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## name Basic passing.
## failures 0
## cut

print "this is not $literal";
print qq{this is not $literal};
print "this is not literal\n";
print qq{this is not literal\n};


## name Basic failure.
## failures 5
## cut

print 'this is not $literal';
print q{this is not $literal};
print 'this is not literal\n';
print q{this is not literal\n};
print 'this is not @literal';


## name Failure of simple scalar variables.
## failures 1
## cut

print '$blah';


## name Failure of simple array variables.
## failures 1
## cut

print '@blah';


## name Failure of common punctuation variables.
## failures 4
## cut

print '$_';
print '@_';
print '$@';
print '$!';


## name Failure of @+ & @-.
## failures 2
## cut

print '@+';
print '@-';


## name Failure of @^H.
## failures 1
## cut

print '@^H';


## name Readonly constant from Modules::ProhibitAutomaticExportation.
## failures 1
## cut

Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL => q{Use '@EXPORT_OK' or '%EXPORT_TAGS' instead};


## name OK to escape backslashes.
## failures 0
## cut

print 'it is ok to escape a backslash: \\t'
print q{it is ok to escape a backslash: \\t}
print 'you can do it multiple times: \\\\\\t'
print q{you can do it multiple times: \\\\\\t}


## name OK to escape quotes.
## failures 0
## cut

print 'you can also escape a quote: \''
print q{you can also escape a quote: \'}
print 'you can escape a quote preceded by backslashes: \\\\\''
print q{you can escape a quote preceded by backslashes: \\\\\'}


## name Valid escapes should not hide invalid ones.
## failures 4
## cut

print 'it is ok to escape a backslash: \\t but not a tee: \t'
print q{it is ok to escape a backslash: \\t but not a tee: \t}
print 'you can also escape a quote: \' but not a tee: \t'
print q{you can also escape a quote: \' but not a tee: \t}


## name Sigil characters not looking like sigils.
## failures 0
## cut

$sigil_at_end_of_word = 'list@ scalar$';
$sigil_at_end_of_word = 'scalar$ list@';
$sigil_at_end_of_word = q(list@ scalar$);
$sigil_at_end_of_word = q(scalar$ list@);
%options = (  'foo=s@' => \@foo);  #Like with Getopt::Long
%options = ( q{foo=s@} => \@foo);  #Like with Getopt::Long
$sigil_as_delimiter = q$blah$;
$sigil_as_delimiter = q    $blah$;
$sigil_as_delimiter = q@blah@;
$sigil_as_delimiter = q    @blah@;


## name Do complain about RCS variables, if not turned on.
## failures 7
## cut

$VERSION = q<$Revision$>;
($VERSION) = q<$Revision$> =~ m/(\d+)/mx;
our $VERSION = substr(q/$Revision$/, 10);
our ($VERSION) = q<$Revision$> =~ m/(\d+)/mx;
our ($VERSION) = (q<$Revision$> =~ m/(\d+)/mx);
our (undef, $AUTHOR, undef, undef, $VERSION) = split m/\s+/, q<$Author$ $Revision$>;

# Yes, silly example, but still need to check it.
if ( ($VERSION) = q<$Revision$> =~ m/(\d+)/mx ) {}


## name Don't complain about RCS variables, if turned on.
## failures 0
## parms { rcs_keywords => 'Revision Author' }
## cut

$VERSION = q<$Revision$>;
($VERSION) = q<$Revision$> =~ m/(\d+)/mx;
our $VERSION = substr(q/$Revision$/, 10);
our ($VERSION) = q<$Revision$> =~ m/(\d+)/mx;
our ($VERSION) = (q<$Revision$> =~ m/(\d+)/mx);
our (undef, $AUTHOR, undef, undef, $VERSION) = split m/\s+/, q<$Author$ $Revision$>;

# Yes, silly example, but still need to check it.
if ( ($VERSION) = q<$Revision$> =~ m/(\d+)/mx ) {}


## name Don't complain about '${}' and '@{}' because they're invalid syntax. See RT #38528/commit r3077 for original problem/solution.
## failures 0
## cut

use Blah '${}' => \&scalar_deref;
use Blah '@{}' => \&array_deref;
use Blah '%{}' => \&hash_deref;
use Blah '&{}' => \&code_deref;
use Blah '*{}' => \&glob_deref;
use Blah ('${}' => \&scalar_deref);
use Blah ('@{}' => \&array_deref);
use Blah ('%{}' => \&hash_deref);
use Blah ('&{}' => \&code_deref);
use Blah ('*{}' => \&glob_deref);
use Blah 1.0 ('${}' => \&scalar_deref);
use Blah 1.0 ('@{}' => \&array_deref);


## name use vars arguments.
## failures 0
## cut

use vars '$FOO';
use vars '$FOO', '@BAR';
use vars ('$FOO');
use vars ('$FOO', '@BAR');
use vars (('$FOO'));
use vars (('$FOO', '@BAR'));
use vars ((('$FOO')));
use vars ((('$FOO', '@BAR')));
use vars qw< $FOO @BAR >;
use vars qw< $FOO @BAR >, '$BAZ';


## name Include statement failure.
## failures 1
## cut

use Generic::Module '$FOO';


## name Things that look like email addresses.
## failures 0
## cut

$simple  = '';
$complex = q{};

## name More things that look like email addresses.
## failures 0
## cut

$simple  = 'Email:';
$complex = q{"" is my address};
send_email_to ('', ...);

## name Email addresses with embedded violations.
## TODO Policy is not smart enough to handle this yet.
## failures 2
## cut

$simple  = 'Email: $name@$company.$domain';
send_email_to('$some_var:', ...);

## name Confirm we flag all defined backslashed interpolations. RT #61970
## failures 26
## cut

'\t';          # tab             (HT, TAB)
'\n';          # newline         (NL)
'\r';          # return          (CR)
'\f';          # form feed       (FF)
'\b';          # backspace       (BS)
'\a';          # alarm (bell)    (BEL)
'\e';          # escape          (ESC)
'\033';        # octal char      (example: ESC)
'\x1b';        # hex char        (example: ESC)
'\x{263a}';    # wide hex char   (example: SMILEY)
'\c[';         # control char    (example: ESC)
'\N{name}';    # named Unicode character
'\N{U+263D}';  # Unicode character (example: FIRST QUARTER MOON)
'\l';          # lowercase next char
'\u';          # uppercase next char
'\L';          # lowercase till \E
'\U';          # uppercase till \E
'\E';          # end case modification
'\Q';          # quote non-word characters till \E
'\1';          # See note 1, below
'\2';          # See note 1, below
'\3';          # See note 1, below
'\4';          # See note 1, below
'\5';          # See note 1, below
'\6';          # See note 1, below
'\7';          # See note 1, below

# Note 1: These are not documented in perop that I can find, but the code in
#         toke.c makes them equivalent to \0 for interpolated strings (though
#         not, of course, for regular expressions or the substitution portion
#         of s///).

## name Confirm we ignore all non-special backslashed word characters. RT #61970
## failures 0
## cut


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