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TELESCOP= 'UKIRT             ' / Telescope name
INSTRUME= 'WFCAM             ' / Instrument
CAMNUM  =                    1 / Number of WFCAM camera (1, 2, 3 or 4)
DHSVER  = 'UKDHS 2002 Oct 31 ' / Data handling version
HDTFILE = 'wfcam.hdt         ' / Name of global hdt file
HDTFILE2= 'wfcam2.hdt        ' / Name of camera-specific hdt file
OBSERVER                       / Observers names
USERID                         / Userid logged in as
OBSREF                         / PATT or other reference
PROJECT = 'U/EC/10 '           / Time-allocation code
SURVEY                         / Survey name
SURVEY_I                       / Pointing ID within survey
MSBID   = 'none    '           / Id min.-schedulable block

                                 eStar headers:
RMTAGENT= 'none    '           / Name of remote agent
AGENTID = 'none    '           / Unique identifier for remote agent

OBJECT  = 'CMC307958'          / Object name from telescope

                                 Data Reduction:
RECIPE  = 'FOCUS_REDUCE'       / Data reduction recipe to be used
OBSNUM  =                  349 / Observation number
GRPNUM  =                  339 / Group number applied to all members
GRPMEM  =                    F / Group membership
TILENUM =                    0 / Tile number applied to all members
STANDARD=                    F / Is the target a standard star observation?
NJITTER =                    1 / Number of positions in tel jitter pattern
JITTER_I=                    1 / Serial number in this tel jitter pattern
JITTER_X=                 0.00 / [arcsec] X (RA) offset in tel jitter pattern
JITTER_Y=                 0.00 / [arcsec] Y (Dec) offset in tel jitter pattern
NUSTEP  =                    1 / Number of positions in microstep pattern
USTEP_I =                    1 / Serial number in this microstep pattern
USTEP_X =                 0.00 / [arcsec] X (RA) offset in microstep pattern
USTEP_Y =                 0.00 / [arcsec] Y (Dec) offset in microstep pattern
NFOC    =                    0 / Number of positions in focus scan
NFOCSCAN=                    0 / Number of focus scans in focus test

                                 Astrometric and time information:
UTDATE  = '20050404'           / UT date as integer in yyyymmdd format
DATE-OBS= '2005-04-04T10:31:11.267' / Date time (UTC) of start of observation
DATE-END= '2005-04-04T10:31:23.588' / Date time (UTC) of end of observation
MJD-OBS =          53464.43832 / DATE-OBS as Modified Julian Date
WCSAXES =                    2 / Number of axes in world co-ordinate system
RADESYS = 'FK5     '           / Mean IAU 1984 equatorial co-ordinates
EQUINOX =             2000.000 / [yr] Equinox of object position
TRACKSYS= 'J2000   '           / Telescope tracking coordinate system
CTYPE1  = 'RA---ZPN'           / Algorithm type for axis 1
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--ZPN'           / Algorithm type for axis 2

CRPIX1  =               3003.6 / [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 1 (RA)
CRPIX2  =               -959.2 / [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 2 (Rec)
CRVAL1  =          165.4878096 / [deg] Right ascension at the reference pixel
CRVAL2  =           19.5088855 / [deg] Declination at the reference pixel
CRUNIT1 = 'deg     '           / Unit of right ascension co-ordinates
CRUNIT2 = 'deg     '           / Unit of declination co-ordinates

CD1_1   =        -1.105000E-07 / Transformation matrix element
CD1_2   =        -1.113000E-04 / Transformation matrix element
CD2_1   =         1.112000E-04 / Transformation matrix element
CD2_2   =        -1.627000E-07 / Transformation matrix element

PV2_1   =         1.000000E+00 / Pol.coeff. for pixel -> celestial coord
PV2_2   =         0.000000E+00 / Pol.coeff. for pixel -> celestial coord
PV2_3   =        -5.000000E+01 / Pol.coeff. for pixel -> celestial coord

RABASE  =           11.0323949 / [h] Right ascension of base position
DECBASE =           19.5093799 / [deg] Declination of base position
TELRA   =           11.0325206 / [h] Current telescope right ascension
TELDEC  =           19.5088855 / [deg] Current telescope declination
GSRA    =           11.0323949 / [h] Right ascension of guide star
GSDEC   =           19.5093799 / [deg] Declination of guide star
HABASE  =           29.5649638 / [deg] Hour angle
TRAOFF  =                6.400 / [arcsec] Telescope offset in RA
TDECOFF =               -1.780 / [arcsec] Telescope offset in Dec
AMSTART =                1.131 / Airmass at start of observation
AMEND   =                1.131 / Airmass at end of observation

                                 Instrument aperture:
APER_X  =                0.000 / [arcsec] Aperture X axis coordinate
APER_Y  =                0.000 / [arcsec] Aperture Y axis coordinate

                                 ISU2 parameters
ISU2PORT= 'East    '           / ISU2 port name
ISU2POFF=                    0 / ISU2 port offset
ISU2TOFF=                    0 / ISU2 tilt offset

GUIDING = 'OFF     '           / Guider status: OFF|ON|PAUSED
AGFREQ  =               50.000 / Autoguider: Frequency
FGMODE  = 'Fast Guider'        / Fast guider mode

                                 Instrument detector configuration:
DETECTOR= 'RSC Hawaii 2'       / Type of detector array used
DETECTID= 'RSC:H2:60'          / Serial number of detector array
NINT    =                    1 / Number of integrations in observation
DROWS   =                 2048 / [pixel] Number of detector rows
DCOLUMNS=                 2048 / [pixel] Number of detector columns
RDOUT_X1=                    1 / Start column of array readout
RDOUT_X2=                 2048 / Start column of array readout
RDOUT_Y1=                    1 / Start row    of array readout
RDOUT_Y2=                 2048 / Start row    of array readout
PIXLSIZE=               0.4000 / [arcsec] Pixel size

                                 Detector controller:
PCSYSID = 'wfacq1  '           / PC system identifier
SDSUID  = '1e1d1c17'           / Serial number of SDSU controller
READMODE= 'CDS     '           / Name of camera readmode
CAPPLICN= 'do_mean_wfcam_cds'  / Name of camera readout application
CAMROLE = 'master  '           / Camera role (master|slave|unsync)
CAMPOWER= 'On      '           / Camera power (On|Off)
RUNID   = '/home/wfcam/ucam/data/run00000350' / Name of raw data file
READOUT = 'CDS     '           / Camera readout (CDS|NDR|SAR|RRR)
EXP_TIME=             5.000000 / [s] Integration time per exposure
NEXP    =                    2 / Number of exposures in integration
READINT =             0.000000 / [s] Interval between reads
NREADS  =                    2 / Number of reads per exposure
GAIN    =                4.500 / [electrons/ADU] Detector gain

AIRTEMP =              -65.546 / [degC] Air temperature
BARPRESS=              614.335 / [mbar] Ambient pressure
DEWPOINT=              -75.584 / [degC] Dewpoint
DOMETEMP=                0.056 / [degC] Dome temperature
HUMIDITY=               23.001 / Relative Humidity
MIRR_NE =                1.502 / [degC] Mirror temperature NE
MIRR_NW =                1.175 / [degC] Mirror temperature NW
MIRR_SE =                0.196 / [degC] Mirror temperature SE
MIRR_SW =                0.203 / [degC] Mirror temperature SW
MIRRBTNW=                3.966 / [degC] Mirror bottom temp. SW
MIRRTPNW=                2.294 / [degC] Mirror top temp. SW
SECONDAR=               -1.583 / [degC] Temperature of secondary
TOPAIRNW=                0.110 / [degC] Top air NW
TRUSSENE=                1.234 / [degC] Truss leg ENE
TRUSSWSW=               -1.030 / [degC] Truss leg WSW
WIND_DIR=              245.069 / [deg] Wind direction, azimuth
WIND_SPD=               18.446 / [km/s] Wind speed
CSOTAU  =                0.050 / Tau at 225 GHz from CSO
TAUDATE = '2005-04-04T10:22'   / Time and date of Tau reading
TAUSRC  = 'CSO225GHZ'          / Source of opacity data

                                      Image quality related parameters:
IZ5     =              895.000 / Astigmatism: IZ5
HZ5SH   =             -890.000 / Astigmatism: HZ5SH
HZ5CH   =              235.000 / Astigmatism: HZ5CH
HZ5SD   =            -1470.000 / Astigmatism: HZ5SD
HZ5CD   =              370.000 / Astigmatism: HZ5CD
IZ6     =            -1662.000 / Astigmatism: IZ6
HZ6SH   =             -846.000 / Astigmatism: HZ6SH
HZ6CH   =              200.000 / Astigmatism: HZ6CH
HZ6SD   =              205.000 / Astigmatism: HZ6SD
HZ6CD   =             1190.000 / Astigmatism: HZ6CD
Z7      =             -405.000 / Coma: Z7
Z8      =             1450.000 / Coma: Z8
WEBEAM  =             -405.000 / Topend: W-E beam
NSBEAM  =               45.000 / Topend: N-S beam
IZ9     =             -358.000 / Trefoil: IZ9
HZ9SH   =              125.000 / Trefoil: HZ9SH
HZ9CH   =              240.000 / Trefoil: HZ9CH
HZ9SD   =              295.000 / Trefoil: HZ9SD
HZ9CD   =             -160.000 / Trefoil: HZ9CD
IZ10    =              535.000 / Trefoil: IZ10
HZ10SH  =              114.000 / Trefoil: HZ10SH
HZ10CH  =                0.000 / Trefoil: HZ10CH
HZ10SD  =              -25.000 / Trefoil: HZ10SD
HZ10CD  =             -270.000 / Trefoil: HZ10CD
Z11     =              300.000 / Spherical: Z11
AAMP    =              882.934 / Astigmatism: amplitude
APHI    =              -26.797 / Astigmatism: angle
TAMP    =              356.475 / Trefoil: Amplitude
TPHI    =               37.711 / Trefoil: angle

                                 M2 raw positions
M2_X    =               -0.800 / [mm]   M2 X (E-W) raw position
M2_Y    =                0.200 / [mm]   M2 Y (N-S) raw position
M2_Z    =                1.804 / [mm]   M2 Z (focus) raw position
M2_U    =                2.100 / [mrad] M2 U (N-S tilt) raw position
M2_V    =                1.400 / [mrad] M2 V (E-W tilt) raw position
M2_W    =                0.000 / [mrad] M2 W (axial rotation) raw position
TCS_FOC =               -3.620 / telescope (TCS) focus
TEL_FOFF=                0.000 / focus offset for inst. filter

                                 Instrument optical configuration:
FOC_POSN=                0.660 / [mm] Internal focus position
FOC_ZERO=                3.500 / [mm] Focus zero-point position
FOC_OFFS=                0.500 / [mm] Focus offset
FOC_FOFF=                0.160 / [mm] Focus filter offset
FILTER  = 'K       '           / Filter name

DET_TEMP=                 74.6 / [K] Detector array temperature
DETTEMPB=                 74.7 / [K] DET_TEMP alternate sensor
DETTEMPS=                 75.0 / [K] Det temperature setpoint
DET_HTP =                 53.5 / [percent] Det heater level
CCD_TEMP=                160.3 / [K] AG CCD temperature
CCDTEMPS=                160.0 / [K] AG CCD temperature setpoint
CCD_HTP =                 11.5 / [percent] AG CCD heater level
FS_TEMP =                 75.1 / [K] CCC 1st stage temperature
LNC_TEMP=                106.6 / [K] LN can temperature
SS_TEMP =                 18.9 / [K] CCC 2nd stage temperature
M3_TEMP =                128.0 / [K] M3 temperature
TR_TEMP =                134.4 / [K] Top ring temperature
RS_TEMP =                148.1 / [K] Rad shield temperature
CP_TEMP =                197.4 / [K] Cor plate temperature
SC_TEMP =                273.7 / [K] SCSU cab temperature
CC_PRES =          6.49900e-06 / [mbar] Cryostat Pressure
CNFINDEX=             22537434 / Configuration index