default linkbase + link
is ($graph->link(), '/wiki/index.php/Berlin', "link() for graph");



sub _att_to_str
  my $out = shift;

  my $str = '';
  for my $k (sort keys %$out)
    $str .= $k . '=>' . $out->{$k} . ';';