Ää	Ëë	Ḧḧ	Ï ï	N̈n̈	Öö	T̈ẗ	Üü	Ẅẅ	Ẍẍ	Ÿÿ		

Ä	ä
Ǟ	ǟ
Ë	ë
Ḧ	ḧ
Ï	ï
Ḯ	ḯ
M̈	m̈
Ö	ö
Ȫ	ȫ
Ṏ	ṏ
P̈	p̈
T̈	ẗ
Ü	ü
Ǖ	ǖ
Ǘ	ǘ
Ǚ	ǚ
Ǜ	ǜ
Ṳ	ṳ
Ṻ	ṻ
V̈	v̈
Ẅ	ẅ
Ẍ	ẍ
Ÿ	ÿ

Ő	ő
Ű	ű

short	a	e	i	o	ö	u	ü
long	á	é	í	ó	ő	ú	ű

a, à	/a/	patte, arable, là	/ɑ/	araser, base	
ai /ɛ/
/e/	caisse, faite
baisser, aiguille			
aie	 /ɛ/				baie			
aou	 /u/				saoul, Août				
au	 /o/				haut, augure				/ɔ/	sauropode	
ay	 /ei/				pays  						
e	 non-finally			/e/						essence	/ɛ/
/ə/	 est, estival
repeser	 /a/ solennel
finally	 Ø   caisse, unique	/ə/	que	
é, ée	 /e/ clé, échapper, idée			
è  /ɛ/	 relève, zèle						
eau	 /o/	 eau, oiseaux							
ei	 /ɛ/	 neige, reine									
eu	 /ø/	 ceux, peu									/œ/	jeune	
i	 elsewhere     /i/									ici, proscrire		 
before vowel	       /j/									fief, ionique, rien	   
-ie    /i/	       régie									      	       
o      /ɔ/	       opter, offre											
œ      /œ/	       œil    /e/											œsophage 
œu     /œ/	       sœur, cœur												  
oi, oie		       /wa/  roi, oiseau, foie											    /ɔ/ oignon
ou  elsewhere	       /u/   ouvrir, sous 											    	
before vowel	       /w/   ouest, couiner, oui											  
-oue   /u/	       roue  	    	     
oy     /waj/	       moyen, royaume			
u      elsewhere       /y/    tu, juge					
before vowel	       /ɥ/    huit, tuer						
-ue    /y/	       rue    	    							
y      /i/	       cyclone, style									

-ps, -ts, etc.	       Ø	draps, achats										
b, bb	  elsewhere    /b/	ballon, abbé										  
next to voiceless consonant	/p/	absolu										    
ç    /s/	  ça, garçon												    
c    before e, i, y   /s/												    cyclone, loquace, accès   
elsewhere   /k/	  cabas, crasse, accord, lac										    Ø	     tabac    
cc	    before e, i, y	 /ks/	 accès										    	     	      
elsewhere   /k/	   accord	 	 												      
ch	    /ʃ/	   chat, douche														      /k/ chaotique, chlore 
cqu	    /k/	   acquit, acquéreur													      	  	     
d, dd	    non-finally	   /d/																     doux, adresse, addition   
finally	    Ø		   pied, accord															     	   	    
f, ff	    /f/		   fait, affoler																      
g, gg	    before e, i, y /ʒ/	 gens, manger, suggérer															        
elsewhere   /ɡ/	   gain, glacier, aggravé      																	 
gn	    /ɲ/	   montagne, agneau																		   
h	    Ø	   habite, hiver																		     
j	    /ʒ/	   joue, jeter																			       
l, ll	    non-finally	 /l/																			       lait, allier   
finally	    Ø		 fusil,																			       	     	      
m, mm	    /m/		 mou, pomme																				        
n, nn	    /n/		 nouvel, panne																					  
ng /ŋ/	    parking, camping	 																					   
p, pp	    non-finally																							   /p/ pain, appel   
finally	    Ø																								   corp, trop	       
ph	    /f/																								   téléphone, photo      
r, rr	    /ʁ/																								   rat, barre 		  
s  initially or next to
a voiceless consonant	/s/	sacre, estime			
medially elsewhere	/z/	rose, paysage
finally	 Ø		dans, repas		
sc	 before e, i, y	/s/   science				
elsewhere	/sk/  script						
ss		/s/   baisser, passer							
t, tt		non-finally    /t/							tout, attente			
finally		Ø	       tant, raffut						/t/   est (direction)		
th		/t/	       thème, thermique						      	  
v		/v/	       ville, vanne									
x		next to
a voiceless consonant	/ks/	expansion			
medially elsewhere	/ɡz/	exigence, exulter		/s/
/z/	 soixante
finally	 Ø	paix, deux	/s/	six, dix	
xc	 before e, i, y		/ks/	exciter				
elsewhere	/ksk/ excavation						
y		/j/   yeux, yole								
z		non-finally /z/									zain, gazette		 
finally		Ø	    chez								/z/   gaz		 

Spelling	Major value
(IPA)		Examples of major value	Minor values
(IPA)		Examples of minor value	Exceptions
aim, ain (before consonant or finally)	/ɛ̃/	faim, saint, bains			
am, an, ang (before consonant or finally)	/ɑ̃/  ambiance, France, sang				
aon (before consonant or finally)		/ɑ̃/  paon						
ein (before consonant or finally)		/ɛ̃/  plein, vin, vingt							
em, en (before consonant or finally)		/ɑ̃/  embaucher, vent							  
-er /e/	       aller, transporter		/ɛʁ/  hiver	 
-es Ø	       Nantes, faites			      		 
ge  /ʒ/	       geai, mangea							
gu  /ɡ/	       guerre										
ien (before consonant or finally)								/jɛ̃/	rien, chien	  
-il (after vowel)     /j/									ail, conseil  		   
-il (not after vowel) /il/									il, fil			   /i/ outil, fils, fusil 
-ill- (after vowel)   /j/									paille, nouille		       	      
-ill- (not after vowel)										/ij/	grillage, bille		      /il/ million, village, ville 
im, in, ing (before consonant or finally)							/ɛ̃/	importer, vin, vingt	      	   	    
oin, oing (before consonant or finally)								/wɛ̃/	point, poing   				     
om, on (before consonant or finally)								/ɔ̃/	ombre, bon				       
qu  /k/	       quand, pourquoi										       
um, un (before consonant or finally)									       /œ̃/	parfum, brun   
ym, yn (before consonant or finally)									       /ɛ̃/	sympa, syndrome