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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (C) 2004 Jörg Tiedemann  <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# $Id$
# usage: 

use strict;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../lib";

use Uplug::Data::Align;
use Uplug::Data;
use Uplug::IO::Any;
use Uplug::Config;
use Uplug::StrSim;

# read config-file and check arguments

my %IniData=&GetDefaultIni;
my $IniFile='strsim.ini';

# open input and output data streams

my ($InputStreamName,$InputStream)=                    # input stream
    each %{$IniData{'input'}};
my $SimStream=$IniData{output}{'string similarities'}; # output: string pairs

my $input=Uplug::IO::Any->new($InputStream);
my $strsim=Uplug::IO::Any->new($SimStream);

if (not $strsim->open('write',$SimStream)){exit;}

# set script parameters

my $Param={};

my $freq=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'minimal frequency'};
my %MinFreq;
$MinFreq{source}=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'minimal frequency (source)'};
$MinFreq{target}=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'minimal frequency (target)'};
my %lang;
$lang{source}=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'language (source)'};
$lang{target}=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'language (target)'};
my %ExclStop;
$ExclStop{source}=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'exclude stop words (source)'};
$ExclStop{target}=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'exclude stop words (target)'};

my $PrintProgr=$IniData{parameter}{runtime}{'print progress'};
my $Buffer=$IniData{parameter}{runtime}{buffer};

my $sim_measure=$IniData{parameter}{'similarity measures'}{metrics};
my $precision=$IniData{parameter}{'similarity measures'}{precision};
my $use_weights=$IniData{parameter}{'similarity measures'}{'use weights'};
my $use_nm_weights=
    $IniData{parameter}{'similarity measures'}{'use not-matching-weights'};
my $use_Ngrams=1;
if (defined $IniData{parameter}{'similarity measures'}{'use N-grams'}){
    my $use_Ngrams=$IniData{parameter}{'similarity measures'}{'use N-grams'};
my $MinScore=$IniData{parameter}{'similarity measures'}{'minimal score'};
my $rmLinked=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'remove linked'};

my $delimiter='';


if ($PrintProgr){
    print STDERR "read alignments\n";

# main part
#   0) initialize some variables

my $count=0;
my $AlignCount=0;
my %SimScores;
my %SrcFreq;
my %TrgFreq;
my ($TotalCooc,$TotalSrc,$TotalTrg);
my %weights;
my (%SrcNMngrams,%TrgNMngrams);

my ($nrSrc,$nrTrg);
my $nrTotal=0;
my $nrPairs=0;

my $data=Uplug::Data::Align->new($lang{source},$lang{target});

# 1) loop: read all bitext segments and calculate similarities between
#          source and target language items (words and MWUs)

my $time=time();
while ($input->read($data)){
    if ($rmLinked){

    # verbose-mode:
    if ($PrintProgr){
	if (not ($AlignCount % 100)){
	    # print info each 100 bitext segments:
	    #    nr-of-segments (time: processing-time in seconds,
	    #                    nr-of-source-items:nr-of-target-items ->
	    #                    nr-of-saved-pairs/nr-of-total-pairs)
	    # nr-of-saved-pairs: pairs that have been saved in the score-hash
	    # nr-of-total-pairs: nr of pairs in the last 100 bitext segments
	    $|=1;print STDERR "$AlignCount segments (time: ";
	    print STDERR time()-$time;
	    print STDERR " sec, $nrSrc:$nrTrg -> $nrPairs/$nrTotal)\n";
	if (not ($AlignCount % 10)){
	    $|=1;print STDERR '.';$|=0;

    my (%Ngrams,%NgramPos);
    my @SrcNodes=();
    my @TrgNodes=();


    foreach my $src (@{$Ngrams{source}}){
	if ($ExclStop{source} and $data->{source}->isStopWord($src)){next;}
	foreach my $trg (@{$Ngrams{target}}){

	    if (defined $SimScores{$src}{$trg}){next;}
	    if ($data->lengthQuotient($src,$trg)<$MinScore){next;}
	    if ($ExclStop{target} and $data->{target}->isStopWord($trg)){next;}
	    if (not $data->checkPairParameter($src,$trg,$$Param{token})){next;}

	    if ($Buffer and ($count>$Buffer)){

# everything's ok!
# --> calculate similarity scores!

	    my $score;
	    if ($use_weights){

	    if ($precision){                               # truncate scores
		$score=int($score*10**$precision+0.5)/     # (precision=
		    (10**$precision);                      #   number of dec)


# write pairs with scores to the database


my %header = ('align count' => $AlignCount,             # save some counts
	      'token pair count' => $TotalCooc);        # in the header

# end of main

sub WeightedSimilarity{
    my ($src,$trg,$weights,$SrcNMngrams,$TrgNMngrams)=@_;
    my %non;
    my ($score)=&GetNonMatches($src,$trg,\%non);

    my ($s,$t);
    my $oldsc=$score;
    foreach $s (keys %non){
	foreach $t (keys %{$non{$s}}){
	    my $pat='';
	    if ((ref($SrcNMngrams) eq 'HASH')and(ref($TrgNMngrams) eq 'HASH')){
		my @NonSrc=&GetSubStrings($s,$SrcNMngrams,
		my @NonTrg=&GetSubStrings($t,$TrgNMngrams,
#	  if ($score>$oldsc){
#	      print "-($s|$t)-";
#	  }
#	  if ($score>$oldsc){
#	     print "\t\t$oldsc -> $score ($SrcNgram[$src]|$TrgNgram[$trg])\n";
#	  }
    if (length($src)>
    return $score;

sub WritePairs{
    my ($stream,$SimScore,$MinScore,$PrintProgr)=@_;
    if ($PrintProgr){
	print STDERR "write scores\n";
    my ($src,$trg);
    my $data=Uplug::Data->new;
    foreach $src (keys %{$SimScore}){
	foreach $trg (keys %{$$SimScore{$src}}){
	    if ($MinScore){
		if ($$SimScore{$src}{$trg}<$MinScore){next;}
	    delete $$SimScore{$src}{$trg};
	if (not keys %{$$SimScore{$src}}){
	    delete $$SimScore{$src};

sub GetDefaultIni{

    my $DefaultIni = {
  'module' => {
    'program' => '',
    'location' => '$UplugBin',
    'name' => 'LCSR - the longest common sub-sequence ratio',
#    'stdin' => 'bitext',
  'description' => 'The longest common sub-sequence ratio is
  calculated for co-occurring words and chunks.',
  'input' => {
    'bitext' => {
	'format' => 'xces align',
  'output' => {
    'string similarities' => {
      'stream name' => 'string similarities',
  'parameter' => {
    'token' => {
      'chunks (source)' => 'c.*',            # use chunks
      'chunks (target)' => 'c.*',            # use chunks
#      'minimal length diff' => 0.3,
#     'matching word class' => 'same',       # don't mix content and stop words
      'minimal frequency' => 1,
      'minimal frequency (source)' => 1,
      'minimal frequency (target)' => 1,
      'minimal length (source)' => 3,
      'minimal length (target)' => 3,
      'maximal ngram length (source)' => 1,  # >1 --> use N-grams
      'maximal ngram length (target)' => 1,  # >1 --> use N-grams
#      'use attribute (source)' => 'none',
#      'use attribute (target)' => 'none',
#      'grep token (source)' => 'contains alphabetic',
#      'grep token (target)' => 'contains alphabetic',
      'lower case (source)' => 1,
      'lower case (target)' => 1,
      'exclude stop words (source)' => 1,
      'exclude stop words (target)' => 1,
#      'language (source)' => 'english',
#      'language (target)' => 'swedish',
      'language (source)' => 'default',
      'language (target)' => 'default',
      'delimiter' => '\\s+',
      'token label' => 'w',
      'remove linked' => 0,
    'similarity measures' => {
      'minimal score' => 0.4,
      'use not-matching-weights' => 0,
      'use N-grams' => 0,
      'metrics' => 'lcsr',
#      'precision' => 4,
      'use weights' => 0,
    'runtime' => {
      'print progress' => 1,
      'buffer' => 2000000,
  'arguments' => {
    'shortcuts' => {
       'in' => 'input:bitext:format',
       'infile' => 'input:intext:file',
       'informat' => 'input:intext:format',
       'out' => 'output:string similarities:file',
       'outformat' => 'output:string similarities:format',
       'srclang' => 'parameter:token:language (source)',
       'trglang' => 'parameter:token:language (target)',
  'widgets' => {

    return %{$DefaultIni};