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=head1 NAME

HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLInputElement - implementation of the HTMLInputElement interface of the HTML DOM


HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLInputElement is an implementation of the HTMLInputElement interface of the HTML DOM. See L<HTML::HTML5::DOM> for a list of the conventions that have been used when translating the DOM to Perl.

=head2 HTML Elements

This class applies to the following HTML elements.


=item * C<< {}input >>


=head2 Inheritance

HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLInputElement inherits methods from the following Perl classes.


=item * L<HTML::HTML5::DOM::HTMLElement>

=item * L<XML::LibXML::Augment::Element>

=item * L<XML::LibXML::Augment::Node>

=item * L<XML::LibXML::Element>

=item * L<XML::LibXML::Node>

=item * L<XML::LibXML::QuerySelector>

=item * L<HTML::HTML5::DOMutil::FancyISA>


=head2 Additional Methods

As well as its inherited methods, this class provides the following methods.


=item * C<< accept >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("accept") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< alt >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("alt") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< autocomplete >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("autocomplete") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< autofocus >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->hasAttribute("autofocus") >>. If called with a true argument, will C<setAttribute>; if called with a false argument will C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< checked >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->hasAttribute("checked") >>. If called with a true argument, will C<setAttribute>; if called with a false argument will C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< dirName >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("dirname") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< form >>

Returns the "formtarget" attribute for this element if it exists, or otherwise the "target" attribute of this element's form owner.

=item * C<< height >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("height") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< labels >>

A list of C<< <label> >> elements which label this element.

=item * C<< max >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("max") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< maxLength >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("maxlength") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< min >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("min") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< multiple >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->hasAttribute("multiple") >>. If called with a true argument, will C<setAttribute>; if called with a false argument will C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< name >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("name") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< p5_wwwFormPair >>

Returns the C<< [$name => $value] >> that would be used when submitting this form element.

=item * C<< pattern >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("pattern") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< placeholder >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("placeholder") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< readOnly >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->hasAttribute("readonly") >>. If called with a true argument, will C<setAttribute>; if called with a false argument will C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< required >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->hasAttribute("required") >>. If called with a true argument, will C<setAttribute>; if called with a false argument will C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< size >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("size") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< src >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("src") >> but as a blessed L<URI> object. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< step >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("step") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< type >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("type") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.

=item * C<< width >>

Called with no arguments, is a shortcut for C<< $elem->getAttribute("width") >>. Called with a defined argument, acts as C<setAttribute>. Called with undef as an argument, acts as C<removeAttribute>.


=head1 BUGS


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Toby Inkster.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.