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# =============================================================================
# $Id: 522 2006-09-19 11:26:13Z HVRTWall $
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Thomas Walloschke ( All rights reserved.
# Find versions of loaded modules, format results flexibel
# ==============================================================================

package Module::Versions;

# -- Force Perl version
use 5.008006;

# -- Pragmas
use strict;
use warnings;

# -- Global modules
use IO::Handle;
use Data::Dumper;

our ( $VERSION, $v, $_VERSION );

# -- CPAN VERSION (='major.minor{2}')
#    With respect to historical versions of Perl itself prior to 5.6.0 and
#    the Camel rules ('...Leading zeros *are* significant...').
#    Should be CPAN and compatible... Ref: BUGS
$VERSION = do { my @r = ( ( $v = q<Version value="0.20.1"> ) =~ /\d+/g ); sprintf "%d.%02d", $r[0], int( $r[1] / 10 ) };

# -- Mumified VERSION (='major.minor{3}release{3}revision{3}')
$_VERSION = do {
    my @r = ( $v =~ /\d+/g, q$Revision: 522 $ =~ /\d+/g );
    sprintf "%d." . "%03d" x $#r, @r;

# *** Constructor **************************************************************

sub new {

    my $class;
    if ( $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], __PACKAGE__ ) ) {
        $class = shift;
        $class = __PACKAGE__ unless $class;
    else { $class = __PACKAGE__ }

    my ( $names, $select ) = @_;

    # -- Make object, load defaults
    my $self = bless {

        names => ( ref $names eq 'ARRAY' and @{$names} )    # list of names
        ? $names                                            #
        : ( defined $names and !ref $names )                # single name
        ? [$names]                                          #
        : [ sort keys %INC ],                               #
        select => ( ref $select eq 'ARRAY' and @{$select} ) # select list
        ? $select                                           #
        : ( defined $select and !ref $select )              # single select
        ? [$select]                                         #
        : [],                                               #

        _oldver  => 0,              # default = 0
                                    # 0: try to load '' to get
                                    #    Perl 5.10.0 compatibility
                                    # 1: try to be conservative/compatible -
                                    #    ignored if version module was loaded
                                    #    from another source part with 'use'
        _notme   => 0,              # default = 0
                                    # 0: show my own package version
                                    # 1: suppress my package version
        _all     => 0,              # default 0
                                    # 0: suppress unknown modules
                                    # 1: show unknown modules
        _version => 0,              # default 0
                                    # 0: suppress 'version' module
                                    # 1: show 'version' module
        _package => __PACKAGE__,    #

    }, $class;

    return $self;

# *** Methods ******************************************************************

# -- Retrieve data
sub get {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;     # ensure versions object
    my ($criteria) = @_;            # get params

        = ( ref $criteria eq 'ARRAY' and @{$criteria} )    # list of criteria
        ? $criteria                                        #
        : ( $criteria and !ref $criteria )                 # single criteria
        ? [$criteria]                                      #
        : () if defined $criteria;                         # redefine criteria

    $self->_get;                                           # get versions

    return $self;

# -- Print list of modules
sub list {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;    # ensure versions object
    my ( $fd, $mask ) = @_;        # get params

    $self->get unless $self->_get_versions;    # get versions if missing

    $self->{fd}   = $fd   if defined $fd;      # redefine output file
    $self->{mask} = $mask if defined $mask;    # redefine output format
    $self->{fd}   ||= *STDOUT;                 # default print fd
    $self->{mask} ||= '%5d %s[ %s %s %s ]';    # default print mask
                                               # e.g. '%5d %s Module %s: %s %s'
                                               # or '%s|%s|%s', ...

    return $self;


# -- Return data structure with modules
sub data {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;                # ensure versions object
    my ($cb) = @_;                             # get params

    $self->get unless $self->_get_versions;    # get versions if missing

    $self->{cb} = $cb if defined $cb and ref $cb eq 'CODE';
    $self->{cb} ||= sub { $self->ARRAY };

    return $self->{cb}->( $self->_get_versions, $self->_get_names );

# -- Return ARRAY with modules - pre-formed ARRAY structure
sub ARRAY {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;                # ensure versions object

    $self->get unless $self->_get_versions;    # get versions if missing

    return $self->_get_versions;               # TODO: sort

# -- Return HASH with modules - pre-formed HASH structure
sub HASH {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;                # ensure versions object
    my $hash;

    $self->get unless $self->_get_versions;    # get versions if missing

    map { $hash->{ $_->[0] }{ $_->[1] } = $_->[2] }
        map { [ @{$_} ] } @{ $self->_get_versions };

    return $hash;

# -- Return SCALAR with modules - pre-formed SCALAR structure
sub SCALAR {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;                # ensure versions object

    $self->get unless $self->_get_versions;    # get versions if missing

        join( qq{\n}, map { join q{,}, @{$_} } @{ $self->_get_versions } )
        ;                                      # TODO: sort

# -- Return CSV structure with modules - pre-formed CSV structure
sub CSV {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;                # ensure versions object

    my $header = q(Module,Name,Value);

    return join qq{\n}, $header, $self->SCALAR;

# -- Return XML structure with modules - pre-formed XML structure
sub XML {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;                # ensure versions object

    my $dtd = $self->{dtd}
        if defined $self->{dtd};    # Experimental: will be set by $self->DTD
    my $xsi = $self->{xsi}
        if defined $self->{xsi};    # Experimental: will be set by $self->XSD

    $self->get unless $self->_get_versions;    # get versions if missing

    my $header = q{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>};
    my ( $root, $elem, $att0, $att1 ) = (qw{versions version module name});

    my ( $open_root, $close_root ) = (
            . ( defined $xsi ? $xsi : q{} )    # Experimental: assign W3C schema
            . qq{>},

    return join qq{\n}, grep {$_} $header,
        ( defined $dtd ? $dtd : q{} ),         # Experimental: assign DTD
        ( map {qq{\t<$elem $att0="$_->[0]" $att1="$_->[1]">$_->[2]</$elem>}}
            @{ $self->_get_versions } ), $close_root;

# -- Return XSD schema - set xsi in object
sub XSD {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;                # ensure versions object

    my $noNSL = "xsd/versions.xsd";   # Experimental: define W3C schema location
    $self->{xsi} = qq{ xmlns:xsi=""}
        . qq{ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="$noNSL"};

    return $self->_xsd;

# -- Return DTD - set dtd in object
sub DTD {

    my $self = shift->_isa_obj;       # ensure versions object

    my $SYSTEM = "dtd/versions.dtd";  # Experimental: define DTD location
    $self->{dtd} = qq{<!DOCTYPE versions SYSTEM "$SYSTEM">};

    return $self->_dtd;

# *** Internal methods *******************************************************

# -- Check if object is valid - 'is_an_object?'
sub _isa_obj {

    my $self;

    # If this is not a method call with a valid object, create a new object
    if ( $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], __PACKAGE__ ) ) {

        $self = shift;
        $self = __PACKAGE__->new unless ref $self;    # *)
    else {

        $self = __PACKAGE__->new;    # *)

    # *) Attention: a new object contains implicitly the $VERSION from loaded
    #               modules only

    return $self;

# -- Retrieve module versions
sub _get {

    my $self = shift;

    my $names    = $self->_get_names;
    my $select   = $self->_get_select;
    my $criteria = $self->_get_criteria;
    my $package  = $self->_get_package;

    # -- Map
    my $_map = {
        'oldver' => sub { $self->{_oldver} = 1 },  # Be conservative/compatible
        'notme'  => sub { $self->{_notme}  = 1 },  # Suppress my package version
        'all'    => sub { $self->{_all}    = 1 },  # Show unknown modules also
        'version' => sub { push @{$names}, 'version'; $self->{_version} = 1 }
        ,                                          # Show version module also

    # -- Criteria mapping
    foreach my $criteria ( @{$criteria} ) {
        $_map->{ lc $criteria }->()
            if ref $_map->{ lc $criteria } eq 'CODE';

    # -- Clear result
    $self->{versions} = [];

    # -- Find modules
    my $_seen = {};
    foreach my $name ( @{$names} ) {

            if $name =~ /\.(al|ix|bs)$/;    # ignore this  (DynaLoader, etc.)

        ( my $module = $name ) =~ s|/|::|g; # convert name to module
        $module =~ s|\.(pm)$||;             # clean module notation

        next if $_seen->{$module}++;                         # ignore duplicates
        next if $module =~ /^$package$/ and $self->{_notme}; # be demure
        next if $name =~ /^version$/ and !$self->{_version}; # be demure

        # -- Find version infos
        my $seen = { q{::} => { 'VERSION' => 1 } };    # avoid multiple scans
                                                       # of VERSION (object and
                                                       # veriable)
        push @{ $self->{versions} },

            grep { !$seen->{ $_->[0] }{ $_->[1] }++ }    # ignore duplicates
            grep { @{$_} }                               # ignore empty results

            ( eval "require $module" )                   # try to load module
            ? (

            # -- Mandantory scan of VERSION - as an object!
            [   (   eval "$module->VERSION"              # try to find VERSION
                    ? ( $module, 'VERSION',
                        eval "$module->VERSION"
                        ? eval "$module->VERSION"
                        : 'undefined'                    # ERROR! Ref: Camel ...
                    : ( $module, qw{VERSION unknown} )   # FATAL! Ref: Camel ...

            # -- Optional scan of selected variables - no objects!
            map {
                [   (   eval "\$${module}::$_"           # try to find selection
                        ? ( $module, $_,
                            eval "\$${module}::$_"
                            ? eval "\$${module}::$_"
                            : 'undefined'                # !defined <variable>
                        : ()                             # can't find <variable>
                grep { !$seen->{q{::}}{$_}++ } @{$select},
            : [ ( $module, qw{Module unknown} ) ]        # can't load module
            if $self->{_all}              # check 'all modules wanted'
            or eval "require $module";    # check 'loadable modules only'

    return $self;                         # object with versions

# -- Output formatting
sub _format {

    my $self     = shift;
    my $fd       = $self->_get_fd;
    my $mask     = $self->_get_mask;
    my $versions = $self->_get_versions;
    my $select   = $self->_get_select;

    # -- Map for pre-formed data format creation
    my $_map = {
        ARRAY => sub { Data::Dumper->Dump( [ shift->ARRAY ], [q{$versions}] ) },
        HASH  => sub { Data::Dumper->Dump( [ shift->HASH ],  [q{$versions}] ) },
        SCALAR => sub { shift->SCALAR },
        CSV    => sub { shift->CSV },
        XML    => sub { shift->XML },
        XSD    => sub { shift->XSD },
        DTD    => sub { shift->DTD },

    # -- Valid fd only wanted...
    if ( fileno($fd) ) {

        # -- Try to use 'version' for overloading VERSION formatting
        unless ( $self->{_oldver} ) {
            eval "require version";    # try to load
            $self->{has_version} = version->can('new');    # version loaded?

        # -- Message format creation
        if ( my @conv = ( $mask =~ /\%[^%]/g ) )
        {    # count universally-known conversions

            my $cnt = 0;
            foreach my $version ( @{$versions} ) {

                next unless @{$version};
                my ( $_module, $_name, $_value ) = @{$version};

                # -- Formatting
                printf $fd "$mask\n",
                    ( @conv == 5 )    # formatting with 5 conversions (%)
                    ? (
                    ++$cnt,           # 1. %
                    ( ( $_name and $_value !~ /^un/ ) ? q{ } : q{*} ),    # 2. %
                    : (),
                           @conv == 3
                        or @conv == 5
                    )    # formatting with 3 or 5 conversions (%)
                    ? (
                    ($_module),    # 3./1. %
                    ( $_name ? $_name : q{-} ),    # 4./2. %
                    (   ( defined $_value and $_value !~ /^un/ )    # 5./3. %
                        ? ( $self->{has_version}
                            ? version->new($_value)->normal    # v0.1.0
                            : $_value                          # 0.01 or 0.010
                        : ( defined $_value
                            ? $_value
                            : q{-}
                    : ();


        # -- Data format autoserialized preform mapping
        elsif ( $mask =~ m{^(ARRAY|HASH|SCALAR|CSV|XML|XSD|DTD)$} ) {

            local $Data::Dumper::Indent   = 0;
            local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

            print $fd $_map->{ uc $mask }->($self)
                if ref $_map->{ uc $mask } eq 'CODE';

        # -- Data format serialized callback mapping
        elsif ( defined $mask and ref $mask eq 'CODE' ) {

            print $fd Data::Dumper->Dump(
                [ $mask->( $self->_get_versions, $self->_get_names ) ],
                [q{$versions}] );

# -- Internal getter
sub _get_versions { shift->{versions} }
sub _get_names    { shift->{names} }
sub _get_select   { shift->{select} }
sub _get_mask     { shift->{mask} }
sub _get_fd       { shift->{fd} }
sub _get_criteria { shift->{_criteria} }
sub _get_package  { shift->{_package} }

# *** Experimental *************************************************************

# -- W3C XML schema of generated XML file
sub _xsd {

    my $self = shift;

    my $localtime = scalar localtime;
    my $package   = $self->_get_package;

    return <<XSD;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- \$Id XSD schema created by $package $VERSION at $localtime \$ -->
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xs:element name="version">
	<xs:complexType mixed="true">
	    <xs:attribute name="module" use="required">
		    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
			<xs:pattern value="(\\w|_)+(::(\\w|_)+)*"/>
	    <xs:attribute name="name" use="required">
		    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
			<xs:pattern value="VERSION"/>
			<xs:pattern value="Module"/>
			<xs:pattern value="(\\w|_)+"/>
    <xs:element name="versions">
		<xs:element ref="version" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

# -- DTD of generated XML file
sub _dtd {

    my $self = shift;

    my $localtime = scalar localtime;
    my $package   = $self->_get_package;

    return <<DTD;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- \$Id DTD created by $package $VERSION at $localtime \$ -->
<!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST version
<!ELEMENT versions (version+)>    




=head1 NAME

Module::Versions - Handle versions of loaded modules with flexible result interface

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to Module::Versions Version 0.01
$Revision: 522 $

Precautions: Alpha Release. 


    use Module::Versions;
    # Simple Interface
    list Module::Versions;               # prints formatted results to STDOUT
    Module::Versions->list;              # prints formatted results to STDOUT
    # Shortcuts      
    $vers  = get Module::Versions;       # retrieves loaded modules

    $vers  = Module::Versions->get;      # retrieves loaded modules
    $array = Module::Versions->ARRAY;    # returns array with version infos
    $hash  = Module::Versions->HASH;     # returns hash with version infos
    $list  = Module::Versions->SCALAR;   # returns text list with version infos
    $csv   = Module::Versions->CSV;      # returns csv list with version infos
    $xml   = Module::Versions->XML;      # returns xml struct with version infos
    $xsd   = Module::Versions->XSD;      # returns xml schema of version infos
    $dtd   = Module::Versions->DTD;      # returns DTD of version infos
    # Individual Parameters
    $vers = Module::Versions             # retrieves mods and vars as defined
    $vers->list($fd,$mask);              # prints formatted results to file  
    $vers->list($fd,$preform);           # prints preformatted results to file
    $vers->list($fd,\&cb);               # prints serialied results as handled 
                                         # in callback routine
    $vers->data(\&cb);                   # returns transformed results as
                                         # defined in callback routine
    # Individual formatted output
    list Module::Versions(*LOG, '%5d %1s %-20s %10s %-16s');
                                         # prints individually formatted
                                         # results to LOG
    list Module::Versions(*DBIMPORT, '%s|%s|%s');
                                         # prints individually formatted
                                         # results to Database Import file
    list Module::Versions(*FD, 'SCALAR');# prints text list results to file
    list Module::Versions(*FD, 'CSV');   # prints csv list results to file
    list Module::Versions(*FD, 'XML');   # prints xml struct results to file
    list Module::Versions(*FD, 'XSD');   # prints xml schema to file
    list Module::Versions(*FD, 'DTD');   # prints DTD to file
    list Module::Versions(*FD, 'ARRAY'); # prints serialized results to file
    list Module::Versions(*FD, 'HASH');  # prints serialized results to file

    Module::Versions->list(*LOG);        # prints formatted results to LOG
    # Pretty Compact
    Module::Versions->list               # prints formatted results on STDOUT
    ->list(*XML,'XML');                  # prints xml struct results to XML file
    Module::Versions->list               # prints formatted results on STDOUT
    ->list(*XSD,'XSD')                   # prints xml schema to XSD file
    ->list(*XML,'XML');                  # prints xml struct results to XML file
    Module::Versions->list               # prints formatted results on STDOUT
    ->list(*DTD,'DTD')                   # prints DTD to DTD file
    ->list(*XML,'XML');                  # prints xml struct results to XML file


Module::Versions handles versions of loaded modules with a flexible result
interface. The main goal is to get as much version informations as possible
about a module or module list with a simple call interface and an absolutely
flexible result interface. Module::Versions handles *loaded* and *loadable*

The motivation for writing this module was the need for better support
facilities to get  informations about the used modules and versions in the
productivity environment. Module::Versions allows shipping applications
basically with something like a '-version' option (See L<Getopt::Long>) but
with expanded functions.

Module::Versions tries to read the loaded/loadable module's $VERSION. For
extended purposes any private project 'version variables' can be fetched
($_VERSION, $version, $REV, etc.).

Module::Versions has a flexible result interface to satisfy different needs:
results can be lists and data structures with different formats - pre-formed
ARRAY, HASH, SCALAR, CSV, XML/XSD/DTD and a full flexible user callback

I<It is for example very simple to print a good formatted version list to the
console and save a version.xml file (in conjunction with an xsd-schema) at
the same time with an absolutely minimum of coding (L<SYNOPSIS>, Pretty
Compact) >.

Module::Versions tries to load '' to support Perl 5.10.0's $VERSION

=head1 METHODS

=over 2

=item Calling

Module::Versions Methods can be called as

    Class methods:              e.g.    Module::Versions->new;      
    Instance methods:           e.g.    $versions->new;
    Indirect objects:           e.q.    new Module::Versions;

=item Shortcuts

The standard chaining can be written with shortcuts:

    1.) Module::Versions->new->get;
    2.) Module::Versions->new->get->list;
    3.) Module::Versions->new->get->data;
    4.) Module::Versions->new->get->XML;
    5.) $versions = Module::Versions->new->get-list;
        $versions->list(*XSD, 'XSD');
        $versions->list(*XML, 'XML');
    can be written as
    1.) Module::Versions->get;      # result is an object
    2.) Module::Versions->list;     # result is an object and a printed list
    3.) Module::Versions->data;     # result is an ARRAY
    4.) Module::Versions->XML;      # result is a XML scalar 
    5.) Module::Versions->list      # result is an object and a printed list
        ->list(*XSD,'XSD')          # result is a XSD schema in file *XSD
        ->list(*XML,'XML');         # result is a XML scalar in file *XML


=head2 Overview

=over 2

=item Constuctor


=item Standard Methods


=item Preformed Methods



=head2 Constructor

=over 2

=item * new

=item * new(E<lt>MODULESE<gt>, E<lt>SELECTIONE<gt>)

Creates a new Versions object.

The object contains a list of module names and a list of variables, which will
be scanned in addition to $VERSION. The module list contains explicitely defined
names or the internal %INC names.

=over 10

=item E<lt>MODULESE<gt>

String or ARRAY of strings; default is content of %INC.

=item E<lt>SELECTIONE<gt>

String or ARRAY of strings; default is 'VERSION'.

I<This may be a list of project specific version variables that can be
observed in addition to the Perl standard variable '$VERSION', e.g. '$_VERSION',
'$version', '$REV'. See '$_VERSION' in this source (='Mumified VERSION')>.

The selection of the Perl standard variable '$VERSION' is mandantory and cannot
be reset.



=head2 Methods

=over 2

=item * get

=item * get(E<lt>CRITERIAE<gt>)

Retrieve C<E<lt>MODULESE<gt>> as defined before and use the
C<E<lt>SELECTIONE<gt>> as defined in object by the constructor.

The result can be accessed by C<list>, C<data> or the shortcuts C<ARRAY>,

=over 10

=item E<lt>CRITERIAE<gt>

String or ARRAY of strings; default formatting of the version info will be done
as 'normal' (e.g. B<v0.10.0>), if the module '' (L<SEE ALSO>,
L<version>) is installed and can be 'required' - otherwise the original
presentation will be left untouched (e.q. B<0.01>). By default the result will
contain information about 'my own' module (Module::Versions) as well but will
ignore any information about 'unloadable' modules. A possibly loaded
'' module will not be shown.

Default is set to B<not C<oldver>>, B<not C<notme>>, B<not C<all>> and
B<not C<version>>.

=over 2

=item oldver

Tries to use the historical versions of Perl itself prior to 5.6.0, as
well as the Camel rules for the $VERSION (e.q. B<0.01>). This 'untouched'
presention can be ensured only if the module '' had B<not> been
loaded before by the script or another module. If the ''
was loaded, a '' default will be used (e.q. B<0.010>). See

=item notme

Suppress 'my own' package version (Module::Versions).

=item all

Show 'unknown modules' also.

=item version

Show 'version' module also.  Influences C<oldver> criterium.



=item * list

=item * list(E<lt>FDE<gt>, E<lt>MASKE<gt>)

=item * list(E<lt>FDE<gt>, E<lt>PREFORME<gt>)

=item * list(E<lt>FDE<gt>, E<lt>CALLBACKE<gt>)

Prints a formatted module list to a file.

If no parameters are defiend C<list> prints to STDOUT in an predefined format.
An opened filedescriptor C<E<lt>FDE<gt>> can define another result file.

A mask C<E<lt>MASKE<gt>> redefines the standard format. ALternatively a
preformed fileformat (C<E<lt>PREFORME<gt>>) can be selected to print in standard

For indivudual requirements a C<E<lt>CALLBACKE<gt>> interface can be used.

=over 10

=item E<lt>FDE<gt>

Filedescriptor, default *STDOUT.

=item E<lt>MASKE<gt>

String, default '%5d %s[ %s %s %s ]' in sprintf format.
See L<perldoc> -f sprintf.

Default result:

    1  [ AutoLoader VERSION v5.600.0 ]
    2  [ Carp VERSION v1.30.0 ]
    3 *[ Config VERSION unknown ]
    4  [ Cwd VERSION v3.10.0 ]

Mask needs 3 or 5 arguments.

=over 10

=item * 5 Arguments

                                        ---- Examples ----
    1.  cnt           [numeric]         1           2
    2.  error         [string]                      *
    3.  module        [string]          Carp        File
    4.  variable      [string]          VERSION     Module
    5.  value         [string]          1.030       unknown

=item * 3 Arguments

                                        ---- Examples ----
    1.  module        [string]          Carp        File
    2.  variable      [string]          VERSION     Module
    3.  value         [string]          1.030       unknown


=item E<lt>PREFORME<gt>

String, no default.

The following strings are valid:

=over 10

=item 'ARRAY'

Print a serialized ARRAY. Ref: C<ARRAY>.

    $versions = [['AutoLoader','VERSION','5.600'],...];

=item 'HASH'

Print a serialized HASH. Ref: C<HASH>.

    $versions = {'AutoLoader' => {'VERSION' => '5.600'},...};

=item 'SCALAR'

Print a simple text list.

    Carp,VERSION,1.030                          # Module, Name, Value
    File,Module,unknown                         # 'all': Module 'File' not found
    Win32::PerlExe::Env,VERSION,0.050           # Standard variable $VERSION
    Win32::PerlExe::Env,_VERSION,0.050001507    # Project variable $_VERSION

=item 'CSV'

Print a simple CSV list.

    Module,Name,Value                           # Header 
    Carp,VERSION,1.030                          # Data
    strict,VERSION,1.030                        #   :
    File,Module,unknown                         #   
    Data::Dumper,VERSION,2.121_020              #   
    Win32::PerlExe::Env,VERSION,0.050           #   
    Win32::PerlExe::Env,_VERSION,0.050001507    #   

=item 'XML'

Print a XML file sructure.

Default format, if B<no> C<'XSD'> or C<'DTD'> call was executed before.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <version module="Carp" name="VERSION">1.030</version>
        <version module="strict" name="VERSION">1.030</version>
        <version module="File" name="Module">unknown</version>
        <version module="Data::Dumper" name="VERSION">2.121_020</version>
        <version module="Win32::PerlExe::Env" name="VERSION">0.050</version>
        <version module="Win32::PerlExe::Env" name="_VERSION">0.050001507</version>

If C<'XSD'> was called before:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <versions xmlns:xsi=""
        <version module="Carp" name="VERSION">1.030</version>
        <version module="strict" name="VERSION">1.030</version>

If C<'DTD'> was called before:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE versions SYSTEM "dtd/versions.dtd">
        <version module="Carp" name="VERSION">1.030</version>
        <version module="strict" name="VERSION">1.030</version>

=item 'XSD'

Print a C<'XML'> file related XSD schema file.

=item 'DTD'

Print a C<'XML'> file related DTD file.


=item E<lt>CALLBACKE<gt>

CODE reference, no default. Interface 

    sub cb {
        my ( $versions, $names ) = @_;
        # Do anything and build result...
        return $result;


=item * data

=item * data(E<lt>CALLBACKE<gt>)

Result from callback (C<E<lt>CALLBACKE<gt>>) routine, default callback is

=item * ARRAY

Result is an ARRAY:

            'AutoLoader',                   # Module
            'VERSION',                      # Variable
            '5.600'                         # Value

=item * HASH

Result is a HASH:

          'Carp' => {                       # Module
                'VERSION' => '1.030'        # Variable and Value
          'Data::Dumper' => {
                'VERSION' => '2.121_020'
          'File' => {                       # Criterium was 'all'...
                'Module' => 'unknown'       # Module 'File' not found 
          'Win32::PerlExe::Env' => {
                'VERSION' => '0.050',       # Standard variable $VERSION
                '_VERSION' => '0.050001507  # Project variable $_VERSION

=item * SCALAR

Result is a simple text SCALAR. Ref: C<'SCALAR'>.

=item * CSV

Result is a simple CSV text scalar. Ref: C<'CSV'>.

=item * XML

Result is a XML text scalar. Ref: C<'XML'>.

=item * XSD

Result is a XSD text scalar. Ref: C<'XSD'>.

=item * DTD

Result is a DTD text scalar. Ref: C<'DTD'>.



The XML generation allows an experimental feature to build XML data which can
be validated. This will be done magically if one of the following sequences will
be used:

    1.) $v->list(*XSD,'XSD')->list(*XML,'XML');
    2.) $v->list(*DTD,'DTD')->list(*XML,'XML');


*** tbd ***


See F<examples> of this distributions.


L<IO::Handle> L<Data::Dumper>

=head1 BUGS

This is an Alpha Release.

The XSD/DTD methods are experimental.

Some parts of this documentation may be marked as *** tbd ***.

Send bug reports to my email address or use the CPAN RT system.

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas Walloschke E<lt>thw@cpan.orgE<gt>.


Copyright (c) 2006 Thomas Walloschke ( All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. See

=head1 DATE

Last changed $Date: 2006-09-19 13:26:13 +0200 (Di, 19 Sep 2006) $.
