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How to include a dictionary in the Clue Aligner

1) Create a DBM-clue database
  * you can use uplug/tools/declclue to create a clue-database-file
    from a plain-text-file:
    - if this is your lexicon (lexicon.txt):
# everything line that start with '#' is part of the header
# the header may include parameters in the form attribute: value
# you may specify source-feature-patterns and target-feature-patterns
# lexical data is separated by TAB (source<TAB>target<TAB>frequency)
# frequency-values are optional
# everything should be in Unicode (UTF8) if not specified with -ci
# Swedish - English
enligt	according to
en	a
ett	a
efter	after
för	for
för	to
och	and
den	the
regeringen	the Government
################## this is the end of the file

   - use the following command to create a new clue-DB

uplug/tools/declclue -o data/runtime/lexicon.dbm < lexicon.txt

2) The lexicon is now used by the 'link'-module in the clue
   aligner. Try for example to align the example-bitext from
   uplug/example (supposing that you copied the corpus to the
   current directory):

uplug/uplug align/word/link -in svenprf.xces

How to use alternative sentence alignment approaches (since version 0.2.0)

1) hunalign

hunalign is taken from
It is licensed under a Creative Commons License
In Uplug it is included in share/bin/Linux/hunalign (pre-compiled for GNU/Linux).

You can run it in a similar way as the default sentence aligner.
Assuming that you have 2 tokenized files (source.xm & target.xml) run the
following command:

    uplug align/hun -src source.xml -trg target.xml -out aligned.xml

This will run hunalign with default settings and the '-realign' flag set
(refer to the hunalign documentation for more details).

You may use your own dictionary using the -dic flag (in that case it won't run

    uplug align/hun -dic my-dic.txt -src source.xml -trg target.xml

The format of a dictionary is as follows 
(source and target separated by ' @ '):

a little @ egy keveset
a little @ egy kicsi
a little @ egy kicsit

(this example is taken from the included english-hungarian dictionary

You can also run hunalign in 'bisent' mode (only create 1:1 alignments)
Use flag '-b':

    uplug align/hun -b -src source.xml -trg target.xml -out bisent.xml

2) GMA (geometric mapping and alignment)

GMA is taken from
and licensed under the GPL (
In Uplug it is include in share/ext/gma (pre-compiled for GNU/Linux)

You can run it in the same way as the default sentence aligner:

    uplug align/gma -src source.xml -trg target.xml -out aligned.xml

However, it is recommended to use GMA with language specific
configurations. There is only one pre-defined configuration file for GMA in
Uplug, for English-French. Configuration files are in 
for example
You can write your own configuration files that points to resource files used
by the algorithm (look at the example configuration file for enfr). It can be
used by specifying source and target language when running GMA in Uplug:

    uplug align/gma -src source.xml -srclang source-language -trg target.xml -trglang target_;anguage -out aligned.xml

3) uplug-sentence-align

There is another experimental sentence alignment script in
uplug/tools/uplug-sentence-align which can be used independent of Uplug (doesn't
require the Uplug modules or any other external resource except XML::Parser)

It's an extension to the Gale&Chruch alignment approach re-implemented by
Phillip Koehn to align the EuroParl corpus. Essentially it adds a
cognate/dictionary filter to the standard length-based approach.

You can run it like this:

    uplug/tools/uplug-sentence-align source.xml target.xml > aligned.xml

(this is without any filters)
There are several options to change the alignment process:

#  -h 'hard-tag-re' .......... regular expression to match hard boundary tags
#  -i min_length ............. check for identical words (set minimal length)
#  -c threshold .............. use LCSR cognate filter (with threshold)
#  -w window ................. define size of sliding window (for all filters)
#  -d dic-file ............... use dictionary filter (using dic-file)
#  -u ........................ cognate/identical filter for upper case words
#  -v ........................ verbose mode

The dicitonary format is a space list of entries where source and target word
(no multi-word units!) are separated by exactly one space character.

The LCSR threshold should be between 0 and 1. The window parameter and the
min_length parameter should be positive integers. All filters are applied in a
sort of sliding window. Hard boundaries will be added after sentence pairs
containing cognates/dictionary entries identified by the filters.