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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# - mark given phrases in a corpus
# Copyright (C) 2004 Jörg Tiedemann  <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# $Id$

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use strict;

use Uplug::Data;
use Uplug::Data::Lang;
use Uplug::IO::Any;
use Uplug::Config;

my $UplugHome="$Bin/../";

my %IniData=&GetDefaultIni;
my $IniFile='MarkPhrases.ini';
my $WordDel=' ';

# sort = phrase sorting:
#       'best first' --> matching phrases with the highest score first
#        reverse ------> long phrases first (right to left)
#        otherwise ----> tokens - bigrams - trigrams ... left to right

my ($PhrLabel,$lang,$sort,$verbose);
if (ref($IniData{parameter}) eq 'HASH'){
    $PhrLabel=$IniData{parameter}{'phrase label'};


my $CorpusStream;
my $PhraseStream;
foreach (keys %{$IniData{input}}){
    if (/text/){$CorpusStream=$IniData{input}{$_};}

if (ref($CorpusStream) ne 'HASH'){die "# no corpus defined!\n"}
if (ref($PhraseStream) ne 'HASH'){die "# no phrase stream!\n"}

my ($OutputStreamName,$OutputStream)=             # take only
    each %{$IniData{'output'}};                   # the first output stream

my $corpus=Uplug::IO::Any->new($CorpusStream);
my $phrase=Uplug::IO::Any->new($PhraseStream);
my $output=Uplug::IO::Any->new($OutputStream);

$corpus->open('read',$CorpusStream) || 
    die "# failed to open the corpus!\n";
$phrase->open('read',$PhraseStream) || 
    die "# failed to open the phrase!\n";
$output->open('write',$OutputStream) || 
    die "# failed to open the output stream!\n";

my $PhraseParam=$phrase->header;
my %PhraseHash=();
&LoadPhraseHash($phrase,\%PhraseHash);           # load ALL (!!!) phrases
$phrase->close();                                # (might blow the memory ...)

my $count=0;
my $data=Uplug::Data::Lang->new($lang);
while ($corpus->read($data)){

    if ($verbose){
	if (not ($count % 10)){$|=1;print STDERR '.';$|=0;}
	if (not ($count % 100)){$|=1;print STDERR "$count sentences\n";$|=0;}

    my @phrases=();                              # now, very simple:
    my @phraseNodes=();                          # find all possible n-grams
    my @tokenNodes=();
    my @phrases=$data->getPhrases($PhraseParam,\@phraseNodes);

    my @matching=&FindMatchingPhrases(\@phrases,\%PhraseHash);


#    foreach (0..$#phrases){                      # and mark them if they are
#	if (defined $PhraseHash{$phrases[$_]}){  # defined
#	    $data->addParent($phraseNodes[$_],
#			     $PhrLabel,
#			     $PhraseHash{$phrases[$_]});
#	}
#    }
#    $output->write($data);



sub MarkPhrases{
    my ($data,$phrases,$idx,$nodes,$label,$attr,$sort)=@_;
    if ($sort=~/best/){
	foreach (sort { $$attr{$$phrases[$b]}{score} <=>  
			    $$attr{$$phrases[$a]}{score}} @{$idx}){
    elsif ($sort=~/reverse/){
	foreach (@{$idx}){
	foreach (@{$idx}){

# find phrases that match one of the patterns
# return a list of indeces (phrase position in the array)

sub FindMatchingPhrases{
    my ($phrases,$pattern)=@_;
    my @match=();
    foreach (0..$#{$phrases}){
	if (defined $$pattern{$$phrases[$_]}){
	    push (@match,$_);
    return @match;


sub LoadPhraseHash{
    my ($stream,$phrases)=@_;
    my $data=Uplug::Data->new;
    while ($stream->read($data)){
	my $hash=$data->data();
	if (ref($hash) eq 'HASH'){
	    foreach (keys %{$hash}){
		my $phr=undef;
		if (/gram/ or /phras/ or /tok/ or /field 0/){
		    delete $hash->{$_};
		if (defined $phr){


sub GetDefaultIni{

    my $DefaultIni = {
  'module' => {
    'name' => 'phrase marker',
    'program' => '',
    'location' => '$UplugBin',
    'stin' => 'text',
    'stdout' => 'text',
  'input' => {
    'text' => {
      'format' => 'XML',
      'root' => 's',
    'phrases' => {
      'format' => 'uwa tab',
#      'columns' => ['phrase'],
  'output' => {
    'text' => {
      'format' => 'XML',
      'root' => 's',
  'parameter' => {
    'language' => 'default',
    'phrase label' => 'ngram',
    'sort' => undef,
    'verbose' => 1,
  'arguments' => {
    'shortcuts' => {
       'in' => 'input:text:file',
       'phrformat' => 'input:phrases:format',
       'phrkey' => 'input:phrases:key',
       'phrcol' => 'input:phrases:columns',
       'sort' => 'parameter:sort',         # phrase sorting (e.g. 'best first')
       'phrase' => 'input:phrases:file',
       'out' => 'output:text:file',
       'l' => 'parameter:language',
       'lang' => 'parameter:language',
       'label' => 'parameter:phrase label',
    return %{$DefaultIni};