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package MooseX::MungeHas;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

	$MooseX::MungeHas::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
	$MooseX::MungeHas::VERSION   = '0.007';

use Carp qw(croak);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);

	for my $backend (qw/ Eval::TypeTiny Eval::Closure /)
		last if eval(
			"require $backend; *eval_closure = \\&$backend\::eval_closure;"
		or croak "Could not load Eval::TypeTiny";

sub import
	no strict qw(refs);
	my $class  = shift;
	my $caller = caller;
	my $orig = \&{"$caller\::has"}
		or croak "$caller does not have a 'has' function to munge";
	my %export = (@_ == 1 and ref($_[0]) eq "HASH")
		? %{ $_[0] }
		: ( has => [@_] );
	for my $f (sort keys %export)
		no warnings qw(redefine prototype);
		*{"$caller\::$f"} = $class->_make_has(
			$class->_make_munger($caller, @{$export{$f}}),

	sub __detect_oo
		my $package = $_[0];
		if ($INC{''})
			return "Moo" if $Moo::MAKERS{$package};
			return "Moo" if $Moo::Role::INFO{$package};
		if ($INC{''})
			require Moose::Util;
			return "Moose" if Moose::Util::find_meta($package);
		if ($INC{''})
			require Mouse::Util;
			return "Mouse" if Mouse::Util::find_meta($package);
		my $meta;
		eval { $meta = $package->meta } or return "?";
		return "Moo"   if ref($meta) eq "Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass";
		return "Mouse" if $meta->isa("Mouse::Meta::Module");
		return "Moose" if $meta->isa("Moose::Meta::Class");
		return "Moose" if $meta->isa("Moose::Meta::Role");
		return "?";
	my %_cache;
	sub _detect_oo { $_cache{$_[0]} ||= __detect_oo(@_) };

sub _make_munger
	my $class = shift;
	return $class->_compile_munger_code(@_);

sub _compile_munger_code
	my $class = shift;
	my ($caller, @features) = @_;
	my %features = map +($_ => 1), grep !ref, @features;
	my @subs     = grep ref, @features;
	my @code = "sub {";
	if (_detect_oo($caller) =~ /^Mo[ou]se$/)
		push @code, '  if (exists($_{isa}) && !ref($_{isa})) {';
		push @code, '    $_{isa} = '._detect_oo($caller).'::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($_{isa});';
		push @code, '  }';
	for my $is (qw/ro rw rwp lazy bare/)
		if (delete $features{"is_$is"})
			push @code, '  $_{is} ||= "'.$is.'";';
	push @code, '  if (exists($_{_is})) {';
	push @code, '    my $_is = delete($_{_is});';
	push @code, '    $_{is} ||= $_is;';
	push @code, '  }';
	push @code, '  if (ref($_{builder}) eq q(CODE)) {';
	push @code, '    no strict qw(refs);';
	push @code, '    require Sub::Util;';
	push @code, '    my $name = "$_{__CALLER__}::_build_$_";';
	push @code, '    *$name = Sub::Util::set_subname($name, $_{builder});';
	push @code, '    $_{builder} = $name;';
	push @code, '  }';
	unless (_detect_oo($caller) eq "Moo")
		push @code, '  if ($_{is} eq q(lazy)) {';
		push @code, '    $_{is}      = "ro";';
		push @code, '    $_{lazy}    = 1 unless exists($_{lazy});';
		push @code, '    $_{builder} = "_build_$_" if $_{lazy} && !exists($_{builder}) && !exists($_{default});';
		push @code, '  }';
		push @code, '  if ($_{is} eq q(rwp)) {';
		push @code, '    $_{is}     = "ro";';
		push @code, '    $_{writer} = "_set_$_" unless exists($_{writer});';
		push @code, '  }';
		push @code, '  if (ref($_{isa}) eq q(CODE)) {';
		push @code, '    require Type::Tiny;';
		push @code, '    my $code = $_{isa};';
		push @code, '    my $safe = sub { !!eval { $code->($_); 1 } };';
		push @code, '    $_{isa}  = "Type::Tiny"->new(constraint => $safe);';
		push @code, '  }';
	delete $features{"eq_1"};
	push @code, '  my ($pfx, $name) = ($_ =~ /^(_*)(.+)$/);';
	push @code, '  $_{builder}   = "_build_$_" if exists($_{builder}) && $_{builder} eq q(1);';
	push @code, '  $_{clearer}   = "${pfx}clear_${name}" if exists($_{clearer}) && $_{clearer} eq q(1);';
	push @code, '  $_{predicate} = "${pfx}has_${name}" if exists($_{predicate}) && $_{predicate} eq q(1);';
	push @code, '  if (exists($_{trigger}) && $_{trigger} eq q(1)) {';
	push @code, '    my $method = "_trigger_$_";';
	push @code, '    $_{trigger} = sub { shift->$method(@_) };';
	push @code, '  }';
	if (delete $features{"always_coerce"})
		push @code, '  if (exists($_{isa}) and !exists($_{coerce}) and Scalar::Util::blessed($_{isa}) and $_{isa}->can("has_coercion") and $_{isa}->has_coercion) {';
		push @code, '    $_{coerce} = 1;';
		push @code, '  }';
	if (_detect_oo($caller) eq "Moo")
		push @code, '  if (defined($_{coerce}) and !ref($_{coerce}) and $_{coerce} eq "1") {';
		push @code, '    Scalar::Util::blessed($_{isa})';
		push @code, '      and $_{isa}->isa("Type::Tiny")';
		push @code, '      and ($_{coerce} = $_{isa}->coercion);';
		push @code, '  }';
		push @code, '  elsif (exists($_{coerce}) and not $_{coerce}) {';
		push @code, '    delete($_{coerce});';
		push @code, '  }';
	if (delete $features{"no_isa"})
		push @code, '  delete($_{isa}) if !exists($_{coerce});';
	if (delete $features{"simple_isa"})
		push @code, '  $_{isa} = "'.$class.'"->_simplify_isa($_{isa}) if Scalar::Util::blessed($_{isa}) && !$_{coerce};';
	push @code, sprintf('  $subs[%d]->(@_);', $_) for 0..$#subs;
	#push @code, '  ::diag(::explain($_, \%_));';
	push @code, '  delete($_{__CALLER__});';
	push @code, "}";
	croak sprintf("Did not understand mungers: %s", join(q[, ], sort keys %features))
		if keys %features;
	return eval_closure(
		source      => \@code,
		environment => { '@subs' => \@subs },

sub _simplify_isa
	my $class = shift;
	my ($t) = @_;
	until ($t->can_be_inlined)
		if ($t->has_parent)
			$t = $t->parent;
		if ($t->isa("Type::Tiny::Intersection"))
			require Type::Tiny::Intersection;
			my (@can_be_inlined) = grep $_->can_be_inlined, @$t;
			$t = "Type::Tiny::Intersection"->new(type_constraints => \@can_be_inlined);
		require Type::Tiny;
		return "Type::Tiny"->new;
	return $t;

sub _make_has
	my $class = shift;
	my ($caller, $coderef, $orig) = @_;
	return $class->_make_has_mouse(@_) if _detect_oo($caller) eq "Mouse";
	return sub
		my ($attr, %spec) = (
			(@_ == 2 and ref($_[1]) eq "CODE")                   ? ($_[0], _is => "ro", lazy => 1, builder => $_[1]) :
			(@_ == 2 and ref($_[1]) eq "HASH")                   ? ($_[0], %{$_[1]}) :
			(@_ == 2 and blessed($_[1]) and $_[1]->can('check')) ? ($_[0], _is => "ro", isa => $_[1]) :
		$spec{"__CALLER__"} = $caller;
		if (ref($attr) eq q(ARRAY))
			my @attrs = @$attr;
			for my $attr (@attrs)
				local %_ = %spec;
				local $_ = $attr;
				$coderef->($attr, %_);
				return $orig->($attr, %_);
			local %_ = %spec;
			local $_ = $attr;
			$coderef->($attr, %_);
			return $orig->($attr, %_);

sub _make_has_mouse
	my $class = shift;
	my ($caller, $coderef, $orig) = @_;
	return sub
		my ($attr, %spec) = (
			(@_ == 2 and ref($_[1]) eq "CODE")                   ? ($_[0], _is => "ro", lazy => 1, builder => $_[1]) :
			(@_ == 2 and ref($_[1]) eq "HASH")                   ? ($_[0], %{$_[1]}) :
			(@_ == 2 and blessed($_[1]) and $_[1]->can('check')) ? ($_[0], _is => "ro", isa => $_[1]) :
		$spec{"__CALLER__"} = $caller;
		if (ref($attr) eq q(ARRAY))
			croak "MooseX::MungeHas does not support has \\\@array for Mouse";
			local %_ = %spec;
			local $_ = $attr;
			$coderef->($attr, %_);
			@_ = ($attr, %_);
			goto $orig;




=encoding utf-8

=for stopwords metathingies munges mungers

=begin private

=item eval_closure

=end private

=head1 NAME

MooseX::MungeHas - munge your "has" (works with Moo, Moose and Mouse)


   package Foo::Bar;
   use Moose;
   use MooseX::MungeHas "is_ro";
   has foo => ();             # read-only
   has bar => (is => "rw");   # read-write


MooseX::MungeHas alters the behaviour of the attributes of your L<Moo>,
L<Moose> or L<Mouse> based class. It manages to support all three because
it doesn't attempt to do anything smart with metathingies; it simply
installs a wrapper for C<< has >> that munges the attribute specification
hash before passing it on to the original C<< has >> function.

The following munges are always applied (simply because I can see no
sensible reason why you would not want them to be).


=item *

Implement C<< is => "rwp" >> and C<< is => "lazy" >> in L<Moose> and

(These already work in L<Moo>.)

=item *

Implement C<< builder => 1 >>, C<< clearer => 1 >>, C<< predicate => 1 >>,
and C<< trigger => 1 >> in L<Moose> and L<Mouse>.

(These already work in L<Moo>.)

=item *

Implement C<< builder => sub { ... } >> in L<Moose> and L<Mouse>.

(This already works in L<Moo>.)

=item *

Allow L<Moo> to support C<< coerce => 0|1 >> for L<Type::Tiny> type
constraints. (Moo normally expects a coderef for the coercion.)

(These already work in L<Moose> and L<Mouse>, and has actually been
added to L<Moo> as of version 1.006000.)

=item *

Makes C<< has $name => sub { ... } >> into a shortcut for:

   has $name => (is => "lazy", builder => sub { ... });

=item *

Makes C<< has $name => $type_constraint >> into a shortcut for:

   has $name => (isa => $type_constraint);

(Assuming that C<< $type_constraint >> is a blessed type constraint
object a la L<Type::Tiny>, L<MooseX::Types>, etc.)


When you import this module (i.e. C<< use MooseX::MungeHas >>) you can
provide a list of additional mungers you want it to apply. These may be
provided as coderefs, though for a few common, useful sets of behaviour,
there are pre-defined shortcut strings.

   # "no_isa" is a pre-defined shortcut;
   # the other munger is a coderef.
   use MooseX::MungeHas "no_isa", sub {
      # Make constructor ignore private attributes
      $_{init_arg} = undef if /^_/;

Within coderefs, the name of the attribute being processed is available
in the C<< $_ >> variable, and the specification hash is available as
C<< %_ >>.

You may provide multiple coderefs.

The following are the pre-defined shortcuts:


=item C<< is_ro >>, C<< is_rw >>, C<< is_rwp >>, C<< is_lazy >>

These mungers supply defaults for the C<< is >> option.

=item C<< always_coerce >>

Automatically provides C<< coerce => 1 >> if the type constraint provides
coercions. (Unless you've explicitly specified C<< coerce => 0 >>.)

=item C<< no_isa >>

Switches off C<< isa >> checks for attributes, unless they coerce.

=item C<< simple_isa >>

Loosens type constraints if they don't coerce, and if it's likely to make
them significantly faster. (Loosening C<Int> to C<Num> won't speed it

Only works if you're using L<Type::Tiny> constraints.


Mungers provided as coderefs are executed I<after> predefined ones, but
are otherwise executed in the order specified.

=head2 Multiple Wrappers

Since version 0.007, it has been possible to use MooseX::MungeHas to
export multiple wrappers with different names:

   package Foo;
   use Moose;
   use MooseX::MungeHas {
      has_ro   => [ "is_ro", "always_coerce" ],
      has_rw   => [ "is_rw", "always_coerce" ],
   has_ro "foo" => (required => 1);
   has_rw "bar";

Note in the example above, MooseX::MungeHas has installed two brand new
wrapped C<has> functions with different names, but it has left the
standard C<has> function unmolested.

If you wanted to alter the standard function too, then you could use:

   package Foo;
   use Moose;
   use MooseX::MungeHas {
      has      => [          "always_coerce" ],
      has_ro   => [ "is_ro", "always_coerce" ],
      has_rw   => [ "is_rw", "always_coerce" ],
   has_ro "foo" => (required => 1);
   has_rw "bar";

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs to

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Moo>, L<Mouse>, L<Moose>, L<MooseX::AttributeShortcuts>,
L<MooseX::InlineTypes>, L<Type::Tiny::Manual>.

Similar: L<MooseX::HasDefaults>, L<MooseX::Attributes::Curried>,
L<MooseX::Attribute::Prototype> and L<MooseX::AttributeDefaults>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.


This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Toby Inkster.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.