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#! /usr/bin/env perl
# compile the map tables into perl source code
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;


=head1 NAME

make_maps_code - [not for users] rebuild from the contents of the maps directory.

Run this from the root of the distribution.  Default behaviour is to create a new copy
of the module in the current directory.


  build/make_maps_code --diff | --update --version v.vv

Series to be built should be defined in maps/map_series.txt and 
data should all be in the maps/ directory.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4 

=item --diff

Create the module in the current directory and call diff to compare it 
to the version in lib

=item --update

Overwrite the module in lib directly.

=item --version v.vv

Apply the new version number v.vv to the newly created module.


=head1 AUTHOR 

Toby Thurston -- 20 Feb 2016 


my $want_diff   = 0;
my $want_update = 0;
my $new_version = '2.18';
my $module_name = '';
my $lib_module_name = File::Spec->catfile(qw(lib Geo Coordinates OSGB), $module_name);

my $options_ok = GetOptions(
    'diff!'     => \$want_diff,
    'update!'   => \$want_update,
    'version=s' => \$new_version,

    'usage'       => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 0, -exitstatus => 0) },                         
    'help'        => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitstatus => 0) },                         
    'man'         => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitstatus => 0) },

die pod2usage() if @ARGV || ! $options_ok;

sub polygon_area_in_km {
    my $p = shift;
    my $a = 0;
    for (my $i=1; $i < scalar @{$p}; $i++) {
        $a = $a + $p->[$i-1][0] * $p->[$i][1]
                - $p->[$i-1][1] * $p->[$i][0];
    return $a/2_000_000;

# return the ll and ur corners as a list of points
# note that in the OSGB grid the values of the coordinates for valid grid references are not negative
sub polygon_bbox {
    my $p = shift;
    my $llx = my $lly = 1e12;
    my $urx = my $ury = 0;
    for my $point ( @{$p} ) {
        $llx = $point->[0] if $point->[0] < $llx;
        $urx = $point->[0] if $point->[0] > $urx;
        $lly = $point->[1] if $point->[1] < $lly;
        $ury = $point->[1] if $point->[1] > $ury;
    return [ [$llx, $lly], [$urx, $ury] ] ;

# work out labels for two boxes : NS or EW?
sub pair_label_suffixes {
    my $b1 = shift;
    my $b2 = shift;
    my $center_E1 = $b1->[0][0] + ($b1->[1][0]-$b1->[0][0])/2;
    my $center_E2 = $b2->[0][0] + ($b2->[1][0]-$b2->[0][0])/2;
    my $center_N1 = $b1->[0][1] + ($b1->[1][1]-$b1->[0][1])/2;
    my $center_N2 = $b2->[0][1] + ($b2->[1][1]-$b2->[0][1])/2;
    my $E_diff = $center_E1 - $center_E2;
    my $N_diff = $center_N1 - $center_N2;
    my $label1;
    my $label2;
    if ( abs($E_diff) > abs($N_diff) ) {
        $label1 = $E_diff > 0 ? 'E' : 'W';
        $label2 = $E_diff > 0 ? 'W' : 'E';
    else {
        $label1 = $N_diff > 0 ? 'N' : 'S';
        $label2 = $N_diff > 0 ? 'S' : 'N';
    return ($label1, $label2);

die "Run this from the root directory\n" unless substr(cwd(), -25) eq 'perl-geo-coordinates-osgb';

my $map_dir = 'maps';

die "Cannot see the maps/ directory\n" unless -d $map_dir;

my @series_to_build = ();
open my $control, '<', 'maps/map_series.txt' or die "Cannot open control file: $!\n";
while ( <$control> ) {
    next unless my ($id, $file, $sides, $max_inset_area, $max_sheet_area, $short_name, $long_name) =
          $_ =~ /([A-Z])\s+(\S+)\s+(\d)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/osmx;

    $long_name =~ s/\A\"(.*)\"\Z/$1/s or
    $long_name =~ s/\A\'(.*)\'\Z/$1/s;

    my $catalogue_name = File::Spec->catfile($map_dir, sprintf('catalogue-%s.txt', $file));
    my $polygons_name  = File::Spec->catfile($map_dir, sprintf('polygons-%s.txt', $file));

    die "Cannot see $catalogue_name. $!\n" unless -f $catalogue_name;
    die "Cannot see $polygons_name. $!\n" unless -f $polygons_name;

    push @series_to_build, {
        id         => $id,                                
        cat_file   => $catalogue_name,
        poly_file  => $polygons_name,
        max_inset_area => $max_inset_area,                    
        max_sheet_area => $max_sheet_area,                    
        short_name => $short_name,                        
        long_name  => $long_name,                        

my @sheets;
my %label_for;
my %title_for;
my %seen;

use Business::ISBN qw( valid_isbn_checksum );

for my $s (@series_to_build) {
    my $series = $s->{id};
    open my $cat, '<', $s->{cat_file} or die "Cannot open catalogue file for $series\n";
    warn "Reading catalogue for $s->{long_name}\n";
    while ( <$cat> ) {
        my ($nn, $isbn, $label, $title) = split ' ', $_, 4;
        croak "Invalid index number: $nn $series" unless $nn =~ m{\A $series (\d+) \Z}x;
        if ( $isbn ) {
            croak "Invalid ISBN for $nn : $isbn\n" unless valid_isbn_checksum($isbn);
            croak "Duplicate ISBN for $nn\n" if $seen{$isbn}++;

        croak "Duplicate id for $nn\n" if exists $title_for{$nn};
        $title =~ s/\s*\Z//iosxm;
        $title_for{$nn} = $title;
        $label_for{$nn} = $label;


    close $cat;
    open my $fh, '<', $s->{poly_file} or die "Cannot open polygon file for $series\n";
    warn "Reading polygons for $s->{long_name}\n";
    while (<$fh>) {

        my ($nn, $junk, $flag, $mpg) = split ' ', $_, 4;
        $mpg =~ s/\s*$//;

        next LINE if $mpg eq 'EMPTY';
        next LINE if $flag eq '8';

        croak "Missing flag" if $flag =~ m{\A\(}iosx;

        croak "Invalid index number: $nn $series" unless $nn =~ m{\A $series (\d+) \Z}x;

        croak "Missing title for $nn\n" unless my $title = $title_for{$nn};
        croak "Missing label for $nn\n" unless my $label = $label_for{$nn};

        # split the MULTIPOLYGON string up 1 char at a time using the reverse and chop trick
        my $nest = 0;
        my @polylist;
        my $p=0;
        my $gpm = reverse $mpg;
        while (length $gpm) {
            my $c = chop $gpm;
            if ($nest==1 && $c eq ',') {
            if    ($c eq '(') { $nest++ }
            elsif ($c eq ')') { $nest-- }
            else {
                $polylist[$p] .= $c;
        # split each POLYGON string into an array of coordinate pairs
        # and work out the areas, and push then into the right sides array
        my @sides = ( [], [] );
        my $side_index = -1;

        for my $p (@polylist) {
            $p = [ map { [ split ' ' ] } split ',', $p ];
            # check each pair has two and only two coordinates and that the polygon is closed
            for my $pt (@$p) {
                if (2!=@$pt) {
                   my $err = "@$pt"; 
                   croak "Broken pair $err at line $. in $ARGV";;
            croak "Unclosed polygon" unless $p->[0][0] == $p->[-1][0]
                                         && $p->[0][1] == $p->[-1][1];
            my $a = polygon_area_in_km($p);
            if ($a < 0 ) {
                for my $pt (reverse @$p) {
                    print join(' ', @$pt), ', ';
                print "\n";
                croak "Not a positive area for $label $a";

            my $b = polygon_bbox($p);

            # push the polys into lists here (list for side 1, list for side 2)
            # main side is first poly in each list

            if ( $a <= $s->{max_inset_area} ) {
                # do nothing here
            elsif ( $a <= $s->{max_sheet_area} ) {
                croak "$series $label too many sides" if $side_index > 0;
            else {
                croak "$label Area $a out of expected range";
            push @{$sides[$side_index]}, { poly => $p, area => $a, bbox => $b };


        # do we have two sides?  if so, find labels
        my ($i, $key, $parent_key);
        if ( @{$sides[1]} > 0 ) {
            my @suffixes = pair_label_suffixes($sides[0][0]{bbox}, $sides[1][0]{bbox});
            # patch for OL2, first side is South second is West
            if ($label eq 'OL2' ) {
                $suffixes[0] = 'S'
            for my $side (0..1) {
                $parent_key = sprintf "%s:%s%s", $series, $label, $suffixes[$side];
                $i = 0;
                for my $region ( @{$sides[$side]} ) {
                    $key = sprintf "%s%s", $parent_key, $i==0 ? '' : '.'.chr(96+$i);
                    push @sheets, { key => $key, 
                                    bbox => $region->{bbox},
                                    area => $region->{area},
                                    poly => $region->{poly},
                                    series => $series,
                                    number => $label,
                                    parent => $parent_key,
                                    title => $title,
        else {
            $parent_key = sprintf "%s:%s", $series, $label;
            $i = 0;
            for my $region ( @{$sides[0]} ) {
                $key = sprintf "%s%s", $parent_key, $i==0 ? '' : '.'.chr(96+$i);
                push @sheets, { key => $key, 
                                bbox => $region->{bbox},
                                area => $region->{area},
                                poly => $region->{poly},
                                series => $series,
                                number => $label,
                                parent => $parent_key,
                                title => $title,
    close $fh;

my $pm;
if ($want_update) {
    open $pm, '>', $lib_module_name;
    warn "Writing to $lib_module_name\n";
else {
    open $pm, '>', $module_name;
    warn "Writing to $module_name\n";
print $pm <<'END_PREAMBLE';
package Geo::Coordinates::OSGB::Maps;
use base qw(Exporter);
use strict;
use warnings;
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(%maps %name_for_map_series);
our %maps;
print $pm "our \$VERSION = '$new_version';\n";
print $pm "our \%name_for_map_series = ( \n";
for my $s (@series_to_build) {
    printf $pm "  %s => '%s',\n", $s->{id}, $s->{long_name};
print $pm ");\n";

for my $m (@sheets) {
    print $pm '$maps{"', $m->{key}, '"} = { ';
    printf $pm 'bbox => [[%d, %d], [%d, %d]], ', $m->{bbox}->[0][0], $m->{bbox}->[0][1], $m->{bbox}->[1][0], $m->{bbox}->[1][1];
    for my $f ( qw{area series number parent title} ) {
        die "No f\n" unless defined $f;
        die "No $f in $m->{key}\n" unless defined $m->{$f};
        printf $pm "%s => '%s', ", $f, $m->{$f};
    print $pm 'polygon => [', join(',', map { sprintf '[%d,%d]', $_->[0], $_->[1] } @{$m->{poly}}), ']'; # no comma because last
    print $pm " };\n";

print $pm "1;\n\n";
my @pod;
push @pod, '=pod';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=head1 NAME';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'Geo::Coordinates::OSGB::Maps - Data for OSGB Maps';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=head1 VERSION';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, "V$new_version";
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=head1 SUBROUTINES AND METHODS';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'This module exports no functions, but just two hashes of data.';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=head2 Hash C<%name_for_map_series>';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'The keys are the single letter codes used for each map series.';
push @pod, 'The values are the descriptive names of each series.';
push @pod, 'Currently we have:';
push @pod, '';
for my $s (@series_to_build) {
    push @pod, sprintf "  %s : %s", $s->{id}, $s->{long_name};
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=head2 Hash C<%maps>';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'The keys are short identifiers for each sheet or inset.  Where a map has more than one side, or includes';
push @pod, 'insets then, there will be a separate entry for each side and inset.';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'The value for each key is another hash containing the following items';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=over 4';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=item bbox';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'The bounding box of the sheet as a list of two pairs of coordinates (in metres';
push @pod, 'from the grid origin)';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=item polygon';
push @pod, '  ';
push @pod, 'A list of pairs of coordinates (in metres from grid origin) that define the';
push @pod, 'corners of the sheet.  The list starts at the SW corner (approximately, some do';
push @pod, 'not have an obvious place to start), and works round anticlockwise.  In all';
push @pod, 'cases the last pair is the same as the first pair.';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=item area ';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'The calculated area of the sheet in square kilometres.';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=item series';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'A single letter series identifier -- this will be one of the keys from the';
push @pod, '"name_for_map_series" hash.';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=item number';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'The identifier for this map within the series, not including any suffix for a';
push @pod, 'sheet or an inset.  The two sides of a single map have the same number.  The';
push @pod, 'number is not always an integer - Outdoor Leisure maps are designated "OL14"';
push @pod, 'etc.  Those maps known by two numbers have a "number" consisting of both';
push @pod, 'numbers divided by a "/"; such as "418/OL60" in the Explorer series.';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=item parent';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'The key of the parent map for an inset.  Main sheets of a map will have';
push @pod, '"parent" equal to their own key.';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=item title';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, 'The title of the map.  Different sheets and insets from the same map will have';
push @pod, 'the same title.';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=back';
push @pod, '';
push @pod, '=cut';
push @pod, '';
print $pm join "\n", @pod;
close $pm;
warn sprintf "Wrote %d sheet definitions to maps module\n", scalar @sheets;

if ($want_diff && -f $module_name) {
    system 'diff', '-b', $lib_module_name, $module_name;