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# create CWB-indeces for Uplug bitexts
# usage: reg data corpus-dir
#   reg ......... CWB registry directory (a new sub-dir will be created here!)
#   data ........ CWB data directory (a new sub-dir will be created here!)
#   corpus-dir .. home-directory of the corpus to be indexed
# Copyright (C) 2004 Jörg Tiedemann  <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

use strict;

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use XML::Parser;

#use lib ('/home/staff/joerg/user_local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/');
#use WebCqp::Query;

#my $CWBBIN='/usr/local/bin';
#my $ENCODE="$CWBBIN/cwb-encode";
#my $CWBMAKEALL="${CWBBIN}/cwb-makeall";
#my $CWBALIGNENCODE="${CWBBIN}/cwb-align-encode";

my $ENCODE='cwb-encode';
my $CWBMAKEALL='cwb-makeall';
my $CWBALIGNENCODE='cwb-align-encode';

my $REGDIR    = shift(@ARGV);  # CWB regisistry directory
my $DATDIR    = shift(@ARGV);  # CWB data directory
my $CORPUSDIR = shift(@ARGV);  # corpus directory

if (not -d $REGDIR){mkdir $REGDIR;}  # make sub-dirs if they do not exist
if (not -d $DATDIR){mkdir $DATDIR;}

if (not -d $REGDIR){die "cannot access registry dir: $REGDIR!";}
if (not -d $DATDIR){die "cannot access data dir: $DATDIR!";}


my $DIR    = $ENV{PWD};
mkdir $TMPDIR;
chdir $TMPDIR;
if (not -d $CORPUSDIR){
if (not -d $REGDIR){$REGDIR="$DIR/$REGDIR";}
if (not -d $DATDIR){$DATDIR="$DIR/$DATDIR";}


my @lang=&GetLanguages($CORPUSDIR);
my %xmlfiles;

foreach my $l (@lang){
    if (@{$xmlfiles{$l}}){

foreach my $s (@lang){
    foreach my $t (@lang){
	if ($s eq $t){next;}
	my @bitexts=&GetBitexts($CORPUSDIR,$s,$t);
	if (@bitexts){

system "rm $TMPDIR/*";
system "rmdir $TMPDIR";
chdir $DIR;


sub GetLanguages{
    my ($dir)=@_;
    my @lang=();
    if (opendir(DIR, $dir)){
	@lang=grep { /^[^\.]/ && $_!~/\-/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
	closedir DIR;
    return @lang;

sub GetXmlFiles{
    my ($dir)=@_;
    my @files=();
    if (opendir(DIR, $dir)){
	@files=grep { $_!~/\.lock/ && -f "$dir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
	closedir DIR;
    my @xml=();
    foreach my $f (@files){
	open F,"<$f";                    # open the file
	$_=<F>;close F;                  # and check if the header
	if (/\<\?xml\s/){push(@xml,$f);} # is a XML-header (we need XML files!)
    return @xml;

sub GetBitexts{
    my ($dir,$src,$trg)=@_;
    my @bitexts;
    if (opendir(DIR, $dir)){
	@bitexts=grep { $_!~/\.lock$/ && -f "$dir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
	closedir DIR;
    return @bitexts;

# read through bitext files and return source/target files

sub GetXMLFiles{
    my ($bitexts,$src,$trg)=@_;
    my $count=0;

    foreach my $f (@{$bitexts}){

	if (not -e $f){$f="$DIR/$f";}
	if (not -e $f){next;}

	my $bitextname=&basename($f);
	my $bitextdir=&dirname($f);

	if ($f=~/\.gz$/){open F,"gzip -cd <$f |";}
	else{open F,"<$f";}

	local $/='>';              # read blocks end at '>'

	    if (/fromDoc\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/){
		my $srcdoc=$1;
		if (not -e $srcdoc){$srcdoc="$bitextdir/$srcdoc";}
		if (/toDoc\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/){
		    my $trgdoc=$1;
		    if (not -e $trgdoc){$trgdoc="$bitextdir/$trgdoc";}
		    if (($srcdoc ne $$src[-1]) or ($trgdoc ne $$trg[-1])){
			push (@{$src},$srcdoc);
			push (@{$trg},$trgdoc);
    return $count;

# convert XML files to CWB index files

sub XML2CWB{

    my ($regdir,$datdir,$lang,$files)=@_;

    # convert corpus files to CWB input format!
    # (restrict structural patterns with spattern)

    my $allattr=1;
#    my $spattern=undef;
    my $spattern='(cell|row|table|s|p|pb|head|c|chunk)';
    my $ppattern=undef;
    my $attr=&XML2CWBinput($lang,$files,$allattr,$spattern,$ppattern);

    # cwb-encode arguments (PATTR and SATTR) are stored in $L.cmd
    # (take only one of them to encode the entire corpus)

    if (-d "$datdir/$lang"){
	system ("rm -fr $datdir/$lang");
    mkdir "$datdir/$lang";
    system ("$ENCODE -R $regdir/$lang -d $datdir/$lang -f $lang $attr");
    system ("$CWBMAKEALL -r $regdir -V $lang");

    unlink $lang;

# Align2CWB
# convert sentence alignments and register them in CWB

sub Align2CWB{
    my ($regdir,$datdir,$srclang,$trglang,$bitexts)=@_;

    # convert to CWB-input format!


    # register alignments in CWB

    open F,"<$regdir/$trglang";
    my @reg=grep { /ALIGNED $srclang/ } <F>;
    close F;
    if (not @reg){
	open F,">>$regdir/$trglang";
	print F "ALIGNED $srclang\n";
	close F;
    open F,"<$regdir/$srclang";
    my @reg=grep { /ALIGNED $trglang/ } <F>;
    close F;
    if (not @reg){
	open F,">>$regdir/$srclang";
	print F "ALIGNED $trglang\n";
	close F;

    system "$CWBALIGNENCODE -r $regdir -D $srclang$trglang.alg";
    system "$CWBALIGNENCODE -r $regdir -D $trglang$srclang.alg";

    copy "$srclang$trglang.alg","$datdir/$srclang$trglang.alg";
    copy "$trglang$srclang.alg","$datdir/$trglang$srclang.alg";

    system "gzip -f $datdir/$trglang$srclang.alg";
    system "gzip -f $datdir/$srclang$trglang.alg";

    unlink "$trglang$srclang.alg";
    unlink "$srclang$trglang.alg";

# convert XCES align to CWB input format

sub Align2CWBinput{
    my ($srclang,$trglang,$bitexts)=@_;

    my $srcPosFile="$srclang.pos";
    my $trgPosFile="$trglang.pos";

    die "cannot find source position file $srcPosFile" unless -e $srcPosFile;
    die "cannot find target position file $trgPosFile" unless -e $trgPosFile;

    open ALG1,">$srclang$trglang.alg";
    open ALG2,">$trglang$srclang.alg";

    print ALG1 "$srclang\ts\t$trglang\ts\n";
    print ALG2 "$trglang\ts\t$srclang\ts\n";

    my %srcPos=();
    my %trgPos=();

    open F,"<$srcPosFile";
    my $file;
	if (/^\#\s+(\S+)\s*$/){
	my ($id,$start,$end)=split(/\t/,$_);

    open F,"<$trgPosFile";
	if (/^\#\s+(\S+)\s*$/){
	my ($id,$start,$end)=split(/\t/,$_);

    my $lastsrc=-1;
    my $lasttrg=-1;

    my %SO=();     # save align-output in a hash indexed by start position
    my %TO=();     # also for target->source alignments

    foreach my $f (@{$bitexts}){

	if (not -e $f){$f="$DIR/$f";}
	if (not -e $f){next;}

	my $bitextname=&basename($f);
	my $bitextdir=&dirname($f);

	if ($f=~/\.gz$/){open F,"gzip -cd <$f |";}
	else{open F,"<$f";}

	local $/='>';              # read blocks end at '>'
	my ($srcdoc,$trgdoc);

	    if (/fromDoc\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/){
		if (not -e $srcdoc){$srcdoc="$bitextdir/$srcdoc";}
		if (/toDoc\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/){
		    if (not -e $trgdoc){$trgdoc="$bitextdir/$trgdoc";}
	    if (/(sentLink|link)\s.*xtargets=\"([^\"]+)\s*\;\s*([^\"]+)\"/){
		my $src=$2;
		my $trg=$3;
		my @srcsent=split(/\s/,$src);
		my @trgsent=split(/\s/,$trg);

		if (not (@srcsent and @trgsent)){next;}
		if (not defined $srcPos{$srcdoc}){
		    if (defined $srcPos{$srcdoc.'.gz'}){$srcdoc.='.gz';}
		    if (not defined $srcPos{$srcdoc}){next;}
		if (not defined $srcPos{$srcdoc}{$srcsent[0]}){next;}
		if (not defined $srcPos{$srcdoc}{$srcsent[-1]}){next;}
		if (not defined $trgPos{$trgdoc}){
		    if (defined $trgPos{$trgdoc.'.gz'}){$trgdoc.='.gz';}
		    if (not defined $trgPos{$trgdoc}){next;}
		if (not defined $trgPos{$trgdoc}{$trgsent[0]}){next;}
		if (not defined $trgPos{$trgdoc}{$trgsent[-1]}){next;}

	# save alignment file (src --> trg)

		my $start=$srcPos{$srcdoc}{$srcsent[0]}{start};
		$SO{$start}.=scalar @srcsent;
		$SO{$start}.=scalar @trgsent;

	# save alignment file (trg --> src)

		my $start=$trgPos{$trgdoc}{$trgsent[0]}{start};
		$TO{$start}.=scalar @trgsent;
		$TO{$start}.=scalar @srcsent;
	close F;

    foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %SO){   # print aligned regions
	print ALG1 $SO{$_};                # sorted by starting position
    foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %TO){   # the same for target->source
	print ALG2 $TO{$_};

    close ALG1;
    close ALG2;

# XML2CWBinput
# convert XML files to CWB input files!

my @PATTR=();
my %SATTR=();
my %nrSATTR=();

my @AllPATTR=();
my %AllSATTR=();

my $pos=0;
my $SentTag='s';
my $WordTag='w';

my $SentStart=0;
my $SentDone=0;
my $WordStart=0;
my $WordDone=0;
my $XmlStr;
my %WordAttr=();
my ($AllAttributes,$StrucAttrPattern,$WordAttrPattern);

sub XML2CWBinput{
    my ($language,$files);

    my %LangCodes=(
	       'ar' => 'utf-8',
	       'az' => 'utf-8',
	       'be' => 'utf-8',
	       'bg' => 'utf-8',
	       'bs' => 'utf-8',
	       'cs' => 'iso-8859-2',
	       'el' => 'iso-8859-7',
#	       'el' => 'utf-8',
	       'eo' => 'iso-8859-3',
	       'et' => 'iso-8859-4',
	       'he' => 'utf-8',
	       'hr' => 'iso-8859-2',
	       'hu' => 'iso-8859-2',
	       'id' => 'utf-8',
	       'ja' => 'utf-8',
	       'jp' => 'utf-8',
	       'ko' => 'utf-8',
	       'ku' => 'utf-8',
	       'lt' => 'iso-8859-4',
	       'lv' => 'iso-8859-4',
	       'mi' => 'utf-8',
	       'mk' => 'utf-8',
	       'pl' => 'iso-8859-2',
	       'ro' => 'iso-8859-2',
	       'ru' => 'utf-8',
	       'sk' => 'iso-8859-2',
	       'sl' => 'iso-8859-2',
	       'sr' => 'iso-8859-2',
	       'ta' => 'utf-8',
	       'th' => 'utf-8',
	       'tr' => 'iso-8859-9',
	       'uk' => 'utf-8',
	       'vi' => 'utf-8',
	       'xh' => 'utf-8',
	       'zh_tw' => 'utf-8',
	       'zu' => 'utf-8'





    my $OutFile=$language;
    my $PosFile=$language.'.pos';
    open POS,">$PosFile";
    open OUT,">$OutFile";

    while (@{$files}){
	my $file=shift(@{$files});
	if (-d $file){
	    if (opendir(DIR, $file)){
		my @subdir = grep { /^[^\.]/ } readdir(DIR);
		map ($subdir[$_]="$file/$subdir[$_]",(0..$#subdir));
		push (@{$files},@subdir);
		closedir DIR;
	elsif (-f $file){
    close POS;

    return &AttrString();

# end of XML2CWBinput

sub ConvertXML{
    my $file=shift;
    my $zipped=0;
    print POS "# $file\n";
    if ((not -e $file) and (-e "$file.gz")){
    if (not -e $file){return;}
    if ($file=~/\.gz$/){
	# dirty hack to get one of the german OO-files to work:
	# /replace &nbsp; with ' ' to make the xml-parser happy
	system ("gzip -cd $file | sed 's/\&nbsp/ /g;'> /tmp/xmltocwb$$");

    if ($AllAttributes){
	my $parser1=
	    new XML::Parser(Handlers => {Start => \&XmlAttrStart});
	eval { $parser1->parsefile($file); };
	if ($@){warn "$@";}
	@PATTR=sort keys %WordAttr;

    my $parser2=
	new XML::Parser(Handlers => {Start => \&XmlStart,
				     End => \&XmlEnd,
				     Default => \&XmlChar,

    eval { $parser2->parsefile($file); };
    if ($@){warn "$@";}
    if ($zipped){
	unlink "/tmp/xmltocwb$$";
    foreach my $s (keys %SATTR){              # save structural attributes
	%{$AllSATTR{$s}}=%{$SATTR{$s}};       # in global attribute hash
    if (@PATTR>@AllPATTR){                    # save positional attributes
	@AllPATTR=@PATTR;                     # in global attribute array

# print cwb-encode arguments for structural & positional attributes

sub AttrString{
    my $attr="-xsB";
    foreach my $s (keys %AllSATTR){
	$attr.=" -S $s:0";
	my $a=join "+",keys %{$AllSATTR{$s}};
	if ($a){$attr.='+'.$a;}
    foreach (@AllPATTR){
	$attr.=" -P $_";
    return $attr;

# XML parser handles (parser 2)

sub XmlStart{
    my $p=shift;
    my $e=shift;
    if ($e eq $SentTag){
	if ($SentStart){             # there is already an open sentence!
	    printXmlEndTag($e,@_);   # --> close the old one first!!
	    print POS $pos-1,"\n";
	my %attr=@_;
	print POS "$attr{id}\t$pos\t";
    elsif ($e eq $WordTag){
    elsif (defined $SATTR{$e}){
	$nrSATTR{$e}++;                             # don't allow recursive
	if ($nrSATTR{$e}==1){printXmlStartTag($e,@_);}  # structures!!!!!!

sub XmlEnd{
    my $p=shift;
    my $e=shift;
    if ($e eq $SentTag){
	if ($SentStart){
	    print POS $pos-1,"\n";
    elsif ($e eq $WordTag){
    elsif (defined $SATTR{$e}){
	if ($nrSATTR{$e}==1){printXmlEndTag($e,@_);}

sub XmlChar{
    my $p=shift;
    my $e=shift;
    if ($WordStart){

# XML parser handles (parser 1)

sub XmlAttrStart{
    my $p=shift;
    my $e=shift;
    if ($e eq $WordTag){
	if (defined $WordAttrPattern){
	    if ($e!~/^$WordAttrPattern$/){return;}
	while (@_){$WordAttr{$_[0]}=$_[1];shift;shift;}
	if (defined $StrucAttrPattern){
	    if ($e!~/^$StrucAttrPattern$/){return;}
	while (@_){$SATTR{$e}{$_[0]}=$_[1];shift;shift;}

sub printWord{
    my $word=shift;
    my $attr=shift;
    $word=~tr/\n/ /;
    eval { print OUT $word; };
    foreach (@PATTR){
	if (defined $attr->{$_}){
	    eval { print OUT "\t$attr->{$_}"; };
	    print OUT "\tunknown";
    print OUT "\n";

sub printXmlStartTag{
    my $tag=shift;
    my %attr=@_;
    print OUT "<$tag";
    foreach (keys %attr){
	if (defined $SATTR{$tag}{$_}){
	    print OUT " $_=\"$attr{$_}\"";
    print OUT ">\n";

sub printXmlEndTag{
    my $tag=shift;
    my %attr=@_;
    print OUT "</$tag>\n";
