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#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Toby Thurston -- 27 Jun 2017
# Bench mark the conversion routines

use strict;
use warnings;

use Geo::Coordinates::OSGB   qw/grid_to_ll grid_to_ll_helmert ll_to_grid ll_to_grid_helmert/;
use Benchmark qw/timethese/;
use Config;

our $VERSION = '2.20';

my $times = timethese( -4, {
    ll_to_grid         => 'll_to_grid(52 + rand 3, 0 - rand 3)',
    ll_to_grid_helmert => 'll_to_grid_helmert(52 + rand 3, 0 - rand 3)',
    grid_to_ll         => 'grid_to_ll(400000 + rand 100000, 300000 + rand 100000)',
    grid_to_ll_helmert => 'grid_to_ll_helmert(400000 + rand 100000, 300000 + rand 100000)',
} );

sub make_line {
    my ($results, $name) = @_;
    my $timed = ${$results}{$name}[1];
    my $count = ${$results}{$name}[5];
    my $rate = $count/$timed;
    my $mspc = 1000*$timed/$count;
    return sprintf '%-42s %9.0f %9.4f', $name,  $rate,  $mspc;

print "Conversion benchmark Geo::Coordinates::OSGB v$Geo::Coordinates::OSGB::VERSION\n";
print "$Config{osname} on $Config{archname} running Perl: $Config{version}\n";
print "\n";
print make_line($times, 'll_to_grid'), "\n";
print make_line($times, 'll_to_grid_helmert'), "\n";
print "\n";
print make_line($times, 'grid_to_ll'), "\n";
print make_line($times, 'grid_to_ll_helmert'), "\n";