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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# a simple UPLUG wrapper for Bea's parser
# Copyright (C) 2004 Jörg Tiedemann  <>
# $Id$
use strict;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../lib";

use Uplug::Data;
use Uplug::IO::Any;
use Uplug::Config;

my $UplugHome="$Bin/../";

my %IniData=&GetDefaultIni;
my $IniFile='beaparse.ini';


my ($InputStreamName,$InputStream)=
    each %{$IniData{'input'}};               # the first input stream;
my ($OutputStreamName,$OutputStream)=         # take only
    each %{$IniData{'output'}};               # the first output stream

my $input=Uplug::IO::Any->new($InputStream);
my $output=Uplug::IO::Any->new($OutputStream);


my $lang=$IniData{parameter}{parser}{language};
my $prg=$IniData{parameter}{parser}{'startup base'};
my $POSattr=$IniData{parameter}{input}{'POS attribute'};
my $InTokDel=$IniData{parameter}{input}{'token delimiter'};
my $OutTokDel=$IniData{parameter}{output}{'token delimiter'};
my $InSentDel=$IniData{parameter}{input}{'sentence delimiter'};
my $OutSentDel=$IniData{parameter}{output}{'sentence delimiter'};
my $InTagDel=$IniData{parameter}{input}{'POS tag delimiter'};
my $ConstTag=$IniData{parameter}{output}{'constituent tag'};
# my $OutTagDel=$IniData{parameter}{output}{'POS tag delimiter'};
# my $ChunkTagDel=$IniData{parameter}{output}{'chunk tag delimiter'};
# my $ChunkTag=$IniData{parameter}{output}{'chunk tag'};
my %TokReplace=();
if (ref($IniData{parameter}{'input token replacements'}) eq 'HASH'){
    %TokReplace=%{$IniData{parameter}{'input token replacements'}};
my %TagReplace=();
if (ref($IniData{parameter}{'input tag replacements'}) eq 'HASH'){
    %TagReplace=%{$IniData{parameter}{'input tag replacements'}};
my %InputReplace=();
if (ref($IniData{parameter}{'input replacements'}) eq 'HASH'){
    %InputReplace=%{$IniData{parameter}{'input replacements'}};

my %OutputReplace=();
if (ref($IniData{parameter}{'output replacements'}) eq 'HASH'){
    %OutputReplace=%{$IniData{parameter}{'output replacements'}};


if ($UplugHome!~/^[\\\/]/){
    use Cwd;

my $ParserDir=$UplugHome.'ext/parser/';
# my $TmpUnparsed=$ParserDir.'unparsed.'.$$;
# my $TmpParsed=$ParserDir.'parsed.'.$$;
my $TmpUnparsed=Uplug::IO::Any::GetTempFileName;
my $TmpParsed=Uplug::IO::Any::GetTempFileName;

my $ParserPrg=$ParserDir.$prg.$lang;


my $data=Uplug::Data->new;

my $UplugEncoding=$input->getInternalEncoding();
my $OutEncoding=$IniData{parameter}{output}{encoding};
if (not defined $OutEncoding){$OutEncoding=$UplugEncoding;}

open F,">$TmpUnparsed";

my $count=0;
while ($input->read($data)){

    my @nodes=$data->contentElements;
    my @tok=$data->content(\@nodes);
    my @attr=$data->attribute(\@nodes);

    map(s/^\s*//,@tok);                    # remove initial white-spaces
    map(s/\s*$//,@tok);                    # remove final white-spaces


    foreach (0..$#tok){
	if ($tok[$_]!~/\S/){next;}
	if (defined $attr[$_]{$POSattr}){
    if ($OutEncoding ne $UplugEncoding){
    @tok=grep(/\S/,@tok);                  # take only non-empty tokens
    if (@tok){                             # print them if any left
	print F join $InTokDel,@tok;
	print F $InSentDel;

close F;


print STDERR "# run parser!\n";
print STDERR "# $ParserPrg $TmpUnparsed $TmpParsed\n";
`$ParserPrg $TmpUnparsed $TmpParsed`;


my $InputSeperator=$/;

open F,"<$TmpParsed";

my $data=Uplug::Data->new;    # use a new data-object (new XML parser!)
while ($input->read($data)){
    my @nodes=$data->contentElements;
    if (not @nodes){$output->write($data);next;}
    my $parsed=undef;
	if ($parsed=<F>){

    chomp $parsed;
    my $parse;
    if (ref($parse) ne 'ARRAY'){
    my @const=();
    my $id=$data->attribute('id');
close F;


    unlink $TmpUnparsed;
    unlink $TmpParsed;


sub AddConstituents{
    my ($data,$const,$id)=@_;

    my @nodes=$data->contentElements;
    my $count=0;
    pop @{$const};
    foreach my $c (sort {$a <=> $b} @{$const}){
	my ($level,$start,$end,$type)=split(/\:/,$c);
	my @children=();
	foreach ($start..$end){
	    push (@children,$nodes[$_]);
        if (not @children){next;}
	my %ParentAttr=();
	if ($type){

sub GetConstituents{
    my ($parse,$const,$pos,$level)=@_;

    if (not defined $pos){$pos=0;}
    if (not defined $level){$level=0;}
    my $start=$pos;
    my $type=undef;
    if (ref($parse->[0]) ne 'ARRAY'){
	$type=shift @{$parse};
	chop $type;
	pop @{$parse};
    while (@{$parse}){
	if (ref($parse->[0]) eq 'ARRAY'){
	shift @{$parse};
    my $end=$pos-1;
    if ($pos){
	my $sort=100000*$level+$start;
	push (@{$const},"$sort:$start:$end:$type");
    return $pos-1;

sub MakeParseArray{
    my $string=shift;
    my $arr=shift;

    $string=~s/^/\[SENT\* /;                # add initial phrase type
    $string=~s/$/ \*\SENT\]/;               # add final ]
    $string=~s/([^\[\]])(\s)/$1\'$2/g;      # add ' after each word
    $string=~s/(\s)([^\[\]])/$1\'$2/g;      # add ' in front of each word

    $string=~s/(\[)([^\[\]])/$1\'$2/g;      # add missing ' after [
    $string=~s/([^\[\]])(\])/$1\'$2/g;      # add missing ' in front of ]
    $string=~s/ +/\,/g;                     # replace space with , 

    $$arr=eval $string;

    if ($@){
	print STDERR "# couldn't parse:\n$string\n";

#    &AddLeafs($$arr);                      # DOMData uses XML::DOM now!!!

# !!!! old!!!!
# DOMData uses XML::DOM now --> mixed content is allowed now!
# SimpleTree cannot handle mixed content!!!!
# --> add empty-type tags for leafs (very dirty ...)

sub AddLeafs{
    my $arr=shift;
    if (grep(ref($arr->[$_]) eq 'ARRAY',(0..$#{$arr}))){
	foreach (1..$#{$arr}-1){
	    if (ref($arr->[$_]) eq 'ARRAY'){
	my @leafs=grep(ref($arr->[$_]) ne 'ARRAY',(0..$#{$arr}));
	foreach (@leafs){
	    my $word=$arr->[$_];
	    $arr->[$_]=[ '*',$word,'*' ];

sub FixParserData{
    my ($string,$subst)=@_;
    foreach (keys %{$subst}){
    return $string;

sub GetDefaultIni{

    my $DefaultIni = 
  'module' => {
    'name' => 'beas parser (swedish)',
    'program' => '',
    'location' => '$UplugBin',
#    'stdout' => 'text',
  'input' => {
    'text' => {
      'format' => 'XML',
      'root' => 's',
  'output' => {
    'text' => {
      'format' => 'XML',
      'root' => 's',
#	'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1',
      'write_mode' => 'overwrite',
	'status' => 'chunk',
  'parameter' => {
    'input' => {
      'token delimiter' => ' ',
      'sentence delimiter' => '
      'POS tag delimiter' => '/',
      'POS attribute' => 'pos'
    'output' => {
      'token delimiter' => '\\s+',
      'constituent tag' => 'c',
      'sentence delimiter' => '
      'POS tag delimiter' => '\\/',
	'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1',
    'input token replacements' => {
      '\\,' => 'COMMA',
        ' ' => '_',
      '\[' => '&lpar;',
      '\]' => '&rpar;',
    'parser' => {
      'language' => 'swedish',
      'startup base' => 'parser_'
    'input tag replacements' => {
      '\\,' => 'COMMA'
  'arguments' => {
    'shortcuts' => {
       'in' => 'input:text:file',
       'out' => 'output:text:file',
       'pos' => 'parameter:input:POS attribute',
       'char' => 'output:text:encoding',
       'inchar' => 'input:text:encoding',
       'outchar' => 'output:text:encoding',
       'tag' => 'parameter:output:constituent tag',
  'widgets' => {
       'input' => {
	  'text' => {
	    'stream name' => 'stream(format=xml,status=tag,language=sv)'
       'parameter' => {
          'input' => {
	     'POS attribute' => 'optionmenu (pos,tnt)',

    return %{$DefaultIni};