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package Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::Capitalization;

use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;

use English qw< -no_match_vars >;
use Readonly;

use List::MoreUtils qw< any >;

use Perl::Critic::Exception::AggregateConfiguration;
use Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy::ParameterValue;
use Perl::Critic::Utils qw<
    :booleans :characters :severities
    hashify is_perl_global
use Perl::Critic::Utils::Perl qw< symbol_without_sigil >;
use Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI qw<
use PPIx::Utilities::Statement qw<

use base 'Perl::Critic::Policy';

our $VERSION = '1.125';


# Don't worry about leading digits-- let perl/PPI do that.
Readonly::Scalar my $ALL_ONE_CASE_REGEX      =>
    qr< \A [@%\$]? (?: [[:lower:]_\d]+ | [[:upper:]_\d]+ ) \z >xms;
Readonly::Scalar my $ALL_LOWER_REGEX         => qr< \A [[:lower:]_\d]+ \z >xms;
Readonly::Scalar my $ALL_UPPER_REGEX         => qr< \A [[:upper:]_\d]+ \z >xms;
Readonly::Scalar my $STARTS_WITH_LOWER_REGEX => qr< \A _* [[:lower:]\d]   >xms;
Readonly::Scalar my $STARTS_WITH_UPPER_REGEX => qr< \A _* [[:upper:]\d]   >xms;
Readonly::Scalar my $NO_RESTRICTION_REGEX    => qr< .                     >xms;

Readonly::Hash my %CAPITALIZATION_SCHEME_TAGS    => (
    ':single_case'          => {
        regex               => $ALL_ONE_CASE_REGEX,
        regex_violation     => 'is not all lower case or all upper case',
    ':all_lower'            => {
        regex               => $ALL_LOWER_REGEX,
        regex_violation     => 'is not all lower case',
    ':all_upper'            => {
        regex               => $ALL_UPPER_REGEX,
        regex_violation     => 'is not all upper case',
    ':starts_with_lower'    => {
        regex               => $STARTS_WITH_LOWER_REGEX,
        regex_violation     => 'does not start with a lower case letter',
    ':starts_with_upper'    => {
        regex               => $STARTS_WITH_UPPER_REGEX,
        regex_violation     => 'does not start with a upper case letter',
    ':no_restriction'       => {
        regex               => $NO_RESTRICTION_REGEX,
        regex_violation     => 'there is a bug in Perl::Critic if you are reading this',

Readonly::Scalar my $PACKAGE_REGEX          => qr/ :: | ' /xms;

Readonly::Hash my %NAME_FOR_TYPE => (
    package                 => 'Package',
    subroutine              => 'Subroutine',
    local_lexical_variable  => 'Local lexical variable',
    scoped_lexical_variable => 'Scoped lexical variable',
    file_lexical_variable   => 'File lexical variable',
    global_variable         => 'Global variable',
    constant                => 'Constant',
    label                   => 'Label',

Readonly::Hash my %IS_COMMA => hashify( $COMMA, $FATCOMMA );

Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL                   => [ 45, 46 ];


# Can't handle named parameters yet.
sub supported_parameters {
    return (
            name               => 'packages',
            description        => 'How package name components should be capitalized.  Valid values are :single_case, :all_lower, :all_upper:, :starts_with_lower, :starts_with_upper, :no_restriction, or a regex.',
            default_string     => ':starts_with_upper',
            behavior           => 'string',
            name               => 'package_exemptions',
            description        => 'Package names that are exempt from capitalization rules.  The values here are regexes that will be surrounded by \A and \z.',
            default_string     => 'main',
            behavior           => 'string list',
            name               => 'subroutines',
            description        => 'How subroutine names should be capitalized.  Valid values are :single_case, :all_lower, :all_upper, :starts_with_lower, :starts_with_upper, :no_restriction, or a regex.',
            default_string     => ':single_case',  # Matches ProhibitMixedCaseSubs
            behavior           => 'string',
            name               => 'subroutine_exemptions',
            description        => 'Subroutine names that are exempt from capitalization rules.  The values here are regexes that will be surrounded by \A and \z.',
            default_string     =>
                join (

                        AUTOLOAD  BUILD     BUILDARGS CLEAR   CLOSE
                        DELETE    DEMOLISH  DESTROY   EXISTS  EXTEND
                        FETCH     FETCHSIZE FIRSTKEY  GETC    NEXTKEY
                        POP       PRINT     PRINTF    PUSH    READ
                        READLINE  SCALAR    SHIFT     SPLICE  STORE
                        UNSHIFT   UNTIE     WRITE

            behavior           => 'string list',
            name               => 'local_lexical_variables',
            description        => 'How local lexical variables names should be capitalized.  Valid values are :single_case, :all_lower, :all_upper, :starts_with_lower, :starts_with_upper, :no_restriction, or a regex.',
            default_string     => ':single_case',  # Matches ProhibitMixedCaseVars
            behavior           => 'string',
            name               => 'local_lexical_variable_exemptions',
            description        => 'Local lexical variable names that are exempt from capitalization rules.  The values here are regexes that will be surrounded by \A and \z.',
            default_string     => $EMPTY,
            behavior           => 'string list',
            name               => 'scoped_lexical_variables',
            description        => 'How lexical variables that are scoped to a subset of subroutines, should be capitalized.  Valid values are :single_case, :all_lower, :all_upper, :starts_with_lower, :starts_with_upper, :no_restriction, or a regex.',
            default_string     => ':single_case',  # Matches ProhibitMixedCaseVars
            behavior           => 'string',
            name               => 'scoped_lexical_variable_exemptions',
            description        => 'Names for variables in anonymous blocks that are exempt from capitalization rules.  The values here are regexes that will be surrounded by \A and \z.',
            default_string     => $EMPTY,
            behavior           => 'string list',
            name               => 'file_lexical_variables',
            description        => 'How lexical variables at the file level should be capitalized.  Valid values are :single_case, :all_lower, :all_upper, :starts_with_lower, :starts_with_upper, :no_restriction, or a regex.',
            default_string     => ':single_case',  # Matches ProhibitMixedCaseVars
            behavior           => 'string',
            name               => 'file_lexical_variable_exemptions',
            description        => 'File-scope lexical variable names that are exempt from capitalization rules.  The values here are regexes that will be surrounded by \A and \z.',
            default_string     => $EMPTY,
            behavior           => 'string list',
            name               => 'global_variables',
            description        => 'How global (package) variables should be capitalized.  Valid values are :single_case, :all_lower, :all_upper, :starts_with_lower, :starts_with_upper, :no_restriction, or a regex.',
            default_string     => ':single_case',  # Matches ProhibitMixedCaseVars
            behavior           => 'string',
            name               => 'global_variable_exemptions',
            description        => 'Global variable names that are exempt from capitalization rules.  The values here are regexes that will be surrounded by \A and \z.',
            default_string     => '\$VERSION @ISA @EXPORT(?:_OK)? %EXPORT_TAGS \$AUTOLOAD %ENV %SIG \$TODO',  ## no critic (RequireInterpolation)
            behavior           => 'string list',
            name               => 'constants',
            description        => 'How constant names should be capitalized.  Valid values are :single_case, :all_lower, :all_upper, :starts_with_lower, :starts_with_upper, :no_restriction, or a regex.',
            default_string     => ':all_upper',
            behavior           => 'string',
            name               => 'constant_exemptions',
            description        => 'Constant names that are exempt from capitalization rules.  The values here are regexes that will be surrounded by \A and \z.',
            default_string     => $EMPTY,
            behavior           => 'string list',
            name               => 'labels',
            description        => 'How labels should be capitalized.  Valid values are :single_case, :all_lower, :all_upper, :starts_with_lower, :starts_with_upper, :no_restriction, or a regex.',
            default_string     => ':all_upper',
            behavior           => 'string',
            name               => 'label_exemptions',
            description        => 'Labels that are exempt from capitalization rules.  The values here are regexes that will be surrounded by \A and \z.',
            default_string     => $EMPTY,
            behavior           => 'string list',

sub default_severity    { return $SEVERITY_LOWEST                       }
sub default_themes      { return qw< core pbp cosmetic >                }
sub applies_to          { return qw< PPI::Statement PPI::Token::Label > }


sub initialize_if_enabled {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;

    my $configuration_exceptions =

    foreach my $kind_of_name ( qw<
        package                 subroutine
        local_lexical_variable  scoped_lexical_variable
        file_lexical_variable   global_variable
        constant                label
    > ) {
        my ($capitalization_regex, $message) =
                $kind_of_name, $configuration_exceptions,
        my $exemption_regexes =
                $kind_of_name, $configuration_exceptions,

        # Keep going, despite problems, so that all problems can be reported
        # at one go, rather than the user fixing one problem, receiving a new
        # error, etc..
        next KIND if $configuration_exceptions->has_exceptions();

        $self->{"_${kind_of_name}_test"} = sub {
            my ($name) = @_;

            return if _name_is_exempt($name, $exemption_regexes);

            return $message if $name !~ m/$capitalization_regex/xms;

    if ( $configuration_exceptions->has_exceptions() ) {

    return $TRUE;

sub _derive_capitalization_test_regex_and_message {
    my ($self, $kind_of_name, $configuration_exceptions) = @_;

    my $capitalization_option = "${kind_of_name}s";
    my $capitalization = $self->{"_$capitalization_option"};

    if ( my $tag_properties = $CAPITALIZATION_SCHEME_TAGS{$capitalization} ) {
        return @{$tag_properties}{ qw< regex regex_violation > };
    elsif ($capitalization =~ m< \A : >xms) {
                policy          => $self,
                option_name     => $capitalization_option,
                option_value    => $capitalization,
                message_suffix  =>
                        'is not a known capitalization scheme tag. Valid tags are: '
                    .   (join q<, >, sort keys %CAPITALIZATION_SCHEME_TAGS)
                    .   $PERIOD,

    my $regex;
    eval { $regex = qr< \A $capitalization \z >xms; }
        or do {
                    policy          => $self,
                    option_name     => $capitalization_option,
                    option_value    => $capitalization,
                    message_suffix  =>
                        "is not a valid regular expression: $EVAL_ERROR",

    return $regex, qq<does not match "\\A$capitalization\\z".>;

sub _derive_capitalization_exemption_test_regexes {
    my ($self, $kind_of_name, $configuration_exceptions) = @_;

    my $exemptions_option = "${kind_of_name}_exemptions";
    my $exemptions = $self->{"_$exemptions_option"};

    my @regexes;

    foreach my $pattern ( keys %{$exemptions} ) {
        my $regex;
        eval { $regex = qr< \A $pattern \z >xms; }
            or do {
                        policy          => $self,
                        option_name     => $exemptions_option,
                        option_value    => $pattern,
                        message_suffix  =>
                            "is not a valid regular expression: $EVAL_ERROR",
                next PATTERN;

        push @regexes, $regex;

    return \@regexes;

sub _name_is_exempt {
    my ($name, $exemption_regexes) = @_;

    foreach my $regex ( @{$exemption_regexes} ) {
        return $TRUE if $name =~ m/$regex/xms;

    return $FALSE;


sub violates {
    my ( $self, $elem, undef ) = @_;

    # Want given.  Want 5.10.  Gimme gimme gimme.  :]
    if ( $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Variable') ) {
        return $self->_variable_capitalization($elem);

    if ( $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub') ) {
        return $self->_subroutine_capitalization($elem);

    if (
        my @names = get_constant_name_elements_from_declaring_statement($elem)
    ) {
        return ( grep { $_ }
            map { $self->_constant_capitalization( $elem, $_ ) } @names )

    if ( $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Package') ) {
        return $self->_package_capitalization($elem);

    if (
        $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound') and $elem->type() eq 'foreach'
    ) {
        return $self->_foreach_variable_capitalization($elem);

    if ( $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Label') ) {
        return $self->_label_capitalization($elem);


sub _variable_capitalization {
    my ($self, $elem) = @_;

    my @violations;

    for my $name ( map { $_->symbol() } $elem->symbols() ) {
        if ($elem->type() eq 'local') {
            # Fully qualified names are exempt because we can't be responsible
            # for other people's symbols.
            next NAME if $name =~ m/$PACKAGE_REGEX/xms;
            next NAME if is_perl_global($name);

        elsif ($elem->type() eq 'our') {
        else {
            # Got my or state
            my $parent = $elem->parent();
            if ( not $parent or $parent->isa('PPI::Document') ) {
            else {
                if ( _is_directly_in_scope_block($elem) ) {
                else {

    return @violations;

sub _subroutine_capitalization {
    my ($self, $elem) = @_;

    # These names are fixed and you've got no choice what to call them.
    return if $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Scheduled');

    my $name = $elem->name();
    $name =~ s{ .* :: }{}smx;  # Allow for "sub Some::Package::foo {}"

    return $self->_check_capitalization($name, $name, 'subroutine', $elem);

sub _constant_capitalization {
    my ($self, $elem, $name) = @_;

    return $self->_check_capitalization(
        symbol_without_sigil($name), $name, 'constant', $elem,

sub _package_capitalization {
    my ($self, $elem) = @_;

    my $namespace = $elem->namespace();
    my @components = split m/::/xms, $namespace;

    foreach my $component (@components) {
        my $violation =
                $component, $namespace, 'package', $elem,
        return $violation if $violation;


sub _foreach_variable_capitalization {
    my ($self, $elem) = @_;

    my $type;
    my $symbol;
    my $second_element = $elem->schild(1);
    return if not $second_element;

    if ($second_element->isa('PPI::Token::Word')) {
        $type = $second_element->content();
        $symbol = $second_element->snext_sibling();
    } else {
        $type = 'my';
        $symbol = $second_element;

    return if not $symbol;
    return if not $symbol->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol');

    my $name = $symbol->symbol();

    if ($type eq 'local') {
        # Fully qualified names are exempt because we can't be responsible
        # for other people's symbols.
        return if $name =~ m/$PACKAGE_REGEX/xms;
        return if is_perl_global($name);

        return $self->_check_capitalization(
            symbol_without_sigil($name), $name, 'global_variable', $elem,
    elsif ($type eq 'our') {
        return $self->_check_capitalization(
            symbol_without_sigil($name), $name, 'global_variable', $elem,

    # Got my or state: treat as local lexical variable
    return $self->_check_capitalization(
        symbol_without_sigil($name), $name, 'local_lexical_variable', $elem,

sub _label_capitalization {
    my ($self, $elem, $name) = @_;

    return if _is_not_real_label($elem);
    ( my $label = $elem->content() ) =~ s< \s* : \z ><>xms;
    return $self->_check_capitalization($label, $label, 'label', $elem);

sub _check_capitalization {
    my ($self, $to_match, $full_name, $name_type, $elem) = @_;

    my $test = $self->{"_${name_type}_test"};
    if ( my $message = $test->($to_match) ) {
        return $self->violation(
            qq<$NAME_FOR_TYPE{$name_type} "$full_name" $message>,


# { my $x } parses as
#       PPI::Document
#           PPI::Statement::Compound
#               PPI::Structure::Block   { ... }
#                   PPI::Statement::Variable
#                       PPI::Token::Word        'my'
#                       PPI::Token::Symbol      '$x'
#                       PPI::Token::Structure   ';'
# Also, type() on the PPI::Statement::Compound returns "continue".  *sigh*
# The parameter is expected to be the PPI::Statement::Variable.
sub _is_directly_in_scope_block {
    my ($elem) = @_;

    return if is_in_subroutine($elem);

    my $parent = $elem->parent();
    return if not $parent->isa('PPI::Structure::Block');

    my $grand_parent = $parent->parent();
    return $TRUE if not $grand_parent;
    return $TRUE if $grand_parent->isa('PPI::Document');

    return if not $grand_parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound');

    my $type = $grand_parent->type();
    return if not $type;
    return if $type ne 'continue';

    my $great_grand_parent = $grand_parent->parent();
    return if
        $great_grand_parent and not $great_grand_parent->isa('PPI::Document');

    # Make sure we aren't really in a continue block.
    my $prior_to_grand_parent = $grand_parent->sprevious_sibling();
    return $TRUE if not $prior_to_grand_parent;
    return $TRUE if not $prior_to_grand_parent->isa('PPI::Token::Word');
    return $prior_to_grand_parent->content() ne 'continue';

sub _is_not_real_label {
    my $elem = shift;

    # PPI misparses part of a ternary expression as a label
    # when the token to the left of the ":" is a bareword.
    # See
    # For example...
    # $foo = $condition ? undef : 1;
    # PPI thinks that "undef" is a label.  To workaround this,
    # I'm going to check that whatever PPI thinks is the label,
    # actually is the first token in the statement.  I believe
    # this should be true for all real labels.

    my $stmnt = $elem->statement() || return;
    my $first_child = $stmnt->schild(0) || return;
    return $first_child ne $elem;





=for stopwords pbp perlstyle Schwern THINGY

=head1 NAME

Perl::Critic::Policy::NamingConventions::Capitalization - Distinguish different program components by case.


This Policy is part of the core L<Perl::Critic|Perl::Critic> distribution.


Conway recommends to distinguish different program components by case.

Normal subroutines, methods and variables are all in lower case.

    my $foo;            # ok
    my $foo_bar;        # ok
    sub foo {}          # ok
    sub foo_bar {}      # ok

    my $Foo;            # not ok
    my $foo_Bar;        # not ok
    sub Foo     {}      # not ok
    sub foo_Bar {}      # not ok

Package and class names are capitalized.

    package IO::Thing;     # ok
    package Web::FooBar    # ok

    package foo;           # not ok
    package foo::Bar;      # not ok

Constants are in all-caps.

    Readonly::Scalar my $FOO = 42;  # ok

    Readonly::Scalar my $foo = 42;  # not ok

There are other opinions on the specifics, for example, in
L<perlstyle|perlstyle>.  This
policy can be configured to match almost any style that you can think of.


You can specify capitalization rules for the following things:
C<packages>, C<subroutines>, C<local_lexical_variables>,
C<scoped_lexical_variables>, C<file_lexical_variables>,
C<global_variables>, C<constants>, and C<labels>.

C<constants> are things declared via L<constant|constant> or

    use constant FOO => 193;
    Readonly::Array my @BAR => qw< a b c >;

C<global_variables> are anything declared using C<local>, C<our>, or
L<vars|vars>.  C<file_lexical_variables> are variables declared at the
file scope.

C<scoped_lexical_variables> are variables declared inside bare blocks
that are outside of any subroutines or other control structures; these
are usually created to limit scope of variables to a given subset of
subroutines.  E.g.

    sub foo { ... }

        my $thingy;

        sub bar { ... $thingy ... }
        sub baz { ... $thingy ... }

All other variable declarations are considered

Each of the C<packages>, C<subroutines>, C<local_lexical_variables>,
C<scoped_lexical_variables>, C<file_lexical_variables>,
C<global_variables>, C<constants>, and C<labels> options can be
specified as one of C<:single_case>, C<:all_lower>, C<:all_upper:>,
C<:starts_with_lower>, C<:starts_with_upper>, or C<:no_restriction> or
a regular expression; any value that does not start with a colon,
C<:>, is considered to be a regular expression.  The C<:single_case>
tag means a name can be all lower case or all upper case.  If a
regular expression is specified, it is surrounded by C<\A> and C<\z>.

C<packages> defaults to C<:starts_with_upper>.  C<subroutines>,
C<local_lexical_variables>, C<scoped_lexical_variables>,
C<file_lexical_variables>, and C<global_variables> default to
C<:single_case>.  And C<constants> and C<labels> default to

There are corresponding C<package_exemptions>,
C<subroutine_exemptions>, C<local_lexical_variable_exemptions>,
C<file_lexical_variable_exemptions>, C<global_variable_exemptions>,
C<constant_exemptions>, and C<label_exemptions> options that are lists
of regular expressions to exempt from the corresponding capitalization
rule.  These values also end up being surrounded by C<\A> and C<\z>.

C<package_exemptions> defaults to C<main>.  C<global_variable_exemptions>
defaults to
C<subroutine_exemptions> defaults to
which should cover all the standard Perl subroutines plus those from

For example, if you want all local variables to be in all lower-case
and global variables to start with "G_" and otherwise not contain
underscores, but exempt any variable with a name that contains
"THINGY", you could put the following in your F<.perlcriticrc>:

    local_lexical_variables = :all_lower
    global_variables = G_(?:(?!_)\w)+
    global_variable_exemptions = .*THINGY.*

=head1 TODO

Handle C<use vars>.  Treat constant subroutines like constant
variables.  Handle bareword file handles.  There needs to be "schemes"
or ways of specifying "perlstyle" or "pbp".  Differentiate lexical
L<Readonly|Readonly> constants in scopes.

=head1 BUGS

This policy won't catch problems with the declaration of C<$y> below:

    for (my $x = 3, my $y = 5; $x < 57; $x += 3) {

=head1 AUTHOR

Multiple people


Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Michael G Schwern.  All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.  The full text of this license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.


# Local Variables:
#   mode: cperl
#   cperl-indent-level: 4
#   fill-column: 78
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#   c-indentation-style: bsd
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