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use warnings;
use strict;

use File::Temp;

use Test::More tests => 28;
use Test::LectroTest::Generator ':all';
use Test::LectroTest::Property;
use Test::LectroTest::TestRunner;

BEGIN { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; }
use CaptureOutput;

=head1 NAME

t/runner.t - tests for Property and TestRunner


perl -Ilib t/runner.t


This test suite excercises Property and TestRunner, which work
hand in hand.

=head2 SET UP

First, we declare a few helper functions.


sub check($@) {
    my $property = shift;
    my $runner = Test::LectroTest::TestRunner->new( @_ );
    my $details = $runner->run( $property )->details;
    return $details;


Next, we declare a few simple properties to check.


my $except_gen   = Gen { die "gen go boom!" };

my $null_1gens   = Property { ##[ ]## 1 };
my $null_2gens   = Property { ##[ ], [ ]## 1 };
my $null_retry   = Property { ##[ ]## $tcon->retry };
my $except_prop1 = Property { ##[ ]## die "prop go boom!" };
my $except_prop2 = Property { ##[ x <- $except_gen ]## 1 };
my $except_prop3 = Property { ##[ x <- Int ], [ x <- $except_gen ]## 1 };
my $ex_retry     = Property { ##[ x <- Int ], [ x <- $except_gen ]## 
                              $tcon->retry };


=head2 TRIALS

Some tests to see if the C<trials> control knob is working.


like( check( $null_1gens, trials => 1 ),
      qr/^ok.*1 attempts/,
      "1 gen set + trials=>1 --> 1 trial" );

like( check( $null_2gens, trials => 1 ),
      qr/^ok.*2 attempts/,
      "2 gen set + trials=>1 --> 2 trials" );


=head2 RETRIES

Some tests to see if the C<retries> control knob is working.


# should not finish the first trial but abort after 10 retries

like( check( $null_retry, trials => 1, retries => 10 ),
      qr/^not ok.*incomplete/,
      "retry-always prop --> incomplete" );

# we should exhaust all of our retries on the first property check
# (using the first set of bindings) and never get to the second, which
# uses a generator that will throw an exception; therefore the
# check should be marked "incomplete"

like( check( $ex_retry, trials => 1, retries => 10 ),
      qr/^not ok.*incomplete/,
      "retry before exception prop --> incomplete" );



Some tests to see if exceptions are caught and reported properly:


for (qw(1 2 3)) {
    my $prop_str = '$except_prop' . $_;
    my $prop = eval $prop_str or die "can't get $prop_str";
    like( check( $prop, trials => 1, retries => 10),
          qr/^not ok.*exception/s,
          "$prop_str dies and is caught" );



Some tests to observe labeling properties.


unlike( check( ( Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                          $tcon->label(); 1 } )
             , trials => 10 )
      , qr/%/s,
      , "labeling every trial with an empty label yields no label output" );

like( check( ( Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                          $tcon->label("all"); 1 } )
           , trials => 10 )
    , qr/^ok.*100% all/s,
    , "labeling every trial --> 100%" );

like( check( ( Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ], [ x <- Unit(1) ]##
                          $tcon->label("odd") if $x; 1 } )
           , trials => 10 )
    , qr/^ok.*50% odd/s,
    , "labeling half of trials --> 50%" );

sub labler {
    my @labels = @_;
    my $count = 0;
    return Property {
        ##[ ]##
        $tcon->label( $labels[$count++] );
        $count = 0 if $count == @labels;

# the following test assumes that the number of trials
# is a multiple of 4

like( check( labler(qw|a a a b|), trials => 1000 ),
      qr/ 75% a.*25% b/s,
      "75/25 labeling case checks" );

# the following test assumes that the number of trials
# is a multiple of 10

like( check( labler(qw|a a a a a a a b b c|), trials => 1000),
      qr/ 70% a.*20% b.*10% c/s,
      "70/20/10 labeling case checks" );

my $trivial = Property { ##[ #]##

like( check($trivial, trials => 100),
      qr/100% trivial/,
      "100% trivial labeling case checks" );




Now we check to see whether notes attached to a failing
trial are emitted as part of a counterexample.


# notes should be emitted only when the property check fails

unlike( check( ( Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                          $tcon->note("XXXX"); 1 } )
             , trials => 10 )
      , qr/XXXX/s,
      , "notes appear only when a check fails"

unlike( check( ( Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                          $tcon->dump(0, "XXXX"); 1 } )
             , trials => 10 )
      , qr/XXXX/s,
      , "dump notes appear only when a check fails"

# when the check fails, all notes must be emitted, in order

unlike( check( ( Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                          $tcon->note(1,2,3,4,5); 0 } )
             , trials => 10 )
      , qr/Notes:\s+1\s+2\s+3\s+4\s+5/s,
      , "all notes are emitted, in order, when check fails"

unlike( check( ( Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                          $tcon->dump("XXX", "x");
                          $tcon->dump("YYY", "y");
                          0 } )
             , trials => 10 )
      , qr/Notes:\s+\$x = "XXX";\s+\$y = "YYY"/s,
      , "dump notes are emitted, in order, when check fails"

unlike( check( ( Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                          0 } )
             , trials => 10 )
      , qr/Notes:\s+\$VAR1 = "XXX";\s+\$VAR2 = "YYY"/s,
      , "unnamed dump notes are emitted, in order, when check fails"

=head2 SCALEFN

Here we check to see whether our scaling function is being


my $gen_scale = Gen { $_[0] };  # return scaling guidance as gen'd value
sub prop_scale($) {
    my $scale = shift;
    Property { ##[ x <- $gen_scale ]##
        $tcon->label("desired scale") if $x == $scale;

for (qw(0 1 10)) {
    my $scale = $_;
    like( check( prop_scale($_), scalefn => sub { $scale }, trials => 10 )
          , qr/^ok.*100% desired scale/s,
          , "desired scale $_ --> 100%" );



Here we see whether we can override the TestRunner's built in


like( Test::LectroTest::TestRunner->new->run($null_1gens, 123)->summary,
      qr/ok 123/, "TestRunner->run(x,N) respects given test number N"



Now we check to see whether the verbosity indicator is respected.


# this sub captures the output for a suite of property checks

for ([1, \&like, "does"], [0, \&unlike, "does not"]) {
    my ($verbose, $testfn, $does) = @$_;

    $testfn->( check_suite( verbose => $verbose,
                            trials  => 10,
                            Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                                       $tcon->label("all"); 1 } ),
               , qr/%/s,
               , "verbose=>$verbose $does include label statistics"

for ([1, \&like, "does"], [0, \&unlike, "does not"]) {
    my ($verbose, $testfn, $does) = @$_;

    $testfn->( check_suite( verbose => $verbose,
                            trials  => 10,
                            Property { ##[ x <- Unit(0) ]##
                                       $x > 0 } ),
               , qr/counterexample/i,
               , "verbose=>$verbose $does include counterexample"



Now we check to see if we can record failures and play them
back as regression tests.


    my $tmp       = File::Temp->new();

    my @vals;
    my $prop_fail = Property { ##[ x <- Int ]## push @vals, $x; 0 };
    my $prop_succ = Property { ##[ x <- Int ]## push @vals, $x; 1 };

    my $checkit = sub {
        my $prop = shift;
        check_suite(($prop) x 10, trials => 1, @_);

    # record ten failures into the regression file and save the
    # values of x for each in @vals

    $checkit->($prop_fail, record_failures => $tmp->filename);
    my @recorded_vals = @vals;
    @vals = ();

    # check ten successful properties using the regression file from
    # earlier; because these properties have the same name as the
    # failing properties checked above ("Unnamed"), the ten recorded
    # failure cases will be tried for each of these properties, in
    # addition to the one random case that would normally be tried
    # for each

    $checkit->($prop_succ, playback_failures => $tmp->filename);

    # now @vals should contain 10 played-back failues and 1 random
    # trial for *each* for the ten successful property checks; here we
    # remove the random-trial value for each property check so
    # that we may compare the played back recording to the original

    splice(@vals, 11 * $_ + 10, 1) for reverse 0..9;
    is_deeply( \@vals,
              [ (@recorded_vals) x 10 ],
              "recorded failures are played back as regression tests" );

    my $prop_newname = Property { ##[ x <- Int ]## push @vals, $x; 1 },
                       name => "a new name";
    @vals = ();
    $checkit->($prop_newname, playback_failures => $tmp->filename);
    is( scalar @vals, 10,
        "failures recorded for a different prop are ignored" );




The following helper checks the given properties as a suite
and returns the test output as a string.


sub check_suite {
    my @props = grep  is_prop($_), @_;
    my @opts  = grep !is_prop($_), @_;
    my $recorder = capture(*STDOUT);
    return $recorder->();

sub is_prop {
    ref $_[0] eq 'Test::LectroTest::Property';

=head1 AUTHOR

Tom Moertel (


Copyright (C) 2004 by Thomas G Moertel.  All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.