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package Acme::TextLayout;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Perl6::Attributes;
use FileHandle;
use Data::Dumper;

=head1 NAME

Acme::TextLayout - Layout things in a grid, as described textually

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


our $VERSION = '0.01';


  $tl = Acme::TextLayout->new;
  $tl->instantiate(text => $pattern);


For a GUI, controlling layout (especially on resize) can be
difficult, especially if your layout is complex. When looking
at a GUI, I came to the realization that I could express the
layout nicely like this:


Where each group of contiguous, like characters specifies a screen

B<Very important>: space is not legal. Nor should you use "-", trust
me. A space (" ") will cause you to die, but a "-" is accepted,
but is used by other modules for other things. BEWARE!

To me, this gives an easy-to-grasp pictorial of the GUI
layout, as long as one notes WTF the letters and symbols represent.
The only caveat is that the collection of like characters/symbols
making the pattern must be adjacent, and must be rectangular. And
the overall pattern must be rectangular.

Note that this textual arrangement can be as big as you want.
It's all relative. Although it might not look like it on
the screen in your editor of choice, all spacing is assummed to
be the same in X and Y. Thus, the aspect ratio of the above
pattern is 16/7 (width/height).

To be useful for a GUI, one must be able to map this goofy space
into screen coordinates. That's what the B<map_range> function is
for (see below).

Now, I know what you must be thinking: is this guy nuts? Why not
use brand-X fancy GUI layout tool? Well, the fact is that those
are nice and easy for the initial layout, but they generally generate
code with precise XY coordinates in them, which makes resizing almost

The idea here is that we use the above textual layout to specify
all the relative positions of things, then map this to a real
coordinate system, preserving the spatial relativity and size

I wrote this for use in a GUI application, but figured it might have
use elsewhere. Hence, this class. If you find a novel use for it,
please let me know what it is (email address in this document).

=head1 METHODS


=head2 B<new>

  $tl = Acme::TextLayout->new([%opts]);

Create an instance of this class. See B<instantiate> to do anything useful.


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %opts = @_;
    my $self = \%opts;
    bless $self, $class;
    $.Class = $class;
    return $self;

=head2 B<instantiate>

  $tl->instantiate(text => ??);
  $tl->instantiate(file => ??);

Specify the textual layout pattern we are interested in, either
from a text string or a file.

Returns undef if something wrong with your input.


sub instantiate {
    my ($self, %opts) = @_;
    my $file = $opts{file};
    my $text = $opts{text};

    # reset state on new instantiation
    $.textRef = [];
    $.Ranges  = {};
    $.widest = undef;
    $.chars  = {};
    $.Above = $.Below = $.Left = $.Right = undef;

    if (defined $file) {
        my $fh = FileHandle->new($file);
        return unless defined $fh;
        my @text = <$fh>;
        chomp foreach @text;
        s/^\s+// foreach @text;
        $text = [ @text ];
    elsif (defined $text) {
        my @text = split(/\n{1}/, $text);
        s/^\s+// foreach @text;
        $text = [ @text ];
    else {
        return undef;

    $.textRef = $text;
    map {
        return undef unless length($_) == $.widest;
    } @{$.textRef};

    my %Ranges;
    my %chars = %.chars;
    map {
        my $C = $_;
        my @d = ./range($C);
        $Ranges{$C} = \@d;
    } keys(%chars);

    $.Ranges = \%Ranges;
    print STDERR "Pattern appears disjoint\n" if ./_disjoint();
    return undef if ./_disjoint();
    # signify OK if we got here
    return 1;

# not a complete test, but tests for the obvious
sub _disjoint {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @text = @{$.textRef};
    my @chars = ./characters();
    my $ok = 1;
    map {
        my $line = $_;
        map {
            my $n = 0;
            my $t = $line;
            $n++ while $t =~ s/$_{1,}//;
            $ok = 0 if $n > 1;
        } @chars;
    } @text;
    my $width = ./width();
    for (my $i=0; $i < $width; $i++) {
        my @new;
        push(@new, substr($_, $i, 1)) foreach @text;
        my $line = join('', @new);
        map {
            my $n = 0;
            my $t = $line;
            $n++ while $t =~ s/$_{1,}//;
            $ok = 0 if $n > 1;
        } @chars;

    return $ok ? 0 : 1;

sub _widest {
    my ($self, $textRef) = @_;
    my @text = @$textRef;
    my $widest = length($text[0]);
    map {
        my $len = length($_);
        $widest = $len if $len > $widest;
    } @text;
    $.widest = $widest;

sub _height {
    my ($self, $textRef) = @_;
    my @text = @$textRef;
    return scalar(@text);

# figure out all characters in our pattern
sub _whats_in_there {
    my ($self, $aref) = @_;
    my @text = @$aref;
    #print "@text", "\n";
    my %chars;
    map {
        my $c = $_;
        my $C = chr($c);
        map {
            my $n;
            $chars{$C} = 1 if $_ =~ /\Q$C\E/;
            die "$.Class - space unacceptable in pattern\n"
                if $C eq " " && defined $chars{$C} && $chars{$C} == 1;
        } @text;
    } 1 .. 255;

    # preserve our character set
    $.chars = \%chars;

sub _right {
    my ($self, $text, $char) = @_;
    my @text = split(//, $text);
    my $first;
    my $last;
    if ($text =~ /$char/) {
        $first = pos($text);
        $last = rindex $text, $char;
    return ($first, $last);

# determine vertical range of a specific character in our pattern
sub _vrange {
    my ($self, $textRef, $char) = @_;
    my $top;
    my $bottom;
    my $n = 0;
    map {
        $top    = $n if $_ =~ /$char/ && !defined $top;
        $bottom = $n if $_ =~ /$char/;
    } @$textRef;
    return ($top, $bottom);

sub _first {
    my ($self, $textRef, $char) = @_;
    my @text = @$textRef;
    my $first;
    map {
        my $n = index $_, $char;
        unless (defined $first) {
            $first = $n if $n >= 0;
        if (defined $first && $n >= 0) {
            die "$.Class - char $char appears misaligned\n"
                if $n < $first;
    } @text;
    return $first;

sub _last {
    my ($self, $textRef, $char) = @_;
    my @text = @$textRef;
    my $last;
    map {
        my $n = rindex $_, $char;
        unless (defined $last) {
            $last = $n if $n >= 0;
        if (defined $last && $n >= 0) {
            die "$.Class - char $char appears misaligned\n"
                if $n > $last;
    } @text;
    return $last;

sub _range {
    my ($self, $textRef, $char) = @_;
    my ($top, $bottom) = ./_vrange($textRef, $char);
    my $left  = ./_first($textRef, $char);
    my $right = ./_last($textRef, $char);
    return ($top, $bottom, $left, $right);

# simple equation to map char ranges to something else
sub _stretch_offset {
    my ($self, $i1, $i2, $o1, $o2) = @_;
    # handle single characters
    $i2 = $i1 + 1 if $i1 == $i2;
    my $stretch = ($o2-$o1)/($i2-$i1);
    my $offset = $o1-($i1*$stretch);
    return ($stretch, $offset);

=head2 B<range>

  ($ymin, $ymax, $xmin, $xmax) = $tl->range($char);

The range of positions for the specified character. B<Note
order of arguments> returned.


sub range {
    my ($self, $char) = @_;
    #return () unless defined $.Ranges{$char};
    return ./_range($.textRef, $char);

=head2 B<characters>

  @chars = $tl->characters();

Return list of all of the unique characters in our pattern.


sub characters {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return sort keys %.Ranges;

=head2 B<text_size>

  ($width, $height) = $tl->text_size();

Find width & height of our pattern in character units. This may
be important since the user of a GUI is free to resize in a way
that messes up the relative aspect ratio as you defined in the
pattern. And you may want to correct this awful situation.


sub text_size {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $h = ./_height($.textRef);
    my $w = ./_widest($.textRef);
    return ($w, $h);

=head2 B<width>


Return width of our pattern (in # characters).


sub width {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $w = ./_widest($.textRef);
    return $w;

=head2 B<height>


Return height of our pattern (in # characters).


sub height {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $h = ./_height($.textRef);
    return $h;

=head2 B<map_range>

  @bbox = $tl->map_range($width, $height, $char);

Map the relative position and size of the indicated character ($char)
region in our pattern to a real XY coordinate space.

@bbox is the bounding box, returned as ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2), where
$x1, $y1 is the upper left corner, and $x2, $y2 is the lower right.

Because this was written (primarily) to interface to a GUI, 
the origin is assumed
to be 0,0 in the upper left corner, with x bigger to the right, and
y bigger down. Adjust as necessary to fit your problem domain.


sub map_range {
    my ($self, $width, $height, $char) = @_;
    my @r = @{$.Ranges{$char}};
    my $h = ./_height($.textRef);
    my $w = ./_widest($.textRef);
    my ($xs, $xo) = ./_stretch_offset(0, $w, 0, $width);
    my ($ys, $yo) = ./_stretch_offset(0, $h, 0, $height);
    my $xEqn = sub { my ($x) = @_; my $y = $xs*$x + $xo; return $y; };
    my $yEqn = sub { my ($y) = @_; my $x = $ys*$y + $yo; return $x; };
    my $xmin = $xEqn->($r[2]);
    my $ymin = $yEqn->($r[0]), 
    my $xmax = $xEqn->($r[3]-$r[2]+1)+$xmin;
    my $ymax = $yEqn->($r[1]-$r[0]+1)+$ymin;
    my @bbox = ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax-1, $ymax-1);
    return @bbox;

# find out if there is overlap; $c0 and $c1 are array references
sub _check_overlap {
    my ($self, $c0, $c1) = @_;
    my %x;
    my @x0 = @$c0;
    my @x1 = @$c1;
    $x{$_}  = 1 foreach $x0[0] .. $x0[1];
    $x{$_} += 1 foreach $x1[0] .. $x1[1];
    my $status;
    map {
        $status = 1 if $x{$_} > 1;
    } keys(%x);
    return defined $status ? 1 : 0;

# are they in same x range?
sub _in_x {
    my ($self, $me, $other) = @_;
    my @x = ($me->[2], $me->[3]);
    my @xo = ($other->[2], $other->[3]);
    return ./_check_overlap(\@x, \@xo);

# are they in same y range?
sub _in_y {
    my ($self, $me, $other) = @_;
    my @y = ($me->[0], $me->[1]);
    my @yo = ($other->[0], $other->[1]);
    return ./_check_overlap(\@y, \@yo);

=head2 B<above>

  @r = $tl->above($char);

Return a list (possibly empty) of each of the characters
above (and adjacent) to the specified character.


sub above {
    my ($self, $char) = @_;
    my @r = @{$.Ranges{$char}};
    return () if $r[0] == 0;
    return @{$.Above{$char}} if defined $.Above{$char};
    my @keys = keys(%.Ranges);
    my @d;
    map {
        if ($_ ne $char) {
        #print "Comparing $_ ";
        my @other = @{$.Ranges{$_}};
        push(@d, $_) if ./_in_x(\@r, \@other) && 
            ($other[0] == ($r[0]-1) || $other[1] == ($r[0]-1));
    } @keys;
    $.Above{$char} = \@d;
    #print "Above $char @d\n";
    return @d;

=head2 B<below>

  @r = $tl->below($char);

Return a list (possibly empty) of each of the characters
below (and adjacent) to the specified character.


sub below {
    my ($self, $char) = @_;
    my @r = @{$.Ranges{$char}};
    return () if $r[1] == ./width();
    return @{$.Below{$char}} if defined $.Below{$char};
    my @keys = keys(%.Ranges);
    my @d;
    map {
        if ($_ ne $char) {
        my @other = @{$.Ranges{$_}};
        push(@d, $_) if ./_in_x(\@r, \@other) && 
            ($other[0] == ($r[0]+1) || $other[1] == ($r[0]+1));
    } @keys;
    $.Below{$char} = \@d;
    return @d;

=head2 B<left>

  @r = $tl->left($char);

Return a list (possibly empty) of each of the characters to
the left (and adjacent) to the specified character.


sub left {
    my ($self, $char) = @_;
    my @r = @{$.Ranges{$char}};
    return () if $r[2] == 0;
    return @{$.Left{$char}} if defined $.Left{$char};
    my @keys = keys(%.Ranges);
    my @d;
    map {
        if ($_ ne $char) {
        my @other = @{$.Ranges{$_}};
        push(@d, $_) if ./_in_y(\@r, \@other) && 
            ($other[3] == ($r[2]-1));
    } @keys;
    $.Left{$char} = \@d;
    return @d;

=head2 B<right>

  @r = $tl->right($char);

Return a list (possibly empty) of each of the characters to
the right (and adjacent) to the specified character.


sub right {
    my ($self, $char) = @_;
    my @r = @{$.Ranges{$char}};
    return () if $r[2] == ./width();
    return @{$.Right{$char}} if defined $.Right{$char};
    my @keys = keys(%.Ranges);
    my @d;
    map {
        if ($_ ne $char) {
        my @other = @{$.Ranges{$_}};
        push(@d, $_) if ./_in_y(\@r, \@other) && 
            ($other[2] == ($r[3]+1));
    } @keys;
    $.Right{$char} = \@d;
    return @d;

=head2 B<range_as_percent>

  ($xpercent, $ypercent) = $tl->range_as_percent($char);

Returns the percentage of x and y that this character consumes
in the I<pattern>. Number returned for each is <= 1.0.


sub range_as_percent {
    my ($self, $char) = @_;
    my ($ymin, $ymax, $xmin, $xmax) = ./range($char);
    my $width  = ./width();
    my $height = ./height();
    return (($xmax-$xmin+1)/$width, ($ymax-$ymin+1)/$height);

=head2 B<order>

  @chars = $tl->order([$line]);

Return the order of the characters encountered on line $line
(zero-based). $line defaults to zero if not specified.


sub order {
    my ($self, $line) = @_;
    $line = 0 unless defined $line;
    die "$.Class - in order, line $line is too big!\n"
        unless $line < ./height();
    my $text = $.textRef[$line];
    return unless defined $text;
    my %Chars;
    my @Chars;
    my @chars = split('', $text);
    map {
        unless (defined $Chars{$_}) {
            push(@Chars, $_);
            $Chars{$_} = 1;
    } @chars;
    return @Chars;

=head2 B<only_one>

  $stat = $tl->only_one();

Returns 1 if there is only a single character in your pattern,
0 if there are more.


sub only_one {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return ./order() == 1;

=head1 AUTHOR

X Cramps, C<< <cramps.the at> >>

=head1 BUGS

There shouldn't be any. But I am a human, and do mess up sometimes.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-acme-textlayout 
at>, or through
the web interface at 
I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Acme::TextLayout

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Captain Beefheart and Ella Guru. So there.


Copyright 2009 X Cramps, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of Acme::TextLayout