package Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitQualifiedSubDeclarations;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Perl::Critic::Policy';

use Perl::Critic::Utils qw( :severities &is_qualified_name );


our $VERSION = 0.05;


sub supported_parameters { return }
sub default_severity     { return $SEVERITY_MEDIUM          }
sub default_themes       { return qw( strictersubs bugs )   }
sub applies_to           { return 'PPI::Statement::Sub'     }


my $desc = q{Subroutine declared with a qualified name};
my $expl = q{Remove package name from sub declaration};


sub violates {

    my ($self, $elem, undef) = @_;

    if ( is_qualified_name( $elem->name() ) ) {
        return $self->violation( $desc, $expl, $elem );

    return;  #ok!





=head1 NAME



This policy is part of L<Perl::Critic::StricterSubs|Perl::Critic::StricterSubs>.


Perl permits you to declare subroutines into any package that you
want.  This can be downright dangerous if that package is already
defined elsewhere.

  package Foo;

  sub Bar::frobulate {}  #not ok
  sub frobulate {}       #ok

Even if you declare a subroutine into the current package, using
a fully-qualified name is just weird.

  package  Foo;

  sub Foo::frobulate {} #not ok
  sub frobulate {}      #ok

So this Policy catches any subroutine declaration that contains "::"
in the subroutine's name.

=head1 CAVEATS

Overriding subroutines in other packages is a common testing
technique.  So you may want to disable this policy when critiquing
test scripts.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <>


Copyright (c) 2007 Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer.  All rights reserved.


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