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package Net::Route;

use 5.008;
use Moose;
use version; our $VERSION = qv( 'v0.02' );

use NetAddr::IP;

has 'destination' => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'NetAddr::IP' );
has 'gateway'     => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'NetAddr::IP' );
has 'metric'      => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'Int' );
has 'interface'   => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'Str' );
has 'is_active'   => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, );
has 'is_dynamic'  => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, );

no Moose;


=head1 NAME

Net::Route - Portable interface to the routing table


    use Net::Route::Table;
    my $table_ref = Net::Route::Table->from_system();
    my $route_ref = $table_ref->default_route();
    print "Default gateway: ", $route_ref->gateway(), "\n";

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.02, $Revision: 372 $


=head2 The Net::Route Module

Every OS provides its custom interface to the routing table: Linux' C<route>
utility is different from BSD's C<route show>, from Windows' C<route print>,
etc. Parsing all these different output styles in an (otherwise portable)
script can quickly become inconvenient.

L<Net::Route> abstracts the system specifics and provides a single, portable

=head2 The Net::Route Class

L<Net::Route> objects represent single entries from a L<Net::Route::Table>.


This documents L<Net::Route> as a class. To know how to use the module, refer
to the L<synopsis|/SYNOPSIS> or L<Net::Route::Table> (the entry point from a
user perspective).

=head2 Object Methods

=head3 destination()

=head3 gateway()

=head3 metric()

=head3 interface()

=head3 is_active()

=head3 is_dynamic()


The perl interpreter shipped with Solaris was compiled with Sun's proprietary C
compiler, and therefore attempts to compile XS modules with the same tool and
options. However, Solaris comes by default with the GNU C Compiler (C<gcc>)
only, which has its own set of incompatible command-line arguments. Mixing
these two to compile C<XS> Perl modules doesn't work.

Therefore, when you need to install CPAN modules (such as L<Net::Route>'s
dependencies) which make use of C<XS> (C code) on a system without the Sun C
Compiler, you have to use the wrapper script provided by Sun which will invoke
C<gcc> correctly (replace C<Module> as needed):

  /usr/perl5/bin/perlgcc -MCPAN -e 'install Module'.


Please refer to the Changes file for a detailed history.

=head2 0.01 - First Public Release

L<Net::Route> meets our goals for a first public release:


=item *

It can list all routes

=item *

It can get the default route

=item *

It can provide the most common characteristics of routes

=item *

It is portable on Linux, Solaris and Windows


L<Net::Route> is used in other 
Straton IT (L<>) software, such as
Cancerbero 0.7 (L<>) and
Confdump/Sys (L<>).

=head2 0.xx - Community Releases

These releases will include features and bugfixes suggested, reported and/or
contributed by the community. For example:


=item *

Differentiating between C<Net::Route>-as-a-class and C<Net::Route>-as-a-module

=item *

Support for more operating systems

=item *

Getting rid of CPAN dependencies that are troublesome to install on some

=item *

Your idea (L<>) here...


The API might change somewhat, if necessary.

=head2 1.0 - API Freeze

When appropriate (according to the user reports), we will freeze the interface
and release version 1.0.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-net-route at>,
or through the web interface at
L<>. I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as
I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Net::Route

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN



=head1 AUTHOR

Created by Alexandre Storoz, C<< <> >>

Maintained by Thomas Equeter, C<< <> >>


Copyright (C) 2009 Straton IT.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.