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# Copyright (C) 2004 Jörg Tiedemann  <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Uplug::Align::Word::Clue

package Uplug::Align::Word::Clue;

use strict;
# use Time::HiRes qw(time);

use vars qw(@ISA $DEBUG);
# use utf8;
use Uplug::Data;
use Uplug::Align::Word;
use Data::Dumper;

@ISA = qw( Uplug::Align::Word );

$DEBUG = 0;

# parameters for add2LinkCluster

$INPHRASESONLY = 0;          # if = 1 --> no links outside of chunks
$ADJACENTONLY = 0;           # if = 1 --> allow only adjacent links
$ADJACENTSCORE = 0;          # if > 0 --> $score >= $neighbor * $ADJACENTSCORE
# $ALLOWMULTIOVERLAP = 0;      # allow overlap with more than 1 link cluster!

$FILLPHRASES = 0;            #  ... doesn't work ....

sub new{
    my $class=shift;
    my $self=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
    if (not defined $self->parameter('adjacent_only')){
    if (not defined $self->parameter('adjacent_score')){
    if (not defined $self->parameter('in_phrases_only')){
    if (not defined $self->parameter('fill_phrase')){
    if (not defined $self->parameter('allow_multiple_overalps')){
    if (not defined $self->parameter('verbose')){

    return $self;

    my $self = shift;

# get all link scores and fill the clue matrix

sub getLinkScores{
    my $self=shift;

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my $links=$self->{linkStreams};
    my $SrcTok=$self->{srcToken};
    my $TrgTok=$self->{trgToken};
    my $Param=$self->{param};
    my $data=$self->{data};

    ## prepare clue param hash (reduce checks in the loop below)
    my %ClueParam=%{$Param};
    if (exists $ClueParam{general}){delete $ClueParam{general};}
    if (exists $ClueParam{original}){delete $ClueParam{original};}
    foreach (keys %ClueParam){
	if (ref($ClueParam{$_}) ne 'HASH'){$ClueParam{$_}={};}
	if (not defined $ClueParam{$_}{'score weight'}){
	    $ClueParam{$_}{'score weight'}=$self->defaultClueWeight();

    ## define some variables used in the loop
    my $weight;           # clue combination weight
    my ($src,$trg);       # source and target language tokens
    my $score;            # clue score found for the current pair
    my $time;             # time (for debugging)
    my %search;           # hash of patterns for searching clues
    my $found=Uplug::Data->new;  # clues found
    my @SrcTok;           # positions of the current source
    my @TrgTok;           # and target tokens in the sentence
    my ($s,$t,$x,$y,$p);  # variables for iteration
    my $ScoreComb=$self->parameter('score combination');
    if (not $ScoreComb){$ScoreComb='probabilistic';}

    if ($self->parameter('verbose')){
      print STDERR "\n=====================================================\n";
      print STDERR "matching clue scores";
      print STDERR "\n=====================================================\n";

    ## the following loop takes most of the time!

    foreach $s (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$SrcTok}){
	foreach $t (keys %{$TrgTok}){



	    ### DEBUG: store search time
	    $self->{identical_score_time}+=time()-$time if ($DEBUG);

	    foreach (keys %ClueParam){


		$weight=$ClueParam{$_}{'score weight'};
		if ($ClueParam{$_}{'relative position'}){

		### DEBUG: store search time
		$self->{before_score_time}+=time()-$time if ($DEBUG);


		# length difference as  scores ...

		if ($ClueParam{$_}{'string length difference'}){

		# otherwise: search scores in link-DB

		    if (not defined $links->{$_}){next;}
		    if (defined($src) and defined($trg)){
			%search=('source' => $src,
				 'target' => $trg);
			if ($links->{$_}->select($found,\%search)){
			### DEBUG: store search time
			$self->{search_score_time}+=time()-$time if ($DEBUG);


		# set weighted score in score matrix

		if (not $score){next;}
		if (not $data->checkPairParameter($src,$trg,$ClueParam{$_})){
		    ### DEBUG: store search time
		    $self->{after_score_time}+=time()-$time if ($DEBUG);

		if (exists $ClueParam{$_}{'minimal score'}){
		    if ($score<$ClueParam{$_}{'minimal score'}){
			### DEBUG: store search time
			$self->{after_score_time}+=time()-$time if ($DEBUG);


		# shouldn't be >1, but in case ...
		if ($score>=1){$score=0.999999999999;}

		if ($self->parameter('verbose')){
#		    printf STDERR "%20s [ %s %s ] %15s - %-15s %s\n",
		    printf STDERR "$_\t$s\t$t\t$src\t$trg\t$score\n";


		foreach $x (@SrcTok){
		    foreach $y (@TrgTok){

#			if ($self->parameter('verbose')){
#			    printf STDERR "%20s [%d %d] %15s - %-15s %s\n",
#			    $_,$x,$y,$src,$trg,$score;
#			}

			if ($ScoreComb eq 'addition'){
# log-linear and multiplication are useless!
# * there's not always a positive score for each possible pair! 
#   --> multiplications with one factor = 0 --> score = 0
#   --> leaving out zero-factors -> implicit penalty for pairs with multiple
#                                   clue scores
#			elsif ($ScoreComb eq 'log-linear'){
#			    $$LinkProb[$x][$y]+=log($score);
#			}
#			elsif ($ScoreComb eq 'multiplication'){
#			    $$LinkProb[$x][$y]+=log($score);
#			}

		### DEBUG: store search time
		$self->{after_score_time}+=time()-$time if ($DEBUG);



#    if ($ScoreComb eq 'log-linear'){              # special for log-linear:
#	foreach $x (0..$#{$LinkProb}){            # reverse log (make positiv
#	    foreach $y (0..$#{$$LinkProb[$x]}){   # score values)
#		$$LinkProb[$x][$y]=exp($$LinkProb[$x][$y]);
#	    }
#	}
#    }

    if ($self->parameter('verbose')){


#	$self->printBitextToken($self->{token}->{source},
#				$self->{token}->{target});

    ### DEBUG: store search time
    $self->{'1x_score_time'}+=time()-$time if ($DEBUG);

# search for the best alignment using the clue matrix scores
#   topLinkSearch ........ iteratively add top links to link clusters
#   nextBestSearch ....... score = distance to next best link (+topLinkSearch)
#   oneOneFirstSearch .... non-overlapping first, overlapping then
#   competitiveSearch .... competitive linking (1:1 links only!)
#   bidirectionalRefineSearch  intersection of directional links + overlapping
#   directionalSrcSearch ..... best alignment source --> target
#   directionalTrgSearch ..... best alignment target --> source
#   bidirectionalUnion ....... union of directionalSrc & directionalTrg
#   bidirectionalIntersection  intersection of directionalSrc & directionalTrg
# parameter search: nextbest ........ nextBestSearch
#                   oneone....... ... oneOneFirstSearch
#                   competitive ..... competitiveSearch
#                   myrefined ....... bidirectionalRefinedSearch
#                   och ............. bidirectionalRefinedSearchOch
#                   src ............. directionalSrcSearch
#                   trg ............. directionalTrgSearch
#                   union ........... bidirectionalUnion
#                   intersection .... bidirectionalIntersection
#                   <default> ....... topLinkSearch

sub findAlignment{
    my $self=shift;
    my $minScore=$self->scoreThreshold();
    my $method=$self->parameter('search');

    if ($method=~/nextbest/){
	return $self->nextBestSearch($self->{links},$minScore);}
    elsif ($method=~/competitive/){
	return $self->competitiveSearch($self->{links},$minScore);}
    elsif ($method=~/oneone/){
	return $self->oneOneFirstSearch($self->{links},$minScore);}
    elsif ($method=~/myrefined/){
	return $self->bidirectionalRefinedSearch($self->{links},$minScore);}
    elsif ($method=~/(och|refined)/){
	return $self->bidirectionalRefinedSearchOch($self->{links},$minScore);}
    elsif ($method=~/src/){
	return $self->directionalSrcSearch($self->{links},$minScore);}
    elsif ($method=~/trg/){
	return $self->directionalTrgSearch($self->{links},$minScore);}
    elsif ($method=~/union/){
	return $self->bidirectionalUnion($self->{links},$minScore);}
    elsif ($method=~/intersection/){
	return $self->bidirectionalIntersection($self->{links},$minScore);}
	return $self->topLinkSearch($self->{links},$minScore);}

# add scores to the clue matrix for 
# sentence alignments with only 1 word in either source or target

sub align1x{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($LinkProb)=@_;
    my $Align11=$self->parameter('align 1:1');
    my $Align1x=$self->parameter('align 1:x');
    if ($Align11 and ($#{$LinkProb}==0)){
	if ($#{$$LinkProb[0]}==0){
	    my $p=$$LinkProb[0][0];
    if ($Align1x and ($#{$LinkProb}==0)){
	foreach (0..$#{$$LinkProb[0]}){
	    my $p=$$LinkProb[0][$_];
    if ($Align1x){
	my $ok=1;
	foreach (0..$#{$LinkProb}){
	    if ($#{$$LinkProb[$_]}!=0){$ok=0;}
	if ($ok){
	    foreach (0..$#{$LinkProb}){
		my $p=$$LinkProb[$_][0];

# add scores to the clue matrix for
# pairs of identical tokens with at least one non-alphabetical character
# (hard-coded as /[^A-Za-z]/ !!!!!!)

sub alignIdentical{
    my $self=shift;
    my $AlignIdentical=$self->parameter('align identical');
    if (not $AlignIdentical){return;}
    my ($src,$trg,$s,$t,$LinkProb)=@_;
    if ($src=~/[^A-Za-z]/){
	if ($src eq $trg){
	    my @SrcTok=split(/:/,$s);
	    my @TrgTok=split(/:/,$t);
	    foreach my $x (@SrcTok){
		foreach my $y (@TrgTok){
		    my $p=$$LinkProb[$x][$y];

# topLinkSearch:
#   1) search best link in the matrix
#   2) add link to link clusters
#   3) continue with 1) until finished

sub topLinkSearch{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my $Token=$self->{token};
    my $TokenAttr=$self->{tokenAttr};

    my @SrcLinks;
    my @TrgLinks;
    my $NrSrc=$#{$$Token{source}};
    my $NrTrg=$#{$$Token{target}};

    my @LinkMatrix;
    my @LinkCluster;
    my ($x,$y);

    # ----------------------------

#    print STDERR "---------new sentence-------$MinScore-------\n";
    undef $self->{SORTEDLINKS};

    $self->cloneLinkMatrix($LinkProb,\@LinkMatrix);   # clone the matrix

    while (($x,$y)=$self->getTopLink(\@LinkMatrix,$MinScore)){
#	print STDERR "$x:$y:$LinkMatrix[$x][$y]\n";
	if ($MinScore=~/\%/){
#	    print STDERR "## minscore == $MinScore\n";
	if (not defined($LinkMatrix[$x][$y])){last;}
	if ($LinkMatrix[$x][$y]<$MinScore){last;}

	if ($self->add2LinkCluster($x,$y,\@LinkCluster)){

    # ----------------------------
    # get the links from the set of link clusters

    $self->getClusterLinks(\@LinkCluster,$Links);     # get links

# nextBestSearch:
#    1) find score distance to "next best link" for each word pair
#    2) call topLinkSearch

sub nextBestSearch{
    my $self=shift;
    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    return $self->topLinkSearch(@_);

sub nextBestMatrix{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($LinkProb)=@_;

    my @SortedColumns=();
    my @SortedRows=();

    my $sizeX=$#{$LinkProb};
    my $sizeY=$#{$$LinkProb[0]};

    foreach my $x (0..$sizeX){
	    sort {$$LinkProb[$x][$b] <=> $$LinkProb[$x][$a]} (0..$sizeY);
    foreach my $y (0..$sizeY){
	    sort {$$LinkProb[$b][$y] <=> $$LinkProb[$a][$y]} (0..$sizeX);

    my @LinkMatrix=();

    my $lowest=0;

    foreach my $x (0..$sizeX){
	foreach my $y (0..$sizeY){
	    my $NextBestY=$SortedColumns[$x][0];
	    if ($NextBestY==$y){$NextBestY=$SortedColumns[$x][1];}
	    my $NextBestX=$SortedRows[$y][0];
	    if ($NextBestX==$x){$NextBestX=$SortedRows[$y][1];}
	    my $NextBest=$LinkMatrix[$NextBestX][$y];
	    if ($LinkMatrix[$x][$NextBestY]>$NextBest){
	    if ($$LinkProb[$x][$y]<$lowest){
    foreach my $x (0..$sizeX){               # normalize!
	foreach my $y (0..$sizeY){           # no negative values
	    $$LinkProb[$x][$y]-=$lowest;     # in the matrix!
    if ($self->parameter('verbose')){

# oneOneFirstSearch:
#    1) find all one-to-one word links first (non-overlapping links)
#    2) add iteratively overlapping links

sub oneOneFirstSearch{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my $Token=$self->{token};
    my $TokenAttr=$self->{tokenAttr};

    my @SrcLinks;
    my @TrgLinks;
    my $NrSrc=$#{$$Token{source}};
    my $NrTrg=$#{$$Token{target}};

    my @LinkMatrix;
    my @LinkCluster;
    my ($x,$y);

    # ----------------------------
    # 1) get all word-to-word links without any overlaps

    $self->cloneLinkMatrix($LinkProb,\@LinkMatrix);   # clone the matrix

    while (($x,$y)=$self->getTopLink(\@LinkMatrix,$MinScore)){
	if ($MinScore=~/\%/){
	    print STDERR "## minscore == $MinScore\n";
	if ($LinkMatrix[$x][$y]<$MinScore){last;}
	my @overlap=$self->findClusterOverlap($x,$y,\@LinkCluster);

	if (not @overlap){

    # ----------------------------
    # 2) do it again --> find overlapping links!

    $self->cloneLinkMatrix($LinkProb,\@LinkMatrix);   # clone the matrix

    while (($x,$y)=$self->getTopLink(\@LinkMatrix,$MinScore)){
	if ($LinkMatrix[$x][$y]<$MinScore){last;}

    # ----------------------------
    # get the links from the set of link clusters

    $self->getClusterLinks(\@LinkCluster,$Links);     # get links

# ------------------  directional alignment (source to target) ----------------

sub directionalSrcSearch{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;
    my $competitive=shift;

    my @LinkCluster;
    my ($x,$y);

    my @SrcLinks=$self->bestSrcLinks($MinScore,$competitive);

    foreach (0..$#SrcLinks){
	if ((defined $SrcLinks[$_]) and 
	    ($SrcLinks[$_] > 0)){


# ------------------  directional alignment (target to source ) ---------------

sub directionalTrgSearch{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;
    my $competitive=shift;

    my @LinkCluster;
    my ($x,$y);

    my @TrgLinks=$self->bestTrgLinks($MinScore,$competitive);
    foreach (0..$#TrgLinks){
	if ((defined $TrgLinks[$_]) and 
	    ($TrgLinks[$_] > 0)){


# competitive linking
#   1) get best word-to-word link (s,t)
#   2) remove alternative links for (s) and for (t)
#   3) go to 1) until finished

sub competitiveSearch{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;
    if (not defined $MinScore){

    my $Token=$self->{token};
    my $NrSrc=$#{$$Token{source}};
    my $NrTrg=$#{$$Token{target}};

    my @WordLinks=();
    if ($NrTrg>$NrSrc){
	return $self->directionalTrgSearch($Links,$MinScore,1);
    return $self->directionalSrcSearch($Links,$MinScore,1);

# refined symmetric link search a la Och&Ney

sub bidirectionalRefinedSearchOch{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;
    my $competitive=shift;
    if (not defined $MinScore){

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my @LinkCluster;
    my %WordLinks=();
    my %InvWordLinks=();
    my ($x,$y);

    # 1) get directional links

    my @SrcLinks=$self->bestSrcLinks($MinScore,$competitive);
    my @TrgLinks=$self->bestTrgLinks($MinScore,$competitive);

    # 2) intersection of directional links

    foreach (0..$#SrcLinks){
	if ((defined $SrcLinks[$_]) and
	    ($TrgLinks[$SrcLinks[$_]] eq $_)){
#	    print STDERR "$_ --> $SrcLinks[$_]\n";

    # 3) add overlapping links
    #    * sort all scores in the matrix
    #    * run through possible links starting with the highest score
    #    * repeat until no more links can be added
    # links (s,t) are added if
    #    * there is no other link for both, s AND t
    #    * or ..the new link is adjacent to another link in source OR target
    #           and thew new link does not create links which have neighbors
    #           in both directions

    my %scores=();
    foreach my $s (0..$#{$LinkProb}){
	foreach my $t (0..$#{$$LinkProb[$s]}){   # put all scores
	    $scores{"$s:$t"}=$$LinkProb[$s][$t]; # in a long list

    my $added=0;
	foreach my $pair (sort {$scores{$b} <=> $scores{$a} } keys %scores){
	    if ($scores{$pair}<$MinScore){last;}
	    my ($s,$t)=split(/\:/,$pair);

	    if (((not defined $WordLinks{$s}) or      # if no other links
		 (not keys %{$WordLinks{$s}})) and    # are defined for both,
		((not defined $InvWordLinks{$t}) or   # source AND target
		 (not keys %{$InvWordLinks{$t}}))){   # word:
		$scores{$pair}=0;                     # add the link
#		print STDERR "add $s --> $t (new)\n";
	    elsif ((($s>0) and 
		    (defined $WordLinks{$s-1}{$t})) or    # the link has a
		   (defined $WordLinks{$s+1}{$t}) or      # vertical neighbor
		   (($t>0) and 
		    (defined $WordLinks{$s}{$t-1})) or    # or a
		   (defined $WordLinks{$s}{$t+1})){       # horizontal neighbor

		$WordLinks{$s}{$t}=1;                     # if there are
		if (&CheckWordLinks(\%WordLinks,          # no links with
				    \%InvWordLinks)){     # neighbors in both
		    $added++;                             # dimensions! -->
		    $scores{$pair}=0;                     # add the new link
#		    print STDERR "add $s --> $t (adj)\n";
		else{                                     # else:
		    delete $WordLinks{$s}{$t};            # delete the link
		    delete $InvWordLinks{$t}{$s};
#		    print STDERR "reject $s --> $t\n";
    until (not $added);      # repeat as long as links are added!


    foreach my $s (keys %WordLinks){                      # put word-to-word
	foreach my $t (keys %{$WordLinks{$s}}){           # links together
	    $self->add2LinkCluster($s,$t,\@LinkCluster);  # (link clusters)

    # 4) convert link cluster to word/phrase links


# check if there are alignments containing horicontal AND vertical links
# (---> return 0 if there are such links!)

sub CheckWordLinks{
    my $srclinks=shift;
    my $trglinks=shift;

    foreach my $s (keys %{$srclinks}){
	foreach my $t (keys %{$$srclinks{$s}}){
	    if (keys %{$$srclinks{$s}} > 1){
		if (keys %{$$trglinks{$t}} > 1){
		    return 0;
    return 1;

# symmetric alignment (bi-directional)
#   1) get links in both directions
#   2) get intersection of links
#   3) iteratively add new links to existing link clusters

sub bidirectionalRefinedSearch{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;
    my $competitive=shift;
    if (not defined $MinScore){

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my @LinkCluster;
    my ($x,$y);

    # 1) get directional links

    my @SrcLinks=$self->bestSrcLinks($MinScore,$competitive);
    my @TrgLinks=$self->bestTrgLinks($MinScore,$competitive);

    # 2) intersection of directional links

    foreach (0..$#SrcLinks){
	if ((defined $SrcLinks[$_]) and
	    ($TrgLinks[$SrcLinks[$_]] eq $_)){
				   \@LinkCluster);  # (link clusters)

    # 3) add overlapping links
    #    * sort all scores in the matrix
    #    * run through possible links starting with the highest score
    #    * repeat until no more links can be added
    # links (s,t) are added if
    #    * there is no other link for both, s AND t
    #    * or ..the new link is adjacent to another link in source OR target
    #           and thew new link does not create links which have neighbors
    #           in both directions

    my %scores=();
    foreach my $s (0..$#{$LinkProb}){
	foreach my $t (0..$#{$$LinkProb[$s]}){   # put all scores
	    $scores{"$s:$t"}=$$LinkProb[$s][$t]; # in a long list

    my $added=0;
	foreach my $pair (sort {$scores{$b} <=> $scores{$a} } keys %scores){
	    if ($scores{$pair}<$MinScore){last;}
	    my ($s,$t)=split(/\:/,$pair);

	    if ($self->add2LinkCluster($s,$t,\@LinkCluster)){
		delete $scores{$pair};
    until (not $added);      # repeat as long as links are added!

    # 4) convert link cluster to word/phrase links


# ------------------  bi-directional alignment (union) ------------------
# union of links in both diretions

sub bidirectionalUnion{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;
    my $competitive=shift;

    my @LinkCluster;
    my ($x,$y);

    my @SrcLinks=$self->bestSrcLinks($MinScore,$competitive);
    foreach (0..$#SrcLinks){
	if (defined $SrcLinks[$_]){
    my @TrgLinks=$self->bestTrgLinks($MinScore,$competitive);
    foreach (0..$#TrgLinks){
	if (defined $TrgLinks[$_]){


# ------------------  bi-directional alignment (intersection) -------------
# intersection of links in both directions

sub bidirectionalIntersection{
    my $self=shift;
    my $Links=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;
    my $competitive=shift;

    my @LinkCluster;
    my ($x,$y);

    my @SrcLinks=$self->bestSrcLinks($MinScore,$competitive);
    my @TrgLinks=$self->bestTrgLinks($MinScore,$competitive);

    foreach (0..$#SrcLinks){
	if ((defined $SrcLinks[$_]) and
	    ($TrgLinks[$SrcLinks[$_]] eq $_)){


# ------------------------------------
# get best links from source to target words

sub bestSrcLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;                 # score threshold
    my $competitive=shift;              # enable/disable competive linking

    if ($competitive){
	return $self->competitiveSrcLinks($MinScore,@_);

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my $Token=$self->{token};
    my $NrSrc=$#{$$Token{source}};
    my $NrTrg=$#{$$Token{target}};

    my @Links=();

    # ----------------------------
    my @LinkMatrix=();
    # ----------------------------

    foreach my $s (0..$NrSrc){
	my $bestLink=0;
	my $bestScore=$LinkMatrix[$s][$bestLink];
	foreach my $t (1..$NrTrg){
	    if ($LinkMatrix[$s][$t]>$bestScore){
	if ($LinkMatrix[$s][$bestLink]<$MinScore){next;}
#	if ($LinkMatrix[$s][$bestLink]<$MinScore){last;}

    return @Links;

# ------------------------------------
# get best links from target to source words

sub bestTrgLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;                 # score threshold
    my $competitive=shift;              # enable/disable competive linking

    if ($competitive){
	return $self->competitiveTrgLinks($MinScore,@_);

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my $Token=$self->{token};
    my $NrSrc=$#{$$Token{source}};
    my $NrTrg=$#{$$Token{target}};

    my @Links=();

    # ----------------------------
    my @LinkMatrix=();
    # ----------------------------

    foreach my $t (0..$NrTrg){
	my $bestLink=0;
	my $bestScore=$LinkMatrix[$bestLink][$t];
	foreach my $s (1..$NrSrc){
	    if ($LinkMatrix[$s][$t]>$bestScore){
	if ($LinkMatrix[$bestLink][$t]<$MinScore){next;}
#	if ($LinkMatrix[$bestLink][$t]<$MinScore){last;}
    return @Links;

# ------------------------------------
# competitive linking from source to target

sub competitiveSrcLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;                 # score threshold

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my $Token=$self->{token};
    my $NrSrc=$#{$$Token{source}};
    my $NrTrg=$#{$$Token{target}};
    my @Links=();

    # ----------------------------
    my @LinkMatrix=();
    # ----------------------------

    my ($s,$t);
    while (($s,$t)=$self->getTopLink(\@LinkMatrix,$MinScore)){
	if ($LinkMatrix[$s][$t]<$MinScore){next;}


	foreach my $x (0..$NrSrc){$LinkMatrix[$x][$t]=0;}
	foreach my $x (0..$NrTrg){$LinkMatrix[$s][$x]=0;}
    return @Links;

# ------------------------------------
# competitive linking from target to source

sub competitiveTrgLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;                 # score threshold

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my $Token=$self->{token};
    my $NrSrc=$#{$$Token{source}};
    my $NrTrg=$#{$$Token{target}};
    my @Links=();

    # ----------------------------
    my @LinkMatrix=();
    # ----------------------------

    my ($s,$t);
    while (($s,$t)=$self->getTopLink(\@LinkMatrix,$MinScore)){
	if ($LinkMatrix[$s][$t]<$MinScore){next;}


	foreach my $x (0..$NrSrc){$LinkMatrix[$x][$t]=0;}
	foreach my $x (0..$NrTrg){$LinkMatrix[$s][$x]=0;}
    return @Links;

# get the word-to-word link with the highest score from the clue matrix

sub getTopLink{
    my $self=shift;
    my $LinkProb=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;

    my $bestX=undef;
    my $bestY=undef;
    my $bestVal;

    if (not ref($self->{SORTEDLINKS})){
    my $top=shift @{$self->{SORTEDLINKS}};
    if (not defined $top){
	delete $self->{SORTEDLINKS};
    my @link=split (':',$top);
    return @link;

sub sortLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $LinkProb=shift;
    my $MinScore=shift;
    foreach my $x (0..$#{$LinkProb}){
	foreach my $y (0..$#{$$LinkProb[$x]}){
	    if ($$LinkProb[$x][$y]<$MinScore){next;}
	    if ($$LinkProb[$x][$y]<=0){next;}
	sort {$self->{ALLLINKS}->{$b} <=> $self->{ALLLINKS}->{$a}} 
    keys %{$self->{ALLLINKS}};

sub getTopLinkOld{
    my $self=shift;
    my $LinkProb=shift;

    my $bestX=undef;
    my $bestY=undef;
    my $bestVal;

    foreach my $x (0..$#{$LinkProb}){
	my @sort = sort {$$LinkProb[$x][$b] <=> $$LinkProb[$x][$a]} 
	if ($$LinkProb[$x][$sort[0]]>$bestVal){
    if ((defined $bestX) and (defined $bestY)){
	return ($bestX,$bestY);
	return ();

# getClusterLinks:
#    make word/phrase links out of link clusters
#    (add all necessary information for storing links, 
#     e.g. token pairs, id's, byte spans)

sub getClusterLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $LinkCluster=shift;
    my $Links=shift;

    my $LinkProb=$self->{matrix};
    my $TokenAttr=$self->{tokenAttr};

    if (ref($Links) ne 'HASH'){$Links={};}

    foreach (0..$#{$LinkCluster}){
	if (keys %{$$LinkCluster[$_]{src}}){
	    if (keys %{$$LinkCluster[$_]{trg}}){
		my $src=join ':',sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$LinkCluster[$_]{src}};
		my $trg=join ':',sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$LinkCluster[$_]{trg}};
		my $score=$self->getMatrixScore($LinkProb,
		my $link=$self->getLinkString($TokenAttr,$src,$trg);

#		my $span=$self->ngramSpans($src,$TokenAttr,'source');
#		if ($span){$$Links{$src}{src}=$span;}
#		$span=$self->ngramSpans($trg,$TokenAttr,'target');
#		if ($span){$$Links{$src}{trg}=$span;}
    return $Links;

sub getMatrixScore{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($matrix,$src,$trg)=@_;
    my $score=0;
    my $count;
    foreach my $s (keys %{$src}){
	foreach my $t (keys %{$trg}){
	    if ($$matrix[$s][$t]>0){
    if ($count){
    return exp($score);

# add links to link clusters

sub add2LinkCluster{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($x,$y,$cluster)=@_;
    my @overlap=$self->findClusterOverlap($x,$y,$cluster);
    if ((not $self->parameter('allow_multiple_overlaps')) and (@overlap>1)){
#	print STDERR "disregard $x - $y (multi-overlap)!\n";
	return 0;
    elsif (@overlap){
	if ($self->parameter('in_phrases_only')){
	    if ($self->parameter('fill_phrases')){
		if (not $self->fillPhrases($x,$y,$cluster,$overlap[0])){
#		    print STDERR "disregard $x - $y (fill phrase)!\n";
		    return 0;
	    if (not $self->isInPhrase($x,$y,$$cluster[$overlap[0]])){
#		print STDERR "disregard $x - $y (not in phrase)!\n";
		return 0;
	if ($self->parameter('adjacent_only')){
	    if (not $self->isAdjacent($x,$y,$$cluster[$overlap[0]])){
#		print STDERR "disregard $x - $y (not adjacent)!\n";
		return 0;
	if ($self->parameter('adjacent_score')){
	    if (not $self->isAdjacentScore($x,$y,$$cluster[$overlap[0]],
#s		print STDERR "disregard $x - $y (score difference to adjacent too big)!\n";
		return 0;
	if (@overlap>1){                              # join all overlapping
	    foreach my $o (1..$#overlap){             # link clusters!
		foreach (keys %{$$cluster[$overlap[$o]]{src}}){
		    delete $$cluster[$overlap[$o]]{src}{$_};
		foreach (keys %{$$cluster[$overlap[$o]]{trg}}){
		    delete $$cluster[$overlap[$o]]{trg}{$_};
    return 1;

sub isInPhrase{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($newX,$newY,$cluster)=@_;
    my @srcAccepted=keys %{$self->{srcToken}};
    my @trgAccepted=keys %{$self->{trgToken}};

    my %src=%{$cluster->{src}};
    my %trg=%{$cluster->{trg}};

#    my $srcPhr=join ':',sort {$a <=> $b} keys %src;
#    my $trgPhr=join ':',sort {$a <=> $b} keys %trg;

    my $srcPhr=join '(:[0-9]+)?:',sort {$a <=> $b} keys %src;
    my $trgPhr=join '(:[0-9]+)?:',sort {$a <=> $b} keys %trg;

    if (grep(/$srcPhr/,@srcAccepted)){
	if (grep(/$trgPhr/,@trgAccepted)){
#	    my @missing=$self->getMissingTokens(\%src,\%trg);
	    return 1;
    return 0;

sub fillPhrases{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($newX,$newY,$cluster,$nr)=@_;

    my %link=();

    my @missing=$self->getMissingTokens($link{src},$link{trg});
    if (not @missing){
	return 0;
    my @missSrc=split(/:/,$missing[0]);
    my @missTrg=split(/:/,$missing[1]);
    my %overlap=();
    foreach my $s (@missSrc){
    foreach my $t (@missTrg){
    foreach (keys %overlap){
	if (not $self->isIncluded($cluster->[$_],\%link)){
	    foreach (@missSrc){delete $link{src}{$_};}
	    foreach (@missTrg){delete $link{trg}{$_};}
	    return 0;

#############  !!!!!!!!!!!!!! change this:
	print STDERR "delete cluster $_!\n";
#############  !!!!!!!!!!!!!! change this:


    if (@missSrc or @missTrg){                  # ... just for information
	print STDERR "fill cluster $nr with missing tokens!\n";

    foreach (keys %{$link{src}}){
    foreach (keys %{$link{trg}}){
    return 1;

#sub removeClusterInclusions{
#    my $self=shift;
#    my $cluster=shift;
#    foreach my $c (@{$cluster}){
#	my $src=join '(:[0-9]+)?:',sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$$cluster[$c]{src}};
#	my $trg=join '(:[0-9]+)?:',sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$$cluster[$c]{trg}};
#    }

sub isIncluded{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($cluster1,$cluster2)=@_;
    foreach (keys %{$cluster1->{src}}){
	if (not defined $cluster2->{src}->{$_}){return 0;}
    foreach (keys %{$cluster1->{trg}}){
	if (not defined $cluster2->{trg}->{$_}){return 0;}
    return 1;

sub findSrcOverlap{
    my $self=shift;
    return $self->findOverlap('src',@_);
sub findTrgOverlap{
    my $self=shift;
    return $self->findOverlap('trg',@_);

sub findOverlap{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($lang,$token,$cluster,$overlap)=@_;
    my @c=grep (defined $$cluster[$_]{$lang}{$token},0..$#{$cluster});
    foreach (@c){

sub getMissingTokens{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($src,$trg)=@_;
    my @srcAccepted=keys %{$self->{srcToken}};
    my @trgAccepted=keys %{$self->{trgToken}};

    my $srcPhr=join '(:[0-9]+)?:',sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$src};
    my $trgPhr=join '(:[0-9]+)?:',sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$trg};

    my $missingSrc=undef;
    my $missingTrg=undef;

    my @match;

    if (@match=grep(/$srcPhr/,@srcAccepted)){

	@match=sort {length($a) <=> length($b)} @match;
	if ($match[0]=~/^(.*)$srcPhr(.*)$/){

	if (@match=grep(/$trgPhr/,@trgAccepted)){

	    @match=sort {length($a) <=> length($b)} @match;
	    if ($match[0]=~/^(.*)$trgPhr(.*)$/){
	    return ($missingSrc,$missingTrg);

    return ();

sub isAdjacent{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($x,$y,$cluster)=@_;
    if ((defined $$cluster{src}{$x}) and
	((defined $$cluster{trg}{$y-1}) or
	 ((defined $$cluster{trg}{$y+1})))){
	return 1;
    if ((defined $$cluster{trg}{$y}) and
	((defined $$cluster{src}{$x-1}) or
	 ((defined $$cluster{src}{$x+1})))){
	return 1;
    return 0;

sub isAdjacentScore{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($x,$y,$cluster,$p)=@_;

    if ((defined $$cluster{src}{$x}) and
	(defined $$cluster{trg}{$y-1})){
	if ($self->{matrix}->[$x]->[$y]>=$self->{matrix}->[$x]->[$y-1]*$p){
	    return 1;
	return 0;
    if ((defined $$cluster{src}{$x}) and
	(defined $$cluster{trg}{$y+1})){
	if ($self->{matrix}->[$x]->[$y]>=$self->{matrix}->[$x]->[$y+1]*$p){
	    return 1;
	return 0;
    if ((defined $$cluster{src}{$x-1}) and
	(defined $$cluster{trg}{$y})){
	if ($self->{matrix}->[$x]->[$y]>=$self->{matrix}->[$x-1]->[$y]*$p){
	    return 1;
	return 0;
    if ((defined $$cluster{src}{$x+1}) and
	(defined $$cluster{trg}{$y})){
	if ($self->{matrix}->[$x]->[$y]>=$self->{matrix}->[$x+1]->[$y]*$p){
	    return 1;
	return 0;
    return 0;

sub findClusterOverlap{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($x,$y,$cluster)=@_;
    my @overlap=();
    foreach (0..$#{$cluster}){
	if (defined $$cluster[$_]{src}{$x}){
	elsif (defined $$cluster[$_]{trg}{$y}){
    return @overlap;


sub cloneLinkMatrix{
    my $self=shift;
    my $matrix=shift;
    my $clone=shift;

    if (ref($matrix) ne 'ARRAY'){return ();}
    if (ref($clone) ne 'ARRAY'){$clone=[];}

    foreach my $x (0..$#{$matrix}){
	foreach my $y (0..$#{$$matrix[$x]}){
    return $clone;


sub clueMatrixToHtml{
    my $self=shift;

    my $Matrix=$self->{matrix};
    my $Token=$self->{token};
    my $SrcTok=$$Token{source};
    my $TrgTok=$$Token{target};
    my $nrSrc=$#{$$Token{source}};
    my $nrTrg=$#{$$Token{target}};

    my $max;
    foreach my $s (0..$nrSrc){
        foreach my $t (0..$nrTrg){
            if ($Matrix->[$s]->[$t]>$max){$max=$Matrix->[$s]->[$t];}
    if (not $max){$max=1;}

    my $html="<p>\n";
    $html.="<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";

    foreach my $t (0..$nrTrg){
        my $str=$TrgTok->[$t];

    foreach my $s (0..$nrSrc){
        my $str=$SrcTok->[$s];
        foreach my $t (0..$nrTrg){
            my $score=0;
            if ($Matrix->[$s]){
                if ($Matrix->[$s]->[$t]){
            my $color=255-$score*256/$max;
            if ($color==-1){$color=0;}
	    my $hex=sprintf("%X",$color);
	    if (length($hex)<2){$hex="0$hex";}
	    my $val=int(100*$score);
            if ($color<128){
		$html.="<td bgcolor=\"#$hex$hex$hex\">";
		$html.='<font color="#ffffff">';
		$html.="<td bgcolor=\"#$hex$hex$hex\">";
    return $html;

sub printHtmlClueMatrix{
    my $self=shift;
    print STDERR $self->clueMatrixToHtml();

sub printClueMatrix{
    my $self=shift;

    my ($SrcTok,$TrgTok,$Matrix)=@_;

    my $nrSrc=$#{$SrcTok};
    my $nrTrg=$#{$TrgTok};

    print STDERR "\n=====================================================\n";
    print STDERR "final clue matrix scores";
    print STDERR "\n=====================================================\n";

    foreach my $s (0..$nrSrc){
	foreach my $t (0..$nrTrg){
	    my $score=$Matrix->[$s]->[$t];
	    if ($score>0){
#		printf STDERR "[%2d-%-2d] %15s - %-15s: %s\n",
		printf STDERR "[%d %d] %20s - %-20s %s\n",
    print STDERR "\n=====================================================\n";
    print STDERR "clue matrix $nrSrc x $nrTrg";
    print STDERR "\n=====================================================\n";

    my @char=();
    foreach my $c (0..$#char){
	printf STDERR "\n%10s",' '; 
	foreach (@{$char[$c]}){
	    printf STDERR "%4s",$_;

    print STDERR "\n";

    foreach my $s (0..$nrSrc){
	my $str=substr($SrcTok->[$s],0,10);

	printf STDERR "%10s",$str; 
	foreach my $t (0..$nrTrg){
	    my $score=0;
	    if ($Matrix->[$s]){
		if ($Matrix->[$s]->[$t]){
	    printf STDERR " %3d",$score*100;
	print STDERR "\n";

sub MakeCharArr{
    my ($tok,$char)=@_;

    my @lat1=@{$tok};

#    my @lat1=();
#    foreach (0..$#{$tok}){
#	$lat1[$_]=&Uplug::Data::encode($tok->[$_],'utf-8','iso-8859-1');
#    }

    map ($lat1[$_]=&Uplug::Encoding::convert($lat1[$_],'utf-8','iso-8859-1'),

    my $max=&MaxLength(\@lat1);
    foreach my $t (0..$#{$tok}){
	my @c=split(//,$lat1[$t]);
	foreach (1..$max){
	    if (@c){
#		$char->[$max-$_]->[$t]=shift(@c);
	    else{$char->[$max-$_]->[$t]=' ';}

sub MaxLength{
    my ($tok)=@_;
    my $max=0;
    foreach (@{$tok}){
	if (length($_)>$max){$max=length($_);}
    return $max;

######### return a true value
