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#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

  $|++;				# output buffer off
  unshift @INC, 'lib';		# use local modules first
  unshift @INC, 'graph/lib'	# use local modules first

$VERSION = '0.21';

use strict;
# use warnings;			# be lean
use Graph::Easy 0.48;
use Graph::Easy::Parser;
use Config::Tiny;
use Encode qw/decode encode/;

# wrong number of options?
if (@ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 3)
  require Pod::Usage;		# do not load this unless nec.
  Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-2);	# print help and exit

my $error_page = '';
my $cfg = Config::Tiny->read('graph/graph.cfg');
my $timeout = abs($cfg->{graph}->{timeout} || 0) || 5;
  local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "graphcnv took more than $timeout seconds to parse and layout graph##ERROR6##\n" };
  alarm $timeout;

  my $parser = Graph::Easy::Parser->new();

  my $c = $cfg->{graph};
  my $outdir = $c->{output} || 'images/graph';
  my $wiki_prefix = $c->{prefix} || '/wiki/';
  $wiki_prefix .= '/' unless $wiki_prefix =~ /\//;

  $c = $cfg->{graphviz};
  my $dot = $c->{renderer} || 'dot';
  my $format = $c->{format} || 'png';
  $c = $cfg->{errors};
  $error_page = $c->{manual} if $c->{manual};

  # untaint config variables
  $format =~ /([a-z0-9_]+)/i; $format = $1;
  $dot =~ /([a-z0-9_\/]+)/i; $dot = $1; $dot = 'dot' unless -e $dot;
  $error_page =~ /([a-z0-9\/:_\.-]+)/i; $error_page = $1;
  $wiki_prefix =~ /([a-z0-9\/:_-]+)/i; $wiki_prefix = $1;
  $outdir =~ /([a-z0-9\/:_-]+)/i; $outdir = $1;

  my ($txt, $encoding, $output) = @ARGV;
  $txt = decode ($encoding || 'utf8', $txt);

  binmode STDOUT, ':utf8' or die ("binmode STDOUT, ':utf8' failed: $!");

  my $graph = $parser->from_text($txt);		# create a graph object

  # the "\n" prevents double line nr double line nr reports
  if ($parser->error())
    my $error = $parser->error()."##ERROR2##\n";
    # quote for HTML output
    $error =~ s/&/&amp;/;
    $error =~ s/</&lt;/;
    $error =~ s/>/&gt;/;
    die ($error);

  # if user specified output like "graph { output: ascii; }", use it
  $output = $graph->attribute('graph', 'output') unless $output;
  # fallback to html output
  $output = 'html' unless $output;
  die ("Invalid output format '$output'##ERROR3##\n") if $output !~ /^(ascii|boxart|graphviz|html|svg|debug)\z/i;

  if ($output =~ /html/i)
    my $css = "<style type='text/css'><!--\n" . $graph->css() . "--></style>";
    my $html = $graph->as_html();

    #$html =~ s/\n+\z//;			# remove trailing "\n"
    #$html =~ s/^\n+//;				# remove leading "\n"

    # mediawiki doesn't like leading spaces and empty lines in the CSS
    $css =~ s/(^|\n)\s+/$1/g;			# spaces at front

    # it also seems not to like to longs stretches of CSS :-/
    $css =~ s/\n+//g;				# remove all newlines
    $html =~ s/\n+//g;				# remove all newlines

    print $css . $html;
  elsif ($output =~ /debug/i)
    print '<pre>' . $graph->as_debug() . '</pre>';
  elsif ($output =~ /boxart/i)
    # output as Unicode box drawing, suitable for embedding into HTML
    print $graph->as_boxart_html();
  elsif ($output =~ /ascii/i)
    # output as ASCII, suitable for embedding into HTML
    print $graph->as_ascii_html();
    require Digest::SHA1;		# for hashing to a file name

    # Hash the graph text representation to the filename
    # Different graphs that are equivalent will hash to the same file
    # name, thus saving us space.  
    my $sha1 = Digest::SHA1->new();
    my $hash = $sha1->hexdigest;

    # AF09123... => AF/09/AF09123...
    require File::Spec;
    my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($outdir, substr($hash,0,2));
    mkdir $dir, 0775 unless -d $dir;

    $dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, substr($hash,2,2));
    mkdir $dir, 0775 unless -d $dir;

    my $ext = $format; $ext = 'svg' if $output =~ /svg/i;
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "$hash.$ext");
    my $code;

    if ($output =~ /svg/i)
      # output as SVG, suitable for embedding into HTML
      my $svg = $graph->as_svg_file();
      my $info = $graph->svg_information();
      # use sensible defaults, and sane values
      my $w = abs(int($info->{width} || 200)) + 1;
      my $h = abs(int($info->{height} || 100)) + 1;

      # Cairo has problems with bigger SVGs
      my $max = 32*1024 -1;
      $w = $max if $w > $max;
      $h = $max if $h > $max;

        open my $fh, ">$file" or die ("Can't write to '$file': $!##ERROR4##\n");
        binmode $fh, ':utf8';
        print $fh $svg;
        close $fh or die ("Cannot close '$file': $!##ERROR4##\n");
        chmod 0775, $file;		# in case of webserver running as nobody

      $code = '<object type="image/svg+xml" width="##w##" height="##h##" data="##prefix####file##">' . "\n" .
		'<b>Your browser does not yet support <a title="Scalable Vector Graphics" href="/wiki/SVG">SVG</a>.</b>' . "\n" .

      $code =~ s/##w##/$w/g;
      $code =~ s/##h##/$h/g;
      # PNG, JPG etc support via dot etc

      my $gr = $graph->as_graphviz();

      # see if we could write the file
        open my $fh, ">$file" or die ("Can't write to '$file': $!##ERROR4##\n");
        close $fh or die ("Cannot close '$file': $!##ERROR4##\n");
        unlink $fh;

      # make the ENV safe
      local %ENV = ( path => '/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/' );

      my $dot_file = $file; $dot_file =~ s/\.[^\.]+\z/.dot/;

        open my $fh, ">$dot_file" or die ("Can't write to temp. dot file '$dot_file' $!##ERROR4##\n");
        binmode $fh, ':utf8';
        print $fh $gr;
        close $fh or die ("Cannot close temp. dot file '$dot_file': $!##ERROR4##\n");

      my $cmd = "$dot -T$format -o '$file' -Tcmapx '$dot_file'";
      my $image_map = `$cmd`;
      chmod 0775, $file;		# in case of webserver running as nobody
      # cleanup temp. file
      unlink $dot_file;

      my $id = $graph->id() || '0';
      $image_map =~ s/(id|name)="GRAPH_0"/$1="GRAPH_$id"/g;

      my $label = $graph->label() || 'Unnamed graph';

      $code = $image_map . "<img usemap=\"#GRAPH_$id\" alt=\"$label\" title=\"$label\" src=\"##prefix####file##\" />\n";

    $code =~ s/##file##/$file/g;
    $code =~ s/##prefix##/$wiki_prefix/g;
    print $code;

  # disable alarm
  alarm 0;

if ($@) 
  # propagate unexpected errors
  my $error = $@; $error =~ s/\s*##ERROR(\d+)##\s*//; my $code = $1 || 2;
  $error .= "." unless $error =~ /\.\z/;
  $error =~ s/\.\s*\z/. /;
  $error .= 'See the <a alt="Graph::Easy online manual" title="Graph::Easy online manual" href="'
    . "$error_page\#$code" .'">manual</a> for help.';
  print "<strong class='error'>graphcnv error:</strong> $error\n";




=head1 NAME

graphcnv - convert textual graph description to ASCII/HTML/SVG/PNG


	perl -T graphcnv graph-as-text [encoding] [outputtype]


	perl -T graphcnv '[ Bonn ] --> [ Berlin ]' 'utf-8'
	perl -T graphcnv '[Bonn] --> [Berlin]' 'utf-8' 'ascii'


Turns a given textual graph representation into a pretty graph. Uses
L<Graph::Easy> behind the scenes to do all the hard work.


Please see the CHANGES file for a complete version history.

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms of the GPL version2.

See the LICENSE file for information.

=head1 AUTHOR

(c) by Tels 2005-2006

=head1 SEE ALSO

<L<Graph::Easy>, L<>.
