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package Cache::Benchmark;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Time::HiRes();
use Carp();

my $KEY = 0;
my $PROB = 1;
	keys				=> 1_000,
	min_key_length		=> 30,
	access_counter		=> 100_000,
	value				=> ('x' x 500),
	test_type			=> 'weighted',
	sleep_time			=> 0,
	weighted_key_config	=> {
			1.5	=> 15,
			10	=> 10,
			35	=> 7,
			50	=> 5,
			65	=> 3,
			85	=> 2,
			99	=> 1,

=head1 NAME

Cache::Benchmark - Tests the quality and speed of a cache module to compare cachemodules and algorithms.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.011


our $VERSION = '0.011';


 use Cache::Benchmark();
 use Cache::MemoryCache();
 use Cache::SizeAwareMemoryCache();
 my $cache_1 = new Cache::MemoryCache({
 	namespace => 'my',
 	default_expires_in => 1,
 my $cache_2 = new Cache::SizeAwareMemoryCache({
 	namespace => 'my',
 	default_expires_in => 1,
 	max_size => 400,
 my $test = new Cache::Benchmark();
 $test->init( access_counter => 10_000 );
 print $test->get_printable_result();
 print $test->get_printable_result();

=head1 EXPORT



=head2 new()

=over 4

No parameter. You have to L</init()> the object

B<return:> __PACKAGE__

B<parameter:> -


sub new {
	my $package = $_[0];
	my $self = bless({}, ref($package) || $package);
	$self->{'_keylist_length'} = 0;
	$self->{'_access_counter'} = 0;
	$self->{'_cache_value'} = '';
	$self->{'_result'} = {};
	$self->{'_is_init'} = 0;
	$self->{'_test_type'} = '';
	$self->{'_key_length'} = 0;
	$self->{'_supported_types'} = [qw(plain random weighted)];
	$self->{'_weighted_key_config'} = {};
	$self->{'_accesslist'} = [];
	$self->{'_sleep_time'} = 0;
	return $self;

=head1 METHODS

=head2 init( [ L</keys> => INT, L</min_key_length> => INT, L</access_counter> => INT, L</value> => SCALAR, L</test_type> => ENUM, L</weighted_key_config> => HASHREF, L</sleep_time> => FLOAT, L</access_list> => ARRAYREF ] )

=over 4

Initialises and configures the benchmark-test. Without that, no other method will work. All parameters are optional.

B<return:> BOOLEAN


=over 4

=item B<keys>: INT [default: 1_000]

how many cache keys are used

=item B<min_key_length>: INT [default: 30]

the minimal length of any key in the cache. The standard-keys are integers (from 0 till defined "keys"),
if you define some min-length, the keys will be filled with initial zeros until reaching the given length.

=item B<access_counter>: INT [default: 100_000]

how many times will a cache key be get() or set() to the cache-module

=item B<value>: SCALAR [default: STRING, 500 bytes long]

what the cache-value should be (can be anything except UNDEF, only to stress the memory usage)

=item B<test_type>: ENUM [default: weighted]

types of test. These can be:

=over 4

=item C<plain>:

not a real test. This will only call all keys one after another. No random, no peaks.

=item C<random>:

only for access-speed tests. The key is randomly generated. No peaks.

=item C<weighted>:

keys are randomly generated and weighted. Some keys have a
high chance of being used, others have less chances


=item B<sleep_time>: FLOAT [default: 0] 

the waiting time between each access in seconds. For example use 0.001 to wait a millisecond
between each access.

=item B<weighted_key_config>: [default: this example-config]

an own config for the test_type "weighted". It's a simple hashref with the following structure:

=over 4

 $config = {
  1.5 => 15, 
  10  => 10, 
  35  => 7, 
  50  => 5,
  65  => 3,
  85  => 2,
  99  => 1,



=over 4

=item 1.5 => 15

means: the first 1.5% of all keys have a 15 times higher chance to hit

=item 10  => 10

means: from 1.5% till 10% the keys will have a 10 times higher chance...

=item 35  => 7

means: from 10% till 35% ... 7 times higher ...


the key (percent) can be a FLOAT, value (weight) has to be an INT

=item B<accesslist>: ARRAYREF [default: undef]

sets the list of keys the benchmark-test will use in run(). (an ARRAYREF of INT) Usable to repeat exactly the same test
which was stored via L</get_generated_keylist()> or to define your own list. If you give an access list, all other parameters,
except L</sleep_time>, are senseless.

Attention: the arrayref is not dereferenced!



sub init {
	my $self = shift(@_);
	my %config = @_;
	$self->{'_is_init'} = 0;
	my $keylist_length = exists($config{'keys'}) ? int(delete($config{'keys'})) : $STANDARD_VALUES->{'keys'};
	my $key_length = exists($config{'min_key_length'}) ? int(delete($config{'min_key_length'})) : $STANDARD_VALUES->{'min_key_length'};
	my $access_counter = exists($config{'access_counter'}) ? int(delete($config{'access_counter'})) : $STANDARD_VALUES->{'access_counter'};
	my $cache_value = exists($config{'value'}) ? delete($config{'value'}) : $STANDARD_VALUES->{'value'};
	my $test_type = exists($config{'test_type'}) ? delete($config{'test_type'}) : $STANDARD_VALUES->{'test_type'};
	my $weighted_key_config = exists($config{'weighted_key_config'}) ? delete($config{'weighted_key_config'}) : $STANDARD_VALUES->{'weighted_key_config'};
	my $sleep_time = exists($config{'sleep_time'}) ? delete($config{'sleep_time'}) : $STANDARD_VALUES->{'sleep_time'};
	my $accesslist = exists($config{'accesslist'}) ? delete($config{'accesslist'}) : undef;
	foreach(keys %config) {
		Carp::carp("init-parameter '$_' is unknown!");
		return 0;
	if($keylist_length < 10) {
		Carp::carp("keylist length has to be bigger than 9");
		return 0;
	if($access_counter < 1) {
		Carp::carp("access_counter has to be bigger than 0");
		return 0;
	if($access_counter <= $keylist_length) {
		Carp::carp("for usable results the access_counter ($access_counter) has to be MUCH bigger than the keylist length ($keylist_length)");
	if(!defined($cache_value)) {
		Carp::carp("undefined cache-value is not allowed");
		return 0;
	my $type_ok = 0;
	foreach my $type (@{$self->{'_supported_types'}}) {
		$type_ok = 1 if($test_type eq $type);
	if(!$type_ok) {
		Carp::carp("test-type '$test_type' is not supported");
		return 0;
	if(ref($weighted_key_config) ne 'HASH') {
		Carp::carp("weighted_key_config ($weighted_key_config) must be an hahsref");
	if(defined($accesslist) && ref($accesslist) ne 'ARRAY') {
		Carp::carp("parameter 'accesslist' has to be an arrayref of INT");
		return 0;
	if(defined($accesslist) && $#$accesslist == -1) {
		Carp::carp("the 'accesslist' has no content");
		return 0;
	$self->{'_keylist_length'} = int($keylist_length);
	$self->{'_access_counter'} = int($access_counter);
	$self->{'_cache_value'} = $cache_value;
	$self->{'_test_type'} = $test_type;
	$self->{'_key_length'} = ($key_length > 0) ? int($key_length) : 0;
	$self->{'_weighted_key_config'} = $weighted_key_config;
	if(defined($accesslist)) {
		$self->{'_accesslist'} = $accesslist;
	} else {
		$self->{'_accesslist'} = $self->_create_accesslist($self->{'_test_type'}, $self->{'_keylist_length'}, $self->{'_key_length'}, $self->{'_access_counter'}, $self->{'_weighted_key_config'});
	$self->{'_sleep_time'} = $sleep_time;

	$self->{'_is_init'} = 1;
	return 1;

=head2 run( L</cacheObject>, [ L</auto_purge> ] )

=over 4

Runs the benchmark-test with the given cache-object.

B<return:> BOOLEAN


=over 4

=item B<cacheObject>: OBJECT

every cache-object with an interface like the L</Cache> Module. Only the following part of the interface is needed:

=over 4

=item set(key, value)

sets a cache

=item get(key)

reads a cache

=item purge()

cleans up all overhanging caches (on sized cache modules)

=item B<auto_purge>: BOOLEAN [default: 0]

should purge() called after any B<set()> or B<get()>? Useful for some SizeAware... Cache modules.



sub run {
	my $self = $_[0];
	my $cache = $_[1];
	my $auto_purge = $_[2];
	if(!$self->{'_is_init'}) {
		Carp::carp('try to use uninitialised cache-test');
		return 0;
	return 0 if(!$self->_check_cache_class($cache));
	$self->{'_result'} = $self->_run_benchmark($cache, $self->{'_accesslist'}, $self->{'_sleep_time'}, \$self->{'_cache_value'}, ($auto_purge ? 1 : 0), $self->{'_keylist_length'});
	return 1;

=head2 get_accesslist( )

=over 4

get the list of all accessed keys, which the benchmark-test will set() / get(). Usable to store this list and
repeat the test with exactly the same environment.

Attention: the arrayref is not dereferenced!

B<return:> ARRAYREF of INT

B<parameter:> -


sub get_accesslist {
	my $self = $_[0];
	return [] if(!$self->{'_is_init'});
	return $self->{'_accesslist'};

=head2 get_raw_result( )

=over 4

returns all benchmark-data in a plain hash for further usage. Have a look at some L</get_printable_result()>
to understand the data.

B<return:> HASHREF

B<parameter:> -


sub get_raw_result {
	my $self = $_[0];
	if(!$self->{'_is_init'}) {
		Carp::carp('try to use uninitialised object');
		return {};
	return $self->{'_result'};

=head2 get_printable_result( )

=over 4

returns all benchmark-data as a readable string. Quality (cached access divided by uncached access) and runtime
(for all get() / set() / purge() operations) are the most important results to compare caches. 

B<return:> STRING

B<parameter:> -


sub get_printable_result {
	my $self = $_[0];
	if(!$self->{'_is_init'}) {
		Carp::carp('try to use uninitialised object');
		return '';
	return <<HERE;
CONCLUSION FOR $self->{'_result'}->{'class'}:
Quality: $self->{'_result'}->{'quality'} (bigger is better)
Hint:    $self->{'_result'}->{'quality_extra'}
Runtime: $self->{'_result'}->{'runtime'} s

Accesses:       $self->{'_result'}->{'access_counter'}
Keylist length: $self->{'_result'}->{'keylist_length'}
Sleep time:	$self->{'_result'}->{'sleep_time'}s

Cache-keys read:    $self->{'_result'}->{'reads'}
Cache-keys rewrite: $self->{'_result'}->{'rewrites'}
Cache-keys write:   $self->{'_result'}->{'writes'}
Cache purged:       $self->{'_result'}->{'purged'}

Get-time:   $self->{'_result'}->{'get_time'}
Set-time:   $self->{'_result'}->{'set_time'}
Purge-time: $self->{'_result'}->{'purge_time'}
Runtime:    $self->{'_result'}->{'runtime'}


# Protected: generates a random number from 0 to the given value 
# int
sub _generate_random_number {
	my $self = $_[0];
	my $max_val = $_[1];
	return sprintf("%.0f", rand(1) * $max_val);

# Protected: fill a given key with 'x' till the min-length is reached
# string
sub _fill_key {
	my $self = $_[0];
	my $key = $_[1];
	my $min_length = $_[2];
	my $fill_length = $min_length - length($key);
	return $key if($fill_length <= 0);
	return ('0' x $fill_length) . $key; 

# Protected: generate all cache-keys for the bell-curve
# array( array( int, int ))
sub _create_accesslist {
	my $self = $_[0];
	my $test_type = $_[1];
	my $keylist_length = $_[2];
	my $key_length = $_[3];
	my $access_counter = $_[4];
	my $weighted_config = $_[5];
	my $list = [];
	if($test_type eq 'plain') {
		my $plain_list = [ 0..($keylist_length - 1) ];
		my $i = 0;
		foreach(1..$access_counter) {
			$i = 0 if($i > $#$plain_list);
			push(@$list, $self->_fill_key($plain_list->[$i++], $key_length));
	} elsif($test_type eq 'random') {
		foreach(1..$access_counter) {
			push(@$list, $self->_fill_key($self->_generate_random_number($keylist_length - 1), $key_length) );
	} elsif($test_type eq 'weighted') {
		my @sorted_percents = sort({ $a <=> $b } keys(%$weighted_config));
		my $actual_step = shift(@sorted_percents);
		my $plain_keylist = [];
		foreach my $key ( 0..($keylist_length - 1) ) {
			my $weight = 1;
			if(defined($actual_step)) {
				my $percent = (($key + 1) / $keylist_length) * 100;
				$actual_step = shift(@sorted_percents) if($actual_step < $percent);
				$weight = int($weighted_config->{$actual_step}) if(defined($actual_step));
			foreach(1..$weight) {
				push(@$plain_keylist, $self->_fill_key($key, $key_length));
		my $length = $#$plain_keylist;
		foreach(1..$access_counter) {
			push(@$list, $plain_keylist->[$self->_generate_random_number($length)]);
	return $list;

# Protected: check the object-interface of the given cache-object
# boolean
sub _check_cache_class {
	my $self = $_[0];
	my $cache = $_[1];
	foreach my $method (qw/set get purge/) {
		if(!UNIVERSAL::can($cache, $method)) {
			Carp::carp("You need to implement method $method in Class '" . ref($cache) . "'");
			return 0;
	return 1;

# Protected: run the benchmark test
# hashref
sub _run_benchmark {
	my $self = $_[0];
	my $cache = $_[1];
	my $access_list = $_[2];
	my $sleep_time = $_[3];
	my $cache_value = $_[4];
	my $auto_purge = $_[5];
	my $keylist_length = $_[6];

	my $cached_keys = {};
	my ($cached, $not_cached, $cache_deleted, $cache_purged) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
	my ($set_time, $get_time, $purge_time) = (0, 0, 0);
	foreach my $key (@$access_list) {
		if($sleep_time > 0) {
		if($cached_keys->{$key}) {
			my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time();
			my $val = $cache->get($key);
			$get_time += Time::HiRes::time() - $start_time;
			if(defined($val)) {
			} else {
				my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time();
				$cache->set($key, $$cache_value);
				$set_time += Time::HiRes::time() - $start_time;
		} else {
			my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time();
			$cache->set($key, $$cache_value);
			$set_time += Time::HiRes::time() - $start_time;
		$cached_keys->{$key} = 1;
		my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time();
		if($auto_purge) {
			++$cache_purged if($cache->purge());
			$purge_time += Time::HiRes::time() - $start_time;
	my $cache_written = $not_cached + $cache_deleted;
	my $quality = $cache_deleted ? sprintf("%0.4f", $cached / $cache_deleted) : 9_999_999_999_999;
	return {
		class			=> ref($cache),
		runtime			=> sprintf("%0.6f", $set_time + $get_time + $purge_time),
		set_time		=> sprintf("%0.6f", $set_time),
		get_time		=> sprintf("%0.6f", $get_time),
		purge_time		=> sprintf("%0.6f", $purge_time),
		keylist_length	=> $keylist_length,
		quality			=> $quality,
		quality_extra	=> ($cache_deleted ? '-' : 'no cachedata was cleared'),
		access_counter	=> scalar(@$access_list),
		reads			=> $cached,
		rewrites		=> $cache_deleted,
		writes			=> $not_cached,
		purged			=> $cache_purged,
		sleep_time		=> $sleep_time,


=head1 AUTHOR

Tobias Tacke, C<< <cpan at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-cache-benchmark at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of any progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find the documentation of this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Cache::Benchmark

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2007 Tobias Tacke, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of Cache::Benchmark