The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Starlink::AST;

use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;  # for dumping debug arguments

use vars qw/ $VERSION /;

require DynaLoader;
use base qw| DynaLoader |;

$VERSION = '1.02';

bootstrap Starlink::AST $VERSION;

=head1 NAME

Starlink::AST - Interface to the Starlink AST library


  use Starlink::AST;

  my $zmap = new Starlink::AST::ZoomMap( 2, 5, "" );
  $zmap->Set( Zoom => 5 );

  my ($xout, $yout ) = $zmap->Tran2( [1,2], [4,6], 1);

  my $fchan = new Starlink::AST::FitsChan();
  for (<DATA>) {
   $fchan->PutFits( $_, 0);
  $fchan->Clear( "Card" );

  $wcs = $fchan->Read();

  tie %hash, "Starlink::AST::KeyMap";
  $hash{KEYWORD} = $value;

  $km = Starlink::AST::KeyMap->new( "" );
  tie %hash, $km;


C<Starlink::AST> provides a perl wrapper to the Starlink AST library.
The Starlink AST library provides facilities for transforming coordinates
from one system to another in an object oriented manner. Multiple coordinate
frames can be associated with a data set and it is also possible to generate
automatic mappings between frames.

Coordinate frame objects can be imported from FITS headers and from NDF files.


In general the method names used in the Perl interface match the
function names in the C library with the "ast" prefix
dropped. Functions that require C arrays, should take references to
Perl arrays. AST functions that return values/arrays now return these
values/arrays onto the perl stack rather than the argument stack.

The constructor functions are now replaced with C<new> methods in the
relevant class. e.g rather than calling astZoomMap(), the Perl
interface uses the C<new> method in the C<Starlink::AST::ZoomMap>

=head2 Constructors

The following constructors are available. Currently, these
constructors match the C constructors fairly closely.

This is one area which may change when the class comes out of alpha
release. The main problem with the constructors is the options string
(a standard AST option string with comma-separated keyword value
pairs). It would make more sense to replace these constructors with
hash constructors that take the mandatory arguments in the correct
order and hash arguments for the options.

=over 4

=item B<Starlink::AST::Frame>

Instantiate an astFrame() object.

  $frame = new Starlink::AST::Frame( $naxes, $options );

=item B<Starlink::AST::FrameSet>

  $frameSet = new Starlink::AST::FrameSet( $frame, $options );

=item B<Starlink::AST::CmpFrame>

  $cmpFrame = new Starlink::AST::CmpFrame( $frame1, $frame2, $options );

=item B<Starlink::AST::CmpMap>

  $cmpMap = new Starlink::AST::CmpMap( $map1, $map2, $series, $options );

=item B<Starlink::AST::Channel>

The astChannel contructor takes a hash argument. There are no
mandatory keys to the hash. Sink and Source callbacks for the channel
can be supplied using the keys "sink" and "source". All other keys are
expected to correspond to attributes of the channel object
(e.g. Comment, Full and Skip for astChannel).

  $chann = new Starlink::AST::Channel( %options );

  $chann = new Starlink::AST::Channel( sink => sub { print "$_[0]\n"; } );

The "sink" callback expects to be given a single argument as a string.
The "source" callback takes no arguments and should return a single string.

=item B<Starlink::AST::FitsChan>

Same calling signature as C<Starlink::AST::Channel>.

=item B<Starlink::AST::XmlChan>

Same calling signature as C<Starlink::AST::Channel>. Note that xmlChan
is only available for AST v3.1 and newer.

=item B<Starlink::AST::StcsChan>

A C<Starlink::AST::Channel> using IVOA STC-S descriptions.

=item B<Starlink::AST::GrisMap>

Only available in AST v3.0 and newer.

  $grismMap = new Starlink::AST::GrisMap( $options );

=item B<Starlink::AST::IntraMap>

Not Yet Implemented.

 $intraMap = new Starlink::AST::IntraMap( $name, $nin, $nout, $options );


=head2 Base class methods

These methods will work on all classes of AST objects.

=head2 Mapping methods


=head2 FrameSet methods



Rather than using the C<astOK> function provided to the C interface
(which is not thread safe) AST errors are converted to Perl exceptions
(currently croaks) which can be caught with an eval.

=head1 TODO

 + Convert AST croaks to true exceptions of class Starlink::AST::Error

 + Tidy up the interfaces to the constructors

 + Properly document the Perl interface

 + Finalise the interface

=head1 SEE ALSO

The AST library can be downloaded from

=head1 AUTHOR

Tim Jenness E<lt>tjenness@cpan.orgE<gt>

Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Tim Jenness. All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place,Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA


# Channels need a wrapper

package Starlink::AST::Channel;

sub new {
  # This should work for FitsChan and Channel and XmlChan
  my $class = shift;
  my %args = @_;
  my ($sink, $source);

  # sink and source are special. All others are attributes

  # Stuff the callbacks in the object [if we were paranoid we would provide
  # methods to obtain the attribute keys]
  if (exists $args{sink} ) {
    $sink = $args{sink};
    delete $args{sink};
  if (exists $args{source} ) {
    $source = $args{source};
    delete $args{source};

  # Convert all remaining options to comma separated string
  my @options;
  for my $k (keys %args ) {
    push(@options, "$k=$args{$k}");
  my $options = "";
  $options = join(",",@options) if @options;

  # Call the underlying routine
  # Pass in sink and source functions. Can be undef.
  my $self = $class->_new( $source, $sink, $options );

  return $self;

package Starlink::AST::FitsChan;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Channel /;

package Starlink::AST::XmlChan;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Channel /;

package Starlink::AST::StcsChan;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Channel /;

# All the inheritance stuff

package Starlink::AST;

# Looks like AST is smart enough to figure out whether we want to SetC(),
# SetD() or SetI() all on its own, ditto for GetC(), GetD() or GetI(). We
# can therfore write generic Set() and Get() perl wrapper that ignore the
# underlying strict typing (and also take hash/list as areguements). This
# is much more Perl like than would otherwise be the case.
sub Set {
  my $self = shift;

  # Original code, using the lower lever _Set method. Provide the sprintf
  # functionality in the Perl side since it is easier than doing it in C
  # [but causes a problem if the string includes a comma]
  #my $string = shift;
  # token substitution if we have more arguments
  #$string = sprintf($string, @_) if @_;
  #return $self->_Set( $string );

  if ( $_[0] =~ "=" ) {
     $self->_Set( $_[0] );
  } else {
     my %hash = @_;
     foreach my $key ( sort keys %hash ) {
        $self->SetC( $key, $hash{$key} );


sub Get {
  my $self = shift;
  my @strings = @_;

  my %hash;
  foreach my $i ( 0 ... $#strings ) {
     $hash{$strings[$i]} = $self->GetC( $strings[$i] );
  return wantarray ? %hash : $hash{$strings[0]};


# Rebless cloned/copied object into the original class
sub Clone {
  my $self = shift;
  my $new = $self->_Clone();
  return bless $new, ref($self);

sub Copy {
  my $self = shift;
  my $new = $self->_Copy();
  return bless $new, ref($self);

# Converts a generic Starlink::AST object into the true
# underlying class. Useful when we have extracted a pointer
# from AST but do not yet know what type of object it is

sub _rebless {
  my $self = shift;
  my $ast_class = $self->GetC( "Class" );
  my $perl_class = "Starlink::AST::" . $ast_class;
  return bless $self, $perl_class;

# Hooks for Storable, to allow deep cloning of Starlink::AST objects
# via dclone().
sub STORABLE_freeze {
  my $self = shift;

  my $string = "";
  my $ch = new Starlink::AST::Channel( sink => sub { $string .= "$_[0]\n" } );
  $ch->Write( $self );
  return $string;

sub STORABLE_thaw {
  my ( $self, $cloning, $serialized ) = @_;

  my @cards = split "\n", $serialized;
  my $ch = new Starlink::AST::Channel( source => sub{ return shift( @cards ) } );

  # Create a new Starlink::AST object...
  my $new = $ch->Read();

  # Copy the internal hash representation to the object created by
  %$self = %$new;

  # And lie to AST to indicate that we have annulled this object
  # already. This will prevent the object destructor from freeing the
  # memory. If that happened, then we'd lose the
  # pointer in the Starlink::AST object created by STORABLE, which
  # isn't what we want to have happen.
  # We have to go through this hoop because STORABLE pre-creates an
  # object for us
  $new->{'_annul'} = 1;

package Starlink::AST::Axis;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST /;

package Starlink::AST::SkyAxis;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Axis /;

package Starlink::AST::Channel;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST  /;

# Need to rebless objects obtained from an astRead into the
# correct class rather than generic variant.

sub Read {
  my $self = shift;
  my $new = $self->_Read();
  return if !defined $new;
  return if ! keys %$new; # Nothing returned from FitsChan
  return $new->_rebless();

package Starlink::AST::FitsChan;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Channel /;

package Starlink::AST::XmlChan;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Channel /;

package Starlink::AST::StcsChan;
use base  qw/ Starlink::AST::Channel /;

# Make this available for completeness and provide
# a tie interface. Useful when transferring content via
# a text file.
package Starlink::AST::KeyMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST /;
use Carp;
# Need to convert the returned object(s) into a real object(s)

sub MapGet0A {
  my $self = shift;
  my $obj = $self->_MapGet0A( $_[0] );
  return if !defined $obj;
  return $obj->_rebless();

sub MapGet1A {
  my $self = shift;
  my @obj = $self->_MapGet1A( $_[0] );
  return map { $_->_rebless() } @obj;

# Tie infrastructure
# The TIEHASH method is in the KeyMap class but all the
# other methods are in the Tie subclass and the object
# returned for the tie is not in KeyMap but KeyMap::Tie
# We can get the object from the first argument
# but we create a new object for local state.

# tie %km, $obj;
# tie %km, "Starlink::AST::KeyMap", $obj;
# tie %km, "Starlink::AST::KeyMap";

# First scheme takes priority.

  my $class = shift;
  my $obj = shift;
  $obj = $class if ref($class);

  if (!defined $obj) {
    # we had a class (otherwise we would not be here)
    $obj = $class->new( "" );

  if ($obj->isa( "Starlink::AST::KeyMap" )) {
    return bless { Object => $obj }, "Starlink::AST::KeyMap::Tie";
  } else {
    confess("Can only tie a Starlink::AST::KeyMap object");

package Starlink::AST::KeyMap::Tie;

use Scalar::Util qw/ blessed looks_like_number /;
use Carp;

# Always use strings
# This is always a tied hash

sub FETCH {
  my ($self, $key) = @_;
  my $km = $self->{Object};
  if ($km->MapHasKey( $key )) {
    my $type = $km->MapType( $key );
    my @results;
    if ($type == Starlink::AST::KeyMap::AST__UNDEFTYPE()) {
      return undef;
    } elsif ($type == Starlink::AST::KeyMap::AST__OBJECTTYPE() ) {
      # object
      my @local = $km->MapGet1A( $key );
      for my $r (@local) {
        # convert to tied hash as needed
        if ($r->isa( "Starlink::AST::KeyMap" )) {
          my %newtie;
          tie %newtie, $r;
          push(@results, \%newtie );
        } else {
          # retain as native object
          push(@results, $r );

    } elsif ($type == Starlink::AST::KeyMap::AST__DOUBLETYPE() ||
            $type == Starlink::AST::KeyMap::AST__FLOATTYPE() ) {
      @results = $km->MapGet1D( $key );
    } elsif ($type == Starlink::AST::KeyMap::AST__INTTYPE() ||
             $type == Starlink::AST::KeyMap::AST__SINTTYPE() ) {
      @results = $km->MapGet1I( $key );
    } elsif ($type == Starlink::AST::KeyMap::AST__STRINGTYPE() ) {
      @results = $km->MapGet1C( $key );
    } elsif ($type == Starlink::AST::KeyMap::AST__POINTERTYPE() ) {
      carp "Can not retrieve a POINTER type from an AST KeyMap";

    if (@results > 1) {
      return \@results;
    } else {
      return $results[0];

# Note that hash references are copied into the key map
# so the reference is not retained.

# We assume arrays are all of the same type

sub STORE {
  my $self = shift;
  my $key = shift;
  my $km = $self->{Object};
  my $val = shift;

  if (not ref($val) ) {
    if (defined $val) {
      if (looks_like_number($val)) {
        if (int($val) - $val == 0) {
          my $itype = _intrange( $val );
          my $method = "MapPut0" . $itype;
          $km->$method( $key, $val, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [SCALARINT($itype)]" );
        } else {
          $km->MapPut0D( $key, $val, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [SCALARDBL]" );
      } else {
        $km->MapPut0C( $key, $val, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [SCALARSTR]" );
    } else {
      $km->MapPutU( $key, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [SCALARUNDEF]" );
  } elsif (blessed( $val ) ) {
    # If it is an AST object we can store it directly
    if ($val->isa("Starlink::AST")) {
      $km->MapPut0A( $key, $val, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [ASTOBJ]" );
    } elsif ($val->isa( "Starlink::AST::KeyMap::Tie" )) {
      # We store the object in the KeyMap
      $km->MapPut0A( $key, $val->{Object}, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [TIEOBJ]" );
    } else {
      croak "Can not store a non-AST object into a tied AST KeyMap";

  } elsif (ref($val) eq "HASH") {
    # If this is a tied hash just get the object
    my $tied = tied %$val;
    if (defined $tied && $tied->isa( "Starlink::AST::KeyMap::Tie" ) ) {
      $km->MapPut0A( $key, $val->{Object}, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [TIEHASH]" );
    } else {
      # We need to copy the hash using a tie
      my %new;
      my $newkm = Starlink::AST::KeyMap->new( "" );
      tie %new, $newkm;
      %new = %$val;
      $km->MapPut0A( $key, $newkm, "Stored by Perl Tie Interface [HASH]");
  } elsif (ref($val) eq "ARRAY" ) {

    if (@$val == 0) {
      # nothing in the array
      $km->MapPutU( $key, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [UNDEFARR]" );
    } else {

      # see if we have numbers or strings
      # ignore arrays of objects
      my $has_numbers = 0;
      my $has_refs = 0;
      my $has_ast = 0;
      my $has_strings = 0;
      my $has_ints = 0;
      my $has_floats = 0;
      for my $item (@$val) {
        if (ref($item)) {
          if (blessed($item) && $item->isa("Starlink::AST") ) {
          } else {
        } elsif (looks_like_number( $item) ) {
          if ( int($item) - $item == 0 ) {
          } else {
        } else {

      if ($has_ast == scalar @$val ) { # All AST objects
        $km->MapPut1A( $key, $val, "Stored by Perl Tie Interface [ASTOBJARR]" );
      } elsif ($has_refs || $has_ast) {
        croak "Can not currently store references or objects in a tied AST KeyMap";
      } elsif ($has_numbers && !$has_strings) {
        # Store as doubles
        if ($has_floats == 0) {
          my $itype = _intrange( @$val );
          my $method = "MapPut1" . $itype;
          $km->$method( $key, $val, "Stored by Perl Tie Interface [INTARR($itype)]" );
        } else {
          $km->MapPut1D( $key, $val, "Stored by Perl Tie Interface [DBLARR]" );
      } elsif ($has_strings) {
        $km->MapPut1C( $key, $val, "Stored by Perl Tie Interface [STRARR]" );
      } else {
        # not really an array
        $km->MapPutU( $key, "Stored by Perl Tie interface [UNDEFARR]");

  } else {
    croak "Do not know how to store $val into a tied AST KeyMap";


# _intrange determines the type ("I"nt or "S"hort) to use for storing
# the integers based on range.
# Currently we do not check for unsigned short or 64-bit int.

sub _intrange {
  # Default to the smallest size
  my $type = "S";
  use constant NUM__MINW => (-32767 - 1);
  use constant NUM__MAXW => 32767;
  for my $i (@_) {
    # SHORT/WORD range is defined in prm_par.h but won't be changing
    if ($i < NUM__MINW || $i > NUM__MAXW) {
      $type = "I";
  return $type;

  my $self = shift;
  my $km = $self->{Object};
  my $size = $km->MapSize();
  return undef if $size == 0;
  my $key = $km->MapKey( 0 );
  # Reset the index
  $self->{LastIndex} = 0;
  return $key;

  my $self = shift;
  my $km = $self->{Object};
  my $curindex = $self->{LastIndex} + 1;
  my $size = $km->MapSize();
  if ($curindex >= $size) {
    $self->{LastIndex} = undef;
    return undef;
  $self->{LastIndex} = $curindex;
  return $km->MapKey( $curindex );

sub EXISTS {
  my ($self, $key) = @_;
  my $km = $self->{Object};
  return $km->MapHasKey( $key );

sub SCALAR {
  my ($self, $key) = @_;
  my $km = $self->{Object};
  return $km->MapSize();

# Technically delete has to return the entry that was deleted
# It also should delete multiple entries if asked
# We will be called for each element separately

sub DELETE {
  my $self = shift;
  my $key = shift;
  my $km = $self->{Object};
  my $retval;
  if ( $km->MapHasKey( $key ) ) {
    # Retrieve value in perl land
    $retval = $self->FETCH( $key );
    $km->MapRemove( $key );
  return $retval;

# Remove all entries
sub CLEAR {
  my ($self, $key) = @_;
  my $km = $self->{Object};
  my $size = $km->MapSize();

  # Get all the keys and then delete them
  my @keys = map { $km->MapKey( $_ ) } (0..$size-1);
  for my $key (@keys) {
    $km->MapRemove( $key );

package Starlink::AST::Mapping;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST /;

package Starlink::AST::CmpMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::DssMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::LutMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::GrismMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::IntraMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::MathMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::MatrixMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::PcdMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::PermMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::PolyMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::RateMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::ShiftMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::SlaMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::SphMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::SpecMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::UnitMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::WcsMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::WinMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::ZoomMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::TimeMap;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

package Starlink::AST::Frame;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Mapping /;

# Wrapper for PickAxes
# Uses context to decide whether to return the frame mapping or not

sub PickAxes {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($frame, $mapping) = $self->_PickAxes( @_ );
  $frame = $frame->_rebless();
  $mapping = $mapping->_rebless();
  if (wantarray) {
    return ($frame, $mapping);
  } else {
    return $frame;

package Starlink::AST::Region;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Frame /;

package Starlink::AST::Circle;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Region /;

package Starlink::AST::Polygon;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Region /;

package Starlink::AST::Ellipse;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Region /;

package Starlink::AST::Box;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Region /;

package Starlink::AST::Interval;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Region /;

package Starlink::AST::CmpRegion;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Region /;

package Starlink::AST::NullRegion;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Region /;

package Starlink::AST::Prism;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Region /;

package Starlink::AST::FluxFrame;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Frame /;

package Starlink::AST::FrameSet;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Frame /;

# Convert to proper class

sub GetFrame {
  my $self = shift;
  my $obj = $self->_GetFrame( $_[0] );
  if (defined $obj) {
    return $obj->_rebless();

# This routine used to be called FindFrame and clashed with the AST
# native astFindFrame method. Renamed until we can work out what it
# was meant to be used for.
sub FindFrameByDomain {
  my $self = shift;
  my $string = shift;

  my $frame = undef;
  my $number = $self->Get( 'Nframe' );
  foreach my $i ( 0 ... $number ) {
      my $tmp_frame = $self->GetFrame( $i );
      if ( $tmp_frame->Get('Domain') eq $string ) {
         $frame = $tmp_frame;

  return $frame;

package Starlink::AST::Plot;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::FrameSet /;

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my @args = @_;

  my $gbox = $args[1];
  my $pbox = $args[2];

  # Call the underlying routine
  my $self = $class->_new( @args );

  $self->{_xglo} = $$gbox[0] if defined $$gbox[0];
  $self->{_xghi} = $$gbox[2] if defined $$gbox[1];
  $self->{_yglo} = $$gbox[1] if defined $$gbox[2];
  $self->{_yghi} = $$gbox[3] if defined $$gbox[3];

  $self->{_xplo} = $$pbox[0] if defined $$pbox[0];
  $self->{_xphi} = $$pbox[2] if defined $$pbox[1];
  $self->{_yplo} = $$pbox[1] if defined $$pbox[2];
  $self->{_yphi} = $$pbox[3] if defined $$pbox[3];

  return $self;

sub GBox {
  my $self = shift;
  if( @_ ) {
     my $gbox = shift;
     $self->{_xglo} = $$gbox[0];
     $self->{_xghi} = $$gbox[2];
     $self->{_yglo} = $$gbox[1];
     $self->{_yghi} = $$gbox[3];
  return ($self->{_xglo}, $self->{_xghi}, $self->{_yglo}, $self->{_yghi} );

sub PBox {
  my $self = shift;
  if( @_ ) {
     my $pbox = shift;
     $self->{_xplo} = $$pbox[0];
     $self->{_xphi} = $$pbox[2];
     $self->{_yplo} = $$pbox[1];
     $self->{_yphi} = $$pbox[3];
  return ($self->{_xplo}, $self->{_xphi}, $self->{_yplo}, $self->{_yphi} );

sub GBBuf {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gbbuf} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gbbuf};

sub GEBuf {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gebuf} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gebuf};

sub GFlush {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gflush} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gflush};

sub GLine {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gline} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gline};

sub GQch {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gqch} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gqch};

sub GMark {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gmark} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gmark};

sub GText {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gtext} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gtext};

sub GTxExt {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gtxext} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gtxext};

sub GAttr {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gattr} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gattr};

sub GScales {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gscales} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gscales};

sub GCap {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gcap} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gcap};

# Foreign graphics object (e.g. a Tk canvas) to be passed
# as first argument to the registered plot callbacks.
sub GExternal {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) { $self->{_gexternal} = shift; }
  return $self->{_gexternal};

# Nullify graphic callbacks

sub null {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->GBBuf( undef );
  $self->GEBuf( undef );
  $self->GFlush( undef );
  $self->GLine( undef );
  $self->GQch( undef );
  $self->GMark( undef );
  $self->GText( undef );
  $self->GTxExt( undef );
  $self->GAttr( undef );
  $self->GScales( undef );
  $self->GCap( undef );


sub __dumpargs {
  my $call = shift;
  print "Args for $call: ". Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@_);

# Callbacks to plotting system that dump input arguments

sub debug {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->GBBuf( sub {&__dumpargs("GBBuf",@_); return 1; });
  $self->GEBuf( sub {&__dumpargs("GEBuf",@_); return 1; });
  $self->GFlush( sub {&__dumpargs("GFlush",@_); return 1; });
  $self->GLine( sub {&__dumpargs("GLine",@_);   return 1; });
  $self->GQch( sub {&__dumpargs("GQch",@_ );    return (1,1,1); });
  $self->GMark( sub {&__dumpargs("GMark",@_);   return 1; });
  $self->GText( sub {&__dumpargs("GText",@_);   return 1; });
  $self->GTxExt( sub { &__dumpargs("GTxExt",@_);return (1,[1,1,1,1],
							[1,1,1,1]); });
  $self->GAttr( sub { &__dumpargs("GAttr",@_);  return (1,1);} );
  $self->GScales( sub { &__dumpargs("GAttr",@_);  return (1,1,1);} );
  $self->GCap( sub { &__dumpargs("GAttr",@_);  return (1);} );


package Starlink::AST::CmpFrame;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Frame /;

package Starlink::AST::SkyFrame;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Frame /;

package Starlink::AST::SpecFrame;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Frame /;

package Starlink::AST::DSBSpecFrame;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::SpecFrame /;

package Starlink::AST::SpecFluxFrame;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::CmpFrame /;

package Starlink::AST::TimeFrame;
use base qw/ Starlink::AST::Frame /;
