The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# Copyright (C) 2004 Jörg Tiedemann  <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package Uplug::Web;

use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard escapeHTML escape/;
use Uplug::Web::Corpus;
use Uplug::Web::Process;
use Uplug::Web::Process::Lock;
use Uplug::Web::User;
use Uplug::Web::CWB;
use XML::Parser;
use File::Copy;
use Encode;

our $CWBREG=$ENV{UPLUGCWB}.'/reg/';
our %ISO639;                        # ISO639 - 2-letter-language-codes

my $MAXVIEWLINES=40;                # view max X lines from text files
my $MAXVIEWDATA=10;                 # view max X data records
my $MAXFLOCKWAIT=10;                # wait max X seconds for flock

binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");           # set UTF8 for STDOUT
#binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");           # set UTF8 for STDIN

my %DataAccess=
    (admin => {corpus => ['info','view','send','add','preprocess','align',
	       doc => ['info','view','send','remove'],
	       user => ['info','edit','remove']},
     user => {corpus => ['info','view','send','add','preprocess','align',
	      doc => ['info','view','send','remove'],
	      'Uplug::Web::Data' => ['xml'],
	      'Uplug::Web::Bitext' => ['text','xml','wordalign'],
	      'Uplug::Web::BitextLinks' => ['text','xml','matrix','edit'],
	      user => ['info','edit']},
     all => {doc => ['info','view','send'],
	     corpus => ['info','view','send'],
	     'Uplug::Web::Data' => ['xml'],
	     'Uplug::Web::Bitext' => ['text','xml'],
	     'Uplug::Web::BitextLinks' => ['text','xml','matrix'],
	     user => ['info']});

$ENV{UPLUGCONFIG} = 'systems';

sub AccessMode{
    my $priv=shift;
    my $type=shift;
    return $DataAccess{$priv}{$type};

sub ShowUserInfo{
    my $query=shift;
    my $user=shift;
    my $UserData=shift;
    my $name=shift;
    my $admin=shift;

    my @rows=();
    foreach my $u (keys %{$UserData}){

	my $priv='all';                     # access priviliges: public
	if ($admin){$priv='admin';}         #    administrator
	elsif ($u eq $user){$priv='user';}  #    registered user

	my $url=&AddUrlParam($query,'n',$u);
	if (keys %{$$UserData{$u}} > 1){
	    push (@rows,
	    foreach (keys %{$$UserData{$u}}){
		if ($_ eq 'Password'){$$UserData{$u}{$_}='*******';}
		push (@rows,td([$_,$$UserData{$u}{$_}]));
	    push (@rows,
    return &table({},caption(''),&Tr(\@rows));


sub RemoveCorpus{
    my $user=shift;
    my $corpus=shift;
    my $param=shift;

    if ($$param{'really'}){
	return &Uplug::Web::Corpus::RemoveCorpus($user,$corpus);
    elsif (not defined $$param{'really'}){
	my $str= &start_multipart_form;
	$str.="Are you really sure to remove the entire '$corpus' corpus? ";
	$str.= &p();
	$str.= &submit(-name => 'submit');
	$str.= &endform;
	return $str;
    return "Corpus $corpus has not been removed!";

sub AddCorpus{
    my $user=shift;
    my $param=shift;
    my $query=shift;

    my $name=$$param{name};
    my $priv=$$param{priv};


    if (not $name){return &AddCorpusForm();}
	my ($ret,$msg)=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::AddCorpus($user,$name,$priv);
	return &h3($msg);

sub AddDocument{
    my $user=shift;
    my $corpus=shift;
    my $file=shift;
    my $param=shift;
    my $query=shift;

    my $name=$$param{name};
    my $lang=$$param{lang};
    my $enc=$$param{enc};


    my $html;
    if ($corpus and $name and $file){
	my ($ret,$msg)=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::AddDocument($user,$corpus,
    return &AddDocumentForm($user,$corpus).$html;

sub AddCorpusForm{
    my @rows;
    push (@rows,
	  &td(["Corpus name: ",
#			 -checked=>'checked',

    my $str="Add a corpus to your repository!".&p();
    $str.= "Specify a unique name for your corpus ";
    $str.= "with not more than 10 characters!".&br;
    $str.= "Use ASCII characters only for the name of the corpus using the following character set: ";
    $str.= "[a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]!".&br();

    $str.= &start_multipart_form;
    $str.= &table({},caption(''),&Tr(\@rows));
    $str.= &p();
    $str.= &submit(-name => 'submit');
    $str.= &endform;

sub AddDocumentForm{
    my $user=shift;
    my $corpus=shift;

    my @rows;
    my $corpora=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::Corpora($user);

    push (@rows,&td(['Select a corpus: ',
		     &popup_menu(-name=> 'c',
				 -values => [sort keys %{$corpora}])]));
    push (@rows,&td(["Document name: ",

    push (@rows,&td(["Upload file: ",

    push (@rows,&td(['Encoding',&Uplug::Web::encodings_menu('enc','utf8')]));

    my $str="Add a document to your repository!".&p();
    $str.= "Select a corpus and specify a unique name for your document ";
    $str.= "with not more than 15 characters!".&br;
    $str.= "Use ASCII characters only for the name of the document using the following character set: ";
    $str.= "[a-z,A-Z,0-9,_,.]!".&br();
    $str.= "Each document may be translated into different languages!".&p();
    $str.= "The file must be a plain text file! Additional markup is not recognized and will be used as text!".&br();
    $str.= "Make sure that the specified character encoding matches the encoding of your corpus file".&br();
    $str.= "Check for example ".&a({-href => ''},'this').' page for more information about character encoding'.&br();

    $str.= &start_multipart_form;
    $str.= &table({},caption(''),&Tr(\@rows));
    $str.= &p();
    $str.= &submit(-name => 'submit');
    $str.= &endform;

sub CorpusIndexerForm{
    my ($user)=@_;
    my %corpora=();
    my $form= &startform();
    $form.='Select a corpus to be indexed by the Corpus Work Bench (CWB)'.&p();
    $form.=&popup_menu(-name=> 'corpus',
		       -values => [sort keys %corpora]);
    $form.='character encoding in the index (source language if bitext)'.&br();
    $form.='character encoding in the index (target, only for bitexts)'.&br();
    $form.= &submit(-name => 'action',-value => 'add');
    $form.= &endform;
    return $form;

sub LostPassword{
    my ($email)=@_;
    my $html=&h3("Lost password").&hr();
    if ($email){return $html.=&Uplug::Web::User::SendUserPassword($email);}
    my $form= &startform();
    $form.='Type your e-mail adress: ';
    $form.=&textfield(-name => 'e',-default=>'');
    $form.= &submit(-name => 'action',-value => 'send');
    $form.= &endform;
    return $html.$form;

sub CorpusQueryForm{
    my ($owner,$corpus)=@_;
    return &Uplug::Web::CWB::Query('?a=corpus;t=query',$owner,$corpus);

sub CorpusQuery{

    my ($user,$owner,$corpus,$lang,$cqp,$aligned,$style)=@_;

    my $registry=$CWBREG.$user.'/'.$corpus;
    $WebCqp::Query::Registry = $registry;

    my $query;
    eval { $query = new WebCqp::Query("$lang"); };
    if ($@){print "--$@--$!--$?--";}

    $query->on_error(sub{grep {print "$_".&br()} @_});
    my @corpora=($lang);
    if (ref($aligned) eq 'ARRAY'){
	$query->alignments(sort @{$aligned});
	push (@corpora,@{$aligned});
    $query->context('1 s', '1 s');
    if ($cqp!~/^[\"\[]/){$cqp='"'.$cqp.'"';}
    my @result = $query->query($cqp);
    my $nr_result = @result;

    my $html="Query string: \"$cqp\"".&br();
    $html.="<b>$nr_result</b> hits found<br>--------".&p();

    my @rows=();
    if ($style eq 'vertical'){
	push (@rows,&th(['',@corpora]));

    my $nr;my $i;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nr_result; $i++) {
	$nr = $i + 1;
	my $m = $result[$i];
	my $pos = $m->{'cpos'};
	my $ord = $m->{'kwic'}->{'match'};
	my $res_r = $m->{'kwic'}->{'right'};
	my $res_l = $m->{'kwic'}->{'left'};

	push (@rows,&td({-valign=>'top'},
			[$pos,"$res_l <b>$ord</b> $res_r"]));
	if (ref($aligned) eq 'ARRAY'){
	    foreach (@{$aligned}){
		if ($style eq 'vertical'){
		    push (@rows,&td({-valign=>'top'},[$_,$m->{$_}]));
    return $html;

sub ShowRemovedCorpusInfo{
    my ($task,$owner,$corpus,$docbase,$doc,$priv)=@_;
    my $html=&ShowCorpusInfo($task,$owner,$corpus,$docbase,$doc,$priv,1);
    return $html;

# ShowCorpusInfo:
#    * list all corpora of a certain owner
#    * list info about documents for selected corpora

sub ShowCorpusInfo{
    my $task=shift;
    my $owner=shift;
    my $corpus=shift;
    my $docbase=shift;
    my $doc=shift;
    my $priv=shift;            # =1 -> private corpora
    my $notasks=shift;         # =1 -> skip task-list

    my $CorpusNames=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::Corpora($owner);
    if (not defined $corpus){($corpus)=each %{$CorpusNames};}
    if (not defined $task){$task='view';}

    # read info about corpus documents if a corpus is selected

    my %docs=();
    my $CorpusDocs={};
    if (defined $$CorpusNames{$corpus}){
	foreach my $c (sort keys %{$CorpusDocs}){
	    my $d=$$CorpusDocs{$c}{corpus};
	    my $l=$$CorpusDocs{$c}{language};
	    if ($l=~/^(.+)\-(.+)$/){             # alignments:
		my $s=$1;                        # source language
		my $t=$2;                        # target language
		if ($c=~/word\s\(/){             # word alignments:
		    $docs{$d}{$s}{$t}=$c;        #  save source->target
		else{                            # sentence alignment:
		    $docs{$d}{$t}{$s}=$c;        #  save target->source

    my $query=&AddUrlParam('','a','corpus');

    my $link=$query;
    if (not defined $docbase){($docbase)=each %docs;}
    if (defined $corpus){$link=&AddUrlParam($link,'c',$corpus);}
    if (defined $docbase){$link=&AddUrlParam($link,'b',$docbase);}

    my $html;

    my $count;
    foreach my $c (sort keys %{$CorpusNames}){

	if ($c eq $corpus){$html.="Corpus $count: ".&b($c).&p();}
	else{$html.="Corpus $count: ".&a({-href=>$query},&b($c)).&br();}

	# stop here if this is not the selected corpus

	if ($c ne $corpus){next;}

	# add links for the different access modes
	#                         and corpus tasks

	if (not $notasks){
#	    $html.=&TaskLinks({url=>$query,selected=>$task},
#			      &AccessMode($priv,'corpus'));

	    $html.='modes: ';
	    if (($corpus eq $c) and (not keys %docs)){ # no docs in the corpus:
		if ($priv ne 'all'){                   # show only 'add'-mode!
		next;                                  # ... and go to the next
	    if ($priv ne 'all'){
	    $html.=&br().'tasks: ';
	    if ($priv ne 'all'){

	# end of the task bars

	if ($task eq 'remove'){
	    $html.=&p().&b('ATTENTION! ');
	    $html.='Documents will be removed immediately';
	    $html.=' when clicking on the links below!';

	# add document links

	my @rows=();
	foreach my $d (sort keys %docs){
	    my $link=&AddUrlParam($query,'b',$d);   # add base name
	    if ($d eq $docbase){push(@rows,&th([$d]));}
	    my @lang=sort keys %{$docs{$d}};
	    foreach my $l (@lang){
	    if ($docbase ne $d){next;}
	    if (@lang<2){next;}         # no matrix for only one language!

	    # create the multilingual document matrix
	    # for the selected document

	    foreach my $s (@lang){
		push (@rows,&td({-align=>'right'},
		foreach my $t (@lang){
		    if (defined $docs{$d}{$s}{$t}){
			if ($docs{$d}{$s}{$t}=~/\sword\s\(/){

	# the next part is for the info-mode: 
	#    show extra info for the selected document!

	if ((defined $doc) and ($task eq 'info')){
	    my @rows=();
	    push (@rows,&th(['info:',$doc]));
	    foreach (keys %{$$CorpusDocs{$doc}}){
		push (@rows,&td([$_,$$CorpusDocs{$doc}{$_}]));
    return $html;

# end of ShowCorpusInfo

# view corpus data
#    * text files (even XML)
#    * bitexts (sentence aligned)
#    * bitexts (sentence and word aligned)
# uses object classes further down in this file!

sub ViewCorpus{
    my ($owner,       # owner of the corpus
	$corpus,      # corpus name
	$doc,         # document name
	$url,         # current query URL
	$pos,         # last position in the document
	$style,       # display style
	$params)=@_;  # other parameters (pointer to hash)

    my $DocConfig=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::GetCorpusInfo($owner,$corpus,$doc);

    if (not defined $$DocConfig{file}){return undef;}
    my $file=$$DocConfig{file};
    my $data;
    my $html;

    my $priv='user';                     # default: user privileges
    if ($owner eq 'pub'){$priv='all';}   # for public data: restricted access!
    if ($$DocConfig{format}=~/align/){   # for bitexts:

	if ($$DocConfig{status}=~/word/){                   # word alignments
	    $data=new Uplug::Web::BitextLinks($priv,$file); # -> BitextLinks
	elsif ($style eq 'wordalign'){                      # style=wordalign
	    $style='edit';                                  # - make align-
	    $doc=~s/(\s\(..\-..\))$/ word$1/;               #   modus for
	    $html=&b("Align words in document '$doc'!");    #   sentence-
	    if (not -e "$file.links"){                      #   aligned bitexts
		copy($file,"$file.links");                  # - create a word-
#		open F,">$file.links.lock";close F;         #   align file and
#		chmod 0664,"$file.links.lock";              #   a lock-file
#		chmod 0664,"$file.links";                   # - set permissions
		system "g+w $file.links";                   # - set permissions
		$$DocConfig{file}="$file.links";            # - add info to the
		$$DocConfig{status}='word';                 #   user configfile
		my $DocBase=$$DocConfig{corpus}.' word';    #   (without lang)
		$html.=&br().&i("(added document ($doc) to corpus '$corpus')");
	    $html.=&p();                                    # - view the word-
	    $file.='.links';                                #   align file
	    $url=&AddUrlParam($url,'d',$doc);               #   in edit mode!
	    $data=new Uplug::Web::BitextLinks($priv,$file);
	else{$data=new Uplug::Web::Bitext($priv,$file);}    # sentence align
    else{$data=new Uplug::Web::Data($priv,$file);}          # all other data:
    return $html.$data->view($url,$style,$pos,$params);     #   view as text

# end of ViewCorpus


sub SelectCorpusForm{
    my $user=shift;
    my $corpora=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::Corpora($user);
    my $str = &start_multipart_form;
    $str.='corpora: ';
    $str.=&popup_menu(-name=> 'c',-values => [sort keys %{$corpora}]);
    $str.= &submit(-name => 'select');
    $str.= &endform;
    return $str;

# sentence-align all bitexts in a given corpus

sub AlignAllDocuments{
    my ($user,$corpus)=@_;
    my $config='./systems/align/sent';

    my %docs;
    my %aligned;
    my $CorpusData=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::CorpusDocuments($user,$corpus);
    my $html;
    foreach my $c (keys %{$CorpusData}){
	if ($$CorpusData{$c}{language}=~/^(.+)\-(.+)$/){   # aligned corpora
	    $aligned{$$CorpusData{$c}{corpus}}{$1}{$2}=1;  # (save lang pairs)
	if ($$CorpusData{$c}{status}!~/(tag|tok|chunk)/){  # check status
	    $html.="$c is not tokenized yet! Run pre-processing first!".&br();
    my $count=0;
    foreach my $c (keys %docs){
	my @lang=sort keys %{$docs{$c}};
	while (@lang){
	    my $s=shift(@lang);
	    foreach my $t (@lang){
		if ($aligned{$c}{$s}{$t}){next;}   # skip if already aligned!
		if ($aligned{$c}{$t}{$s}){next;}   # (even if source->target)
		my %para=('input:source text:stream name' => $docs{$c}{$s},
			  'input:target text:stream name' => $docs{$c}{$t});
    return $html.
	&h3("$count sentence alignment process(es) added to the queue!");

# sentence-align all bitexts in a given corpus

sub PreprocessAllDocuments{
    my ($user,$corpus)=@_;

    my $CorpusData=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::CorpusDocuments($user,$corpus);
    my $count;
    foreach my $c (keys %{$CorpusData}){
	if ($$CorpusData{$c}{status} eq 'text'){
	    my $config=&GetPreprocessConfig($$CorpusData{$c}{language});
	    my %para=('input:text:stream name' => $c);
    return &h3("$count pre-processing job(s) added to the queue!");

sub GetPreprocessConfig{
    my $lang=shift;
    my $configbase='systems/pre';
    my $LangName=$ISO639{$lang};
    if (-e "$ENV{UPLUGHOME}/$configbase/$LangName"){
	return "$configbase/$LangName";
    return $configbase.'/basic';

sub Process{
    my $query=shift;
    my ($user,$corpus,$name,$params)=@_;

    if (not defined $corpus){              # if no corpus selected:
	return &SelectCorpusForm($user);   #   return corpus-select-form
    if (not defined $name){$name='main';}  # default-module = main

    # 'submit'
    #     create a uplug-process in the process-queue

    if ((ref($params) eq 'HASH') and (defined $$params{submit})){
	my $proc=&Uplug::Web::Process::MakeUplugProcess($user,$corpus,
	my $html="job $proc added to queue!<hr />";
	return $html;

    # 'save'
    #    save configuration

    elsif ((ref($params) eq 'HASH') and (defined $$params{save})){
	if (&Uplug::Web::Process::SaveUplugSettings($user,$name,$params)){
#		&h3($name).
		&p().&b('settings saved!');

    # 'reset'
    #    restore default parameters

    elsif ((ref($params) eq 'HASH') and (defined $$params{reset})){
    return &UplugSystemForm($query,$user,$corpus,$name);


sub ProcessTable{
    my $query=shift;
    my $user=shift;
    my $type=shift;
    my $process=shift;
    my @actions=@_;

    my $url=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($query,'y',$type);
    my $html;
    if (defined $user){$html=&h3($type);}
    else{$html=&h3($type.' '.&ActionLinks($url,'clear'));}
    my @proc=&Uplug::Web::Process::GetProcesses($type);
    if (not @proc){
	return "No process in $type-processes-stack!".&br();
    my @rows;
    my $count=0;
    foreach (@proc){
	my ($u,$p,@c)=split(/\:/);
	if ((defined $user) and ($user ne $u)){next;}
	push (@rows,
	if ($process eq $p){
	    push (@rows,&td(['',@c]));
    return $html.&table({},caption(''),&Tr(\@rows));

sub ShowProcessInfo{
    my $query=shift;
    my $user=shift;
    my $process=shift;
    my $admin=shift;
    my $html;

    if (not $admin){
	$html.= &ProcessTable($query,$user,'todo',$process,
	$html.= &ProcessTable($query,$user,'queued',$process,
	$html.= &ProcessTable($query,$user,'working',$process,
	$html.= &ProcessTable($query,$user,'done',$process,
	$html.= &ProcessTable($query,$user,'failed',$process,
	return $html;

    # administrator view!!!
    $html.= &ProcessTable($query,undef,'todo',$process,'view','remove');
    $html.= &ProcessTable($query,$user,'queued',$process,'view','remove');
    $html.= &ProcessTable($query,undef,'working',$process,
    $html.= &ProcessTable($query,undef,'done',$process,
    $html.= &ProcessTable($query,undef,'failed',$process,
    return $html;


sub MakeSubmoduleLinks{
    my $url=shift;
    my $user=shift;
    my $module=shift;
    my @mod=&Uplug::Web::Process::GetSubmodules($user,$module);

    my @links=();
    while (@mod){
	my $m=shift(@mod);
	my $n=shift(@mod);
	my $query=&AddUrlParam($url,'m',$m);
	push (@links,&a({-href => $query},$n));
    return wantarray ? @links : join &br(),@links;

sub UplugSystemForm{
    my $url=shift;
    my $user=shift;
    my $corpus=shift;
    my $name=shift;

    my %config;
    if (not &Uplug::Web::Process::GetConfiguration(\%config,$user,$name)){
	print "Cannot find $name!",&p();
	return undef;

    my $shortcuts=$config{shortcuts};
    if (ref($config{arguments}) eq 'HASH'){

    my $back=&a({-href=>'javascript:history.go(-1)'},'back');
    my $html.=$config{description}.&p();
#    $html=~s/\n/\<br\>/gs;
#    $html=~s/ /\&nbsp\;/gs;
    if (ref($config{module}) eq 'HASH'){
	if (defined $config{module}{name}){

    my $form= &startform;
    my ($widgets,$msg)=
    if (not $widgets){return $back.&p().$msg.$html;}
    $form.= $widgets;
    $form.= &p();
    $form.= &submit(-name => 'reset',-value => 'reset');
    $form.= &submit(-name => 'save',-value => 'save settings');
    if (ref($config{widgets}{input}) eq 'HASH'){
	if (keys %{$config{widgets}{input}}){
	    $form.= &submit(-name => 'submit',-value => 'add job');
    $form.= &endform;
    return $back.$html.$form;

sub MakeWidgetForm{
    my $user=shift;
    my $corpus=shift;
    my $config=shift;
    my $defaults=shift;
    my $shortcuts=shift;
    my $menu=shift;

    if (ref($config) ne 'HASH'){return;}

    my @rows=();
    foreach my $p (sort keys %{$config}){
	my $name=$p;
	if (defined $menu){$name="$menu:$p";}
	my $def;
	if (ref($defaults) eq 'HASH'){$def=$$defaults{$p};}
	if (ref($$config{$p}) eq 'HASH'){
	    push (@rows,&th([$p]));
	    my ($form,$msg)=&MakeWidgetForm($user,
					    $$config{$p}, # sub-menu config
					    $def,         # default value
					    $shortcuts,   # shortcuts hash
					    $name);       # sub-menu name
	    if (not $form){return (undef,$msg);}
	    push (@rows,&td([$form]));
	    if (ref($shortcuts) eq 'HASH'){
		my ($short)=grep ($$shortcuts{$_} eq $name,keys %{$shortcuts});
		if ($short){$name='-'.$short;}
	    my ($widget,$msg)=&MakeWidget($user,$corpus,
	    if (not $widget){return (undef,$msg);}
	    push (@rows,&td([$p,$widget]));
    if (not @rows){return (undef,'empty?!');}
    return (&table({},&Tr(\@rows)));

sub MakeWidget{
    my $user=shift;
    my $corpus=shift;
    my $name=shift;
    my $config=shift;
    my $default=shift;

    if ($config=~/stream\s*\((.*)\)/){
	my %para=split(/\s*[\,\=]\s*/,$1);
#	my @streams=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::GetCorpusStreams($user,%para);
	my @streams=
	if (not @streams){
	    my $msg="No appropriate document found in this corpus ($corpus)!";
	    foreach (keys %para){
	    return (undef,$msg);
	return (&td([&popup_menu(-name=> $name,
				-default => $default,
				-values => [sort @streams])]));
	my @options=split(/\s*\,\s*/,$1);
	return (&td([&popup_menu(-name=> $name,
				-default => $default,
				-values => [sort @options])]));
	my ($start,$end,$steps,$bigsteps)=split(/\s*\,\s*/,$1);
	my @options;my $i;
	for ($i=$start;$i<=$end;$i+=$bigsteps){
	    push (@options,$i);
	if ((defined $default) and (not grep ($_==$default,@options))){
	    push (@options,$default);
	return (&td([&popup_menu(-name=> $name,
				-default => $default,
				-values => [sort {$a <=> $b} @options])]));
#	return (&checkbox(-name=>$name,
#			  -value=>1,
#			  -checked=>$default,
#			  -label=>''));
	return (join ('&nbsp;',&radio_group(-name=>$name,
					    -labels=> {'1' => 'on',
						       '0' => 'off'})));
    return (&td([&textfield(-name => $name,-default=>$default)]));

sub DelUrlParam{
    my ($url,$name)=@_;
    return $url;

sub AddUrlParam{
    my ($url,$name,$val)=@_;
    if ($url!~/[\?\;]$name\=/){
	if ($url!~/\?/){$url.="\?$name=$val";}
    return $url;

sub ActionLinks{
    my $url=shift;
    my @action;
    if (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY'){@action=@{$_[0]};}

    my @links;
    foreach (@action){
	push (@links,'['.&a({-href => &AddUrlParam($url,'t',$_)},$_).']');
    return wantarray ? @links : join '',@links;

sub TaskLinks{

    my %para=();
    my $url;
    my $key='t';                                      # default url-attr: t

    if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH'){                        # first arg = HASH ref?
	%para=%{$_[0]};shift;                         # -> parameter hash
	$url=$para{url};                              #    get URL parameter
    else{                                             # otherwise:
	$url=shift;                                   #    URL=first arg
	$key=shift;                                   #    URL-attr=second arg

    if (exists $para{key}){$key=$para{key};}          # check key parameter
    my $selected=$para{selected};                     # selected 'task'

    my @tasks;                                        # tasks:
    if (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY'){@tasks=@{$_[0]};}      #  array reference
    else{@tasks=@_;}                                  #  or all remaining args

    my @links;
    foreach my $t (@tasks){
	if ($t eq $selected){
	    push (@links,'['.$t.']');
	elsif (defined $key){
	    push (@links,'['.&a({-href=>&AddUrlParam($url,$key,$t)},$t).']');
	    push (@links,'['.&a({-href=>$url},$t).']');
    return wantarray ? @links : join '',@links;

# Technical contents of ISO 639:1988 (E/F)
# "Code for the representation of names of languages".
# Typed by 1990-11-30  <>
# Minor corrections, 1992-09-08 by Keld Simonsen
# Sundanese corrected, 1992-11-11 by Keld Simonsen
# Telugu corrected, 1995-08-24 by Keld Simonsen
# Hebrew, Indonesian, Yiddish corrected 1995-10-10 by Michael Everson
# Inuktitut, Uighur, Zhuang added 1995-10-10 by Michael Everson
# Sinhalese corrected, 1995-10-10 by Michael Everson
# Faeroese corrected to Faroese, 1995-11-18 by Keld Simonsen
# Sangro corrected to Sangho, 1996-07-28 by Keld Simonsen
# Two-letter lower-case symbols are used.
# The Registration Authority for ISO 639 is Infoterm, Osterreichisches
# Normungsinstitut (ON), Postfach 130, A-1021 Vienna, Austria.

%ISO639=( qw(
aa Afar
ab Abkhazian
af Afrikaans
am Amharic
ar Arabic
as Assamese
ay Aymara
az Azerbaijani

ba Bashkir
be Byelorussian
bg Bulgarian
bh Bihari
bi Bislama
bn Bengali;Bangla
bo Tibetan
br Breton

ca Catalan
co Corsican
cs Czech
cy Welsh

da Danish
de German
dz Bhutani

el Greek
en English
eo Esperanto
es Spanish
et Estonian
eu Basque

fa Persian
fi Finnish
fj Fiji
fo Faroese
fr French
fy Frisian

ga Irish
gd Scots_Gaelic
gl Galician
gn Guarani
gu Gujarati

ha Hausa
he Hebrew
hi Hindi
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
hy Armenian

ia Interlingua
id Indonesian
ie Interlingue
ik Inupiak
is Icelandic
it Italian
iu Inuktitut

ja Japanese
jw Javanese

ka Georgian
kk Kazakh
kl Greenlandic
km Cambodian
kn Kannada
ko Korean
ks Kashmiri
ku Kurdish
ky Kirghiz

la Latin
ln Lingala
lo Laothian
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian,Lettish

mg Malagasy
mi Maori
mk Macedonian
ml Malayalam
mn Mongolian
mo Moldavian
mr Marathi
ms Malay
mt Maltese
my Burmese

na Nauru
ne Nepali
nl Dutch
no Norwegian

oc Occitan
om (Afan)Oromo
or Oriya

pa Punjabi
pl Polish
ps Pashto,Pushto
pt Portuguese

qu Quechua

rm Rhaeto-Romance
rn Kirundi
ro Romanian
ru Russian
rw Kinyarwanda

sa Sanskrit
sd Sindhi
sg Sangho
sh Serbo-Croatian
si Sinhalese
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
sm Samoan
sn Shona
so Somali
sq Albanian
sr Serbian
ss Siswati
st Sesotho
su Sundanese
sv Swedish
sw Swahili

ta Tamil
te Telugu
tg Tajik
th Thai
ti Tigrinya
tk Turkmen
tl Tagalog
tn Setswana
to Tonga
tr Turkish
ts Tsonga
tt Tatar
tw Twi

ug Uighur
uk Ukrainian
ur Urdu
uz Uzbek

vi Vietnamese
vo Volapuk

wo Wolof

xh Xhosa

yi Yiddish
yo Yoruba

za Zhuang
zh Chinese
zu Zulu

sub iso639_menu{
    my $name=shift;
    my $default=shift;
    return &popup_menu(-name=>'lang',
		       -values => [sort {$ISO639{$a} cmp $ISO639{$b}} 
				   keys %ISO639], 
		       -labels => \%ISO639,
		       -default => $default);

my %Encodings=();

if ($]>=5.008){
    eval { require Encode; };
    if (not $@){
	my @enc=Encode->encodings(":all");
	foreach (@enc){$Encodings{$_}=$_;}
    %Encodings=('utf8' => 'Unicode UTF8',
		'iso-8859-1' => 'iso-8859-1 (latin 1)',
		'iso-8859-2' => 'iso-8859-2 (latin 2)');

sub encodings_menu{
    my $name=shift;
    my $default=shift;
    return &popup_menu(-name=>$name,
		       -values => [sort {$Encodings{$a} cmp $Encodings{$b}} 
				   keys %Encodings], 
		       -labels => \%Encodings,
		       -default => $default);

# classes for reading datafiles
# Uplug::Web::Data ......... read text files (e.g. XML as plain text)
# Uplug::Web::Bitext ....... read sentence aligned bitexts
# Uplug::Web::BitextLinks .. read word aligned bitexts

package Uplug::Web::Data;

use CGI qw/:standard escapeHTML escape/;

sub new{
    my $class=shift;
    my $priv=shift;
    my $file=shift;
    my $self={};
    bless $self,$class;
#    print @{$self->{STYLES}};
#    print $self->{STYLES};
    return $self;

sub view{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($url,$style,$pos)=@_;

    if (not defined $style){$style='xml';}

    my $file=$self->{FILE};
    open F,"< $file";
#   binmode(F);
    if (defined $pos){
	seek (F,$pos,0);

    my $html='';
    my $skip=0;
    my $count=0;
    while (<F>){
#	if ($skip<$pos){$skip++;next;}
#	$html=~s/\n/\<br\>/gs;
#	$html=~s/\s/\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;/gs;
	if ($count>$MAXVIEWLINES){last;}
    close F;

    my $links=$self->nextLinks($url);
    return $links.$html.$links;


sub edit{                           # no edit defined!
    my $self=shift;                 # (just view the corpus)
    return $self->view(@_);

sub nextLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $url=shift;

    my $count=$self->{COUNT};
    my $style=$self->{STYLE};
    my $pos=$self->{POS};
    if (not $pos){$pos=0;}
    my $NextPos=$self->{NEXT};
    my ($start,$prev,$next,$styles);
    if (ref($self->{STYLES}) eq 'ARRAY'){
	foreach (@{$self->{STYLES}}){
	    if ($style eq $_){next;}
	    my $link=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'s',$_);
	    $styles.=' ['.&a({-href => $link},$_).']';
    if ($styles){$styles='display style: '.$styles.&br();}
    if ($pos>0){
	my $link=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'x',0);
	$start='['.&a({-href => $link},'start').']';
	if ($style ne 'edit'){
    if ($count>=$MAXVIEWDATA){
	my $link=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'x',$NextPos);
	my $link=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($link,'ax',$pos);
	if ($self->{'FROMDOC-POS'}>0){
	if ($self->{'TODOC-POS'}>0){
	$next='['.&a({-href => $link},'next').']';
#    return $styles.&p().$start.&br().$prev.&br().$next.&p();
    return $styles.&p().$start.$prev.$next.&p();

# sentence aligned bitext

package Uplug::Web::Bitext;

use CGI qw/:standard escapeHTML escape/;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw( Uplug::Web::Data );

use Uplug::Web::Process::Lock;

sub new{
    my $class=shift;
    my $self=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
#    $self->{STYLES}=['text','xml'];
    return $self;

sub view{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($url,$style,$pos,$param)=@_;

    my $html;
    if (not defined $style){$style='xml';}
    if (ref($param) eq 'HASH'){
#	    print join '<br>',%{$param};
	if ($$param{mn}){
    my $count;my $fromDoc;my $toDoc;
    if (not $self->readLinks($pos)){return undef;}
    my $seg=$self->readSentLinks($style);
    return $html;

sub moveSentLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $param=shift;
    my $file=$self->{FILE};
    if (not -e $file){return 0;}

## file locking with flock
#    my $LOCK=$file.'.lock';            # lock the lock-file
#    open LCK,"+<$file\.lock";
#    my $sec=0;
##    print "lock file<br>";
#    while (not flock(LCK,2)){
#	$sec++;sleep(1);
#	if ($sec>$MAXFLOCKWAIT){
#	    close LCK;
#	    return 0;
#	}
#    }

## file locking with nflock

    if (not &nflock($file,$MAXFLOCKWAIT)){
	print STDERR "# Uplug::Web - can't get exclusive lock for $file!\n";
	return 0;

    open F,"< $file";

    my @pos=sort {$a <=> $b} ($$param{mox},$$param{mnx});
    my %before;
    my %link;
    my $after;

    local $/='>';                         # read up to the next '>'

#    print "read pos 0<br>";
    if (($pos[1]-tell(F))>0){
#   print "read pos 1<br>";
#    print "read rest<br>";
    while (<F>){$after.=$_;}         # read up to end-of-file
    close F;                         # and close the files!

    if ($link{$$param{mox}}=~/xtargets=\"(.*?)\;(.*?)\"/){
	my ($src,$trg)=($1,$2);
	if ($$param{ms} eq 'src'){
	    my @w=split(/\s/,$src);
	    @w=grep ($_ ne $$param{mid},@w);
	    $src=join (' ',@w);
	if ($$param{ms} eq 'trg'){
	    my @w=split(/\s/,$trg);
	    @w=grep ($_ ne $$param{mid},@w);
	    $trg=join ('s',@w);

    if ($link{$$param{mnx}}=~/xtargets=\"(.*?)\;(.*?)\"/){
	my ($src,$trg)=($1,$2);
	if ($$param{ms} eq 'src'){
	    my @w=split(/\s/,$src);
	    if ($$param{mox}>$$param{mnx}){push (@w,$$param{mid});}
	    else{unshift (@w,$$param{mid});}
	    $src=join (' ',@w);
	if ($$param{ms} eq 'trg'){
	    my @w=split(/\s/,$trg);
	    if ($$param{mox}>$$param{mnx}){push (@w,$$param{mid});}
	    else{unshift (@w,$$param{mid});}
	    $trg=join (' ',@w);

#    print &pre(escapeHTML($before{$pos[0]})),'<hr>';
#    print &pre(escapeHTML($link{$pos[0]})),'<hr>';
#    print &pre(escapeHTML($before{$pos[1]})),'<hr>';
#    print &pre(escapeHTML($link{$pos[1]})),'<hr>';
#    print escapeHTML($after),'<hr>';
    open F,"> $file";
    print F $before{$pos[0]};
    print F $link{$pos[0]};
    print F $before{$pos[1]};
    print F $link{$pos[1]};
    print F $after;
    close F;

## unlocking file (when locked with flock)
#    close LCK;

## unlocking file (when locked with nflock)



sub readLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($pos)=@_;

    my $file=$self->{FILE};
    open F,"< $file";
    local $/='>';

    my $parser=new XML::Parser(Handlers => {Start => \&XmlStart,
					    End => \&XmlEnd,
					    Default => \&XmlChar});
    my $handle=$parser->parse_start;
    &ParseBitextHeader(*F,$handle);      # read bitext header (get src/trg-doc)
    if ($pos>0){seek (F,$pos,0);}        # go to last file position

    my $count;
#    push (@{$self->{FILEPOS}},tell(F));  # save file position!
    while (&ParseXml(*F,$handle)){

	push (@{$self->{ID}},$handle->{DATA}->{id});   # save ALIGN-ID's
#	push (@{$self->{FILEPOS}},tell(F));            # save file position!
	push (@{$self->{FILEPOS}},$handle->{STARTPOS});# save file position!
	if ($count>$MAXVIEWDATA){last;}                # 1 segment look-ahead
	push (@{$self->{SENTLINKS}},$handle->{DATA}->{xtargets});  # sent-links

	if (ref($handle->{SUBDATA}) ne 'HASH'){next;}
	if (ref($handle->{SUBDATA}->{wordLink}) ne 'ARRAY'){next;}
	my $i=$#{$self->{SENTLINKS}};
	foreach (0..$#{$handle->{SUBDATA}->{wordLink}}){
	    if (ref($handle->{SUBDATA}->{wordLink}->[$_]) ne 'HASH'){next;}
	    my $key=$handle->{SUBDATA}->{wordLink}->[$_]->{xtargets};
    if (not $handle->{FROMDOC}){print "no source document found!";return 0;}
    if (not $handle->{TODOC}){print "no target document found!";return 0;}
    close F;
    return 1;

sub readSentLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $style=shift;
    my @rows=();
    my $LastID;
    my $LastPos;
    foreach (@{$self->{SENTLINKS}}){
	push (@rows,$self->readBitextSegment($_,$style));
    $self->{'FROMDOC-POS'}=tell $self->{'FROMDOCHANDLE'};
    $self->{'TODOC-POS'}=tell $self->{'TODOCHANDLE'};
    return &table({},caption(''),&Tr(\@rows));

sub readBitextSegment{
    my $self=shift;
    my $link=shift;
    my $style=shift;

    my ($src,$trg)=split(/\s*\;\s*/,$link);
    my @s=split(/\s+/,$src);
    my @t=split(/\s+/,$trg);

    my $src='';my $trg='';
    my $url=$self->{URL};
    my $url=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'ms','src');    # src sentence
    foreach (@s){$src.=$self->sentLinkHeader($url,$_);}
    my $url=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'ms','trg');    # trg sentence
    foreach (@t){$trg.=$self->sentLinkHeader($url,$_);}

    my $srctext=$self->readSegment('FROMDOC',\@s,$style);
    my $trgtext=$self->readSegment('TODOC',\@t,$style);

    my @rows=();
    push (@rows,&th([$src,$trg]));
    push (@rows,&td([$srctext,$trgtext]));
    return @rows;

sub sentLinkHeader{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($url,$sent)=@_;

    my $old=$self->{THIS_ALIGN_ID};       # old bitex segment (this one)
    my $up=$self->{PREV_ALIGN_ID};        # the one before
    my $down=$self->{NEXT_ALIGN_ID};      # the one before

    $url=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'mid',$sent); # sentence ID
    $url=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'mo',$old);   # old ID (bitext segment)
    my $html;
    if ($up and ($self->{PRIV} ne 'all')){
	$url=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'mn',$up);    # new ID (up)
    if ($down and ($self->{PRIV} ne 'all')){
	$url=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($url,'mn',$down);  # new ID (down)
    return $html.'&nbsp;';

sub readSegment{
    my $self=shift;
    my $doc=shift;
    my $ids=shift;
    my $style=shift;

    if (not ref($self->{$doc.'HANDLE'})){$self->openDocument($doc);}
    my $fh=$self->{$doc.'HANDLE'};
    my $parser=$self->{$doc.'PARSER'};

    my $text='';
    delete $parser->{SUBDATA};
    my $failed=0;
    my $startpos=tell($fh);
    while (@{$ids} and &ParseXml($fh,$parser,1)){
#	print "try to find $$ids[0] ($self->{$doc},$startpos) ...";
	if ($$ids[0] eq $parser->{DATA}->{id}){
	    if ($style eq 'text'){$text.=$parser->{HTMLTXT};}
#	    print " found!";
#	    print " next ...";
	    $failed++;                         # wrong segment-ID
	    delete $parser->{SUBDATA};         # delete segment
	    if ($failed>5){                    # skip no more than 5 segments
		if ($startpos==0){last;}       # started at the beginning->stop
		$startpos-=500;                # enough! go 500 bytes back
		if ($startpos<0){$startpos=0;} # (but not more than filestart)
		seek($fh,$startpos,0);         # move the pointer
		$failed=0;                     # reset fail counter
#		print "start=$startpos ...";
#	print "<br>";
	if (not @{$ids}){last;}
    if ($style ne 'text'){$text=&pre($text);}
    return $text;

# open XML-documents
#   * open the file
#   * create a XML-parser-object
#   * read the XML-header and the XML-root-tag

sub openDocument{
    my $self=shift;
    my $doc=shift;

    open $self->{$doc.'HANDLE'},"< $self->{$doc}";
    $self->{$doc.'EXPAT'}=new XML::Parser(Handlers => {Start   => \&XmlStart,
						       End     => \&XmlEnd,
						       Default => \&XmlChar});

    my $fh=$self->{$doc.'HANDLE'};         # the file handle
    my $parser=$self->{$doc.'PARSER'};     # the XML-parser
    local $/='>';                          # set input boundary to '>'
    my $xml=<$fh>;                         # simply read the XML header
    eval { $parser->parse_more($xml); };   # parse XML-header
    $xml=<$fh>;                            # read the root-tag of the document
    eval { $parser->parse_more($xml); };   # ... and parse it

    if ($self->{$doc.'-POS'}>0){           # go to the last file-position
#	print "seek $doc-pos: $self->{$doc.'-POS'}<hr>";
	seek ($fh,$self->{$doc.'-POS'},0); # (if > 0)

# parse the header of a bitext file
#  * parse XML header and
#  * look for source and target documents

sub ParseBitextHeader{
    my ($fh,$p)=@_;

    delete $p->{DATA};
    delete $p->{OPEN};
    delete $p->{SUBOPEN};
    delete $p->{COMPLETE};
    delete $p->{INSIDE};
    delete $p->{BEFORE};
    delete $p->{INSIDETXT};
    delete $p->{BEFORETXT};
    delete $p->{HTML};
    delete $p->{HTMLTXT};
    delete $p->{FROMDOC};
    delete $p->{TODOC};

    while (<$fh>){
 	eval { $p->parse_more($_); };
	if ($@){print "problems when parsing ($@)!\n";return 0;}
	if ($p->{FROMDOC} and $p->{TODOC}){return 1;}
    return 0;

# parse XML until a complete ROOT-subtree is found

sub ParseXml{
    my ($fh,$p,$keepSubData)=@_;

    delete $p->{DATA};
    delete $p->{OPEN};
    delete $p->{SUBOPEN};
    delete $p->{COMPLETE};
    delete $p->{INSIDE};
    delete $p->{BEFORE};
    delete $p->{INSIDETXT};
    delete $p->{BEFORETXT};
    delete $p->{HTML};
    delete $p->{HTMLTXT};
    if (not $keepSubData){delete $p->{SUBDATA};}

    local $/='>';                              # set input boundary to '>'
    my $pos=tell $fh;                          # save the current file position
    while (<$fh>){                             # go to next ROOT-tag
	if (/\<$p->{ROOT}(\s|\>)/){last;}      # (avoid not welformed XML
	$pos=tell $fh;                         #  when jumping within the file)
    seek ($fh,$pos,0);

    while (<$fh>){                             # read from the file
 	eval { $p->parse_more($_); };          # and parse the XML-string
	if ($@){
	    print "problems when parsing ($@)! XML-string: $_\n";
	    return 0;
	if ($p->{COMPLETE}){return 1;}
    return 0;

# XML-parser subroutines
#   XmlStart .... XML-start-tag
#   XmlEnd ...... XML-end-tag
#   XmlChar ..... everything else

sub XmlStart{
    my ($p,$e,%attr)=@_;
    my $text=$p->recognized_string();
    if ($e eq $p->{ROOT}){
    if ($p->{OPEN}){
	if ($e ne $p->{ROOT}){
	    if (not ref($p->{SUBDATA})){$p->{SUBDATA}={};}
	    if (not ref($p->{SUBDATA}->{$e})){$p->{SUBDATA}->{$e}=[];}
	    my $i=@{$p->{SUBDATA}->{$e}};
	    if ($e eq $p->{SUBROOT}){
    if (defined $attr{fromDoc}){
    if (defined $attr{toDoc}){

sub XmlEnd{
    my ($p,$e)=@_;
    my $text=$p->recognized_string();
    if ($p->{OPEN}){
    if ($e eq $p->{ROOT}){
	delete $p->{OPEN};
    elsif ($e eq $p->{SUBROOT}){
	delete $p->{SUBOPEN};

sub XmlChar{
    my ($p)=@_;
    my $text=$p->recognized_string();

    if ($p->{OPEN}){
	if ($p->{SUBOPEN}){

# word-aligned bitexts

package Uplug::Web::BitextLinks;

use CGI qw/:standard escapeHTML escape/;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw( Uplug::Web::Bitext );

use Uplug::Web::Process::Lock;

sub new{
    my $class=shift;
    my $self=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
#    $self->{STYLES}=['text','xml','matrix','edit'];
    return $self;

sub view{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($url,$style,$pos,$params)=@_;

    if (ref($params) eq 'HASH'){
#	&param('sx',$$params{sx});
#	&param('sx',$$params{tx});
	if ($$params{edit} eq 'change'){
#	    print join('<br>',%{$params});

    if (not $style){$style='text';}
    if ($style eq 'xml'){
	return $self->Uplug::Web::Data::view($url,$style,$pos);
    if ($style eq 'edit'){$MAXVIEWDATA=1;}
    return $self->SUPER::view($url,$style,$pos);

sub changeLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $param=shift;

    my $file=$self->{FILE};
    if (not -e $file){return 0;}

## file locking with flock
#    my $LOCK=$file.'.lock';            # lock the lock-file
#    open LCK,"+<$file\.lock";
#    my $sec=0;
#    while (not flock(LCK,2)){
#	$sec++;sleep(1);
#	if ($sec>$MAXFLOCKWAIT){
#	    close LCK;
#	    return 0;
#	}
#    }

## file locking with nflock

    if (not &nflock($file,$MAXFLOCKWAIT)){
	print STDERR "# Uplug::Web - can't get exclusive lock for $file!\n";
	return 0;

    open F,"< $file";
#    binmode(F,":utf8");
    my ($before,$old,$after);
    if ($$param{start}){
	if (tell(F)!=$$param{start}){
	    print "something wrong (file positions)!".&br();
	    return 0;
#	my $wrong=tell(F)-$$param{start};
#	if ($wrong<0){my $new;read(F,$new,-$wrong);$before.=$new;}
#	if ($wrong>0){for (0..$wrong){$before=~s/.$//;}}
#	seek(F,$$param{start},0);
#    my $remove=tell(F)-$$param{end}-2;
#    if ($remove){for (0..$remove){$after=~s/.$//;}}
#    print "remove: $remove<hr>";
    while (<F>){$after.=$_;}
    close F;

    my %src;                              # source token
    my %trg;                              # target token
    my @lex;                              # lexical pairs (lexPair attribute)
    my @links=&param('links');            # all 1:1 word links
#   @links= map {$_->[0] }                # sort link ID's by the last digit
#           sort {                        # (=sorted by target ID's)
#		my @af=@$a[1..$#$a];      # this map-sort-map is taken from
#		my @bf=@$b[1..$#$b];      # Programming Perl
#		$af[-1] <=> $bf[-1];      # (the "Schwartzian Transform")
#	    }
#            map { [$_,split /./] } @links;
    my %srclink=();                       # save link-cluster for src-tokens
    my %trglink=();                       # save link-cluster for src-tokens
    my @xtrg=();                          # list of link clusters
    foreach (@links){                     # for each 1:1 word link
	my ($s,$t)=split(/:/);            #   split src and trg ID
	if (not defined $src{$s}){
	    $src{$s}=param("S$s");             #   get the source token
	    $src{$s}=Encode::decode('utf-8',   #   (decode UTF-8)
	if (not defined $trg{$t}){
	    $trg{$t}=param("T$t");             #   get the target token
	my $i;
	if (not defined $srclink{$s}){    # src tokens is not part of any xtrg:
	    if (not defined $trglink{$t}){#   neither is the trg token
		$i=$#xtrg+1;              #   --> just create a new xtrg
		@{$xtrg[$i]}=($s,$t);     #       (easy!)
	    else{                         #   trg token is part of another xtrg
		$i=$trglink{$t};          #   --> add source token to this xtrg
		$lex[$i][0].=" $src{$s}";
	elsif (not defined $trglink{$t}){ # src token is part of another xtrg
	    $i=$srclink{$s};              # AND trg token is not:
	    $xtrg[$i][1].="+$t";          #   --> add target token to this xtrg
	    $lex[$i][1].=" $trg{$t}";
	else{                             # the hardest case: both are part of
	    $i=$srclink{$s};              # other xtrg's:
	    my $j=$trglink{$t};           #    join the two xtrgs!
	    if ($i!=$j){
		$lex[$i][0].=" $lex[$j][0]";
		$lex[$i][1].=" $lex[$j][1]";
	$srclink{$s}=$i;                  # save the index of the xtrg both
	$trglink{$t}=$i;                  # tokens are part of

    $old=~s/^(.*?\<link\s[^>]*?)\/?(\>).*$/$1$2/s;  # keep only <link ...>
    foreach (0..$#xtrg){
	$old.="  <wordLink ";
	$lex[$_][0] = _escapeLiteral($lex[$_][0]);
	$lex[$_][1] = _escapeLiteral($lex[$_][1]);
	$old.="lexPair=\"$lex[$_][0];$lex[$_][1]\" ";
	$old.="xtargets=\"$xtrg[$_][0];$xtrg[$_][1]\" />\n";

    open F,"> $file";
#    binmode(F,":utf8");
    print F $before;
    print F $old;
    print F $after;
    close F;

## unlocking file (when locked with flock)
#    close LCK;

## unlocking file (when locked with nflock)



sub readSentLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $style=shift;

    my @rows=();
    my $LastID;
    my $LastPos;
    foreach my $l (0..$#{$self->{SENTLINKS}}){
	push (@rows,$self->readBitextSegment($self->{SENTLINKS}->[$l],
	if ($style eq 'text'){
	    push (@rows,$self->viewWordLinks($self->{WORDLINKS}->[$l]));
    $self->{'FROMDOC-POS'}=tell $self->{'FROMDOCHANDLE'};
    $self->{'TODOC-POS'}=tell $self->{'TODOCHANDLE'};
    if ($style=~/(matrix|edit)/){return join '<hr>',@rows;}
    else{return &table({},caption(''),&Tr(\@rows));}

sub viewWordLinks{
    my $self=shift;
    my $links=shift;
    if (ref($links) ne 'HASH'){$links={};}
    my @rows=();
    foreach (sort {$$links{$b}{certainty} <=> $$links{$a}{certainty}} 
	     keys %{$links}){
	if (ref($$links{$_}) ne 'HASH'){next;}
	my ($src,$trg)=split(';',$$links{$_}{lexPair});
	my $score=sprintf "%1.5f",$$links{$_}{certainty};
	push (@rows,
	      &td({-align => 'right'},[$src.'&nbsp;&nbsp;']).
    return @rows;

sub readBitextSegment{
    my $self=shift;
    my $sentLink=shift;
    my $wordLinks=shift;
    my $style=shift;

    my ($src,$trg)=split(/\s*\;\s*/,$sentLink);
    my @s=split(/\s+/,$src);
    my @t=split(/\s+/,$trg);

    my $srctext=$self->readSegment('FROMDOC',\@s,$style);
    my $trgtext=$self->readSegment('TODOC',\@t,$style);

    if ($style eq 'matrix'){
	return $self->linkMatrix($wordLinks,$sentLink);
    if ($style eq 'edit'){
	return $self->linkMatrix($wordLinks,$sentLink,1);
	my @rows=();
	push (@rows,&th([$src,$trg]));
	push (@rows,&td([$srctext,$trgtext]));
	return @rows;

sub linkMatrix{
    my $self=shift;
    my ($links,$id,$form)=@_;

    my $src=$self->{FROMDOCPARSER};
    my $trg=$self->{TODOCPARSER};
    if (ref($links) ne 'HASH'){$links={};}

    my $srcTok=$src->{SUBDATA}->{$src->{SUBROOT}};
    my $trgTok=$trg->{SUBDATA}->{$trg->{SUBROOT}};

    my %matrix=();
    foreach (keys %{$links}){
	my ($srcX,$trgX)=split(/\s*\;\s*/,$_);
	my @src=split(/\+/,$srcX);
	my @trg=split(/\+/,$trgX);
	foreach my $s (@src){
	    foreach my $t (@trg){
    my $html='';
    if ($form){
	$html.=hidden(-name=>'start',-default=>[$self->{POS}]); # start and
	$html.=hidden(-name=>'end',-default=>[$self->{NEXT}]);  # end position
	$html.=hidden(-name=>'seg',-default=>[$id]);            # seg ID
    my @rows=();
    push (@rows,&th([$id]));
    foreach my $t (0..$#{$trgTok}){
	if ($form){
	    my $key='T'.$trgTok->[$t]->{id};             # save target tokens
	    my $val=$trgTok->[$t]->{'#text'};
    foreach my $s (0..$#{$srcTok}){
	my $row=&td($srcTok->[$s]->{'#text'});
	if ($form){
	    my $key='S'.$srcTok->[$s]->{id};
	    my $val=$srcTok->[$s]->{'#text'};
	foreach my $t (0..$#{$trgTok}){
	    my $value="$srcTok->[$s]->{id}:$trgTok->[$t]->{id}";
	    my $cell='';
	    if ($matrix{$srcTok->[$s]->{id}}{$trgTok->[$t]->{id}}){
		if ($form){
#		    $cell.=&checkbox(-name=>'fuzzy',-checked=>'checked',
#				    -value=>$value,-label=>'');
		if ($form){
#		    $cell.=&checkbox(-name=>'fuzzy',-value=>$value,-label=>'');
	push (@rows,$row);
    push (@rows,&th(['']));
    foreach my $t (0..$#{$trgTok}){
    $html.='<div class="matrix">';
    if ($form){
	$html.=&p().&submit(-name => 'edit',-value => 'change');
    return $html;

# Private: escape an attribute value literal.
# (taken from XML::Writer)
sub _escapeLiteral {
    my $data = $_[0];
    if ($data =~ /[\&\<\>\"]/) {
	$data =~ s/\&/\&amp\;/g;
	$data =~ s/\</\&lt\;/g;
	$data =~ s/\>/\&gt\;/g;
	$data =~ s/\"/\&quot\;/g;
    return $data;




=head1 NAME

Uplug::Web - a web interface for Uplug


This part of Uplug is not maintained anymore and should not be considered to be stable and it is possible not enirely compatible with current versions of the software.

=head1 UplugWeb v0.1 - Frequently Asked Questions

This is a collection of frequently asked questions and their answers
related to UplugWeb - the web interface to the Uplug tools.

=head1 General

=head2 What is UplugWeb?

UplugWeb is the web interface of the Uplug corpus tools. Registered
users can use Uplug on-line with small-size corpora. UplugWeb can be
used to create and manage multi-lingual parallel corpora.

=head2 Where is it?

The original version of UplugWeb is installed at the Department of
Linguistics and Philology at Uppsala University: 
Other installations may exist elsewhere. Let me
(I<>) know if you see it anywhere!

=head2 How do I use it?

You may look at any public corpus in the collection (click on 
I<Public corpora>). You have to register first before you can use any
of the other features (click on I<Register now>). No personal data will be
given further to third parties!

=head2 Is it free?

UplugWeb is free for non-commercial usage. It is provided "as-is". No
warranties or guranaties are given. Read also the License Agreement
when registering to UplugWeb. This service may dissapear without prior
notice (hopefully not ;-))

=head2 Can I download UplugWeb and install locally?

Yes, you can! Go to L<> and download the
uplug-package. Follow the instructions in uplug/web/INSTALL or other
information that is hopefully there soon.

=head1 Registration and User Managment

Links for registration and user management are collected in the
second menu (I<User management>) in the left column.

=head2 How do I register?

Registration is easy! Click on I<Register now> and fill out the form. Fields
marked with I<*> are required. Your e-mail adress will be used as your
UplugWeb user name. Click on the I<send> button at the bottom if
everything is ok and you agree to the license agreement. Hopefully,
this finishes your registration and you may now login to your UplugWeb
account by clicking on I<Login>.

=head2 I forgot my password!

Click on I<Lost Password> and type your e-mail adress that you used
for registration. The password will be sent to you by e-mail when you
click on the I<send> button.

=head2 How do I view user information?

Click on I<Uplug users> in the I<User management> menu. You may look
at user details if you click on I<info>. All registered users can do
that. The I<edit> function is not implemented yet.

=head2 How can I change my password?

Right now you can't! This will may be added in the next version.

=head1 Corpus Management

UplugWeb functions related to corpora and corpus management are
collected in the I<Corpus management> menu in the left column.

=head2 How do I create a corpus?

A corpus in UplugWeb is a collection of one or more documents. Each
document may have several translations. Click on I<Create new corpus>
for creating a new corpus (surprise ;-). You have to specify a unique
name for the corpus in your repository. The name has to be mo longer
than 10 characters using ASCII letters [a-zA-Z] and '_'. You may, of
course, have several corpora in your account! The corpus name will
appear in the list of your corpora (I<My corpora>). Check the
I<private> checkbox if you don't want your corpus to appear in the
collection I<Public corpora>. Public corpora can not be changed by
others but viewed and downloaded by everyone!

Initially, the corpus is empty. You have to add documents using the
I<add> link in the task list behind the corpus name.

=head2 How do I add documents to my corpus?

Use the I<add> link in the task-list behind the name of your corpus!
You will see this task list for each corpus in I<My corpora>. If you
click on I<add>, a new form will be opened. Corpus documents that you
submit have to be in PLAIN TEXT FORMAT! Any annotation will be ignored
and interpreted as common text. Choose the correct character encoding
format in the I<Encoding> option menu! Defaullt encoding is Unicode
UTF-8. All data submitted will be converted to UTF-8!

A document has to have a unique name in the corpus. It has to be
shorter than 16 characters using ASCII letters [a-zA-z], digits [0-9],
dots '.' and underscores '_'. 

There may be several translations of each document in the corpus. DO
Translations may (should) have the same name as the original. Choose
the language of each document to distinguish them!

The local document itself is inserted in the I<Upload file>
field. Add the document to the corpus by clicking on the I<submit>

The upload size is restricted. The total amount of POST-data is
limited. UplugWeb is intended for small-size corpora. However, you may
add as many documents as you want to each corpus.

=head2 How can I remove documents from a corpus?

Removing documents can be done with the I<remove> function in the
task-list that you can find for each corpus. Click on I<remove> and
the corpus manager will be in "remove-mode" (you can see the mode by
checking which of the tasks is not linked anymore in the
task-list). Each document is represented by a link from the language
identifier (e.g. 'en' for English) behind the document name. Click on
the link that corresponds to the document you would like to remove. BE

=head2 How can I remove the complete corpus?

Click on I<remove> in the task-list behind the corpus name. A new for
should appear in your browser. Check the checkbox that you are really
sure to remove the entire corpus and click on I<submit>. The corpus
will be deleted!

=head2 Can I restore data that I removed by accident?

Yes you can! Click on I<Restore documents> and click on the links in
your collection of removed documents.

=head2 Can I download documents from my repository?

Not directly. But you can send documents to your e-mail adress. Select
the I<send> mode in the corpus manager (in the task-list for one of
your corpora) and click on the document you want to be sent to you.

=head2 Can I look at my documents?

Of course! The "view mode" is the default mode in the corpus
manager. Otherwise you may always activate it by clicking on I<view>
in the task-list for each corpus. If you click on document links the
corresponding document will be shown in your browser. The display
style is different depending on the type of document you're looking
at. For some document types you will have the choice between different
display styles (e.g. for word alignment files). Alignment files can
even be modified/revised. Check further down!

=head2 Can I show larger/smaller parts of the document at once?

No! Not right now.

=head2 Can I edit my documents?

No! Not right now. This is potentially dangerous and therefore not
supported (yet). For alignment files it is possible to modify the
links using the edit-functions provided for these file types. See
further down.

=head2 Can I edit/modify sentence alignment files?

Sentence alignment is done automatically and, therefore, often
includes errors. If you open a sentence alignment file (I<sent>) from
the view mode you will see linked up/down arrows around each sentence
ID. Use these links to move the attached sentence up or down. You can
do this using both display styles I<text> and I<xml> (default).

Editing alignment files link by link is
not very convenient if there are many follow-up errors. Check the file
first before starting to rervise the alignment. Sometimes the
alignment is totally out of control at some point and it is not worth
doing the revision by hand in this way. Modify your
original files instead and re-run the sentence aligner! (Check the
section on sentence alignment in the description of the task manager)

=head2 Can I edit word alignment files?

Open the chosen word alignment file in view mode and click on I<edit>
in the list of display styles. Word alignments will now be shown as
link-matrix with checkboxes for each word pair. Change the links as
you wish and click on the I<change> button if your satisfied. Go to
the next sentence pair by clicking on I<next>.

=head2 Can I word-align bitexts by hand?

Yes you can!
Open a sentence alignment file (the once called I<sent>) in view mode and 
click on I<wordalign>. The system will create an empty word alignment
file if there is no word alignment file for this language pair
already. Otherwise it will open the existing one and you may edit it.

=head2 What is the I<info> mode?

There is some more information for each document (e.g. status
infomation). Click on I<info> to activate the info mode and select the
document by clicking on the corresponding link (if you are in the info

=head2 What is I<preprocess>?

The I<preprocess> task automatically adds pre-processing processes to
the queue for all documents from the chosen corpus that are still in
plain text format. Documents will be pre-processed with
language-specific pre-processing modules if available. Otherwise, it
will add the I<basic> pre-processing modules that adds simple XML
markup and runs the sentence splitter and the general
tokenizer. Documents that have been finished will be sent to you. Look
att the process queue in the I<task manager> to track queued processes.

=head2 What is I<align>?

The I<align> task automatically adds all sentence alignment processes
to the process queue possible for the chosen corpus. Each document
with one or more translations will be sentence aligned. All possible
alignment pairs will be considered (only in one direction). NOTE:
documents have to be tokenized before they can be aligned! There is a
quick-task for doing this for all documents automatically:
I<preprocess>. Otherwise, use the pre-processing functions described
in the section about the Task Manager.

=head2 What is I<index>?

The I<index> function can be used to create CWB
index files from the chosen corpus. All tokenized document will be
indexed. Sentence alignments will be included as well. Indexed corpora
can be searched using CQP and the I<CWB Query> function in corpus
management menu. Note that the entire corpus will be in one index per
language. Documents will not be seperated from each other!

=head2 What is I<query>?

By clicking on I<query> you will get to the CWB query form. From here
you can search your indexed corpus data.

=head2 How do I use the CWB in UplugWeb?

First of all you have to index one or more corpora in youre
repository (use I<index> in the corpus task-list). You can view all
indeces and query each corpus by selecting I<CWB Query> from the
corpus management menu. For each indexed corpus you will have a list
of indexed sub-corpora linked to their language (using 2-letter
language ID's). Select the sub-corpus you are interested in by
clicking on the corresponding link. Now you should get the query form
you may use for searching the data. Sentence alignment can also be
searched (if available). Select the languages you want to include in
the column to the right. More information about queries can be found
elsewhere (....).

=head1 Task Management

The task manager is used to start Uplug processes and to manage
running processes. New processes will be queued and executed when
possible. There are several queues managed by UplugWeb:


=item * todo: 

the list of processes to be done

=item * queued: 

processes that have been taken by a server and wait for
their execution

=item * working: 

processes in progress

=item * done: 

finished processes (only recent once)

=item * failed: 

processes that failed at some point (can be restarted)


The I<Main> menu contains several tasks that can be run by the system:


=item * pre-processing: 

All kinds of pre-processing tasks such as basic XML
markup, sentence splitting, tokenization, language-specific tools
(tagging, chunking)

=item * tagging: 

POS tagger for several languages

=item * parser/chunker: 

Syntactic parsers/chunkers for several languages
(currently only for English and Swedish)

=item * sentence aligner: 

Sentence alignment using Gale&Church's
length-based alignment algorithm

=item * word aligner: 

Word alignment using the Clue Aligner and other tools
(e.g. GIZA++)


=head2 How do I tokenize a document?

Go to I<pre-processing> and choose either the I<basic> pre-processing
module or one of the language specific pre-processing modules if you
have an appropriate document in your corpus. There will be a form for
choosing documents from the corpus if you have appropriate once in
your corpus. Click on the I<add jobb> button for sending the job to
the process queue. (Note: Select the correct corpus up at the top of the
page if you have several corpora in your repository!)

The pre-processor will overwrite the original text-document and
replace it with the tokenized XML version. It will also be sent by
mail if the process is finished.

You can also run the pre-processor on all documents in a corpus by
clicking on the I<preprocess> taks in the corpus manager. Check the
section on I<corpus management> above!

=head2 How do I POS tag a document?

Tokenize the document first. Then, choose the tagger from the
I<tagger> menu and select the appropriate document from the
corpus. You can switch between corpora at the top of the page. The
old document will be overwritten and the result will be sent to you by

=head2 How do I sentence-align 2 documents?

Go to the I<sentence aligner> and select the 2 documents you want to
align. They have to be tokenized first! Add the job to the queue by
clicking on I<add job>.

The sentence
aligner uses "hard boundaries" (paragraph breaks and page breaks) to
synchronize the alignment process. They may cause problems (follow-up
errors) if they are
not detected correctly. A simple solution is to remove all double
empty lines from the text files before submitting them to the UplugWeb

You can also run the sentence aligner for all possible document pairs
ini a corpus by clicking on the I<align> task in the corpus
manager. Check the section on I<corpus management> above.

=head2 How do I word-align a bitext?

Go to the I<word aligner> and select one of the three possible
settings: I<basic>, I<advanced>, and I<GIZA++>. After that select one
of the sentence aligned corpora in your repository (you have to
sentence align first!). Click on I<add job> to add the alignment
process to the queue.

NOTE: Word alignment takes quite
some time even for small corpora! Be patient! (This is a Uplug problem)

More information about word alignment will be added later on.

=head1 Local Installation

You can install your own UplugWeb server! Download the uplug package
from L<> and follow the instructions in
I<uplug/web/INSTALL> and other documentation if available ....
