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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

package Math::BigFloat::Constant;

$VERSION = 1.08;
use Math::BigFloat;
@ISA =       qw( Math::BigFloat );
use strict;

use overload;	# inherit from Math::BigFloat 

# We Are a True Math::BigFloat, But Thou Shallst Not Modify Us

sub modify
  my ($self,$method) = @_;
  die ("Can not modify " . ref($self) . " $self via $method()\n");

# But cloning us creates a modifyable Math::BigInt, so that overload works

sub copy
  my $x = shift;

  return Math::BigFloat->new($x) unless ref($x);

sub as_int
  my $x = shift;

  die ("Can not modify " . ref($x) . " $x via as_int()\n");



=head1 NAME

Math::BigFloat::Constant - Arbitrary sized constant integers


  use Math::BigFloat::Constant;

  my $class = 'Math::BigFloat::Constant';

  # Constant creation	
  $x     = $class->new($str); 	# defaults to 0
  $nan   = $class->bnan();	# create a NotANumber
  $zero  = $class->bzero();	# create a "0"
  $one   = $class->bone();	# create a "1"
  $m_one = $class->bone('-');	# create a "-1"

  # Testing
  $x->is_zero();		# return wether arg is zero or not
  $x->is_nan();			# return wether arg is NaN or not
  $x->is_one();			# return true if arg is +1
  $x->is_one('-');		# return true if arg is -1
  $x->is_odd();			# return true if odd, false for even
  $x->is_even();		# return true if even, false for odd
  $x->is_inf($sign);		# return true if argument is +inf or -inf, give
				# argument ('+' or '-') to match only same sign
  $x->is_pos();			# return true if arg > 0
  $x->is_neg();			# return true if arg < 0

  $x->bcmp($y);			# compare numbers (undef,<0,=0,>0)
  $x->bacmp($y);		# compare absolutely (undef,<0,=0,>0)
  $x->sign();			# return the sign, one of +,-,+inf,-inf or NaN

  # The following would modify and thus are illegal, e.g. result in a die():

  # set 
  $x->bzero();			# set $x to 0
  $x->bnan();			# set $x to NaN

  $x->bneg();			# negation
  $x->babs();			# absolute value
  $x->bnorm();			# normalize (no-op)
  $x->bnot();			# two's complement (bit wise not)
  $x->binc();			# increment x by 1
  $x->bdec();			# decrement x by 1
  $x->badd($y);			# addition (add $y to $x)
  $x->bsub($y);			# subtraction (subtract $y from $x)
  $x->bmul($y);			# multiplication (multiply $x by $y)
  $x->bdiv($y);			# divide, set $x to quotient
				# return (quo,rem) or quo if scalar

  $x->bmod($y);			# modulus (x % y)
  $x->bpow($y);			# power of arguments (x ** y)
  $x->blsft($y);		# left shift
  $x->brsft($y);		# right shift 
  $x->band($y);			# bit-wise and
  $x->bior($y);			# bit-wise inclusive or
  $x->bxor($y);			# bit-wise exclusive or
  $x->bnot();			# bit-wise not (two's complement)

  $x->bnok($k);			# n over k
  $x->bfac();			# factorial $x!
  $x->bexp();			# Euler's number e ** $x

  $x->bsqrt();			# calculate square-root
  $x->broot($y);		# calculate $y's root
  $x->blog($base);		# calculate integer logarithm

  $x->round($A,$P,$round_mode); # round to accuracy or precision using mode $r
  $x->bround($N);               # accuracy: preserve $N digits
  $x->bfround($N);              # round to $Nth digit, no-op for BigInts

  $x->bfloor();                 # return integer less or equal than $x
  $x->bceil();                  # return integer greater or equal than $x 
  $x->as_int();			# return a copy of the object as BigInt
  $x->as_number();		# return a copy of the object as BigInt

  # The following do not modify their arguments, so they are allowed:
  bgcd(@values);		# greatest common divisor
  blcm(@values);		# lowest common multiplicator
  $x->bstr();			# return normalized string
  $x->bsstr();			# return string in scientific notation
  $x->length();			# return number of digits in number
  $x->digit($n);		# extract N'th digit from number
  $x->as_hex();			# return number as hex string
  $x->as_bin();			# return number as binary string
  $x->as_oct();			# return number as octal string


With this module you can define constant BigFloats on a per-object basis. The
usual C<use Math::BigFloat ':constant'> will catch B<all> floating point
constants in the script at compile time, but will not let you create constant
values on the fly, nor work for strings and/or floating point constants like

C<Math::BigFloat::Constant> is a true subclass of L<Math::BigFloat> and can
do all the same things - except modifying any of the objects.

Opposed to compile-time checking via C<use constant>:

	use Math::BigFloat;
	use constant X => Math::BigFloat->new("12345678");

	print X," ",X+2,"\n";		# okay
	print "X\n";			# oups
	X += 2;				# not okay, will die

these provide runtime checks and can be interpolated into strings:

	use Math::BigFloat::Constant;
	$x = Math::BigFloat::Constant->new("3141592");

	print "$x\n";			# okay
	print $x+2,"\n";		# dito
	$x += 2;			# not okay, will die

=head1 METHODS

A C<Math::BigFloat::Constant> object has all the same methods as a
C<Math::BigFloat> object.

=head1 BUGS

None discovered yet.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Math::BigFloat>, L<Math::BigInt::Constant>.

=head1 AUTHORS

(c) by Tels L<> 2007.
