The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;

use English qw< -no_match_vars >;

use File::Basename qw< basename >;
use File::Spec::Functions qw< catdir catfile >;
use PPI::Document q< >;
use PPI::Document::File q< >;

use Perl::Critic::Utils qw< :characters >;
use Perl::Critic::Violation q< >;

use Test::More tests => 69;


our $VERSION = '1.121';


use lib catdir( qw< t 06_violation.d lib > );

use ViolationTest;   # this is solely to test the import() method; has diagnostics
use ViolationTest2;  # this is solely to test the import() method; no diagnostics
use Perl::Critic::Policy::Test;    # this is to test violation formatting

#  method tests

    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'sort_by_location');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'sort_by_severity');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'new');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'location');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'diagnostics');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'description');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'explanation');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'filename');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'source');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'policy');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'get_format');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'set_format');
    can_ok('Perl::Critic::Violation', 'to_string');
} # end scope block

# Constructor Failures:
    eval { Perl::Critic::Violation->new('desc', 'expl'); };
    ok($EVAL_ERROR, 'new, wrong number of args');
    eval { Perl::Critic::Violation->new('desc', 'expl', {}, 'severity'); };
    ok($EVAL_ERROR, 'new, bad arg');
} # end scope block

# Accessor tests

    my $pkg  = __PACKAGE__;
    my $code = 'Hello World;';
    my $document = PPI::Document->new(\$code);
    my $no_diagnostics_msg = qr/ \s* No [ ] diagnostics [ ] available \s* /xms;
    my $viol = Perl::Critic::Violation->new( 'Foo', 'Bar', $document, 99, );

    is(   $viol->description(),          'Foo',           'description');
    is(   $viol->explanation(),          'Bar',           'explanation');
    is(   $viol->line_number(),          1,               'line_number');
    is(   $viol->logical_line_number(),  1,               'logical_line_number');
    is(   $viol->column_number(),        1,               'column_number');
    is(   $viol->visual_column_number(), 1,               'visual_column_number');
    is(   $viol->severity(),             99,              'severity');
    is(   $viol->source(),               $code,           'source');
    is(   $viol->policy(),               $pkg,            'policy');
    is(   $viol->element_class(),        'PPI::Document', 'element class');
    like( $viol->diagnostics(), qr/ \A $no_diagnostics_msg \z /xms, 'diagnostics');

        my $old_format = Perl::Critic::Violation::get_format();
        my $expect = qr/\A 1,1,Foo,Bar,$pkg,$no_diagnostics_msg,\Q$code\E \z/xms;

        like($viol->to_string(), $expect, 'to_string');
        like("$viol",            $expect, 'stringify');


    $viol = Perl::Critic::Violation->new('Foo', [28], $document, 99);
    is($viol->explanation(), 'See page 28 of PBP', 'explanation');

    $viol = Perl::Critic::Violation->new('Foo', [28,30], $document, 99);
    is($viol->explanation(), 'See pages 28,30 of PBP', 'explanation');
} # end scope block

    my $pkg  = __PACKAGE__;
    my $code = 'Say goodbye to the document;';
    my $document = PPI::Document->new(\$code);

    my $words = $document->find('PPI::Token::Word');
    my $word = $words->[0];

    my $no_diagnostics_msg = qr/ \s* No [ ] diagnostics [ ] available \s* /xms;
    my $viol = Perl::Critic::Violation->new( 'Foo', 'Bar', $word, 99, );

    # Make bye-bye with the document.  This will end up stripping the guts out
    # of the PPI::Token::Word instance, so it is useless to us after the
    # document is gone.  We need to make sure that we've copied the data out
    # that we'll need.
    undef $document;
    undef $words;
    undef $word;

    is( $viol->description(),          'Foo',              'description after dropping document');
    is( $viol->explanation(),          'Bar',              'explanation after dropping document');
    is( $viol->line_number(),          1,                  'line_number after dropping document');
    is( $viol->logical_line_number(),  1,                  'logical_line_number after dropping document');
    is( $viol->column_number(),        1,                  'column_number after dropping document');
    is( $viol->visual_column_number(), 1,                  'visual_column_number after dropping document');
    is( $viol->severity(),             99,                 'severity after dropping document');
    is( $viol->source(),               $code,              'source after dropping document');
    is( $viol->policy(),               $pkg,               'policy after dropping document');
    is( $viol->element_class(),        'PPI::Token::Word', 'element class after dropping document');
        qr/ \A $no_diagnostics_msg \z /xms,
        'diagnostics after dropping document',
} # end scope block

# Import tests
        qr/ \A \s* This [ ] is [ ] a [ ] test [ ] diagnostic [.] \s*\z /xms,
        'import diagnostics',
} # end scope block

# Violation sorting

    my $code = <<'END_PERL';
my $foo = 1; my $bar = 2;
my $baz = 3;

    my $document = PPI::Document->new(\$code);
    my @children   = $document->schildren();
    my @violations =
        map { Perl::Critic::Violation->new($EMPTY, $EMPTY, $_, 0) }
            $document, @children;
    my @sorted = Perl::Critic::Violation->sort_by_location( reverse @violations);
    is_deeply(\@sorted, \@violations, 'sort_by_location');

    my @severities = (5, 3, 4, 0, 2, 1);
    @violations =
        map { Perl::Critic::Violation->new($EMPTY, $EMPTY, $document, $_) }
    @sorted = Perl::Critic::Violation->sort_by_severity( @violations );
    is_deeply( [map {$_->severity()} @sorted], [sort @severities], 'sort_by_severity');

# Violation formatting

    my $format = '%l; %c; %m; %e; %s; %r; %P; %p; %d';
    my $expected = join q{; }, (
       1, 1,  # line, col
       'desc', 'expl',
       1, # severity
       'print;', # source near token[0]
       'Perl::Critic::Policy::Test', 'Test', # long, short
       '    diagnostic',

    is(Perl::Critic::Violation::get_format(), $format, 'set/get_format');
    my $code = "print;\n";
    my $document = PPI::Document->new(\$code);
    my $p = Perl::Critic::Policy::Test->new();
    my @t = $document->tokens();
    my $v = $p->violates($t[0]);
    ok($v, 'got a violation');

    is($v->to_string(), $expected, 'to_string()');

# More formatting

    # Alias subroutines, because I'm lazy
    my $get_format = *Perl::Critic::Violation::get_format;
    my $set_format = *Perl::Critic::Violation::set_format;

    my $fmt_literal = 'Found %m in file %f on line %l\n';  ## no critic (RequireInterpolationOfMetachars)
    my $fmt_interp  = "Found %m in file %f on line %l\n"; #Same, but double-quotes
    is($set_format->($fmt_literal), $fmt_interp, 'set_format by spec');
    is($get_format->(), $fmt_interp, 'get_format by spec');

    my $fmt_predefined = "%m at %f line %l\n";
    is($set_format->(3), $fmt_predefined, 'set_format by number');
    is($get_format->(),  $fmt_predefined, 'get_format by number');

    my $fmt_default = "%m at line %l, column %c.  %e.  (Severity: %s)\n";
    is($set_format->(999),   $fmt_default, 'set_format by invalid number');
    is($get_format->(),      $fmt_default, 'get_format by invalid number');
    is($set_format->(undef), $fmt_default, 'set_format with undef');
    is($get_format->(),      $fmt_default, 'get_format with undef');



    my @given = ( qw(foo bar. .baz.. nuts!), [], {} );
    my @want  = ( qw(foo bar  .baz   nuts!), [], {} );
    my @have  = Perl::Critic::Violation::_chomp_periods(@given);

    is_deeply(\@have, \@want, 'Chomping periods');
} # end scope block


    my $filename = catfile( qw< t 06_violation.d source > );
    my $document = PPI::Document::File->new($filename);

    my @words = @{ $document->find('PPI::Token::Word') };

        (scalar @words),
        'Got the expected number of words in the line directive example document.',

    my %expected = (
        '%F' => basename($filename),
        '%f' => $filename,
        '%G' => basename($filename),
        '%g' => $filename,
        '%l' => '1',
        '%L' => '1',

    _test_file_and_line_formats($words[0], \%expected);

    @expected{ qw< %F %f > } = ('') x 2;
    $expected{'%l'} = 57;
    $expected{'%L'} = 3;

    _test_file_and_line_formats($words[1], \%expected);

sub _test_file_and_line_formats {
    my ($word, $expected) = @_;

    my $violation = Perl::Critic::Violation->new($EMPTY, $EMPTY, $word, 0);

    foreach my $format ( sort keys %{$expected} ) {
            "Got expected value for $format for " . $word->content(),


# ensure we return true if this test is loaded by
# t/06_violation.t_without_optional_dependencies.t


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#   mode: cperl
#   cperl-indent-level: 4
#   fill-column: 78
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#   c-indentation-style: bsd
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