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Shows a user input form, usually for adding a single row to a single table.


    self       - the site object (if self has a params hash values shown on
                 the form are taken from it)
    view.title - thr browser window title
    view.form  - a hash with these keys:
        method      - POST or GET (defaults to POST)
        action      - url of page to process form (defaults to self.uri)
        name        - the name of the form (useful for javascript references)
        row         - the current row object from the table (if available)
        javascript  - javascript code the form needs (like for date popups.
                      Consider using Gantry::Plugins::Calendar and calling
                      its calendar_month_js.
                      (This could actually be anything, it just gets copied to
                      the output immediately after the form opening tag)
        legend      - The title for the legend box wrapping the form.
        change_log  - An array of change_log entries (optional).  Each entry
                      is a hash with these keys:
                          date    - the date the change happened
                          by      - the name of the person making the change
                          message - what happened
        results     - the return value from Data::FormValidator->check
        cellspacing - becomes the cellspacing parameter of the form's table
                      (defaults to 0)
        width       - becomes the width parameter of the form's table

        fields      - an array of inputable items.  Each element is a has
                      with these keys:
                          raw_html - copied to the table before the row for
                                     the field
                          label    - text description displayed to user
                          content  - additional description text used only
                                     next to the input box, not in errors.
                          width    - width of the field's <td>
                          label_width - width of the field's label <td>
                          name     - the name of the field in the form
                                     (much match the database column name)
                          default_value - what shows up if there is no previous
                                          value and nothting is in the
                          type     - One of:
                                         select (pick one drop down list)
                                         select_multiple (pick 1 or more)
                      the rest of the keys in the fields hash depend on the
                              options - An array of hashes with these keys:
                                            value - the form's value for this
                                            label - what the user sees in the
                              options - just as for select
                              selected - a code reference which accepts one
                                         value, and the form params.  Return
                                         true if the value is selected, false
                                         otherwise.  Usually
                                         select_multiple_closure works well.
                              date_select_text - the text of the href link for
                                                 the date popup window.
                                                 You must include this to
                                                 get a date popup link.
                              display_size     - the size attribute of the
                                                 input element
                              (this is called display_size because TT has
                              a pseudo-method .size which tells how many keys
                              are in the field's hash)
                              rows - how tall the area is
                              cols - how wide the area is
                              checked - true if you want initial check mark
                              foreign - use foreign_display to get the text

    Default values are taken in the following order:
    1. from the params hash (which was made in a previous failed
       add/edit attempt)
    2. from the data model row object (on first edit attempt)
    3. from the default_value entry in the field's hash (if available)
    If none of those work, text and textarea fields will be blank and
    select lists will rest on the first item in the options list.
[% title = view.title %]

<script type="text/javascript">
		var button_clicked = false;
		function AntiClicker() {
			if(button_clicked == true) {
				return false;
			button_clicked = true;
			return true;

[% IF view.form.editor == 1 %]
	[% INCLUDE "editor_init.ttc" %]
[% END %]

[% IF view.form.description %]
<div id='class_description'>
[% view.form.description %]
[% END %]

	method="[% view.form.method || 'post' %]" 
	action="[% view.form.action || self.uri %]" 
	name="[% %]"
	[% IF view.form.enctype != ''; "enctype='$view.form.enctype'"; END; %]

[% view.form.javascript %]

		[% view.form.legend %]
	[%- IF view.form.change_log %]
	    <div style="float: right; width: 240px">
        	<legend><a href='[% view.form.change_log_url %]'>Change Log</a>
		<div id="change_log">
		[% FOREACH entry IN view.form.change_log %]
        	<b>[% %]</b> By [% %]<br />
        	&middot; [% entry.message %]<br />
		[% END %]
	[%- END %]

    [% IF view.form.error_text %]
        <div style="float: left; color: red">
            [% view.form.error_text %]
            <br />
        <br style="clear:both" />
    [% END %]
    [% IF view.form.results.msgs.group_by_field %]
        [% IF view.form.results.has_invalid || view.form.results.has_missing %]
            <div style="float: left;  color: red">
                    CALL view.form.results.msgs(
                            invalid_separator   => ', ',
                            format              => '%s',
                    msgs = view.form.results.msgs;
                    FOREACH field IN view.form.fields;
                        field_labels.${} = field.label;
                [% FOREACH field IN view.form.fields %]
                    [% IF view.form.results.invalid( || view.form.results.missing( %]
                        <b>[% field.label %]:</b> [% msgs.${} %]
                        <br />
                    [% END %]
                [% END %]
    		<br style="clear:both" />
    	[% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
        [% IF view.form.results.missing %]
            <div style="float: left; color: red">
                [% missing_names = [] %]
                [% FOREACH field IN view.form.fields %]
                    [% IF view.form.results.missing( "${}" ) %]
                    [% missing_names.push( field.label ) %]
                    [% END %]
                [% END %]
                [% missing_names.join( ', ' ) %]
                <br />
    		<br style="clear:both" />
        [% END %]

        [% IF view.form.results.invalid %]
            <div style="float: left;  color: red">
                [% invalid_names = [] %]
                [% FOREACH field IN view.form.fields %]
                    [% IF view.form.results.invalid( "${}" ) %]
                    [% invalid_names.push( field.label ) %]
                    [% END %]
                [% END %]
                [% invalid_names.join( ', ' ) %]
                <br />
        	<br style="clear:both" />
        [% END %]
    [% END %]

	<div id="float_left">
		<table class="results" 
			cellspacing="[% view.form.cellspacing || 0 %]"
			width="[% view.form.width || '100%' %]"	>
			[%- FOREACH field IN view.form.fields -%]
		    [% input_value = ''; %]

			[%- IF field.raw_html %]
			    [%- field.raw_html %]
			[%- END %]

            [%- IF field.type == 'hidden' %]
                <input type="[% field.type %]" 
				    size="[% field.display_size || 30 %]"
				    value="[% field.default_value  %]" 
                    id="[% %]" 
				    name="[% %]" />
			    [%- NEXT %]
			[%- END %]
			<tr class="results-row">
				[%- IF view.form.results.missing( "${}" )
                        OR view.form.results.invalid( "${}" ) %]
					[% style_str = ' style="color: red"' %]
                [%- ELSE %]
                    [% style_str = '' %]
                [%- END %]

				<!-- LABEL -->
				<td class="shd" valign="top"[% style_str %] style="width: [%-
					field.label_width || '30%' %]">		
					[%- field.label %]
                    [%- IF field.content %] [% field.content %][% END %]
					[%- UNLESS field.optional 
                            or field.type == 'checkbox'
                            or field.type == 'display' -%]*[% END %]
				<!-- FORM INPUT -->
				<td class="dta" style="width: [% field.width 
					|| '70%' %]" valign="top">
					[%- IF field.type == 'select' %]
                        [%- IF field.onchange -%]
                            IF field.onchange.match('\)');
                                onchange = field.onchange;
                                onchange = field.onchange _ '(this)';
                            id="[% %]" 
                            class="[% field.class %]"
                            name="[% %]"
                                onchange='javascript:[% onchange %]' >
                        [%- ELSE %]
						<select name="[% %]" id="[% %]">
                        [%- END %]
                        [%-# clear field_val_hash for each loop %]
                        [%- field_val_hash = {} -%]
						[%- FOR option IN field.options -%]
                          [%- IF view.form.row.defined %]
						      [% row_value = view.form.row.${} %]
                          [%- END -%]

							[%- IF ( option.value == self.params.${} 
                                && self.params.defined("${}") ) %]
								[%- field_val_hash.param_field = option.value %]
							[%- ELSIF option.value == row_value %]
                     			[%- field_val_hash.database_field = option.value %]
							[%- ELSIF option.value == field.default_value %]
								[%- field_val_hash.default_field = option.value %]
							[%- END %]
						[%- END -%]

                        [%- IF field_val_hash.defined('param_field');
                               selected_value = field_val_hash.param_field;
                           ELSIF field_val_hash.defined('database_field');
                               selected_value = field_val_hash.database_field;
                               selected_value = field_val_hash.default_field;
						[%- FOR option IN field.options %]
                            <option value="[% option.value %]"[% " selected='selected'" IF option.value == selected_value %]>[%- option.label || option.value %]</option> 
						[%- END %]
                    [%- ELSIF field.type == 'select_multiple' %]
						<select multiple name="[% %]"
                            id="[% %]">
						[%- FOR option IN field.options %]
                            <option value="[% option.value %]"[% " selected='selected'" IF field.selected( option.value, self.params ) %]>[%- option.label || option.value %]</option> 
						[%- END %]
					[%- ELSIF field.type == 'textarea' %]
                        [%- IF self.params.${}.defined;
                               input_value = self.params.${};
                           ELSIF view.form.row.${}.defined;
                               input_value = view.form.row.${};
                               input_value = field.default_value;
						<textarea name="[% %]" 
                            class="[% field.class %]"
                            id="[% %]"
							rows="[% field.rows || '0' %]"
							cols="[% field.cols || '0' %]"
						>[%- input_value -%]</textarea>
					[%- ELSIF field.type == 'checkbox' %]
                        <input type="checkbox"
                            name="[% %]"
                            class="[% field.class %]"
                            id="[% %]"
                            value="[% field.value %]"
                            [%- IF field.checked -%]checked[%- END -%]
					[%- ELSIF field.type == 'html' -%]
						[% field.text || field.html %]
					[%- ELSIF field.type == 'display' -%]
						[% IF field.foreign %]
                            [% view.form.row.${}.foreign_display %]
                        [% ELSE %]
                            [% view.form.row.${} %]
                        [% END %]

					[%- ELSIF field.type == 'date' -%]
                        [%- IF self.params.${}.defined;
                               input_value = self.params.${};
                           ELSIF view.form.row.${}.defined;
                               input_value = view.form.row.${};
                               input_value = field.default_value;

                        <div dojoType="dropdowndatepicker"
                            date="[% input_value.replace( '-', '/' ) %]"
                            fieldName="[% %]">
					[%- ELSE -%]
                        [%- IF self.params.${}.defined;
                               input_value = self.params.${};
                           ELSIF view.form.row.${}.defined;
                               input_value = view.form.row.${};
                           ELSIF field.default_value.defined;
                               input_value = field.default_value;
						<input type="[% field.type %]" 
							size="[% field.display_size || 30 %]"
							[%- UNLESS input_value.match('^$') -%]
							value="[% input_value %]"
							[%- END -%] 
                            class="[% field.class %]"
							name="[% %]"
							id="[% %]"
						[%- IF field.date_select_text -%]
							[% popup = "datepopup('$')" %]
							<a href="javascript://" onClick="[% popup %]" >
							[% field.date_select_text %]
						[%- END %]
					[%- END %]
					<div class="hint">
                        [% field.hint ? field.hint : '' %]
			[%- END %]			
                <td colspan="2" class="shd">
                    * required field
				<td colspan="2" class="rshd">
    			<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
				[% IF view.form.submit_and_add_another %] 
				    <input type="submit" name="submit_add_another" 
				    value="Submit &amp; Add Another" />
				[% END %]
                [% UNLESS view.form.no_cancel %]
				    <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel" />
                [% END %]

	<br style="clear: both" />	
