The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
@prefix cpan-uri: <> .
@prefix dc:    <> .
@prefix doap:  <> .
@prefix doap-bugs: <> .
@prefix doap-changeset: <> .
@prefix doap-deps: <> .
@prefix foaf:  <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix xsd:   <> .

	dc:title             "the same terms as the perl 5 programming language system itself".

	a                    doap:Project;
	cpan-uri:x_IRC       <irc://>;
	dc:contributor       <>;
	doap-bugs:issue      <>, <>, <>;
	doap-deps:develop-suggestion [ doap-deps:on "Dist::Inkt 0.001"^^doap-deps:CpanId ];
	doap-deps:runtime-recommendation [
		doap-deps:on "Type::Tiny::XS 0.010"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	doap-deps:runtime-requirement [ doap-deps:on "perl 5.014"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Data::Alias"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Type::Registry 0.032"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "Type::Utils 0.032"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Types::Standard 0.032"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "match::simple"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "namespace::sweep 0.006"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [
		doap-deps:on "Exporter::Tiny 0.026"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "Module::Runtime 0"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Moo 1.003001"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "PadWalker 0"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Parse::Keyword 0.06"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "Return::Type 0.004"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Sub::Util"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Type::Parser 0.032"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
		rdfs:comment "Fix for comma-delimited type lists.";
	doap-deps:test-recommendation [ doap-deps:on "Moose 2.0000"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Mouse 1.00"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Class::Tiny"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Role::Tiny 1.003000"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [
		doap-deps:on "Class::Method::Modifiers 2.03"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	doap-deps:test-requirement [ doap-deps:on "Test::More 0.96"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Test::Fatal"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Test::Requires"^^doap-deps:CpanId ];
	doap:bug-database    <>;
	doap:created         "2013-09-23"^^xsd:date;
	doap:developer       <>;
	doap:download-page   <>;
	doap:homepage        <>;
	doap:license         <>;
	doap:maintainer      <>;
	doap:name            "Kavorka";
	doap:programming-language "Perl";
	doap:release         <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>;
	doap:repository      [
		a doap:GitRepository;
		doap:browse <>;
	doap:shortdesc       "function signatures with the lure of the animal".

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	rdfs:label           "Preview release";
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_01"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-03"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_01"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_02"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-04"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Fix syntax error compiling functions using non-inlinable type constraints in the signature.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Fix error finding the position to start slurping from in signatures that have a slurpy after zero positional parameters.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add some rudimentary tests for type constraints.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Include benchmarking script as an example.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_02"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_03"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-05"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Error message for unknown named parameters isn't unintentionally always thrown for all named parameters except the first.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "The `default` attribute of Kavorka::Signature::Parameter is now a coderef rather than a string.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for the `method` keyword.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for positional parameters.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for named parameters.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Include my TODO file.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_03"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_04"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-06"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow anonymous slurpy parameters.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Minor speed-ups.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Also populate the %_ hash for functions with a hash(ref) slurpy but zero named parameters.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for invocants.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for slurpy parameters.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_04"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_05"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-07"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for non-inlinable type constraints.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for type coercions.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Fix off-by-one bug failing to populate a slurpy array/arrayref if it would only have one item.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Fix warning assigning odd number of items to %_ which should have been fatal instead.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_05"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_06"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-07"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for method modifiers in Moo.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for method modifiers in Mouse.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for method modifiers in Moose.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for method modifiers in Class::Tiny/Role::Tiny.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Fix installing of method modifiers into Moo::Role roles.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_06"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_07"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-08"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for various traits.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Implemented the 'alias' trait.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Implemented the 'ro' trait.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Implemented the 'locked' trait.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Documented traits better.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Documented an 'rw' trait which is just a no-op.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Long overdue refactoring of the code-generating internals of Kavorka::Signature::Parameter.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_07"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_08"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-08"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add tests for introspection API.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Documented Kavorka::Signature::Parameter.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Documented Kavorka::Signature.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Documented Kavorka::Sub.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Improve 'Introspection API' section of documentation for itself.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Tidy up the Kavorka::Sub API.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Tidy up and improve the Kavorka::Signature API.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Function objects doing the Kavorka::Sub role now keep track of which keyword they were declared with.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_08"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_09"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-08"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Tests for lvalue subs.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Better support for subroutine attributes.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Change parsing technique for named subs.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Document the yadayada operator.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_09"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_10"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-09"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Minor documentation improvements.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "MooseX::KavorkaInfo provides Kavorka->info data through Moose meta objects.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow Function::Parameters-style type constraint expressions.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_10"^^xsd:string.

	a                    cpan-uri:DeveloperRelease, doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.000_11"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-09"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Fix MooseX::KavorkaInfo SYNOPSIS.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Provide an example script using MooseX::KavorkaInfo.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Document Kavorka's exports.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Throw an exception if people use method modifier keywords to define anonymous functions.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Check that it's possible to define a method called `method`.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.000_11"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	rdfs:label           "First public release";
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.001"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-09"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.001"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.002"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-11"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Refactor some of the code generation in Kavorka::Signature.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Kavorka::Signature now provides args_min and args_max methods.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.002"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.003"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-12"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Improve sanity checking for signatures.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow @_ and %_ to be used in signatures.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.003"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.004"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-13"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Correct minor typo.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Implement multi subs and multi methods.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.004"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.005"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-13"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Fix error parsing `where` clauses.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "$parameter->constraints is now an arrayref of coderefs rather than an arrayref of strings of Perl code.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Changed error message resulting from failed value constraint.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Included example of using multi subs.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.005"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.006"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-15"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Document interplay between multi subs and multiple inheritance.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Use invocant as starting point for searching for multi method candidates.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Test cases for multi subs versus multiple inheritance.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.006"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.007"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-16"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow named parameters to have multiple \"outside\" names.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Make the parentheses surrounding long named parameters optional.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Refactor Kavorka::Sub.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.007"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.008"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-17"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Make subclassing itself a little easier.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Include an example of extending Kavorka to cover some Dancer2 concepts.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Minor documentation fixes.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.008"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.009"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-22"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Minor fix to KavorkaX::Dancer2 example extension module.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Packaging;
			rdfs:label "Package my TODO list.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.009"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.010"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-23"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Support 'my' and 'our' prefixes to variable names in signatures.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow package variables such as $Foo::Bar in signatures.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "General refactoring of variable name parsing.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.010"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.011"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-25"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Rename ${^NEXT} variable to $next for `around` method modifiers.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Support Perl 5.20 style :prototype(...) attribute.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow multiple method names to be modified with a single method modifier.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Split up documentation into a manual with bite-sized chunks.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.011"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.012"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-26"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Various documentation improvements.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Optimization: compile dispatchers for multi subs on demand.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Optimization: avoid double type checks in multi subs.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.012"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.013"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-10-27"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Compiled dispatchers introduced in Kavorka 0.012 are essentially a form of cache. No cache invalidation was in place, leading to issues when adding extra same-named multi method candidates to parent classes after a multi method had already been invoked in a child class. Cache invalidation now works.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Test that definition of multi subs happens at runtime, and definition can continue even after the multi sub has been invoked.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Test for cache invalidation of compiled multi sub dispatchers.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.013"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	rdfs:label           "Gunpowder, treason and plot";
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.014"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-11-05"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Work with (and indeed require Type::Tiny 0.032).";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Return types, optionally with coercion.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Lexical functions and methods.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.014"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.015"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-11-07"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Most of the closure issues associated with Parse::Keyword are now worked around.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "$sub->signature now returns undef if no signature was given in the declaration.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Checking if @_ < 0 is silly; stop doing that.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Document that fun ($x, $y=$x) {...} doesn't work how you might expect it to, and some work-arounds.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Tidy up some of the closure tests.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:BackCompat;
			rdfs:label "Change the syntax of lexical functions and methods to include the `my` keyword in their declaration.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.015"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.016"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-11-07"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Bypass the Internals::SvREADONLY prototype because handling of the ($;$) prototype changed in 5.16.0 and we were relying on the new behaviour.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.016"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.017"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-11-18"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Extensibility via parameter traits.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Rename Kavorka::Signature::Parameter -> Kavorka::Parameter.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Rename Kavorka::Signature::ReturnType -> Kavorka::ReturnType.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.017"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.018"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-11-18"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow non-Type::Tiny type constraints to be returned by type constraint expressions, provided they can be converted to Type::Tiny objects via Types::TypeTiny::to_TypeTiny.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.018"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.019"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-11-23"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Provide an `override` keyword which will work in Moose/Mouse, but not Moo.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow named parameters to be passed in as a hashref rather than a hash.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Split out some of the Kavorka::Parameter features (aliases, locked hashrefs, read-only parameters) into parameter traits.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Provide an `augment` keyword which will work in Moose/Mouse, but not Moo.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.019"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.020"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-11-27"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Split out the assumed trait for return types as Kavorka::TraitFor::ReturnType::assumed.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Kavorka::TraitFor::Parameter::assumed.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Can now use 'but' as another alias for 'is'/'does'.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Explain different ways to extend Kavorka.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Subs can now have traits.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.020"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.021"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-11-30"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Disallow the `assumed` parameter trait for multi subs.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Implement a `ref_alias` trait, inspired by Method::Signatures.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Rearrange some of the traits documentation.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Split out most of the implementation for the `optional` trait (except for special parsing rules) into Kavorka::TraitFor::ReturnType::optional.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Split out some sanity_check stuff into the trait modules.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.021"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.022"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-12-16"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Kavorka::TraitFor::Sub::fresh.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Kavorka::TraitFor::Sub::override.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Fix typos in Kavorka::Manual::MultiSubs.";
			doap-changeset:blame <>;
			doap-changeset:fixes <tdb:2013:>;
			rdfs:seeAlso <>;
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.022"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.023"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-12-17"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Fix test case - should not depend on Moops!";
			doap-changeset:fixes <tdb:2013:>;
			doap-changeset:thanks <>;
			rdfs:seeAlso <>;
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.023"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.024"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-12-18"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "s/namespace::clean/namespace::sweep/";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.024"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.025"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2013-12-23"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Value constraints for parameters without type constraints were being ignored.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Support non-block form of value constraints, taken from Perl 6 / Method::Signatures.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Tests for value constraints.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.025"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.026"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-01-30"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow keywords to detect when the keyword sub has been called in a way that bypasses the Perl keyword API's custom parsing (e.g. using a prototype, or as a coderef). By default, keywords croak when this is detected.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Method modifier keywords can now detect when the keyword sub has been called bypassing custom parsing, and act sanely rather than croaking.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.026"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.027"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-01-30"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Minor change to the hook allowing keywords to deal with calls that bypass the Perl keyword API.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.027"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	rdfs:label           "The 'perlsub-compat' Release";
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.028"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-02-21"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Make parsing of parameter defaults laxer so that an equals sign followed by no expression is allowed.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Allow attributes to *precede* signatures.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add test cases covering bare @ and % sigils.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.028"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.029"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-02-26"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Kavorka::TraitFor::Sub::begin.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.029"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.030"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-03-20"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Addition;
			rdfs:label "Introduce `f` as an alternative to `fun`.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add test using Kavorka on threaded Perls.";
			doap-changeset:blame <>;
			rdfs:seeAlso <>;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Eliminate dependency on Devel::Pragma, which fixes Kavorka on threaded Perls.";
			doap-changeset:blame <>;
			doap-changeset:fixes <>;
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.030"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.031"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-08-13"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Add `multi` to @EXPORT_OK.";
			doap-changeset:blame <>;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix, doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Fix link to Kavorka::Manual::Signatures.";
			doap-changeset:blame <>;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Cope with changes to Exporter::Tiny; avoid triggering warnings.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Bump required version of Return::Type.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation, doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Update benchmarks given that Type::Tiny::XS is hellishly fast.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Packaging;
			rdfs:label "Recommend Type::Tiny::XS.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.031"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.032"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-08-13"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Work around a bug in Moo(?) or maybe the Perl keyword API(?) by undeferring Moo's deferred subs.";
			doap-changeset:fixes <>;
			doap-changeset:thanks <urn:uuid:e56483ab-8752-412c-a519-294b8d83345c>;
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.032"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.033"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-08-22"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix, doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Type::Registry::DWIM changed its API. (Kavorka probably shouldn't be using it anyway because it's an undocumented internal part of Type::Utils.)";
			doap-changeset:thanks [ foaf:nick "SpiceMan" ];
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.033"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.034"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-09-07"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Avoid triggering RT#98666.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Switch from Sub::Name+Sub::Identify to the shiny new Sub::Util.";
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.034"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.035"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-09-30"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Make it easier to do weird things subclassing Kavorka::Multi.";
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Tests;
			rdfs:label "Add a test case for Sub::Defer-related weirdness.";
			rdfs:seeAlso <>;
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.035"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:identifier        "Kavorka-0.036"^^xsd:string;
	dc:issued            "2014-11-01"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Avoid inadvertantly autovivifying things in Sub::Defer's big hash of deferred subs.";
			doap-changeset:blame <>;
	doap-changeset:released-by <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "0.036"^^xsd:string.

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:name            "Chris Tijerina";
	foaf:nick            "CAMSPI";
	foaf:page            <>.

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:name            "Piers Cawley";
	foaf:nick            "PDCAWLEY";
	foaf:page            <>.

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:name            "Syohei Yoshida";
	foaf:nick            "SYOHEX";
	foaf:page            <>.

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:name            "Aaron James Trevena";
	foaf:nick            "TEEJAY";
	foaf:page            <>.

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:name            "Thibaut Le Page";
	foaf:nick            "THILP";
	foaf:page            <>.

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:mbox            <>;
	foaf:name            "Toby Inkster";
	foaf:nick            "TOBYINK";
	foaf:page            <>.

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:name            "Grzegorz Rożniecki";
	foaf:nick            "XAERXESS";
	foaf:page            <>.

	a                    doap-bugs:Issue;
	rdfs:label           "Perhaps make `fun` and `method` install methods at compile time.";
	dc:created           "2013-12-21T11:00:32Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
	dc:reporter          _:B1;
	doap-bugs:id         "91557";
	doap-bugs:page       <>;
	doap-bugs:status     <>.

	a                    doap-bugs:Issue;
	rdfs:label           "Investigate compatibility with forthcoming native signatures";
	dc:created           "2014-02-01T08:10:12Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
	dc:reporter          _:B1;
	doap-bugs:id         "92634";
	doap-bugs:page       <>;
	doap-bugs:status     <>.

	a                    doap-bugs:Issue;
	rdfs:label           "segfault on joining multiple threads using Kavorka";
	dc:created           "2014-03-19T20:25:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
	dc:reporter          [ a foaf:Agent; foaf:mbox <> ];
	doap-bugs:id         "94015", "94015"^^xsd:string;
	doap-bugs:page       <>, <>;
	doap-bugs:status     <>.

	a                    doap-bugs:Issue;
	doap-bugs:id         "95786"^^xsd:string;
	doap-bugs:page       <>.

	foaf:mbox_sha1sum    "18b01a46900ed3428b71cacdf010d47c26cc6cff";
	foaf:name            "Jonathan Cast".

	a                    foaf:Agent;
	foaf:mbox            <>.