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use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;

use Mail::DSPAM::Learning;

warn "\nRunning dspam-lean version " . $Mail::DSPAM::Learning::VERSION . "\n\n";

my $help;
my $man;

my $MyConfigFile;
my $delay = 1;
my $MyConfigDir = "/home/thhamon/.dspam-learning";
my $spam_mailbox = "/home/thhamon/Mail/SPAMMailbox";

my $resettingMyConfig = 0;
my $test = 0;

my $MyConfigNewFile;

my $showconfig;

# pod2usage(1) if $#ARGV==-1;

GetOptions('help|?' => \$help, 
	   man => \$man, 
	   "delay=i" => \$delay, 
	   "myconfig_dir=s" => \$MyConfigDir,
	   resettingMyConfig => \$resettingMyConfig,
	   "myconfig_file=s" => \$MyConfigNewFile,
	   test => \$test,
	   "mailbox=s" => \$spam_mailbox,
	   showconfig => \$showconfig,
    ) or pod2usage(2);

pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;

if (defined $MyConfigNewFile) {
    $MyConfigFile = $MyConfigNewFile;
} else {
    $MyConfigFile = "$MyConfigDir/";

my $dspam_learner = Mail::DSPAM::Learning->new();


if ($resettingMyConfig) {
    warn "Deleting $MyConfigFile\n";

require $MyConfigFile;

if ($showconfig) {


warn "\tParsing Mailbox\n";



my $c = $dspam_learner->forwardMessages(!$test);

warn "\n\t $c messages have been sent\n\n";
warn "I don't like spam !\n";



=head1 NAME

dspam_learn - Perl script for help the DSPAM learning process


dspam-learn [options] [<] [Input_document | Directory] > Annotated_Output_Document

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item    B<--help>            brief help message

=item    B<--man>             full documentation

=item    B<--delay=num>       delay between two spams message sending to DSPAM

=item    B<--myconfig_dir=directory>    define the directory containing the module

=item    B<--resettingMyConfig> Reset the personal configuration

=item    B<--myconfig_file=filename>   define the path for the module containing personal configuration

=item    B<--test>            for testing the configuration, no message is sent

=item    B<--mailbox=filename>    define the path to the mailbox containing spams

=item    B<--showconfig>    display the configuration and exit



This script is used to parse a mailbox containing spams to send to
your dpsam server in order to correct the learning. You have to
specify the mailbox to parse thanks to the option C<--mailbox>.

If no personal configuration exists, it first ask personal information
to send the module. Personal information are domain,
login, email address, SMTP server name, SMTP server port, email
address for DSPAM,

By default, the file is store in C<$HOME/.dspam-learning>,
but other directory can be specified thanks to the C<--myconfig_dir>.

The option C<--resettingMyConfig> can be used to reset personal

=head1 SEE ALSO

DSPAM web site:

=head1 AUTHOR

Thierry Hamon <>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2008 by Thierry Hamon

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
