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# ABSTRACT: Moose types used within Pinto

package Pinto::Types;

use strict;
use warnings;
use version;

use MooseX::Types -declare => [
    qw( AuthorID Username Uri Dir File FileList Io Version
        StackName StackAll StackDefault PropertyName PkgSpec
        PkgSpecList StackObject DistSpec DistSpecList
        Spec SpecList RevisionID RevisionHead
        ANSIColor ANSIColorSet PerlVersion)

use MooseX::Types::Moose qw( Str Num ScalarRef ArrayRef Undef
    HashRef FileHandle Object Int );

use URI;
use Path::Class::Dir;
use Path::Class::File;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Module::CoreList;
use IO::String;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::File;

use Pinto::SpecFactory;
use Pinto::Constants qw(:all);


our $VERSION = '0.097'; # VERSION


subtype AuthorID, as Str,
    where { $_ =~ $PINTO_AUTHOR_REGEX },
    message { 'The author id (' . ( defined() ? $_ : 'undef' ) . ') must match /^[A-Z]{2}[-A-Z0-9]*$/' };

coerce AuthorID, from Str, via { uc $_ };


subtype Username, as Str,
    where { $_ =~ $PINTO_USERNAME_REGEX },
    message { 'The username (' . ( defined() ? $_ : 'undef' ) . ') must be alphanumeric' };


subtype StackName, as Str,
    where { $_ =~ $PINTO_STACK_NAME_REGEX },
    message { 'The stack name (' . ( defined() ? $_ : 'undef' ) . ') must be alphanumeric' };


subtype StackAll, as Str,
    where { $_ eq $PINTO_STACK_NAME_ALL },
    message {qq{The stack name must be '$PINTO_STACK_NAME_ALL'}};


subtype StackDefault, as Undef;


class_type StackObject, { class => 'Pinto::Schema::Result::Stack' };


subtype PropertyName, as Str,
    where { $_ =~ $PINTO_PROPERTY_NAME_REGEX },
    message { 'The property name (' . ( defined() ? $_ : 'undef' ) . 'must be alphanumeric' };


class_type Version, { class => 'version' };

coerce Version, from Str, via { version->parse($_) };

coerce Version, from Num, via { version->parse($_) };


subtype PerlVersion, as Object,
    where { $_->isa('version') && exists $Module::CoreList::version{ $_->numify + 0 } },
    message {"perl version ($_) is unknown to me"};

coerce PerlVersion, from Str, via { version->parse($_) };

coerce PerlVersion, from Num, via { version->parse($_) };


subtype ANSIColor, as Str,
    where { Term::ANSIColor::colorvalid($_) },
    message { 'The color name (' . ( defined() ? $_ : 'undef' ) . 'is not valid' };


subtype ANSIColorSet, as ArrayRef [ANSIColor], where { @{$_} == 3 }, message {'Must be exactly three colors'};


class_type Uri, { class => 'URI' };

coerce Uri, from Str, via { URI->new($_) };


class_type Dir, { class => 'Path::Class::Dir' };

coerce Dir, from Str, via { Path::Class::Dir->new($_) }, from ArrayRef, via { Path::Class::Dir->new( @{$_} ) };


class_type File, { class => 'Path::Class::File' };

coerce File, from Str, via { Path::Class::File->new($_) }, from ArrayRef, via { Path::Class::File->new( @{$_} ) };


subtype FileList, as ArrayRef [File];

coerce FileList, from File, via { [$_] }, from Str, via { [ Path::Class::File->new($_) ] }, from ArrayRef [Str], via {
    [ map { Path::Class::File->new($_) } @$_ ];


class_type PkgSpec, { class => 'Pinto::PackageSpec' };

coerce PkgSpec,
    from Str,     via { Pinto::SpecFactory->make_spec($_) },
    from HashRef, via { Pinto::SpecFactory->make_spec($_) };


class_type DistSpec, { class => 'Pinto::DistributionSpec' };

coerce DistSpec,
    from Str,     via { Pinto::SpecFactory->make_spec($_) },
    from HashRef, via { Pinto::SpecFactory->make_spec($_) };


subtype SpecList, as ArrayRef [ PkgSpec | DistSpec ];    ## no critic qw(ProhibitBitwiseOperators);

coerce SpecList,
    from PkgSpec, via { [$_] },
    from DistSpec, via { [$_] }, from Str, via { [ Pinto::SpecFactory->make_spec($_) ] }, from ArrayRef [Str], via {
    [ map { Pinto::SpecFactory->make_spec($_) } @$_ ];


subtype DistSpecList, as ArrayRef [DistSpec];            ## no critic qw(ProhibitBitwiseOperators);

coerce DistSpecList,
    from DistSpec, via { [$_] }, from Str, via { [ Pinto::DistributionSpec->new($_) ] }, from ArrayRef [Str], via {
    [ map { Pinto::DistributionSpec->new($_) } @$_ ];


subtype PkgSpecList, as ArrayRef [PkgSpec];              ## no critic qw(ProhibitBitwiseOperators);

coerce PkgSpecList,
    from DistSpec, via { [$_] }, from Str, via { [ Pinto::PackageSpec->new($_) ] }, from ArrayRef [Str], via {
    [ map { Pinto::PackageSpec->new($_) } @$_ ];


subtype Io, as Object;

coerce Io,
    from Str,  via { my $fh = IO::File->new(); $fh->open($_);   return $fh },
    from File, via { my $fh = IO::File->new(); $fh->open("$_"); return $fh },
    from ArrayRef,  via { IO::Handle->new_from_fd(@$_) },
    from ScalarRef, via { IO::String->new( ${$_} ) };


subtype RevisionID, as Str,
    where { $_ =~ $PINTO_REVISION_ID_REGEX and length($_) >= 4 },
    message { 'The revision id (' . ( defined() ? $_ : 'undef' ) . ') must be a hexadecimal string of 4 or more chars' };

coerce RevisionID, from Str, via { lc $_ };


subtype RevisionHead, as Undef;





=encoding UTF-8

=for :stopwords Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer BenRifkah Fowler Jakob Voss Karen Etheridge Michael
G. Bergsten-Buret Schwern Oleg Gashev Steffen Schwigon Tommy Stanton
Wolfgang Kinkeldei Yanick Boris Champoux hesco popl Däppen Cory G Watson
David Steinbrunner Glenn

=head1 NAME

Pinto::Types - Moose types used within Pinto

=head1 VERSION

version 0.097

=head1 AUTHOR

Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
