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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2008-2010 Tim Rayner
# This file is part of Bio::MAGETAB.
# Bio::MAGETAB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Bio::MAGETAB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Bio::MAGETAB.  If not, see <>.
# $Id: 013_adf.t 333 2010-06-02 16:41:31Z tfrayner $

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use Test::Exception;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);

use lib 't/testlib';
use CommonTests qw( test_parse check_term );

    use_ok( 'Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::ADF' );
    use_ok( 'Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer::ADF' );

my $adf;

# Instantiate with none of the required attributes.
dies_ok( sub{ $adf = Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::ADF->new() },
         'instantiation without attributes' );

# Populate our temporary test ADF file.
my ( $fh, $filename ) = tempfile( UNLINK => 1 );
while ( my $line = <DATA> ) {
    print $fh $line;

# Close the filehandle, since we'll be using the filename only.
close( $fh ) or die("Error closing filehandle: $!");

# Test parsing.
lives_ok( sub{ $adf = Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::ADF->new( uri => $filename ) },
          'instantiation with uri attribute' );
my $ad = test_parse( $adf );

# Test parsing into a supplied magetab_object.
use Bio::MAGETAB::ArrayDesign;
my $ad2 = Bio::MAGETAB::ArrayDesign->new( name => 'Dummy array design for testing',
                                          uri  => $filename );

lives_ok( sub{ $adf = Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Reader::ADF->new( uri            => $filename,
                                                            magetab_object => $ad2, ) },
          'instantiation uri and magetab_object attributes' );
test_parse( $adf );

# These really ought to look identical.
    local $TODO = 'designElements are unordered so this test fails.';
    is_deeply( $ad, $ad2, 'array design objects agree' );

# FIXME (IMPORTANT!) check the output against what we expect!
my $builder;
lives_ok( sub { $builder = $adf->get_builder(); }, 'ADF parser returns a Builder object' );
is( ref $builder, 'Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Builder', 'of the correct class' );

# Check that the term source was created.
my $ts;
lives_ok( sub { $ts = $builder->get_term_source({
    name => 'RO',
}) }, 'Builder returns a term source' );
is( $ts->get_name(),    'RO',  'with the correct name' );
is( $ts->get_version(), '0.1', 'and the correct version' );
is( $ts->get_uri(), '', 'and the correct uri' );

# Check the basics.
is( $ad->get_name(),     'Test array design', 'ArrayDesign name set correctly' );
is( $ad->get_version(),  1,                   'ArrayDesign version set correctly' );
is( $ad->get_provider(), 'Roger Bannister',   'ArrayDesign provider set correctly' );
is( $ad->get_printingProtocol(), 'We printed some primers.', 'ArrayDesign protocol set correctly');

# Check the controlled terms.
check_term('TechnologyType', 'so futuristic it hurts', 'technologyType',      $ad, $ts, $builder);
check_term('SurfaceType',    'vaguely moonlike',       'surfaceType',         $ad, $ts, $builder);
check_term('SubstrateType',  'molecular',              'substrateType',       $ad, $ts, $builder);
check_term('PolymerType',    'PVC',                    'sequencePolymerType', $ad, $ts, $builder);

my $cm;
lives_ok( sub { $cm = $builder->get_comment({
    name  => q{Ceci n'est pas un comment},
    value => 'all fun and games.',
}) }, 'Builder returns a comment' );
is_deeply( $ad->get_comments(), $cm, 'ArrayDesign comments set correctly' );
#is( $ad->get_(), '', 'ArrayDesign  set correctly' );
#is( $ad->get_(), '', 'ArrayDesign  set correctly' );
#is( $ad->get_(), '', 'ArrayDesign  set correctly' );
# FIXME test with bad ADF input (unrecognized headers etc.)

# Aggregate design elements by class.
my %de;
foreach my $e ( $ad->get_designElements() ) {
    push @{ $de{ blessed $e } }, $e;

# Check that our design elements are at least vaguely recognisable.
my @de_ex = map { "Bio::MAGETAB::$_" } qw(CompositeElement Feature Reporter);
is_deeply( [ sort keys %de ], \@de_ex, 'all designElements are of known classes' );

# Check our features.
foreach my $feat ( @{ $de{ 'Bio::MAGETAB::Feature' } } ) {
    foreach my $attr ( qw( blockCol blockRow col ) ) {
        my $getter = "get_$attr";
        is( $feat->$getter, 1, "feature has correct $attr" );
    if ( $feat->get_row == 1 ) {
        my $rep = $feat->get_reporter();
        ok( $rep, 'feature is linked to a reporter' );
        is( $rep->get_name(), 'Test1', 'with the expected name' );
    elsif ( $feat->get_row == 2 ) {
        my $rep = $feat->get_reporter();
        ok( $rep, 'feature is linked to a reporter' );
        is( $rep->get_name(), 'Test2', 'with the expected name' );
    else {
        die("Error: unexpected feature row " . $feat->get_row);

# Brief test of the export code; this is nowhere near as thorough as it should be FIXME.
( $fh, $filename ) = tempfile( UNLINK => 1 );
my $adf_writer;

dies_ok( sub{ $adf_writer = Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer::ADF->new( filehandle     => $fh,
                                                                  magetab_object => $ad,
                                                                  export_version => '1.2' ) },
         'writer fails to instantiate with an invalid export version' );

foreach my $version ( qw( 1.0 1.1 ) ) {
    lives_ok( sub{ $adf_writer = Bio::MAGETAB::Util::Writer::ADF->new( filehandle     => $fh,
                                                                       magetab_object => $ad,
                                                                       export_version => $version ) },
              "writer instantiates with export version $version" );

lives_ok( sub{ $adf_writer->write() }, 'writer outputs ADF data without crashing' );

# FIXME don't forget to add Term Accession Numbers for all these things.

# This is a comment.													
Array Design Name	Test array design												
Version	1												
Provider	Roger Bannister												
Printing Protocol	We printed some primers.												
Technology Type	so futuristic it hurts												
Technology Type Term Source REF	RO												
Surface Type	vaguely moonlike												
Surface Type Term Source REF	RO												
Substrate Type	molecular												
Substrate Type Term Source REF	RO												
Sequence Polymer Type	PVC												
Sequence Polymer Type Term Source REF	RO												
Term Source Name	RO	embl	refseq										
Term Source File												
Term Source Version	0.1												
Comment[Ceci n'est pas un comment]	all fun and games.												
# Commenting here 'allows me to add another apostrophe.													
# FIXME more columns needed here also.													
Block Column	Block Row	Column	Row	Reporter Name	Reporter Sequence	Reporter Group [Role]	Reporter Group Term Source REF	Reporter Group Term Accession Number	Control Type	Control Type Term Source REF	Reporter Database Entry [embl]	Composite Element Name	Composite Element Database Entry [refseq]	Composite Element Comment
1	1	1	1	Test1	ATGC	control	RO	C1	control_biosequence	RO	AK12334	CompTest1	NM_12344	random text
1	1	1	2	Test2	ATGG	experimental	RO	C2		RO	AW54321	CompTest2	NM_54321	more randomness

Map2Reporters	Composite Element Name	Composite Element Database Entry [refseq]	Composite Element Comment [Testing a feature not in the spec]										
Test1;Test2	CompTest3	NM_98765	another pointless comment										
Test1	CompTest4	NM_56789	yet more pointlessness